mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 01:48:47 +00:00
replace links with haveno.exchange domain
This commit is contained in:
28 changed files with 176 additions and 176 deletions
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class ApiTestMain {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
err.println("Fault: An unexpected error occurred. " +
"Please file a report at https://haveno.network/issues");
"Please file a report at https://haveno.exchange/issues");
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# All assets available for trading on the Haveno network.
# Contents are sorted according to the output of `sort --ignore-case --dictionary-order`.
# See haveno.asset.Asset and haveno.asset.AssetRegistry for further details.
# See https://haveno.network/list-asset for complete instructions.
# See https://haveno.exchange/list-asset for complete instructions.
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public abstract class HavenoExecutable implements GracefulShutDownHandler, Haven
} catch (Throwable ex) {
System.err.println("fault: An unexpected error occurred. " +
"Please file a report at https://haveno.network/issues");
"Please file a report at https://haveno.exchange/issues");
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public final class ArbitrationManager extends DisputeManager<ArbitrationDisputeL
protected String getDisputeInfo(Dispute dispute) {
String role = Res.get("shared.arbitrator").toLowerCase();
String link = "https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#legacy-arbitration";
String link = "https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#legacy-arbitration";
return Res.get("support.initialInfo", role, role, link);
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public final class MediationManager extends DisputeManager<MediationDisputeList>
protected String getDisputeInfo(Dispute dispute) {
String role = Res.get("shared.mediator").toLowerCase();
String link = "https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#mediation";
String link = "https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#mediation";
return Res.get("support.initialInfo", role, role, link);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public final class RefundManager extends DisputeManager<RefundDisputeList> {
protected String getDisputeInfo(Dispute dispute) {
String role = Res.get("shared.refundAgent").toLowerCase();
String link = "https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration";
String link = "https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration";
return Res.get("support.initialInfo", role, role, link);
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class ApplyFilter extends TradeTask {
"Payment method=" + trade.getOffer().getPaymentMethod().getId());
} else if (filterManager.requireUpdateToNewVersionForTrading()) {
failed("Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore. " +
"Please update to the latest Haveno version at https://haveno.network/downloads.");
"Please update to the latest Haveno version at https://haveno.exchange/downloads.");
} else {
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class XmrNetworkConfig {
MainNetParams mainNetParams = MainNetParams.get();
if (parameters.equals(mainNetParams)) {
log.warn("You use the public Bitcoin network and are exposed to privacy issues " +
"caused by the broken bloom filters. See https://haveno.network/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare/ " +
"caused by the broken bloom filters. See https://haveno.exchange/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare/ " +
"for more info. It is recommended to use the provided nodes.");
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public class XmrNetworkConfig {
delegate.setDiscovery(new Socks5MultiDiscovery(proxy, parameters, socks5DiscoverMode));
} else if (Config.baseCurrencyNetwork().isMainnet()) {
log.warn("You don't use tor and use the public Bitcoin network and are exposed to privacy issues " +
"caused by the broken bloom filters. See https://haveno.network/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare/ " +
"caused by the broken bloom filters. See https://haveno.exchange/blog/privacy-in-bitsquare/ " +
"for more info. It is recommended to use Tor and the provided nodes.");
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=The currency used in that offer was blocked by
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=The payment method used in that offer was blocked by the Haveno developers.\nPlease visit the Haveno Forum for more information.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=The onion address of that trader was blocked by the Haveno developers.\nProbably there is an unhandled bug causing issues when taking offers from that trader.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\n\
Please update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
Please update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. \
It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field
\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\
\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\
\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\
\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n\
\t See: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n\
Please make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\
\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\
\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\
@ -1794,11 +1794,11 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignore this version
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=A new Haveno update is available!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Download failed
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\n\
Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at \
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\n\
Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=The new version has been successfully downloaded and the signature verified.\n\n\
Please open the download directory, shut down the application and install the new version.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory
@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ We made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a ne
The backup is located at:\n\
Please check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\n\
You can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\n\
You can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\n\
Please restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno is already running. You cannot run two instances of Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the half of the max. allowed trading period and is still not completed.\n\nThe trade period ends on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade state at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for further information.
