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synced 2025-03-21 06:38:49 +00:00
366 lines
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366 lines
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use rand_core::RngCore;
use clap::Parser;
use rocket::serde::json::Json;
use crate::{args, db, i2p, message, models, monero, gpg, utils, reqres};
use log::{info, debug, error, warn};
use std::time::Duration;
/// Handles the state for the connection manager popup
pub struct Connections {
pub blockchain_dir: String,
pub daemon_host: String,
pub i2p_zero_dir: String,
pub mainnet: bool,
pub monero_location: String,
pub rpc_credential: String,
pub rpc_username: String,
pub rpc_host: String,
impl Default for Connections {
fn default() -> Self {
Connections {
blockchain_dir: String::from("/home/user/.bitmonero"),
daemon_host: String::from("http://localhost:38081"),
i2p_zero_dir: String::from("/home/user/i2p-zero-linux.v1.20"),
mainnet: false,
monero_location: String::from("/home/user/monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-v0.18.2.2"),
rpc_credential: String::from("pass"),
rpc_username: String::from("user"),
rpc_host: String::from("http://localhost:38083"),
pub enum ApplicationErrors {
impl ApplicationErrors {
pub fn value(&self) -> String {
match *self {
ApplicationErrors::LoginError => String::from("LoginError"),
ApplicationErrors::UnknownError => String::from("UnknownError"),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ReleaseEnvironment {
impl ReleaseEnvironment {
pub fn value(&self) -> String {
match *self {
ReleaseEnvironment::Development => String::from("development"),
ReleaseEnvironment::Production => String::from("production"),
/// start core module from gui
pub fn start_core(conn: &Connections) {
let env = if !conn.mainnet { "dev" } else { "prod" };
let args = [
"--monero-location", &conn.monero_location,
"--monero-blockchain-dir", &conn.blockchain_dir,
"--monero-rpc-host", &conn.rpc_host,
"--monero-rpc-daemon", &conn.daemon_host,
"--monero-rpc-username", &conn.rpc_username,
"--monero-rpc-cred", &conn.rpc_credential,
"--i2p-zero-dir", &conn.i2p_zero_dir,
"-r", env,
let path = if conn.mainnet { "nevmes" } else { "../target/debug/nevmes" };
let output = std::process::Command::new(path)
.expect("core module failed to start");
debug!("{:?}", output.stdout);
/// Using remote node?
pub fn is_using_remote_node() -> bool {
let args = args::Args::parse();
let r = args.remote_node;
if r { warn!("using a remote node may harm privacy"); }
/// Random data generation for auth / primary keys
pub fn generate_rnd() -> String {
let mut data = [0u8; 32];
rand::thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut data);
/// Helper for separation of dev and prod concerns
pub fn get_release_env() -> ReleaseEnvironment {
let args = args::Args::parse();
let env = String::from(args.release_env);
if env == "prod" {
return ReleaseEnvironment::Production;
} else {
return ReleaseEnvironment::Development;
/// app port
pub fn get_app_port() -> u16 {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// i2p http proxy
pub fn get_i2p_http_proxy() -> String {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// app auth port
pub fn get_app_auth_port() -> u16 {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// app contact port
pub fn get_app_contact_port() -> u16 {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// app message port
pub fn get_app_message_port() -> u16 {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// jwp confirmation limit
pub fn get_conf_threshold() -> u64 {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// jwp confirmation limit
pub fn get_payment_threshold() -> u128 {
let args = args::Args::parse();
/// convert contact to json so only core module does the work
pub fn contact_to_json(c: &models::Contact) -> Json<models::Contact> {
let r_contact: models::Contact = models::Contact {
cid: String::from(&c.cid),
i2p_address: String::from(&c.i2p_address),
xmr_address: String::from(&c.xmr_address),
gpg_key: c.gpg_key.iter().cloned().collect(),
/// convert message to json so only core module does the work
pub fn message_to_json(m: &models::Message) -> Json<models::Message> {
let r_message: models::Message = models::Message {
body: m.body.iter().cloned().collect(),
mid: String::from(&m.mid),
uid: utils::empty_string(),
created: m.created,
from: String::from(&m.from),
to: String::from(&m.to),
/// Instead of putting `String::from("")`
pub fn empty_string() -> String { String::from("") }
// DoS prevention
pub const fn string_limit() -> usize { 512 }
pub const fn gpg_key_limit() -> usize { 4096 }
pub const fn message_limit() -> usize { 9999 }
/// Generate application gpg keys at startup if none exist
async fn gen_app_gpg() {
let mut gpg_key = gpg::find_key().unwrap_or(utils::empty_string());
if gpg_key == utils::empty_string() {
info!("no gpg key found for nevmes, creating it...");
// wait for key gen
tokio::time::sleep(Duration::new(9, 0)).await;
