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synced 2025-03-12 09:27:58 +00:00
update translation: withdraw or keep funds in wallet
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions
@ -2250,7 +2250,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Trading wallet update
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet is sufficiently funded.\nAmount: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet was already sufficiently funded from an earlier take offer attempt.\nAmount: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Trade completed
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Monero wallet or transfer it to the Haveno wallet.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds to an external Monero wallet or keep them in your Haveno wallet.
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aktualizace obchodní peněženky
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Vaše obchodní peněženka má dostatečné finanční prostředky.\nČástka: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Vaše obchodní peněženka již byla dostatečně financována z předchozího pokusu o nabídku.\nČástka: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Obchod dokončen
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Prostředky můžete nyní vybrat do své externí bitcoinové peněženky nebo je převést do peněženky Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Prostředky můžete nyní vybrat do své externí monerové peněženky nebo je ponechat ve své peněžence Haveno.
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Update der Handels-Wallets
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ihre Handels-Wallet ist ausreichend finanziert.\nBetrag: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Ihre Handels-Wallet wurde bereits durch eine früher versuchte Angebotsannahme ausreichend finanziert.\nBetrag: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Handel abgeschlossen
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Sie können Ihre Gelder jetzt auf eine externe Bitcoin-Wallet abheben oder an die Haveno-Wallet überweisen.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Sie können Ihre Gelder auf eine externe Monero-Wallet abheben oder in Ihrer Haveno-Wallet behalten.
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Actualizar monedero de intercambio.
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Su monedero de intercambio tiene fondos suficientes.\nCantidad: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Su monedero de intercambio ya tiene fondos suficientes de un intento de toma de oferta anterior.\nCantidad: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Intercambio completado
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Ahora puede retirar sus fondos a una billetera externa de Bitcoin o transferirlos a la billetera Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Ahora puede retirar sus fondos a una billetera externa de Monero o mantenerlos en su billetera Haveno.
@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=به روز رسانی کیف پول معام
notification.walletUpdate.msg=کیف پول معاملاتی شما به میزان کافی تأمین وجه شده است.\nمبلغ: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=کیف پول معاملاتی شما قبلاً از یک تلاش اخذ پیشنهاد، تأمین وجه شده است.\nمبلغ: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=معامله تکمیل شد
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=شما اکنون می توانید وجوه خود را به کیف پول بیتکوین خارجی خود برداشت کنید یا آن را به کیف پول Haveno منتقل نمایید.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=شما اکنون میتوانید وجوه خود را به کیف پول خارجی مونرو برداشت کنید یا آنها را در کیف پول Haveno خود نگه دارید.
@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Mise à jour du portefeuille de trading
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Votre portefeuille de trading est suffisamment approvisionné.\nMontant: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Votre portefeuille de trading était déjà suffisamment approvisionné à la suite d''une précédente tentative d''achat de l'ordre.\nMontant: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Le trade est terminé
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Vous pouvez maintenant retirer vos fonds vers votre portefeuille Bitcoin externe ou les transférer vers le portefeuille Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Vous pouvez retirer vos fonds vers un portefeuille Monero externe ou les conserver dans votre portefeuille Haveno.
@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aggiornamento del portafoglio di trading
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Il tuo portafoglio di trading è sufficientemente finanziato.\nImporto: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Il tuo portafoglio di trading era già sufficientemente finanziato da un precedente tentativo di offerta.\nImporto: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Scambio completato
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Puoi ritirare i tuoi fondi sul tuo portafoglio Bitcoin esterno o trasferirlo sul portafoglio Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Puoi prelevare i tuoi fondi sul tuo portafoglio Monero esterno o mantenerli nel tuo portafoglio Haveno.
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=トレードウォレット更新
notification.walletUpdate.msg=あなたのトレードウォレットは十分に入金されています。\n金額: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=あなたのトレードウォレットは、以前のオファー受け入れの試みからすでに十分な資金を得ています。\n金額: {0}
@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Update da carteira de negociação
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Sua carteira Haveno tem saldo suficiente.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Sua carteira Haveno já tinha saldo suficiente de uma tentativa anterior de aceitar oferta.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Negociação concluída
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Você pode retirar seus fundos agora para sua carteira Bitcoin externa ou transferi-los para a carteira Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Você pode retirar seus fundos para uma carteira externa de Monero ou mantê-los em sua carteira Haveno.
@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Atualização da carteira de negociação
notification.walletUpdate.msg=A sua carteira está suficientemente financiada.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=A sua carteira de negociação já estava suficientemente financiada por uma tentativa de aceitação de oferta anterior.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Negócio concluído
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Você pode levantar seus fundos agora para sua carteira Bitcoin externa ou transferi-la para a carteira Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Você pode sacar seus fundos para uma carteira externa de Monero ou mantê-los em sua carteira Haveno.
@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Обновление торгового ко
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ваш торговый кошелёк содержит достаточно средств.\nСумма: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Ваш торговый кошелёк уже содержит достаточно средств с прошлой попытки принять предложение.\nСумма: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Сделка завершена
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Теперь вы можете вывести свои средства на свой внешний кошелёк Биткойн или перевести их в кошелёк Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Теперь вы можете вывести свои средства на внешний кошелек Monero или оставить их на кошельке Haveno.
@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=อัพเดตกระเป๋าสต
notification.walletUpdate.msg=กระเป๋าสตางค์ของคุณได้รับเงินเพียงพอ\nจำนวนเงิน: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=wallet ของคุณได้รับการสนับสนุนจากการเสนอราคาก่อนหน้านี้\nจำนวนเงิน: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=คุณสามารถถอนเงินของคุณตอนนี้ไปยังแหล่งเงินกระเป๋าสตางค์นอก Bitcoin ของคุณหรือโอนเงินไปที่กระเป๋าสตางค์ของ Haveno
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=คุณสามารถถอนเงินของคุณไปยังแหล่งเงินกระเป๋าสตางค์นอก Monero ของคุณหรือเก็บไว้ในกระเป๋าสตางค์ Haveno ของคุณได้。
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Cập nhật ví giao dịch
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ví giao dịch của bạn không được nạp đủ tiền.\nSố tiền: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Ví giao dịch của bạn đã được nạp đủ tiền từ lần nhận báo giá trước.\nSố tiền: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=giao dịch đã hoàn thành
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Bạn có thể rút tiền từ ví Bitcoin ngoài của bạn hoặc chuyển vào ví Haveno.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Bạn có thể rút tiền từ ví Monero ngoại của bạn hoặc giữ chúng trong ví Haveno của bạn.
@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=交易钱包更新
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=您现在可以提现您的资金到您的外部比特币钱包或者划转它到 Haveno 钱包。
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=您可以将您的资金提现到外部的门罗币钱包,或者保留在您的 Haveno 钱包中。
@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=交易錢包更新
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=您現在可以提現您的資金到您的外部比特幣錢包或者劃轉它到 Haveno 錢包。
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=您可以將資金提取到外部的門羅幣錢包,或保留在您的 Haveno 錢包中。
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