@ -2207,7 +2207,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Bad arbitrator ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=All {0} payment accounts were successfully signed!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\n\
For further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
For further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by an arbitrator. Trading with this account will automatically sign your trading peer''s account after a successful trade.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by a trading peer. Your initial trading limit will be lifted and you''ll be able to sign other accounts in {0} days from now.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=The initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá platební metod
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Tuto nabídku nelze přijmout z důvodu obchodních omezení protistrany
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=S touto verzí softwaru mohou obchodní partneři navzájem ověřovat a podepisovat platební účty ostatních a vytvářet tak síť důvěryhodných platebních účtů.\n\nPo úspěšném obchodování s partnerským účtem s ověřeným platebním účtem bude váš platební účet podepsán a obchodní limity budou zrušeny po určitém časovém intervalu (délka tohoto intervalu závisí na způsobu ověření).\n\nDalší informace o podepsání účtu naleznete v dokumentaci na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=S touto verzí softwaru mohou obchodní partneři navzájem ověřovat a podepisovat platební účty ostatních a vytvářet tak síť důvěryhodných platebních účtů.\n\nPo úspěšném obchodování s partnerským účtem s ověřeným platebním účtem bude váš platební účet podepsán a obchodní limity budou zrušeny po určitém časovém intervalu (délka tohoto intervalu závisí na způsobu ověření).\n\nDalší informace o podepsání účtu naleznete v dokumentaci na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Povolená částka obchodu je omezena na {0} z důvodu bezpečnostních omezení na základě následujících kritérií:\n- Účet kupujícího nebyl podepsán rozhodcem ani obchodním partnerem\n- Doba od podpisu účtu kupujícího není alespoň 30 dní\n- Způsob platby této nabídky je považován za riskantní pro bankovní zpětné zúčtování\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Povolená částka obchodu je omezena na {0} z důvodu bezpečnostních omezení na základě následujících kritérií:\n- Váš účet nebyl podepsán rozhodcem ani obchodním partnerem\n- Čas od podpisu vašeho účtu není alespoň 30 dní\n- Způsob platby této nabídky je považován za riskantní pro bankovní zpětné zúčtování\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Tato nabídka byla blokována vývojáři Haveno.
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Měna použitá v této nabídce byla blokována vývojáři Haveno.\nDalší informace naleznete na fóru Haveno.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Vývojáři Haveno zablokovali způsob platby použitý v této nabídce.\nDalší informace naleznete na fóru Haveno.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Onion adresa tohoto obchodníka byla zablokována vývojáři Haveno.\nPravděpodobně existuje neošetřená chyba způsobující problémy při přijímání nabídek od tohoto obchodníka.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Vaše verze Haveno již není kompatibilní pro obchodování. Aktualizujte prosím na nejnovější verzi Haveno na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Vaše verze Haveno již není kompatibilní pro obchodování. Aktualizujte prosím na nejnovější verzi Haveno na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Tuto nabídku nemůžete přijmout, protože jste ji již dříve využili. Je možné, že váš předchozí pokus o přijetí nabídky vyústil v neúspěšný obchod.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Budete prodávat za tržní cenu (aktualizováno každou minutu).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Váš obchodní partner při
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Zobrazit navrhované řešení
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Výsledek mediace obchodu s ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Váš obchodní partner přijal návrh mediátora na obchod {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=Mediátor navrhl následující výplatu:\nObdržíte: {0}\nVáš obchodní partner obdrží: {1}\n\nTuto navrhovanou výplatu můžete přijmout nebo odmítnout.\n\nPřijetím podepíšete navrhovanou výplatní transakci. Pokud váš obchodní partner také přijme a podepíše, výplata bude dokončena a obchod bude uzavřen.\n\nPokud jeden nebo oba odmítnete návrh, budete muset počkat do {2} (blok {3}), abyste zahájili spor druhého kola s rozhodcem, který případ znovu prošetří a na základě svých zjištění provede výplatu.