To prevent the payer from linking your payouts together simply generate a new subaddress for each payout. This way specific service (like anonymous exchange) that sends you Monero won't (easilly) know it is you again receving Monero.
The exception to this is when a service (or group of colluding services) decides to actively attack you, one address at the time, with the so cold Janus attack, which risks them losing funds. If you need perfect unlinkability of your receivables, the only solution remains to use a separate seed (separate Monero wallet).
Also, note it won't help if you have an account with the service. Then your payouts are already linked in the service database, regardless of Monero.
Accounts are a convenience wallet-level feature to group subaddresses under one label and balance.
You may want to organize your funds into accounts like "cash", "work", "trading", "mining", "donations", etc.
As accounts are only groupings of subaddresses, they themselves do not have an address.
Accounts are deterministically derived from the root private key along with subaddresses.
Accounts are similar to subaccounts in your classic bank account. There is a very important difference though. In Monero funds don't really sit on accounts or public addresses. Public addresses are conceptually a gateway or a routing mechanism. Funds sit on transactions' unspent outputs. Thus, a single transaction can - in principle - aggregate and spend outputs from multiple addresses (and by extension from multiple accounts). The CLI or GUI wallet may not directly support creating such transactions for simplicity.
In short, think of accounts as a soft grouping of your funds.
To prevent the payer from linking your payouts together simply generate a new subaddress for each payout. This way specific service (like anonymous exchange) that sends you Monero won't (easilly) know it is you again receving Monero.
The exception to this is when a service (or group of colluding services) decides to actively attack you, one address at the time, with the so-called Janus attack, which risks them losing funds. If you need perfect unlinkability of your receivables, the only solution remains to use a separate seed (separate Monero wallet).
Also, note it won't help if you have an account with the service. Then your payouts are already linked in the service database, regardless of Monero.
Accounts are a convenience wallet-level feature to group subaddresses under one label and balance.
You may want to organize your funds into accounts like "cash", "work", "trading", "mining", "donations", etc.
As accounts are only groupings of subaddresses, they themselves do not have an address.
Accounts are deterministically derived from the root private key along with subaddresses.
Accounts are similar to subaccounts in your classic bank account. There is a very important difference though. In Monero funds don't really sit on accounts or public addresses. Public addresses are conceptually a gateway or a routing mechanism. Funds sit on transactions' unspent outputs. Thus, a single transaction can - in principle - aggregate and spend outputs from multiple addresses (and by extension from multiple accounts). The CLI or GUI wallet may not directly support creating such transactions for simplicity.
In short, think of accounts as a soft grouping of your funds.
The subaddress #0 on the account #0 is the standard address. As standard address has different generation rules, this is simply implemented via an if statement.
It is not recommended to sweep all the balances of subaddress to standard address in a single transaction. That links the subaddresses together on the blockchain. However, this only concerns privacy against specific sender and the situation will never get worse than not using subaddresses in the first place. If you need to join funds while preserving maximum privacy do it with individual transactions (one per subaddress).
Convenience labels are not preserved when recreating from seed.