# Project information site_name: Monero Documentation site_description: 'Unofficial Monero Documentation' site_author: "Piotr 'Qertoip' Włodarek" site_url: 'https://monerodocs.org' site_dir: 'public' copyright: '© 2021 MoneroDocs under MIT' nav: - Home: 'index.md' - Interacting: - Download: 'interacting/download-monero-binaries.md' - Verify: 'interacting/verify-monero-binaries.md' - Overview: 'interacting/overview.md' - Config file: 'interacting/monero-config-file.md' - Offline Signing: 'interacting/offline-signing.md' - monerod: 'interacting/monerod-reference.md' - monero-wallet-cli: 'interacting/monero-wallet-cli-reference.md' - monero-wallet-gui: 'interacting/monero-wallet-gui-reference.md' - monero-wallet-rpc: 'interacting/monero-wallet-rpc-reference.md' - monero-blockchain-export: 'interacting/monero-blockchain-export-reference.md' - monero-blockchain-import: 'interacting/monero-blockchain-import-reference.md' - Technical specs: 'technical-specs.md' - Cryptography: - Introduction: 'cryptography/introduction.md' - Asymmetric: - Introduction: 'cryptography/asymmetric/introduction.md' - Private keys: 'cryptography/asymmetric/private-key.md' - Public keys: 'cryptography/asymmetric/public-key.md' - Edwards25519 curve: 'cryptography/asymmetric/edwards25519.md' - Key image: 'cryptography/asymmetric/key-image.md' - Base58: 'cryptography/base58.md' - PRNG: 'cryptography/prng.md' - 'Keccak-256': 'cryptography/keccak-256.md' - Address: - Standard: 'public-address/standard-address.md' - Subaddress: 'public-address/subaddress.md' - Integrated: 'public-address/integrated-address.md' - Proof of Work: - What is PoW?: 'proof-of-work/what-is-pow.md' - PoW in Cryptocurrencies: 'proof-of-work/pow-in-cryptocurrencies.md' - CryptoNight: 'proof-of-work/cryptonight.md' - RandomX: 'proof-of-work/random-x.md' - Multisignature: 'multisignature.md' - Infrastructure: - Mainnet, stagenet, testnet: 'infrastructure/networks.md' - Tor onion seed nodes: 'infrastructure/tor-onion-p2p-seed-nodes.md' - MoneroPulse: 'infrastructure/monero-pulse.md' - Running a Node: # - On your Laptop: 'localhost-node.md' # - Remote Node: 'remote-node.md' # - Open Remote Node: 'open-remote-node.md' - Open Node + Tor Onion: 'running-node/open-node-tor-onion.md' - Accepting Monero: - Overview: 'accepting-monero/overview.md' theme: name: null custom_dir: mkdocs-material/material # 404 page static_templates: - 404.html # Necessary for search to work properly include_search_page: false search_index_only: true # Default values, taken from mkdocs_theme.yml language: en font: text: Roboto code: Roboto Mono favicon: assets/favicon.png palette: primary: white accent: indigo icon: logo: logo logo: 'images/monero.svg' extra_css: ['overrides.css'] repo_name: 'monerodocs/md' repo_url: 'https://github.com/monerodocs/md' markdown_extensions: # https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/extensions/admonition/ - admonition - abbr - def_list - footnotes - meta - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.highlight: use_pygments: true # build time highlighting, not client side - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.superfences # nest code blocks inside codeblocks - pymdownx.snippets # insert content from other files plugins: - search - minify: minify_html: true minify_js: true htmlmin_opts: remove_comments: true