\n\nRozhodce může jako náhradu za svou práci účtovat malý poplatek (maximální poplatek: bezpečnostní záloha obchodníka). Oba obchodníci, kteří souhlasí s návrhem zprostředkovatele, jsou na dobré cestě - žádost o arbitráž je určena pro výjimečné okolnosti, například pokud je obchodník přesvědčen, že zprostředkovatel neučinil návrh na spravedlivou výplatu (nebo pokud druhý partner nereaguje).\n\nDalší podrobnosti o novém rozhodčím modelu: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Přijali jste výplatu navrženou mediátorem, ale zdá se, že váš obchodní partner ji nepřijal.\n\nPo uplynutí doby uzamčení na {0} (blok {1}) můžete zahájit spor druhého kola s rozhodcem, který případ znovu prošetří a na základě jeho zjištění provede platbu.\n\nDalší podrobnosti o rozhodčím modelu najdete na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=Mediátor navrhl následující výplatu:\nObdržíte: {0}\nVáš obchodní partner obdrží: {1}\n\nTuto navrhovanou výplatu můžete přijmout nebo odmítnout.\n\nPřijetím podepíšete navrhovanou výplatní transakci. Pokud váš obchodní partner také přijme a podepíše, výplata bude dokončena a obchod bude uzavřen.\n\nPokud jeden nebo oba odmítnete návrh, budete muset počkat do {2} (blok {3}), abyste zahájili spor druhého kola s rozhodcem, který případ znovu prošetří a na základě svých zjištění provede výplatu.\n\nRozhodce může jako náhradu za svou práci účtovat malý poplatek (maximální poplatek: bezpečnostní záloha obchodníka). Oba obchodníci, kteří souhlasí s návrhem zprostředkovatele, jsou na dobré cestě - žádost o arbitráž je určena pro výjimečné okolnosti, například pokud je obchodník přesvědčen, že zprostředkovatel neučinil návrh na spravedlivou výplatu (nebo pokud druhý partner nereaguje).\n\nDalší podrobnosti o novém rozhodčím modelu: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Přijali jste výplatu navrženou mediátorem, ale zdá se, že váš obchodní partner ji nepřijal.\n\nPo uplynutí doby uzamčení na {0} (blok {1}) můžete zahájit spor druhého kola s rozhodcem, který případ znovu prošetří a na základě jeho zjištění provede platbu.\n\nDalší podrobnosti o rozhodčím modelu najdete na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Odmítnout a požádat o arbitráž
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Už jste přijali
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Kupující BTC/Příjemce
support.sellerTaker=Prodávající BTC/Příjemce
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno není společnost, takže spory řeší jinak.\n\nObchodníci mohou v rámci aplikace komunikovat prostřednictvím zabezpečeného chatu na obrazovce otevřených obchodů a zkusit řešení sporů sami. Pokud to nestačí, může jim pomoci mediátor. Mediátor vyhodnotí situaci a navrhne vyúčtování obchodních prostředků. Pokud oba obchodníci přijmou tento návrh, je výplata dokončena a obchod je uzavřen. Pokud jeden nebo oba obchodníci nesouhlasí s výplatou navrhovanou mediátorem, mohou požádat o rozhodčí řízení. Rozhodce přehodnotí situaci a v odůvodněných případech vrátí osobně prostředky obchodníkovi zpět a požádá o vrácení této platby od Haveno DAO.
support.initialInfo=Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte popis problému. Přidejte co nejvíce informací k urychlení doby řešení sporu.\n\nZde je kontrolní seznam informací, které byste měli poskytnout:\n\t● Pokud kupujete BTC: Provedli jste převod Fiat nebo Cryptou? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba zahájena“?\n\t● Pokud jste prodejcem BTC: Obdrželi jste platbu Fiat nebo Cryptou? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba přijata“?\n\t● Kterou verzi Haveno používáte?\n\t● Jaký operační systém používáte?\n\t● Pokud se vyskytl problém s neúspěšnými transakcemi, zvažte přechod na nový datový adresář.\n\t Někdy dojde k poškození datového adresáře a vede to k podivným chybám.\n\t Viz: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nSeznamte se prosím se základními pravidly procesu sporu:\n\t● Musíte odpovědět na požadavky {0} do 2 dnů.\n\t● Mediátoři reagují do 2 dnů. Rozhodci odpoví do 5 pracovních dnů.\n\t● Maximální doba sporu je 14 dní.\n\t● Musíte spolupracovat s {1} a poskytnout informace, které požaduje, aby jste vyřešili váš případ.\n\t● Při prvním spuštění aplikace jste přijali pravidla uvedena v dokumentu sporu v uživatelské smlouvě.\n\nDalší informace o procesu sporu naleznete na: {2}
