#!/usr/bin/env bats # # Smoke tests for haveno-cli running against a live haveno-daemon (on mainnet) # # Prerequisites: # # - bats-core 1.2.0+ must be installed (brew install bats-core on macOS) # see https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core # # - Run `./haveno-daemon --apiPassword=xyz --appDataDir=$TESTDIR` where $TESTDIR # is empty or otherwise contains an unencrypted wallet with a 0 BTC balance # # Usage: # # This script must be run from the root of the project, e.g.: # # bats apitest/scripts/mainnet-test.sh @test "test unsupported method error" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz bogus [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 # printed only on test failure [ "$output" = "Error: 'bogus' is not a supported method" ] } @test "test unrecognized option error" { run ./haveno-cli --bogus getversion [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: missing required 'password' option" ] } @test "test missing required password option error" { run ./haveno-cli getversion [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: missing required 'password' option" ] } @test "test incorrect password error" { run ./haveno-cli --password=bogus getversion [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: incorrect 'password' rpc header value" ] } @test "test getversion call with quoted password" { load 'version-parser' run ./haveno-cli --password="xyz" getversion [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "$CURRENT_VERSION" ] } @test "test getversion" { # Wait 1 second before calling getversion again. sleep 1 load 'version-parser' run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getversion [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "$CURRENT_VERSION" ] } @test "test setwalletpassword \"a b c\"" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz setwalletpassword --wallet-password="a b c" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "wallet encrypted" ] sleep 1 } @test "test unlockwallet without password & timeout args" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz unlockwallet [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: no password specified" ] } @test "test unlockwallet without timeout arg" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz unlockwallet --wallet-password="a b c" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: no unlock timeout specified" ] } @test "test unlockwallet \"a b c\" 8" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz unlockwallet --wallet-password="a b c" --timeout=8 [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "wallet unlocked" ] } @test "test getbalance while wallet unlocked for 8s" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getbalance [ "$status" -eq 0 ] sleep 8 } @test "test unlockwallet \"a b c\" 6" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz unlockwallet --wallet-password="a b c" --timeout=6 [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "wallet unlocked" ] } @test "test lockwallet before unlockwallet timeout=6s expires" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz lockwallet [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "wallet locked" ] } @test "test setwalletpassword incorrect old pwd error" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz setwalletpassword --wallet-password="z z z" --new-wallet-password="d e f" [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: incorrect old password" ] } @test "test setwalletpassword oldpwd newpwd" { # Wait 5 seconds before calling setwalletpassword again. sleep 5 run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz setwalletpassword --wallet-password="a b c" --new-wallet-password="d e f" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "wallet encrypted with new password" ] sleep 1 } @test "test getbalance wallet locked error" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getbalance [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: wallet is locked" ] } @test "test removewalletpassword" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz removewalletpassword --wallet-password="d e f" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "wallet decrypted" ] sleep 3 } @test "test getbalance when wallet available & unlocked with 0 btc balance" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getbalance [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test getfundingaddresses" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getfundingaddresses [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test getaddressbalance missing address argument" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getaddressbalance [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: no address specified" ] } @test "test getaddressbalance bogus address argument" { # Wait 1 second before calling getaddressbalance again. sleep 1 run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getaddressbalance --address=bogus [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: address bogus not found in wallet" ] } @test "test getpaymentmethods" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getpaymentmethods [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test getpaymentaccts" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getpaymentaccts [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test getoffers missing direction argument" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getoffers [ "$status" -eq 1 ] echo "actual output: $output" >&2 [ "$output" = "Error: no direction (buy|sell) specified" ] } @test "test getoffers sell eur check return status" { # Wait 1 second before calling getoffers again. sleep 1 run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getoffers --direction=sell --currency-code=eur [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test getoffers buy eur check return status" { # Wait 1 second before calling getoffers again. sleep 1 run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getoffers --direction=buy --currency-code=eur [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test getoffers sell gbp check return status" { # Wait 1 second before calling getoffers again. sleep 1 run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz getoffers --direction=sell --currency-code=gbp [ "$status" -eq 0 ] } @test "test help displayed on stderr if no options or arguments" { run ./haveno-cli [ "$status" -eq 1 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "Haveno RPC Client" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: haveno-cli [options] <method> [params]" ] # TODO add asserts after help text is modified for new endpoints } @test "test --help option" { run ./haveno-cli --help [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "Haveno RPC Client" ] [ "${lines[1]}" = "Usage: haveno-cli [options] <method> [params]" ] # TODO add asserts after help text is modified for new endpoints } @test "test takeoffer method --help" { run ./haveno-cli --password=xyz takeoffer --help [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [ "${lines[0]}" = "takeoffer" ] }