use crate::{args, reqres, utils::{self, get_release_env, ReleaseEnvironment}, proof}; use clap::Parser; use diqwest::WithDigestAuth; use log::{debug, error, info}; use std::process::Command; /// Current xmr ring size updated here. const RING_SIZE: u32 = 0x10; struct RpcLogin { username: String, credential: String, } enum RpcFields { Address, Balance, CheckTxProof, Close, Create, Export, Finalize, GetTxProof, GetTxById, GetVersion, Id, Import, JsonRpcVersion, Make, Open, Prepare, SignMultisig, SweepAll, Transfer, ValidateAddress, Verify, } impl RpcFields { pub fn value(&self) -> String { match *self { RpcFields::Address => String::from("get_address"), RpcFields::Balance => String::from("get_balance"), RpcFields::CheckTxProof => String::from("check_tx_proof"), RpcFields::Close => String::from("close_wallet"), RpcFields::Create => String::from("create_wallet"), RpcFields::Export => String::from("export_multisig_info"), RpcFields::Finalize => String::from("finalize_multisig"), RpcFields::GetTxProof => String::from("get_tx_proof"), RpcFields::GetTxById => String::from("get_transfer_by_txid"), RpcFields::GetVersion => String::from("get_version"), RpcFields::Id => String::from("0"), RpcFields::Import => String::from("import_multisig_info"), RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion => String::from("2.0"), RpcFields::Make => String::from("make_multisig"), RpcFields::Open => String::from("open_wallet"), RpcFields::Prepare => String::from("prepare_multisig"), RpcFields::SignMultisig => String::from("sign_multisig"), RpcFields::SweepAll => String::from("sweep_all"), RpcFields::Transfer => String::from("transfer"), RpcFields::ValidateAddress => String::from("validate_address"), RpcFields::Verify => String::from("verify"), } } } enum DaemonFields { GetInfo, Id, Version, } impl DaemonFields { pub fn value(&self) -> String { match *self { DaemonFields::GetInfo => String::from("get_info"), DaemonFields::Id => String::from("0"), DaemonFields::Version => String::from("2.0"), } } } pub enum LockTimeLimit { Blocks, } impl LockTimeLimit { pub fn value(&self) -> u64 { match *self { LockTimeLimit::Blocks => 20, } } } /// Start monerod from the -`-monero-location` flag /// /// default: /home/$USER/monero-xxx-xxx pub fn start_daemon() { info!("starting monerod"); let blockchain_dir = get_blockchain_dir(); let bin_dir = get_monero_location(); let release_env = get_release_env(); if release_env == ReleaseEnvironment::Development { let args = ["--data-dir", &blockchain_dir, "--stagenet", "--detach"]; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/monerod", bin_dir)) .args(args) .spawn() .expect("monerod failed to start"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } else { let args = ["--data-dir", &blockchain_dir, "--detach"]; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/monerod", bin_dir)) .args(args) .spawn() .expect("monerod failed to start"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } } /// Start monero-wallet-rpc pub fn start_rpc() { info!("starting monero-wallet-rpc"); let bin_dir = get_monero_location(); let port = get_rpc_port(); let login = get_rpc_creds(); let daemon_address = get_rpc_daemon(); let rpc_login = format!("{}:{}", &login.username, &login.credential); let mut wallet_dir = format!("/home/{}/.nevmes/stagenet/wallet/", std::env::var("USER").unwrap_or(String::from("user")), ); let release_env = get_release_env(); if release_env == ReleaseEnvironment::Development { let args = [ "--rpc-bind-port", &port, "--wallet-dir", &wallet_dir, "--rpc-login", &rpc_login, "--daemon-address", &daemon_address, "--stagenet" ]; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/monero-wallet-rpc", bin_dir)) .args(args) .spawn() .expect("monero-wallet-rpc failed to start"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } else { wallet_dir = format!("/home/{}/.nevmes/wallet/", std::env::var("USER").unwrap_or(String::from("user")), ); let args = ["--rpc-bind-port", &port, "--wallet-dir", &wallet_dir, "--rpc-login", &rpc_login, "--daemon-address", &daemon_address]; let output = Command::new(format!("{}/monero-wallet-rpc", bin_dir)) .args(args) .spawn() .expect("monero-wallet-rpc failed to start"); debug!("{:?}", output.stdout); } } fn get_rpc_port() -> String { let args = args::Args::parse(); let rpc = String::from(args.monero_rpc_host); let values = rpc.split(":"); let mut v: Vec =|s| String::from(s)).collect(); let port = v.remove(2); debug!("monero-wallet-rpc port: {}", port); port } /// Get monero rpc host from command line argument fn get_blockchain_dir() -> String { let args = args::Args::parse(); String::from(args.monero_blockchain_dir) } /// Get monero download location fn get_monero_location() -> String { let args = args::Args::parse(); String::from(args.monero_location) } /// Get monero rpc host from the `--monero-rpc-host` cli arg fn get_rpc_host() -> String { let args = args::Args::parse(); let rpc = String::from(args.monero_rpc_host); format!("{}/json_rpc", rpc) } /// Get creds from the `--monero-rpc-daemon` cli arg fn get_rpc_creds() -> RpcLogin { let args = args::Args::parse(); let username = String::from(args.monero_rpc_username); let credential = String::from(args.monero_rpc_cred); RpcLogin { username, credential } } fn get_rpc_daemon() -> String { let args = args::Args::parse(); let daemon = String::from(args.monero_rpc_daemon); format!("{}/json_rpc", daemon) } /// Performs rpc 'get_version' method pub async fn get_version() -> reqres::XmrRpcVersionResponse { let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let req = reqres::XmrRpcRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::GetVersion.value(), }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("get version response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_e) => Default::default(), } } /// Helper function for checking xmr rpc online during app startup pub async fn check_rpc_connection() -> () { let res: reqres::XmrRpcVersionResponse = get_version().await; if res.result.version == 0 { error!