use neveko_core::*; use std::sync::mpsc::{ Receiver, Sender, }; use crate::ADD_CONTACT_TIMEOUT_SECS; // TODO(c2m): better error handling with and error_tx/error_rx channel // hook into the error thread and show toast messages as required /// Maintain the message for sending in this struct struct Compose { message: String, to: String, } impl Default for Compose { fn default() -> Self { Compose { message: utils::empty_string(), to: utils::empty_string(), } } } /// The AddressBookApp unfornuately does more than that. /// /// Herein lies the logic for filtering contacts, generating JWPs, /// /// transaction proofs, etc. Once a contact has a valid JWP that has /// /// not yet expired the `Compose` button will appear by their i2p address. /// /// NOTE: the `Sign Key` must be pressed for trusted contacts before a /// /// message can be composed. pub struct AddressBookApp { add_nick: String, approve_contact: bool, approve_payment: bool, added: bool, can_transfer: bool, can_transfer_tx: Sender, can_transfer_rx: Receiver, compose: Compose, contact: String, find_contact: String, contacts: Vec, contacts_init: bool, contact_add_tx: Sender, contact_add_rx: Receiver, contact_info_tx: Sender, contact_info_rx: Receiver, contact_timeout_tx: Sender, contact_timeout_rx: Receiver, invoice_tx: Sender, invoice_rx: Receiver, is_adding: bool, is_composing: bool, is_approving_jwp: bool, is_estimating_fee: bool, is_pinging: bool, is_loading: bool, is_message_sent: bool, is_payment_processed: bool, is_timeout: bool, payment_tx: Sender, payment_rx: Receiver, showing_status: bool, status: utils::ContactStatus, send_message_tx: Sender, send_message_rx: Receiver, s_contact: models::Contact, s_invoice: reqres::Invoice, s_added_contact: models::Contact, } impl Default for AddressBookApp { fn default() -> Self { let (can_transfer_tx, can_transfer_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (contact_add_tx, contact_add_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (contact_info_tx, contact_info_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (contact_timeout_tx, contact_timeout_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (invoice_tx, invoice_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (payment_tx, payment_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let (send_message_tx, send_message_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); AddressBookApp { add_nick: utils::empty_string(), approve_contact: false, approve_payment: false, added: false, can_transfer: false, can_transfer_rx, can_transfer_tx, compose: Default::default(), contact: utils::empty_string(), contacts: Vec::new(), contacts_init: false, contact_add_tx, contact_add_rx, contact_info_tx, contact_info_rx, contact_timeout_tx, contact_timeout_rx, find_contact: utils::empty_string(), invoice_tx, invoice_rx, is_adding: false, is_composing: false, is_approving_jwp: false, is_estimating_fee: false, is_loading: false, is_message_sent: false, is_pinging: false, is_payment_processed: false, is_timeout: false, payment_rx, payment_tx, send_message_tx, send_message_rx, status: Default::default(), showing_status: false, s_contact: Default::default(), s_added_contact: Default::default(), s_invoice: Default::default(), } } } impl eframe::App for AddressBookApp { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { // Hook into async channel threads //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if let Ok(contact_info) = self.contact_info_rx.try_recv() { self.s_contact = contact_info; if self.s_contact.xmr_address != utils::empty_string() && !self.showing_status { self.approve_contact = true; } if self.showing_status { self.is_pinging = false; } } if let Ok(added_contact) = self.contact_add_rx.try_recv() { self.s_added_contact = added_contact; if self.s_added_contact.cid != utils::empty_string() { self.added = true; self.is_loading = false; } } if let Ok(timeout) = self.contact_timeout_rx.try_recv() { self.is_timeout = true; if timeout { self.is_loading = false; self.is_adding = false; self.approve_contact = false; = utils::empty_string(); } } if let Ok(invoice) = self.invoice_rx.try_recv() { self.s_invoice = invoice; if self.s_invoice.pay_threshold > 0 { send_can_transfer_req( self.can_transfer_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), self.s_invoice.pay_threshold, ); self.is_estimating_fee = true; } } if let Ok(payment) = self.payment_rx.try_recv() { self.is_payment_processed = payment; if self.is_payment_processed { self.is_loading = false; self.approve_payment = false; self.showing_status = false; } } if let Ok(message) = self.send_message_rx.try_recv() { self.is_message_sent = message; if self.is_message_sent { self.is_loading = false; self.is_composing = false; self.compose.message = utils::empty_string(); } } if let Ok(can_transfer) = self.can_transfer_rx.try_recv() { self.can_transfer = can_transfer; self.is_estimating_fee = false; } // initial contact load if !self.contacts_init { self.contacts = contact::find_all(); self.contacts_init = true; } // Compose window //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let mut is_composing = self.is_composing; egui::Window::new("Compose Message") .open(&mut is_composing) .vscroll(true) .show(&ctx, |ui| { if self.is_loading { ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); ui.label("sending message..."); } ui.horizontal(|ui| ui.label(format!("to: {}", self.status.i2p))); ui.horizontal(|ui| { let message_label = ui.label("msg: "); ui.text_edit_multiline(&mut self.compose.message) .labelled_by(; }); if !self.is_loading { = self.status.i2p.clone(); if self.status.jwp != utils::empty_string() { if ui.button("Send").clicked() { self.is_loading = true; send_message_req( self.send_message_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), self.compose.message.clone(),, self.status.jwp.clone(), ); } } if ui.button("Exit").clicked() { self.is_composing = false; } } }); // Payment approval window //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let mut is_approving_payment = self.approve_payment && self.s_invoice.address != utils::empty_string(); let address = self.s_invoice.address.clone(); let amount = self.s_invoice.pay_threshold; let expire = self.s_invoice.conf_threshold; egui::Window::new("Approve Payment for JWP") .open(&mut is_approving_payment) .vscroll(true) .show(&ctx, |ui| { if self.is_loading { ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); ui.label("creating jwp. please wait..."); } if self.is_estimating_fee { ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); ui.label("running neveko jwp fee estimator..."); } ui.heading(self.status.i2p.clone()); ui.label(format!("pay to: {}", address)); ui.label(format!("amount: {} piconero(s)", amount)); ui.label(format!("expiration: {} blocks", expire)); if !self.is_loading { if self.s_invoice.address != utils::empty_string() && self.can_transfer { if ui.button("Approve").clicked() { // activate xmr "transfer", check the hash, update db and refresh // Note it is simply disabled on insufficient funds as calcd by fee // estimator let d: reqres::Destination = reqres::Destination { address, amount }; send_payment_req( self.payment_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), d, self.status.i2p.clone(), expire, false, ); self.is_loading = true; self.is_approving_jwp = false; } } if ui.button("Exit").clicked() { self.approve_payment = false; self.is_loading = false; } } }); // Contact status window //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let mut is_showing_status = self.showing_status; egui::Window::new(&self.status.i2p) .open(&mut is_showing_status) .vscroll(true) .title_bar(false) .id(egui::Id::new(self.status.i2p.clone())) .show(&ctx, |ui| { if self.is_pinging || self.is_loading { let spinner_text = if self.is_loading { "retrying payment proof... " } else { "pinging..." }; ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); ui.label(spinner_text); } let status = if self.s_contact.xmr_address != utils::empty_string() { "online" } else { "offline" }; ui.label(format!("status: {}", status)); ui.label(format!("nick: {}", self.status.nick)); ui.label(format!("tx proof: {}", self.status.txp)); ui.label(format!("jwp: {}", self.status.jwp)); ui.label(format!("expiration: {}", self.status.h_exp)); ui.label(format!("signed key: {}", self.status.signed_key)); if self.status.jwp == utils::empty_string() && !self.is_pinging && status == "online" && self.status.txp == utils::empty_string() { if ui.button("Create JWP").clicked() { send_invoice_req( self.invoice_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), self.status.i2p.clone(), ); self.approve_payment = true; self.showing_status = false; self.is_approving_jwp = true; } } if !self.status.signed_key { if ui.button("Sign Key").clicked() { contact::trust_gpg(self.status.i2p.clone()); utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-signed-key"), self.status.i2p.clone(), String::from("1"), ); self.showing_status = false; } } let failed_to_prove = self.status.txp != utils::empty_string() && self.status.jwp == utils::empty_string(); if self.status.jwp != utils::empty_string() || failed_to_prove { if ui.button("Clear stale JWP").clicked() { utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-txp"), self.status.i2p.clone()); utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-jwp"), self.status.i2p.clone()); utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-exp"), self.status.i2p.clone()); self.showing_status = false; } } if self.status.txp != utils::empty_string() && self.status.jwp == utils::empty_string() && status == "online" { if ui.button("Prove Retry").clicked() { send_payment_req( self.payment_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), Default::default(), self.status.i2p.clone(), expire as u64, true, ); self.is_loading = true; } } ui.horizontal(|ui| { let nick_label = ui.label("nick: "); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.add_nick) .labelled_by(; }); if ui.button("Change nick").clicked() { change_nick_req(self.status.i2p.clone(), self.add_nick.clone()); self.add_nick = utils::empty_string(); } if ui.button("Exit").clicked() { self.showing_status = false; self.is_loading = false; } }); // Main panel for adding contacts //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { if self.is_approving_jwp { ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); } ui.heading("Add Contact"); ui.label( "____________________________________________________________________________\n", ); ui.horizontal(|ui| { let contact_label = ui.label("contact: "); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut .labelled_by(; }); let mut is_approved = self.approve_contact; let mut is_added = self.added; let is_loading = self.is_loading; let i2p_address = self.s_contact.i2p_address.clone(); let is_vendor = self.s_contact.is_vendor; let xmr_address = self.s_contact.xmr_address.clone(); let gpg_key = self.s_contact.gpg_key.iter().cloned().collect(); // Contact added confirmation screen //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- egui::Window::new("Added contact") .open(&mut is_added) .vscroll(true) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.label(format!("i2p address: {}", self.s_added_contact.i2p_address)); if ui.button("Exit").clicked() { self.added = false; = utils::empty_string(); self.is_adding = false; self.approve_contact = false; self.contacts = contact::find_all(); for c in &self.contacts { ui.label(format!("{}", c.i2p_address)); } } }); // Contact approval screen //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- egui::Window::new("Approve Contact") .open(&mut is_approved) .vscroll(true) .show(ctx, |ui| { if is_loading { ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); ui.label("adding contact..."); } ui.label(format!("i2p: {}", i2p_address)); ui.label(format!("xmr: {}", xmr_address)); ui.label(format!( "gpg: {}", String::from_utf8(gpg_key).unwrap_or(utils::empty_string()) )); ui.horizontal(|ui| { if !is_loading { if ui.button("Approve").clicked() { self.is_loading = true; self.approve_contact = false; self.is_adding = false; let c_contact: models::Contact = models::Contact { cid: self.s_contact.cid.clone(), i2p_address, is_vendor, xmr_address, gpg_key: self.s_contact.gpg_key.iter().cloned().collect(), }; send_create_contact_req( self.contact_add_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), c_contact, ); } if ui.button("Exit").clicked() { self.approve_contact = false; } } }); }); if self.is_adding { ui.add(egui::Spinner::new()); } if !self.is_adding &&".b32.i2p") { if ui.button("Add").clicked() { // Get the contacts information from the /share API let contact =; let prune = contact::Prune::Full.value(); send_contact_info_req( self.contact_info_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), contact, prune, ); add_contact_timeout(self.contact_timeout_tx.clone(), ctx.clone()); self.is_adding = true; } } // Contact filter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ui.heading("\nFind Contact"); ui.label( "____________________________________________________________________________\n", ); ui.horizontal(|ui| { let find_contact_label = ui.label("filter contacts: "); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.find_contact) .labelled_by(; }); ui.label("\n"); use egui_extras::{ Column, TableBuilder, }; let table = TableBuilder::new(ui) .striped(true) .resizable(true) .cell_layout(egui::Layout::left_to_right(egui::Align::Center)) .column(Column::auto()) .column(Column::initial(100.0).at_least(40.0).clip(true)) .column(Column::initial(100.0).at_least(40.0).clip(true)) .column(Column::initial(100.0).at_least(40.0).clip(true)) .column(Column::remainder()) .min_scrolled_height(0.0); table .header(20.0, |mut header| { header.col(|ui| { ui.strong("Nickname"); }); header.col(|ui| { ui.strong(".b32.i2p"); }); header.col(|ui| { ui.strong(""); }); header.col(|ui| { ui.strong(""); }); }) .body(|mut body| { for c in &self.contacts { if c.i2p_address.contains(&self.find_contact) { let row_height = 20.0; body.row(row_height, |mut row| { row.col(|ui| { ui.label("anon"); }); row.col(|ui| { ui.label(format!