gpg_key = gpg::find_key().unwrap_or(utils::empty_string());
debug!("gpg key: {}", gpg_key);
/// Generate application wallet at startup if none exist
async fn gen_app_wallet() {
info!("fetching application wallet");
let filename = "nevmes";
let mut m_wallet = monero::open_wallet(String::from(filename)).await;
if !m_wallet {
m_wallet = monero::create_wallet(String::from(filename)).await;
if !m_wallet {
error!("failed to create wallet")
} else {
m_wallet = monero::open_wallet(String::from(filename)).await;
if m_wallet {
let m_address: reqres::XmrRpcAddressResponse =
info!("app wallet address: {}", m_address.result.address)
/// Secret keys for signing internal/external auth tokens
fn gen_signing_keys() {
info!("generating signing keys");
let jwp = get_jwp_secret_key();
let jwt = get_jwt_secret_key();
// send to db
let s = db::Interface::open();
if jwp == utils::empty_string() {
let rnd_jwp = generate_rnd();
db::Interface::write(&s.env, &s.handle, crate::NEVMES_JWP_SECRET_KEY, &rnd_jwp);
if jwt == utils::empty_string() {
let rnd_jwt = generate_rnd();
db::Interface::write(&s.env, &s.handle, crate::NEVMES_JWT_SECRET_KEY, &rnd_jwt);
/// TODO(c2m): add a button to gui to call this
/// dont' forget to generate new keys as well
pub fn revoke_signing_keys() {
let s = db::Interface::open();
db::Interface::delete(&s.env, &s.handle, crate::NEVMES_JWT_SECRET_KEY);
db::Interface::delete(&s.env, &s.handle, crate::NEVMES_JWP_SECRET_KEY);
pub fn get_jwt_secret_key() -> String {
let s = db::Interface::open();
let r = db::Interface::read(&s.env, &s.handle, crate::NEVMES_JWT_SECRET_KEY);
if r == utils::empty_string() {
error!("JWT key not found");
return Default::default()
pub fn get_jwp_secret_key() -> String {
let s = db::Interface::open();
let r = db::Interface::read(&s.env, &s.handle, crate::NEVMES_JWP_SECRET_KEY);
if r == utils::empty_string() {
error!("JWP key not found");
return Default::default()
/// Start the remote access microservers `--remote-access` flag
fn start_micro_servers() {
info!("starting auth server");
let mut auth_path = "nevmes-auth/target/debug/nevmes_auth";
let env = get_release_env();
if env == ReleaseEnvironment::Production { auth_path = "nevmes_auth"; }
let a_output = std::process::Command::new(auth_path)
.spawn().expect("failed to start auth server");
debug!("{:?}", a_output.stdout);
info!("starting contact server");
let mut contact_path = "nevmes-contact/target/debug/nevmes_contact";
if env == ReleaseEnvironment::Production { contact_path = "nevmes_contact"; }
let c_output = std::process::Command::new(contact_path)
.spawn().expect("failed to start contact server");
debug!("{:?}", c_output.stdout);
info!("starting message server");
let mut message_path = "nevmes-message/target/debug/nevmes_message";
if env == ReleaseEnvironment::Production { message_path = "nevmes_message"; }
let m_output = std::process::Command::new(message_path)
.spawn().expect("failed to start message server");
debug!("{:?}", m_output.stdout);
/// open gui from i2m core launch
fn start_gui() {
let args = args::Args::parse();
if args.gui {
info!("starting gui");
let mut gui_path = "nevmes-gui/target/debug/nevmes_gui";
let env = get_release_env();
if env == ReleaseEnvironment::Production { gui_path = "nevmes-gui"; }
let g_output = std::process::Command::new(gui_path)
.spawn().expect("failed to start gui");
debug!("{:?}", g_output.stdout);
/// Put all app pre-checks here
pub async fn start_up() {
info!("nevmes is starting up");
let args = args::Args::parse();
if args.remote_access { start_micro_servers(); }
if !is_using_remote_node() { monero::start_daemon(); }
// wait for daemon for a bit
tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(5, 0)).await;
// wait for rpc server for a bit
tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(5, 0)).await;
let env: String = get_release_env().value();
{ tokio::spawn(async { message::retry_fts().await; }); }
info!("{} - nevmes is online", env);
/// Called by gui for cleaning up monerod, rpc, etc.
/// pass true from gui connection manager so not to kill nevmes
pub fn kill_child_processes(cm: bool) {
info!("stopping child processes");
// TODO(c2m): prompt on gui letting user determine what background
// services to keep running
if cm {
let xmrd_output = std::process::Command::new("pkill")
.expect("monerod failed to stop");
debug!("{:?}", xmrd_output.stdout);
let rpc_output = std::process::Command::new("killall")
.expect("monero-wallet-rpc failed to stop");
debug!("{:?}", rpc_output.stdout);
if !cm {
let nevmes_output = std::process::Command::new("pkill")
.expect("nevmes failed to stop");
debug!("{:?}", nevmes_output.stdout);
let i2pz_output = std::process::Command::new("pkill")
.expect("i2p-zero failed to stop");
debug!("{:?}", i2pz_output.stdout);
/// Move temp files to /tmp
pub fn stage_cleanup(f: String) {
info!("staging {} for cleanup", &f);
let output = std::process::Command::new("mv")
.args([&f, "/tmp"])
.expect("cleanup staging failed");
debug!("{:?}", output.stdout);