("failed to connect to monero-wallet-rpc"); } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'verify' method pub async fn verify_signature(address: String, data: String, signature: String) -> String { info!("signature verification in progress"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcVerifyParams { address, data, signature, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcVerifyRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Verify.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("verify response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => { if res.result.good { req.params.address } else { utils::ApplicationErrors::LoginError.value() } } _ => utils::ApplicationErrors::LoginError.value(), } } Err(_e) => utils::ApplicationErrors::LoginError.value(), } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'create_wallet' method pub async fn create_wallet(filename: String) -> bool { info!("creating wallet: {}", &filename); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcCreateWalletParams { filename, language: String::from("English"), }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcCreateRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Create.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { // The result from wallet creation is empty let res = response.text().await; debug!("create response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(r) => { if r.contains("-1") { return false; } true }, _ => false, } } Err(_) => false } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'open_wallet' method pub async fn open_wallet(filename: String) -> bool { info!("opening wallet for {}", &filename); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcOpenWalletParams { filename, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcOpenRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Open.value(), params, }; debug!("open request: {:?}", req); let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { // The result from wallet operation is empty let res = response.text().await; debug!("open response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(r) => { if r.contains("-1") { return false; } return true; }, _ => false, } } Err(_) => false } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'close_wallet' method pub async fn close_wallet(filename: String) -> bool { info!("closing wallet for {}", &filename); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcOpenWalletParams { filename, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcOpenRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Close.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { // The result from wallet operation is empty let res = response.text().await; debug!("close response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(_) => true, _ => false, } } Err(_) => false } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'get_balance' method pub async fn get_balance() -> reqres::XmrRpcBalanceResponse { info!("fetching wallet balance"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcBalanceParams = reqres::XmrRpcBalanceParams { account_index: 0, address_indices: vec![0], all_accounts: false, strict: false, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcBalanceRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Balance.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("balance response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'get_address' method pub async fn get_address() -> reqres::XmrRpcAddressResponse { info!("fetching wallet address"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcAddressParams = reqres::XmrRpcAddressParams { account_index: 0, address_index: vec![0], }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcAddressRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Address.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("address response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'get_address' method pub async fn validate_address(address: &String) -> reqres::XmrRpcValidateAddressResponse { info!("validating wallet address"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcValidateAddressParams = reqres::XmrRpcValidateAddressParams { address: String::from(address), any_net_type: false, allow_openalias: true, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcValidateAddressRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::ValidateAddress.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("validate_address response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } // START Multisig /// Performs the xmr rpc 'prepare_multisig' method pub async fn prepare_wallet() -> reqres::XmrRpcPrepareResponse { info!("prepare msig wallet"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let req = reqres::XmrRpcRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Prepare.value(), }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("prepare response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'make_multisig' method pub async fn make_wallet(info: Vec) -> reqres::XmrRpcMakeResponse { info!("make msig wallet"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcMakeParams { multisig_info: info, threshold: 2, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcMakeRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Make.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("make response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'finalize_multisig' method pub async fn finalize_wallet(info: Vec) -> reqres::XmrRpcFinalizeResponse { info!