support.initialInfo=Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte popis problému. Přidejte co nejvíce informací k urychlení doby řešení sporu.\n\nZde je kontrolní seznam informací, které byste měli poskytnout:\n\t● Pokud kupujete BTC: Provedli jste převod Fiat nebo Cryptou? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba zahájena“?\n\t● Pokud jste prodejcem BTC: Obdrželi jste platbu Fiat nebo Cryptou? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba přijata“?\n\t● Kterou verzi Haveno používáte?\n\t● Jaký operační systém používáte?\n\t● Pokud se vyskytl problém s neúspěšnými transakcemi, zvažte přechod na nový datový adresář.\n\t Někdy dojde k poškození datového adresáře a vede to k podivným chybám.\n\t Viz: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nSeznamte se prosím se základními pravidly procesu sporu:\n\t● Musíte odpovědět na požadavky {0} do 2 dnů.\n\t● Mediátoři reagují do 2 dnů. Rozhodci odpoví do 5 pracovních dnů.\n\t● Maximální doba sporu je 14 dní.\n\t● Musíte spolupracovat s {1} a poskytnout informace, které požaduje, aby jste vyřešili váš případ.\n\t● Při prvním spuštění aplikace jste přijali pravidla uvedena v dokumentu sporu v uživatelské smlouvě.\n\nDalší informace o procesu sporu naleznete na: {2}
support.systemMsg=Systémová zpráva: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Otevřeli jste žádost o podporu.\n\n{0}\n\nVerze Haveno: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Otevřeli jste žádost o spor.\n\n{0}\n\nVerze Haveno: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Stáhnout později
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignorovat tuto verzi
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=K dispozici je nová aktualizace Haveno!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Stahování selhalo
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Stažení se nezdařilo.\nStáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Nelze určit správný instalační program. Stáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Ověření se nezdařilo.\nStáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Stažení se nezdařilo.\nStáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Nelze určit správný instalační program. Stáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Ověření se nezdařilo.\nStáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Nová verze byla úspěšně stažena a podpis ověřen.\n\nOtevřete adresář ke stažení, vypněte aplikaci a nainstalujte novou verzi.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Otevřít adresář ke stažení
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=Vkladová transakce uzavřeného obchodu s obch
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Peněženka ještě není inicializována
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=V souladu s přísnějšími bezpečnostními opatřeními v systému macOS 10.14 a novějších způsobí spuštění aplikace Java (Haveno používá Javu) upozornění na vyskakovací okno v systému MacOS („Haveno by chtěl přijímat stisknutí kláves z jakékoli aplikace“).\n\nChcete-li se tomuto problému vyhnout, otevřete své Nastavení macOS a přejděte do části "Zabezpečení a soukromí" -> "Soukromí" -> "Sledování vstupu" a ze seznamu na pravé straně odeberte „Haveno“.\n\nHaveno upgraduje na novější verzi Java, aby se tomuto problému vyhnul, jakmile budou vyřešena technická omezení (balíček Java Packager pro požadovanou verzi Java ještě není dodán).
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Pravděpodobně máte nesprávnou verzi Haveno pro tento počítač.\nArchitektura vašeho počítače je: {0}.\nBinární kód Haveno, který jste nainstalovali, je: {1}.\nVypněte prosím a znovu nainstalujte správnou verzi ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Zjistili jsme nekompatibilní soubory databáze!\n\nTyto databázové soubory nejsou kompatibilní s naší aktuální kódovou základnou:\n{0}\n\nVytvořili jsme zálohu poškozených souborů a aplikovali jsme výchozí hodnoty na novou verzi databáze.\n\nZáloha se nachází na adrese:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nZkontrolujte, zda máte nainstalovanou nejnovější verzi Haveno.\nMůžete si jej stáhnout na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nRestartujte aplikaci.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Zjistili jsme nekompatibilní soubory databáze!\n\nTyto databázové soubory nejsou kompatibilní s naší aktuální kódovou základnou:\n{0}\n\nVytvořili jsme zálohu poškozených souborů a aplikovali jsme výchozí hodnoty na novou verzi databáze.\n\nZáloha se nachází na adrese:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nZkontrolujte, zda máte nainstalovanou nejnovější verzi Haveno.\nMůžete si jej stáhnout na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nRestartujte aplikaci.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno již běží. Nemůžete spustit dvě instance Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Váš obchod s ID {0} dosáhl poloviny max. povoleného obchodního období a stále není dokončen.\n\nObdobí obchodování končí {1}\n\nDalší informace o stavu obchodu naleznete na adrese \"Portfolio/Otevřené obchody\".
