# The Manual ## Architecture * gui * four internal mircoservers (auth, contact, market and message) * core code module and lmdb * one external i2p hidden service * jwt for internal auth, jwp for external ### JWP (JSON Web Proof) * utilizes some external blockchain (neveko uses monero) for authorization of auth tokens * 32 byte random signing keys generated on app start-up * `Hmac<Sha384>` internal, `Hmac<Sha512>` external (jwp) * see [proof.rs](../neveko-core/src/proof.rs) `eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJhZGRyZXNzIjoiNThvaUJMQUtBQ3JaeTRqVnRYdUFXMzlCOW1zR3dlbVVkSm9HVlozcGdSY1RoWHZqWjZ0RERqRGpuOE1mTUZ5cEtZMlU1U1B6SkE3NnFHeHhDdjJzd1Y0NjhFYkI2dEsiLCJoYXNoIjoiNzRhOTM5NTU1Y2EyMWJmY2MxYzlhMjhlYjFkN2M5MWZiMjRhYzRiOTY4MDk2Yzg4ODU1ODA3ODcwMDA1NmQ2NiIsIm1lc3NhZ2UiOiIiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiJPdXRQcm9vZlYyWHdYTEJYV0VtbXlWd3YyOHFQRWQ0Mk14bm1FNTU3aUFEVHFGNjZDWG9LQ1ZFeFBqTVU4NFNIeWprZmdLd01WZEI4OUZkTkJ5QUxyeU1ZamVxQlY1U0VtU0V4MUJWWE1ITVJNWHVuMzh5aWVtcWhCcmVSWUdpRGdMN1lmRmVmemJSTnhlIn0.gH4RlLrxu3xqxNvsHv7lX1yYomg07yTlv6VEKpDfXwbDV4O267CXzm30G4YBQOfuDf3xpegUmeVXOScPvIZVRw` * contents be decoded by 3rd parties but only the owner of the signing key can finalize the validation * should be kept secret ## Getting started ### Adding a contact * go to `AddressBook` in the gui * enter .b32.i2p address of contact and click add * if all goes well you will have imported their public neveko message public key * dont reuse the neveko message keys anywhere else! ### Create JWP  * getting started the app will automatically generate an account and associated monero PRIMARY address. Only use it here to maintain privacy * deposit some stagenet monero in your xmr account (address in Wallet tab under `Show QR`) * once unlocked neveko xmr balance will display * click `check status` and `Create JWP` * when authorizing to send to contact an invoice will be generated * authorize payment and tx proof generation in the prompt * this tx proof will be used to create an enciphered json web proof of payment with each contact * think of it as a reusable, unforgeable coupon or ticket * the invoice shows payment per blocks (time) * default is 1 piconero per day * the jwp is cached by the client until block time expiration at which time you will be required to authorize another payment ## Sending a message * the `check status` button will show current jwp for each contact * `clear stale jwp` will purge data in case of timeout issues * don't keep large amounts in neveko just enough for fees and jwps * once a valid jwp is created (takes a few seconds) the `compose` button will be visible * you need to click `check status` on contacts before sending to refresh jwp expiration check * draft a plain text message, dont be shy * verify recipient (.b32.i2p address) and press `send` * plain text messages never leave your machine * you can click `Refresh` button in the Mailbox to check for new messages * messages must be deciphered by clicking `decipher` ### fts (failed-to-send) * messages are automatically rebroadcasted every minute until either the contact comes back online or the JWP expires. * If contacts don't come back online before JWP expiration the message must be drafted again * It is primarily meant for handling connectivity issues or the edge case where a contact is is online during the `check status` but goes offline while the message is being drafted ## Market  * neveko market allows 3 i2p users to create an order * first you need to have a contact in vendor `enabled` mode * vendors must also have products in stock  * here vendors can upload delivery info * all other functionality including payment is automated * funds will need to manually swept from neveko for now  * don't forget to `check status` often * expired jwp will cause errors when orchestrated multisig operations  * customers are responsible for orchestrated multisig information exchange with `MSIG` * orders can also be disputed or cancelled from here  * burden of multisig is on the customer * click the msig step and use `check` to cycle to the next step * upon delivery don't forget to `release txset`