use crate::{ args, monero, utils, }; use clap::Parser; use log::{ debug, info, warn, }; use serde::{ Deserialize, Serialize, }; use std::{ env, fs, process::Command, time::Duration, }; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct HttpProxyStatus { pub open: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, PartialEq)] pub enum ProxyStatus { Opening, Open, } impl ProxyStatus { pub fn value(&self) -> String { match *self { ProxyStatus::Opening => String::from("opening\n"), ProxyStatus::Open => String::from("open\n"), } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct Tunnel { // http proxy tunnel wont have this field dest: Option<String>, port: String, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct Tunnels { tunnels: Vec<Tunnel>, } impl Default for Tunnels { fn default() -> Self { Tunnels { tunnels: Vec::new(), } } } /// Looks for the `tunnels-config.json` at /home/$USER/.i2p-zero/config/ /// /// and attempts to extract the app and http proxy tunnel information. async fn find_tunnels() { let app_port = utils::get_app_port(); let file_path = format!( "/home/{}/.i2p-zero/config/tunnels.json", env::var("USER").unwrap_or(String::from("user")) ); let contents = fs::read_to_string(file_path).unwrap_or(utils::empty_string()); debug!("i2p tunnels: {}", contents); let has_app_tunnel = contents.contains(&format!("{}", app_port)); let proxy_port = get_i2p_proxy_port(); let tx_proxy_port = monero::get_daemon_port(); let has_http_tunnel = contents.contains(&proxy_port); let has_tx_proxy_tunnel = contents.contains(&format!("{}", &tx_proxy_port)); if !has_app_tunnel || !has_http_tunnel { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::new(120, 0)).await; } if !has_app_tunnel { debug!("creating app tunnel"); create_tunnel(); } if !has_http_tunnel { debug!("creating http tunnel"); create_http_proxy(); } if !has_tx_proxy_tunnel && !utils::is_using_remote_node() { create_tx_proxy_tunnel(); } } /// Called on application startup for i2p tunnel creation, /// /// proxy tunnel, etc. Logs proxy status every minute. pub async fn start() { info!("starting i2p-zero"); let args = args::Args::parse(); let path = args.i2p_zero_dir; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/router/bin/i2p-zero", path)).spawn(); match output { Ok(child) => debug!("{:?}", child.stdout), _ => { warn!("i2p-zero not installed, manual tunnel creation required"); () } } find_tunnels().await; { tokio::spawn(async move { let tick: std::sync::mpsc::Receiver<()> = schedule_recv::periodic_ms(600000); loop { tick.recv().unwrap(); check_connection().await; } }); } } /// Create an i2p tunnel for the NEVEKO application fn create_tunnel() { info!("creating tunnel"); let args = args::Args::parse(); let path = args.i2p_zero_dir; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/router/bin/", path)) .args([ "server.create", "", &format!("{}", utils::get_app_port()), ]) .spawn() .expect("i2p-zero failed to create a tunnel"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } /// Create an i2p tunnel for the monero tx proxy fn create_tx_proxy_tunnel() { info!("creating monerod tx proxy tunnel"); let args = args::Args::parse(); let path = args.i2p_zero_dir; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/router/bin/", path)) .args([ "server.create", "", &format!("{}", monero::get_daemon_port()), ]) .spawn() .expect("i2p-zero failed to create a tunnel"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } /// Extract i2p port from command line arg fn get_i2p_proxy_port() -> String { let proxy_host = utils::get_i2p_http_proxy(); let values = proxy_host.split(":"); let mut v: Vec<String> =|s| String::from(s)).collect(); let port = v.remove(2); port } /// Create the http proxy if it doesn't exist fn create_http_proxy() { let args = args::Args::parse(); let path = args.i2p_zero_dir; info!("creating http proxy"); let port = get_i2p_proxy_port(); let output = Command::new(format!("{}/router/bin/", path)) .args(["http.create", &port]) .spawn() .expect("i2p-zero failed to create a http proxy"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } /// This is the `dest` value of the app i2p tunnels /// /// in `tunnels-config.json`. /// /// `port` - the port of the tunnel (e.g. `utils::get_app_port()`) pub fn get_destination(port: Option<u16>) -> String { let file_path = format!( "/home/{}/.i2p-zero/config/tunnels.json", env::var("USER").unwrap_or(String::from("user")) ); // Don't panic if i2p-zero isn't installed let contents = match fs::read_to_string(file_path) { Ok(file) => file, _ => utils::empty_string(), }; if contents != utils::empty_string() { let input = format!(r#"{contents}"#); let j: Tunnels = serde_json::from_str(&input).unwrap_or(Default::default()); let mut destination: String = utils::empty_string(); let tunnels: Vec<Tunnel> = j.tunnels; for tunnel in tunnels { if tunnel.port == format!("{}", port.unwrap_or(utils::get_app_port())) { destination = tunnel.dest.unwrap_or(utils::empty_string()); } } return destination; } utils::empty_string() } /// Ping the i2p-zero http proxy `tunnel-control http.state <port>` pub async fn check_connection() -> ProxyStatus { let args = args::Args::parse(); let path = args.i2p_zero_dir; let port = get_i2p_proxy_port(); let output = Command::new(format!("{}/router/bin/", path)) .args(["http.state", &port]) .output() .expect("check i2p connection failed"); let str_status = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap(); if str_status == ProxyStatus::Open.value() { debug!("http proxy is open"); ProxyStatus::Open } else { debug!("http proxy is opening"); ProxyStatus::Opening } }