("{}", c.i2p_address)); }); row.col(|ui| { if ui.button("Check Status").clicked() { let nick_db = utils::search_gui_db( String::from("gui-nick"), String::from(&c.i2p_address), ); let nick = if nick_db == utils::empty_string() { String::from("anon") } else { nick_db }; self.status.nick = nick; self.status.i2p = String::from(&c.i2p_address); // get the txp self.status.txp = utils::search_gui_db( String::from("gui-txp"), String::from(&c.i2p_address), ); // get the jwp self.status.jwp = utils::search_gui_db( String::from("gui-jwp"), String::from(&c.i2p_address), ); let r_exp = utils::search_gui_db( String::from("gui-exp"), String::from(&c.i2p_address), ); self.status.exp = r_exp; let expire = match self.status.exp.parse::() { Ok(n) => n, Err(_e) => 0, }; self.status.h_exp = chrono::NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_opt(expire, 0) .unwrap() .to_string(); // MESSAGES WON'T BE SENT UNTIL KEY IS SIGNED AND TRUSTED! self.status.signed_key = check_signed_key(self.status.i2p.clone()); let prune = contact::Prune::Pruned.value(); send_contact_info_req( self.contact_info_tx.clone(), ctx.clone(), self.status.i2p.clone(), prune, ); self.showing_status = true; self.is_pinging = true; } }); row.col(|ui| { let now = chrono::offset::Utc::now().timestamp(); let expire = match self.status.exp.parse::() { Ok(n) => n, Err(_e) => 0, }; if now < expire && self.status.signed_key && self.status.jwp != utils::empty_string() && c.i2p_address == self.status.i2p { if ui.button("Compose").clicked() { self.is_composing = true; } } }); }); } } }); }); } } // Send asyc requests to neveko-core //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fn send_contact_info_req( tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context, contact: String, prune: u32, ) { log::debug!("async send_contact_info_req"); tokio::spawn(async move { match contact::add_contact_request(contact, prune).await { Ok(contact) => { let _ = tx.send(contact); ctx.request_repaint(); } _ => log::debug!("failed to request invoice"), } }); } fn send_create_contact_req(tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context, c: models::Contact) { log::debug!("async send_create_contact_req"); tokio::spawn(async move { let j_contact = utils::contact_to_json(&c); let a_contact: models::Contact = contact::create(&j_contact).await; let _ = tx.send(a_contact); ctx.request_repaint(); }); } fn add_contact_timeout(tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context) { tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(ADD_CONTACT_TIMEOUT_SECS)).await; log::error!("add contact timeout"); let _ = tx.send(true); ctx.request_repaint(); }); } fn send_invoice_req(tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context, contact: String) { log::debug!("async send_invoice_req"); tokio::spawn(async move { match contact::request_invoice(contact).await { Ok(contact) => { let _ = tx.send(contact); ctx.request_repaint(); } _ => log::debug!("failed to request invoice"), } }); } fn send_payment_req( tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context, d: reqres::Destination, contact: String, expire: u64, retry: bool, ) { log::debug!("async send_payment_req"); log::debug!("cleaning stale jwp values"); tokio::spawn(async move { if !retry { utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-txp"), String::from(&contact)); utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-jwp"), String::from(&contact)); utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-exp"), String::from(&contact)); let ptxp_address = String::from(&d.address); let ftxp_address = String::from(&d.address); log::debug!("sending {} piconero(s) to: {}", &d.amount, &d.address); let wallet_name = String::from(neveko_core::APP_NAME); let wallet_password = std::env::var(neveko_core::MONERO_WALLET_PASSWORD) .unwrap_or(String::from("password")); monero::open_wallet(&wallet_name, &wallet_password).await; let transfer: reqres::XmrRpcTransferResponse = monero::transfer(d).await; // in order to keep the jwp creation process transparent to the user // we will process all logic in one shot here. // use the hash to create a PENDING transaction proof let ptxp_hash = String::from(&transfer.result.tx_hash); let ftxp_hash = String::from(&transfer.result.tx_hash); let ptxp: proof::TxProof = proof::TxProof { subaddress: ptxp_address, confirmations: 0, hash: ptxp_hash, message: utils::empty_string(), signature: utils::empty_string(), }; log::debug!