("finalize msig wallet"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcFinalizeParams { multisig_info: info, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcFinalizeRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Finalize.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("finalize response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'export_multisig_info' method pub async fn export_multisig_info() -> reqres::XmrRpcExportResponse { info!("export msig info"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let req = reqres::XmrRpcRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Export.value(), }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("export msig response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'import_multisig_info' method pub async fn import_multisig_info(info: Vec) -> reqres::XmrRpcImportResponse { info!("import msig wallet"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcImportParams { info, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcImportRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Import.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("import msig info response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'sign_multisig' method pub async fn sign_multisig(tx_data_hex: String) -> reqres::XmrRpcSignMultisigResponse { info!("sign msig txset"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params = reqres::XmrRpcSignMultisigParams { tx_data_hex, }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcSignMultisigRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::SignMultisig.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("sign msig txset response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } // END Multisig /// Performs the xmr rpc 'check_tx_proof' method pub async fn check_tx_proof(txp: &proof::TxProof) -> reqres::XmrRpcCheckTxProofResponse { info!("check_tx_proof proof: {:?}", txp); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcCheckTxProofParams = reqres::XmrRpcCheckTxProofParams { address: String::from(&txp.address), message: String::from(&txp.message), signature: String::from(&txp.signature), txid: String::from(&txp.hash), }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcCheckTxProofRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::CheckTxProof.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("check_tx_proof response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'get_tx_proof' method pub async fn get_tx_proof(ptxp: proof::TxProof) -> reqres::XmrRpcGetTxProofResponse { info!("fetching proof: {:?}", &ptxp.hash); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcGetTxProofParams = reqres::XmrRpcGetTxProofParams { address: String::from(&ptxp.address), message: String::from(&ptxp.message), txid: String::from(&ptxp.hash), }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcGetTxProofRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::GetTxProof.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("get_tx_proof response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'get_transfer_by_txid' method pub async fn get_transfer_by_txid(txid: &str) -> reqres::XmrRpcGetTxByIdResponse { info!("fetching tx: {:?}", txid); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcGetTxByIdParams = reqres::XmrRpcGetTxByIdParams { txid: String::from(txid) }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcGetTxByIdRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::GetTxById.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("get_transfer_by_txid response: {:?}", res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'transfer' method pub async fn transfer(d: reqres::Destination) -> reqres::XmrRpcTransferResponse { info!("transfer"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let mut destinations: Vec = Vec::new(); destinations.push(d); let params: reqres::XmrRpcTransferParams = reqres::XmrRpcTransferParams { account_index: 0, destinations, get_tx_key: false, priority: 0, ring_size: RING_SIZE, subaddr_indices: vec![0], }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcTransfrerRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::Transfer.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("{} response: {:?}", RpcFields::Transfer.value(), res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } /// Performs the xmr rpc 'sweep_all' method pub async fn sweep_all(address: String) -> reqres::XmrRpcSweepAllResponse { info!("sweep_all"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_host(); let params: reqres::XmrRpcSweepAllParams = reqres::XmrRpcSweepAllParams { address }; let req = reqres::XmrRpcSweepAllRequest { jsonrpc: RpcFields::JsonRpcVersion.value(), id: RpcFields::Id.value(), method: RpcFields::SweepAll.value(), params, }; let login: RpcLogin = get_rpc_creds(); match .send_with_digest_auth(&login.username, &login.credential).await { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("{} response: {:?}", RpcFields::SweepAll.value(), res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } } // Daemon requests //------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Performs the xmr daemon 'get_info' method pub async fn get_info() -> reqres::XmrDaemonGetInfoResponse { info!("fetching daemon info"); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let host = get_rpc_daemon(); let req = reqres::XmrRpcRequest { jsonrpc: DaemonFields::Version.value(), id: DaemonFields::Id.value(), method: DaemonFields::GetInfo.value(), }; match { Ok(response) => { let res = response.json::().await; debug!("{} response: {:?}", DaemonFields::GetInfo.value(), res); match res { Ok(res) => res, _ => Default::default(), } } Err(_) => Default::default() } }