# Bisq Seed Node

## Hardware

Highly recommended to use SSD! Minimum specs:

* CPU: 4 cores
* RAM: 8 GB
* SSD: 512 GB (HDD is too slow)

## Software

The following OS's are known to work well:

* Ubuntu 18.04
* Ubuntu 20.04
* FreeBSD 12

### Installation

Start with a clean Ubuntu server installation, and run the script
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bisq-network/bisq/master/seednode/install_seednode_debian.sh | sudo bash

This will install and configure Tor, Bitcoin, and Bisq-Seednode services to start on boot.

### Firewall

Next, configure your OS firewall to only allow SSH and Bitcoin P2P
ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw allow 8333/tcp
ufw enable

### Syncing

After installation, watch the Bitcoin blockchain sync progress
sudo tail -f /bitcoin/debug.log

After Bitcoin is fully synced, start the bisq service
sudo systemctl start bisq
sudo journalctl --unit bisq --follow

After Bisq is fully synced, check your Bitcoin and Bisq onion hostnames:
sudo -H -u bitcoin bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo|grep address
sudo cat /bisq/bisq-seednode/btc_mainnet/tor/hiddenservice/hostname

### Testing

After your Bisq seednode is ready, test it by connecting to your new btcnode and bisq!

/Applications/Bisq.app/Contents/MacOS/Bisq --seedNodes=foo.onion:8000 --btcNodes=foo.onion:8333

### Monitoring

If you run a main seednode, you also are obliged to activate the monitoring feed by running

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bisq-network/bisq/master/monitor/install_collectd_debian.sh)
Follow the instruction given by the script and report your certificate to the seednode group!

### Upgrading

To upgrade your seednode to a new tag, for example v1.2.5
sudo -u bisq -s
cd bisq
git fetch origin
git checkout v1.2.5 # new tag
./gradlew clean build -x test
sudo service bisq restart
sudo journalctl --unit bisq --follow

### Uninstall

If you need to start over, you can run the uninstall script in this repo
sudo ./delete_seednode_debian.sh
WARNING: this script will delete all data!