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Váš obchod s ID {0} dosáhl max. povoleného obchodního období a není dokončen.\n\nObdobí obchodování skončilo {1}\n\nZkontrolujte prosím svůj obchod v sekci "Portfolio/Otevřené obchody\", abyste kontaktovali mediátora.
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Špatný ECKey rozhodce
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Všechny {0} platební účty byly úspěšně podepsány!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Podpisový stav všech vašich účtů najdete v sekci účtu.\n\nDalší informace naleznete na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Podpisový stav všech vašich účtů najdete v sekci účtu.\n\nDalší informace naleznete na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Jeden z vašich platebních účtů byl ověřen a podepsán rozhodcem. Obchodování s tímto účtem po úspěšném obchodování automaticky podepíše účet vašeho obchodního partnera.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Jeden z vašich platebních účtů byl ověřen a podepsán obchodním partnerem. Váš počáteční obchodní limit bude zrušen a do {0} dnů budete moci podepsat další účty.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=Počáteční limit pro jeden z vašich účtů byl zrušen.\n\n{0}
@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=Město se zobrazí s nabídkou
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Volitelné další informace
payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatečné informace
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Uveďte jakékoli speciální požadavky, podmínky a detaily, které chcete zobrazit u vašich nabídek s tímto platebním účtem. (Uživatelé uvidí tyto informace předtím, než akceptují vaši nabídku.)
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Další informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Další informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otevřít webovou stránku
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Země a město: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Další informace: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Dieses Angebot verwendet eine Zahlungsme
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Dieses Angebot kann aufgrund von Handelsbeschränkungen der Gegenpartei nicht angenommen werden
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Mit dieser Version der Software können Handelspartner gegenseitig Zahlungskonten verifizieren und unterzeichnen, um ein Netzwerk vertrauenswürdiger Zahlungskonten aufzubauen.\n\nNach dem erfolgreichen Handel mit einem verifizierten Handelspartner, wird auch Ihr Zahlungskonto unterzeichnet und Ihre Handels-Beschränkungen werden nach einer gewissen Zeit aufgehoben (die Länge kann je nach Zahlungsmethode unterschiedlich sein).\n\nWeitere Informationen zur Unterzeichnung von Konten finden Sie hier in der Dokumentation: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Mit dieser Version der Software können Handelspartner gegenseitig Zahlungskonten verifizieren und unterzeichnen, um ein Netzwerk vertrauenswürdiger Zahlungskonten aufzubauen.\n\nNach dem erfolgreichen Handel mit einem verifizierten Handelspartner, wird auch Ihr Zahlungskonto unterzeichnet und Ihre Handels-Beschränkungen werden nach einer gewissen Zeit aufgehoben (die Länge kann je nach Zahlungsmethode unterschiedlich sein).\n\nWeitere Informationen zur Unterzeichnung von Konten finden Sie hier in der Dokumentation: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Der zulässige Trade-Betrag ist aufgrund von Sicherheitseinschränkungen, die auf den folgenden Kriterien basieren, auf {0} begrenzt:\n- Das Konto des Käufers wurde nicht von einem Vermittler oder einem Partner unterzeichnet\n- Die Zeit seit der Unterzeichnung des Kontos des Käufers beträgt nicht mindestens 30 Tage\n- Die Zahlungsmethode für dieses Angebot gilt als riskant für Bankrückbuchungen\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Der zulässige Trade-Betrag ist aufgrund von Sicherheitseinschränkungen, die auf den folgenden Kriterien basieren, auf {0} begrenzt:\n- Ihr Konto wurde nicht von einem Vermittler oder einem Partner unterzeichnet\n- Die Zeit seit der Unterzeichnung Ihres Kontos beträgt nicht mindestens 30 Tage\n- Die Zahlungsmethode für dieses Angebot gilt als riskant für Bankrückbuchungen\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Das Angebot wurde von den Haveno-Entwicklern bloc
