# Haveno Documentation - [installing.md](installing.md ) - Instructions for running a local test network - [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) - Guidelines for contributors - [developer-guide.md](developer-guide.md) - Guide for developers - [bounties.md](bounties.md) - Rules and description of the bounty program - [haveno-import.md](idea-import.md) - Instructions for importing Haveno into Eclipse IDE or IntelliJ IDEA (from Bisq) - [trade-protocol.md](trade_protocol/trade-protocol.md) - Documents Haveno's core trade protocol - [data-stores.md](data-stores.md) - Instructions for updating data stores (from Bisq) - [tor-upgrade.md](tor-upgrade.md) - Instructions for upgrading the Tor dependencies used by Haveno (from Bisq) - [README.md](README.md) - This file Documents outside of this folder: - [FAQ](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/wiki/FAQ) - Common questions and answers