("creating transaction proof for: {}", &ptxp.hash); let get_txp: reqres::XmrRpcGetTxProofResponse = monero::get_tx_proof(ptxp).await; // TODO(c2m): error handling on failed tx proof generation // use the signature to create the FINALIZED transaction proof let ftxp: proof::TxProof = proof::TxProof { subaddress: ftxp_address, confirmations: 0, hash: ftxp_hash, message: utils::empty_string(), signature: get_txp.result.signature, }; utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-txp"), String::from(&contact), String::from(&ftxp.signature), ); utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-txp-hash"), String::from(&contact), String::from(&ftxp.hash), ); utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-txp-sig"), String::from(&contact), String::from(&ftxp.signature), ); utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-txp-subaddress"), String::from(&contact), String::from(&ftxp.subaddress), ); log::debug!( "proving payment to {} for: {}", String::from(&contact), &ftxp.hash ); // if we made it this far we can now request a JWP from our friend // wait a bit for the tx to propogate tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs( crate::PROPAGATION_TIME_IN_SECS_EST, )) .await; match proof::prove_payment(String::from(&contact), &ftxp).await { Ok(result) => { utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-jwp"), String::from(&contact), String::from(&result.jwp), ); // this is just an estimate expiration but should suffice let seconds: i64 = expire as i64 * 2 * 60; let unix: i64 = chrono::offset::Utc::now().timestamp() + seconds; utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-exp"), String::from(&contact), format!("{}", unix), ); // TODO(c2m): edge case when proving payment fails to complete // case the payment proof data and set retry logic ctx.request_repaint(); } _ => log::error!("failed to obtain jwp"), } monero::close_wallet(&wallet_name, &wallet_password).await; } if retry { let k_hash = String::from("gui-txp-hash"); let k_sig = String::from("gui-txp-sig"); let k_subaddress = String::from("gui-txp-subaddress"); let hash = utils::search_gui_db(k_hash, String::from(&contact)); let signature = utils::search_gui_db(k_sig, String::from(&contact)); let subaddress = utils::search_gui_db(k_subaddress, String::from(&contact)); let ftxp: proof::TxProof = proof::TxProof { subaddress, confirmations: 0, hash: String::from(&hash), message: utils::empty_string(), signature, }; log::debug!( "proving payment to {} for: {}", String::from(&contact), &ftxp.hash ); match proof::prove_payment(String::from(&contact), &ftxp).await { Ok(result) => { utils::write_gui_db( String::from("gui-jwp"), String::from(&contact), String::from(&result.jwp), ); ctx.request_repaint(); } _ => log::error!("failed to obtain jwp"), } } let _ = tx.send(true); ctx.request_repaint(); }); } fn send_message_req(tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context, body: String, to: String, jwp: String) { log::debug!("constructing message"); let m: models::Message = models::Message { body: body.into_bytes(), to, mid: utils::empty_string(), uid: utils::empty_string(), created: 0, from: i2p::get_destination(None), }; let j_message = utils::message_to_json(&m); tokio::spawn(async move { let m_type = message::MessageType::Normal; let result = message::create(j_message, jwp, m_type).await; if result.mid != utils::empty_string() { log::info!("sent message: {}", result.mid); let _ = tx.send(true); ctx.request_repaint(); } }); } fn check_signed_key(contact: String) -> bool { let v = utils::search_gui_db(String::from("gui-signed-key"), contact); v != utils::empty_string() } fn change_nick_req(contact: String, nick: String) { log::debug!("change nick"); utils::clear_gui_db(String::from("gui-nick"), String::from(&contact)); utils::write_gui_db(String::from("gui-nick"), String::from(&contact), nick); } fn send_can_transfer_req(tx: Sender, ctx: egui::Context, invoice: u128) { log::debug!("async send_can_transfer_req"); tokio::spawn(async move { let can_transfer = utils::can_transfer(invoice).await; log::debug!("can transfer: {}", can_transfer); let _ = tx.send(can_transfer); ctx.request_repaint(); }); }