# Bisq developer docs

 - [CONTRIBUTING.md](../CONTRIBUTING.md): Understand Bisq's contribution and compensation guidelines
 - [build.md](build.md): Build and run Bisq at the command line
 - [idea-import.md](idea-import.md): Import Bisq sources into IntelliJ IDEA
 - [Makefile](../Makefile): (new) Set up a self-contained local Bisq network on Bitcoin regtest
 - [dev-setup.md](dev-setup.md): (deprecated) Set up a self-contained local Bisq network on Bitcoin regtest
 - [dao-setup.md](dao-setup.md): (deprecated) Set up a complete Bisq DAO development environment
 - [testing.md](testing.md): Learn about the Bisq testing process and how you can contribute.

Looking for user-facing documentation? See https://docs.bisq.network.