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Die in diesem Handel verwendete Währung wurde von den Haveno-Entwicklern blockiert.\nBitte besuchen sie das Haveno-Forum für weitere Informationen.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Die in diesem Handel verwendete Zahlungsmethode wurde von den Haveno-Entwicklern blockiert.\nBitte besuchen sie das Haveno-Forum für weitere Informationen.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Die Onion-Adresse dieses Händlers wurde von den Haveno-Entwicklern blockiert.\nWahrscheinlich gibt es einen unbehobenen Bug, der Probleme beim Annehmen von Angeboten dieses Händlers verursacht.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Ihre Haveno-Version ist nicht mehr zum Handeln geeignet.\nBitte updaten Sie Haveno auf die aktuellste Version unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Ihre Haveno-Version ist nicht mehr zum Handeln geeignet.\nBitte updaten Sie Haveno auf die aktuellste Version unter [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Sie können dieses Angebot nicht annehmen, weil Sie das früher schon getan haben. Es kann sein, dass Ihr vorheriger Annahme-Versuch zu einem fehlgeschlagenen Handel geführt hat.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Sie verkaufen zum aktuellen Marktpreis (jede Minute aktualisiert).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Ihr Trade-Partner hat den Vo
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Lösungsvorschlag ansehen
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediationsergebnis für Trade mit ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Ihr Trade-Partner hat den Vorschlag des Mediators akzeptiert für Trade {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=Der Vermittler hat folgende Auszahlung vorgeschlagen: \nSie erhalten: {0}\nIhr Handelspartner erhält: {1}\n\nSie können die vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptieren oder ablehnen.\n\nAkzeptieren Sie, unterzeichnen Sie die vorgeschlagene Transaktion. Wenn Ihr Handelspartner auch akzeptiert und unterzeichnet, wird die Auszahlung getätigt und der Handel abgeschlossen.\n\nWenn einer oder beide den Vorschlag ablehnen, müssen Sie bis {2} (block {3}) warten, um eine zweite Konfliktrunde mit einer Schiedsperson zu starten, die den Handel erneut untersuchen wird und je nach eigenem Ergebnis eine Auszahlung veranlassen wird.\n\nDie Schiedsperson kann eine kleine Gebühr für ihre Arbeit berechnen (maximale Gebühr: Sicherheitskaution des Händlers). Im Idealfall akzeptieren beide Händler den Vorschlag des Vermittlers — eine Schiedsperson hinzuzuziehen ist nur für außergewöhnliche Fälle vorgesehen. Ein solcher Fall wäre, wenn ein Händler sich sicher ist, dass der Auszahlungsvorschlag nicht fair ist, oder der Handelspartner nicht antwortet.\n\nWeitere Informationen über das Schlichtungssystem finden Sie unter [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Sie haben die vom Vermittler vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptiert, aber es scheint so, als hätte Ihr Handelspartner sie noch nicht akzeptiert.\n\nSobald die Sperre bei {0} (block {1})) aufgehoben ist, können Sie eine zweite Runde des Konflikts eröffnen. Eine Schiedsperson wird dann den Konflikt erneut untersuchen und je nach eigenem Ergebnis eine Auszahlung veranlassen.\n\nHier können Sie mehr Informationen über das Schiedsverfahren finden:\n[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=Der Vermittler hat folgende Auszahlung vorgeschlagen: \nSie erhalten: {0}\nIhr Handelspartner erhält: {1}\n\nSie können die vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptieren oder ablehnen.\n\nAkzeptieren Sie, unterzeichnen Sie die vorgeschlagene Transaktion. Wenn Ihr Handelspartner auch akzeptiert und unterzeichnet, wird die Auszahlung getätigt und der Handel abgeschlossen.\n\nWenn einer oder beide den Vorschlag ablehnen, müssen Sie bis {2} (block {3}) warten, um eine zweite Konfliktrunde mit einer Schiedsperson zu starten, die den Handel erneut untersuchen wird und je nach eigenem Ergebnis eine Auszahlung veranlassen wird.\n\nDie Schiedsperson kann eine kleine Gebühr für ihre Arbeit berechnen (maximale Gebühr: Sicherheitskaution des Händlers). Im Idealfall akzeptieren beide Händler den Vorschlag des Vermittlers — eine Schiedsperson hinzuzuziehen ist nur für außergewöhnliche Fälle vorgesehen. Ein solcher Fall wäre, wenn ein Händler sich sicher ist, dass der Auszahlungsvorschlag nicht fair ist, oder der Handelspartner nicht antwortet.\n\nWeitere Informationen über das Schlichtungssystem finden Sie unter [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Sie haben die vom Vermittler vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptiert, aber es scheint so, als hätte Ihr Handelspartner sie noch nicht akzeptiert.\n\nSobald die Sperre bei {0} (block {1})) aufgehoben ist, können Sie eine zweite Runde des Konflikts eröffnen. Eine Schiedsperson wird dann den Konflikt erneut untersuchen und je nach eigenem Ergebnis eine Auszahlung veranlassen.\n\nHier können Sie mehr Informationen über das Schiedsverfahren finden:\n[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Ablehnen und Vermittler hinzuziehen
