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## What is Haveno? Haveno (pronounced ha‧ve‧no) is a platform for people who want to exchange [Monero](https://getmonero.org) for fiat currencies like EUR, GBP and USD or other cryptocurrencies, like BTC, ETH, BCH . Main features: - All communications are routed through **Tor**, to preserve your privacy - Trades are **peer-to-peer**: trades on Haveno will happen between people only, there is no central authority. - Trades are **non-custodial**: Haveno provides arbitration in case something goes wrong during the trade, but we will never have access to your funds. - There is **No token**, because we don't need it. Transactions between traders are secured by non-custodial multisignature transactions on the Monero network. - The revenue generated by Haveno will be managed by an entity called Council (more info soon), composed by members of the Monero/Haveno community, not the Haveno Core Team and will be used to **fund Haveno and Monero** development. See the [FAQ on our website](https://haveno.exchange/faq/) for more information. ## Status of the project A live test network is online and users can already run Haveno and make test trades between each others using Monero's stagenet. See the [instructions to build Haveno and connect to the network](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md). Note that Haveno is still very much in development. If you find issues or bugs, please let us know. Main repositories: - **[haveno](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno)** - This repository. The core of Haveno. - **[haveno-ui](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ui)** - The user interface. - **[haveno-ts](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ts)** - TypeScript library for using Haveno. - **[haveno-meta](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-meta)** - For project-wide discussions and proposals. If you wish to help, take a look at the repositories above and look for open issues. We run a bounty program to incentivize development. See [Bounties](#bounties) The project is lead by a core Team formed of 2 people: ErCiccione and Woodser. The PGP keys of the core team members are in `gpg_keys/`. ## Keep in touch and help out! Haveno is a community-driven project. For it to be successful it's fundamental to have the support and help of the community. Join the community rooms on our Matrix server: - General discussions: **Haveno** ([#haveno:haveno.network](https://matrix.to/#/#haveno:haveno.network)) relayed on IRC/Libera (`#haveno`) - Development discussions: **Haveno Development** ([#haveno-dev:haveno.network](https://matrix.to/#/#haveno-dev:haveno.network)) relayed on IRC/Libera (`#haveno-dev`) Email: contact@haveno.exchange Website: [haveno.exchange](https://haveno.exchange) ## Running a local Haveno test network See [docs/installing.md](docs/installing.md) ## Contributing to Haveno See the [developer guide](docs/developer-guide.md) to get started developing for Haveno. See [docs/CONTRIBUTING.md](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) for our styling guides. If you are not able to contribute code and want to contribute development resources, [donations](#support) fund development bounties. ## Bounties To incentivize development and reward contributors we adopt a simple bounty system. Contributors may be awarded bounties after completing a task (resolving an issue). Take a look at the issues eligible for a bounty on the [dedicated Kanban board](https://github.com/orgs/haveno-dex/projects/2) or look for [issues labelled '💰bounty'](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%F0%9F%92%B0bounty) in the main `haveno` repository. [Details and conditions for receiving a bounty](docs/bounties.md). ## Support and sponsorships To bring Haveno to life, we need resources. If you have the possibility, please consider [becoming a sponsor](https://haveno.exchange/sponsors/) or donating to the project: ### Monero `42sjokkT9FmiWPqVzrWPFE5NCJXwt96bkBozHf4vgLR9hXyJDqKHEHKVscAARuD7in5wV1meEcSTJTanCTDzidTe2cFXS1F` ![Qr code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haveno-dex/haveno/master/media/qrhaveno.png) If you are using a wallet that supports Openalias (like the 'official' CLI and GUI wallets), you can simply put `fund@haveno.exchange` as the "receiver" address. ### Bitcoin `bc1q4j5a9hfjxltfvv66gnfaw6478hagzpmjx3zkam` ![Qr code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haveno-dex/haveno/master/media/qrbtc.png)