--- title: Monero Technical Specification | Monero Documentation --- # Monero Technical Specs ## Live * Monero blockchain is live since 18 April 2014 ## No premine, no instamine, no ICO, no token * Monero had no premine or instamine * Monero did not sell any token * Monero had no presale of any kind ## Proof of Work * CryptoNight * v0 since block height 0 * v1 since block height 1546000 (forked on 2018-04-06) * (planned) v2 since block height 1685555 (will fork on ~2018-10-18) * Changes every ~6 months to discourage ASIC-s ## Difficulty retarget * every block * based on the last 720 blocks (24h), excluding 20% of the timestamp outliers ## Block time * 2 minutes * may change in the future as long as emission curve is preserved ## Block reward * smoothly decreasing and subject to penalties for blocks greater then median size of the last 100 blocks (M100) * ~3.8 XMR as of Sep 2018; for the current reward check the coinbase transaction of the [latest block](https://moneroblocks.info/) ## Block size * dynamic * maximum of two times the median size of the last 100 blocks (2 * M100) * ~100KB as of Aug 2018; check [the latest block size](https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-size.html#3m) ## Emission curve ### Main emission * first, the main emission is about to produce ~18.132 million coins by the end of May 2022 * as of Aug 2018 the emission is about 20 XMR per 10 minutes * see [charts and details](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/512kwh/useful_for_learning_about_monero_coin_emission/) ### Tail emission * the tail emission kicks in once main emission is done * it will produce 0.6 XMR per 2-minute block * this translates to <1% inflation decreasing over time ## Max supply * ~18.132 million XMR + 0.6 XMR per 2 minutes * technically infinite but practicaly deflationary if accounted for lost coins ## Sender privacy * ring signatures * the ring size is 11 (10 decoys) * assurance: probabilistic / plausible deniability ## Recipient privacy * stealth addresses * assurance: strong ## Amount privacy * ring confidential transactions * assurance: strong ## IP address privacy * there is an ongoing effort to integrate I2P into Monero - the [Kovri](https://github.com/monero-project/kovri) project * assurance: none at the moment - please use TOR or I2P