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Sie haben bereits akzeptiert
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC-Käufer/Abnehmer
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno ist kein Unternehmen, daher behandelt es Konflikte unterschiedlich.\n\nTrader können innerhalb der Anwendung über einen sicheren Chat auf dem Bildschirm für offene Trades kommunizieren, um zu versuchen, Konflikte selbst zu lösen. Wenn das nicht ausreicht, kann ein Mediator einschreiten und helfen. Der Mediator wird die Situation bewerten und eine Auszahlung von Trade Funds vorschlagen. Wenn beide Trader diesen Vorschlag annehmen, ist die Auszahlungstransaktion abgeschlossen und der Trade geschlossen. Wenn ein oder beide Trader mit der vom Mediator vorgeschlagenen Auszahlung nicht einverstanden sind, können sie ein Vermittlungsverfahren beantragen, bei dem der Vermittler die Situation neu bewertet und, falls gerechtfertigt, dem Trader persönlich eine Rückerstattung leistet und die Rückerstattung dieser Zahlung vom Haveno DAO verlangt.
support.initialInfo=Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung Ihres Problems in das untenstehende Textfeld ein. Fügen Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich hinzu, um die Zeit für die Konfliktlösung zu verkürzen.\n\nHier ist eine Checkliste für Informationen, die Sie angeben sollten:\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Käufer sind: Haben Sie die Traditional- oder Crypto-Überweisung gemacht? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung gestartet" geklickt?\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Verkäufer sind: Haben Sie die Traditional- oder Crypto-Zahlung erhalten? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung erhalten" geklickt?\n\t● Welche Version von Haveno verwenden Sie?\n\t● Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?\n\t● Wenn Sie ein Problem mit fehlgeschlagenen Transaktionen hatten, überlegen Sie bitte, in ein neues Datenverzeichnis zu wechseln.\n\t Manchmal wird das Datenverzeichnis beschädigt und führt zu seltsamen Fehlern. \n\t Siehe: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nBitte machen Sie sich mit den Grundregeln für den Konfliktprozess vertraut:\n\t● Sie müssen auf die Anfragen der {0}'' innerhalb von 2 Tagen antworten.\n\t● Mediatoren antworten innerhalb von 2 Tagen. Die Vermittler antworten innerhalb von 5 Werktagen.\n\t● Die maximale Frist für einen Konflikt beträgt 14 Tage.\n\t● Sie müssen mit den {1} zusammenarbeiten und die Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sie anfordern, um Ihren Fall zu bearbeiten.\n\t● Mit dem ersten Start der Anwendung haben Sie die Regeln des Konfliktdokuments in der Nutzervereinbarung akzeptiert.\n\nSie können mehr über den Konfliktprozess erfahren unter: {2}
support.initialInfo=Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung Ihres Problems in das untenstehende Textfeld ein. Fügen Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich hinzu, um die Zeit für die Konfliktlösung zu verkürzen.\n\nHier ist eine Checkliste für Informationen, die Sie angeben sollten:\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Käufer sind: Haben Sie die Traditional- oder Crypto-Überweisung gemacht? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung gestartet" geklickt?\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Verkäufer sind: Haben Sie die Traditional- oder Crypto-Zahlung erhalten? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung erhalten" geklickt?\n\t● Welche Version von Haveno verwenden Sie?\n\t● Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?\n\t● Wenn Sie ein Problem mit fehlgeschlagenen Transaktionen hatten, überlegen Sie bitte, in ein neues Datenverzeichnis zu wechseln.\n\t Manchmal wird das Datenverzeichnis beschädigt und führt zu seltsamen Fehlern. \n\t Siehe: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nBitte machen Sie sich mit den Grundregeln für den Konfliktprozess vertraut:\n\t● Sie müssen auf die Anfragen der {0}'' innerhalb von 2 Tagen antworten.\n\t● Mediatoren antworten innerhalb von 2 Tagen. Die Vermittler antworten innerhalb von 5 Werktagen.\n\t● Die maximale Frist für einen Konflikt beträgt 14 Tage.\n\t● Sie müssen mit den {1} zusammenarbeiten und die Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sie anfordern, um Ihren Fall zu bearbeiten.\n\t● Mit dem ersten Start der Anwendung haben Sie die Regeln des Konfliktdokuments in der Nutzervereinbarung akzeptiert.\n\nSie können mehr über den Konfliktprozess erfahren unter: {2}
