--- title: monerod - Reference | Monero Documentation --- # `monerod` - reference ## Syntax `./monerod [options] [command]` Options define how daemon should be working. Their names follow the `--option-name` pattern. Commands give access to specific services provided by the daemon. Commands are executed against a running daemon. Their names follow the `command_name` pattern. ## Options Following option groups are only to make this reference easier to follow. The daemon itself does not group options in any way. #### Pick network | Option | Description |------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | (missing) | By default monerod assumes [mainnet](/networks). | `--stagenet` | Run on [stagenet](/networks). Remember to run your wallet with `--stagenet` as well. | `--testnet` | Run on [testnet](/networks). Remember to run your wallet with `--testnet` as well. #### Logging | Option | Description |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | `--log-file` | Full path to the log file. Example (mind file permissions):
`./monerod --log-file=/var/log/monero/mainnet/monerod.log` | `--log-level` | `0-4` with `0` being minimal logging and `4` being full tracing. Defaults to `0`. These are general presets and do not directly map to severity levels. For example, even with minimal `0`, you may see some most important `INFO` entries. Temporarily changing to `1` allows for much better understanding of how the full node operates. Example:
`./monerod --log-level=1` | `--max-log-file-size` | Soft limit in bytes for the log file (=104850000 by default, which is just under 100MB). Once log file grows past that limit, `monerod` creates next log file with a `-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS` UTC timestamp postfix. In production deployments, you would probably prefer to use established solutions like logrotate instead. #### Server `monerod` defaults are adjusted for running it occasionally on the same computer as your Monero wallet. The following options will be helpful if you intend to have an always running node — most likely on a remote server or your own separate PC. | Option | Description |---------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | `--config-file` | Full path to the configuration file. By default `monerod` looks for `bitmonero.conf` in Monero [data directory](/interacting/monerod/overview/#data-directory). TODO: describe configuration file syntax. | `--data-dir` | Full path to data directory. This is where the blockchain, log files, and p2p network memory are stored. For defaults and details see [data directory](/interacting/monerod/overview/#data-directory). | `--pidfile` | Full path to the PID file. Works only with `--detach`. Example:
`./monerod --detach --pidfile=/run/monero/monerod.pid` | `--detach` | Go to background (decouple from the terminal). This is useful for long-running / server scenarios. Typically, you will also want to manage `monerod` daemon with systemd or similar. By default `monerod` runs in a foreground. | `--non-interactive` | Do not require tty in a foreground mode. Helpful when running in a container. By default `monerod` runs in a foreground and opens stdin for reading. This breaks containerization because no tty getss assigned and `monerod` process crashes. You can make it run in a background with `--detach` but this is inconvenient in a containerized environment because the canonical usage is that the container waits on the main process to exist (forking makes things more complicated). | `--no-igd` | Disable UPnP port mapping. Add this option to improve security if you are **not** behind a NAT (you can bind directly to public IP or you run through Tor). #### P2P network (WORK IN PROGRESS) The following options define how your node participates in Monero peer-to-peer network. This is for node-to-node communication. It does **not** affect wallet-to-node interface. The node and peer words are used interchangeably. | Option | Description |------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | `--p2p-bind-ip` | Network interface to bind to for p2p network protocol. Default value `` binds to all network interfaces. This is typically what you want.

You must change this if you want to constrain binding, for example to configure connection through Tor via torsocks:
`DNS_PUBLIC=tcp:// TORSOCKS_ALLOW_INBOUND=1 torsocks ./monerod --p2p-bind-ip --no-igd --hide-my-port` | `--p2p-bind-port` | TCP port to listen for p2p network connections. Defaults to `18080` for mainnet, `28080` for testnet, and `38080` for stagenet. You normally wouldn't change that. This is helpful to run several nodes on your machine to simulate private Monero p2p network (likely using private Testnet). Example:
`./monerod --p2p-bind-port=48080` | `--p2p-external-port` | TCP port to listen for p2p network connections on your router. Relevant if you are behind a NAT and still want to accept incoming connections. You must then set this to relevant port on your router. This is to let `monerod` know what to advertise on the network. Default is `0`. | `--hide-my-port` | `monerod` will still open and listen on the p2p port. However, it will not announce itself as a peerlist candidate. Technically, it will return port `0` in a response to p2p handshake (`node_data.my_port = 0` in `get_local_node_data` function). In effect nodes you connect to won't spread your IP to other nodes. To sum up, it is not really hiding, it is more like "do not advertise". | `--seed-node` | Connect to a node to retrieve other nodes' addresses, and disconnect. If not specified, `monerod` will use hardcoded seed nodes on the first run, and peers cached on disk on subsequent runs. | `--add-peer` | Manually add node to local peerlist. | `--add-priority-node` | Specify list of nodes to connect to and then attempt to keep the connection open.

To add multiple nodes use the option several times. Example:
`./monerod --add-priority-node= --add-priority-node=` | `--add-exclusive-node` | Specify list of nodes to connect to only. If this option is given the options `--add-priority-node` and `--seed-node` are ignored.

To add multiple nodes use the option several times. Example:
`./monerod --add-exclusive-node= --add-exclusive-node=` | `--offline` | Do not listen for peers, nor connect to any. Useful for working with a stable local blockchain. | `--allow-local-ip` | Allow local ip add to peer list, mostly in debug purposes. TODO: verify | `--out-peers arg` (=-1)| Set max number of outgoing connections to other peers. TODO: verify | `--in-peers arg` (=-1) | Set max number of incoming connections (peers actively connecting). TODO: verify #### Help and Version | Option | Description |---------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | `--help` | Enlists available options. | `--version` | Shows `monerod` version to stdout. Example:
`Monero 'Lithium Luna' (v0.12.3.0-release)` | `--os-version` | Shows build timestamp and target operating system. Example output:
`OS: Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 24 12:48:58 UTC 2018 4.18.5-arch1-1-ARCH`. #### Legacy These options should no longer be necessary. They are still present in `monerod` for backwards compatibility. | Option | Description |---------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | `--fluffy-blocks` | Relay compact blocks. Default. Compact block is just a header and a list of transaction IDs. | `--no-fluffy-blocks`| Relay classic full blocks. Classic block contains all transactions. | `--db-type` | Specify database type. The default and only available: `lmdb`. ## Reference * [Reddit answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/3jhyqc/0mq_help_share_this_exciting_news/) * [SE 1](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/1482/how-much-information-is-passed-from-the-daemon-to-simplewallet-when-scanning-for?rq=1) * [SE 2](https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/1134/is-it-safe-to-share-a-daemon-with-a-roommate?noredirect=1&lq=1)