support.systemMsg=Systemnachricht: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Sie haben eine Anfrage auf Support geöffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno-Version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Sie haben eine Anfrage für einen Konflikt geöffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno-version: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Später herunterladen
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Diese Version ignorieren
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Ein neues Haveno-Update ist verfügbar!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Download fehlgeschlagen
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download fehlgeschlagen.\nBitte downloaden Sie und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unfähig den richtigen Installer zu bestimmen. Bitte downloaden und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verifikation fehlgeschlagen.\nBitte downloaden Sie und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download fehlgeschlagen.\nBitte downloaden Sie und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unfähig den richtigen Installer zu bestimmen. Bitte downloaden und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verifikation fehlgeschlagen.\nBitte downloaden Sie und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Die neue Version wurde erfolgreich heruntergeladen und die Signatur überprüft.\n\nBitte öffnen Sie das Downloadverzeichnis, schließen die Anwendung und installieren die neue Version.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Downloadverzeichnis öffnen
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=Die Einzahlungstransaktion des geschlossenen Tr
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Die Wallet ist noch nicht initialisiert
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Aufgrund strengerer Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ab MacOS 10.14 führt der Start einer Java-Anwendung (Haveno verwendet Java) zu einer Popup-Warnung in MacOS ("Haveno möchte Tastenanschläge von einer Anwendung empfangen").\n\nUm dieses Problem zu vermeiden, öffnen Sie bitte Ihre 'macOS-Einstellungen' und gehen Sie zu 'Sicherheit & Datenschutz' -> 'Datenschutz' -> 'Eingabe-Überwachung' und entfernen Sie 'Haveno' aus der Liste auf der rechten Seite.\n\nHaveno wird auf eine neuere Java-Version upgraden, um dieses Problem zu vermeiden, sobald die technischen Einschränkungen (Java-Packager für die benötigte Java-Version wird noch nicht ausgeliefert) behoben sind.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Sie verwenden vermutlich die falsche Haveno-Version für diesen Computer.\nDie Architektur Ihres Computers ist: {0}.\nDie installierten Haveno-Binärdateien sind: {1}.\nBitte fahren Sie Haveno herunter und installieren die korrekte Version ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Wir haben inkompatible Datenbankdateien entdeckt!\n\nDiese Datenbankdatei(en) ist (sind) nicht kompatibel mit unserer aktuellen Code-Basis:\n{0}\n\nWir haben ein Backup der beschädigten Datei(en) erstellt und die Standardwerte auf eine neue Datenbankversion angewendet.\n\nDas Backup befindet sich unter:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nBitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie die neueste Version von Haveno installiert haben.\nSie können sie herunterladen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nBitte starten Sie die Anwendung neu.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Wir haben inkompatible Datenbankdateien entdeckt!\n\nDiese Datenbankdatei(en) ist (sind) nicht kompatibel mit unserer aktuellen Code-Basis:\n{0}\n\nWir haben ein Backup der beschädigten Datei(en) erstellt und die Standardwerte auf eine neue Datenbankversion angewendet.\n\nDas Backup befindet sich unter:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nBitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie die neueste Version von Haveno installiert haben.\nSie können sie herunterladen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nBitte starten Sie die Anwendung neu.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno läuft bereits. Sie können nicht zwei Instanzen von Haveno laufen lassen.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Ihr Trade mit der ID {0} hat die Hälfte der maximal erlaubten Trade-Periode erreicht und ist immer noch nicht abgeschlossen.\n\nDie Trade-Periode endet am {1}\n\nBitte überprüfen Sie den Status Ihres Trades unter \"Portfolio/Offene Trades\" für weitere Informationen.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Ihr Trade mit der ID {0} hat die maximal zulässige Trade-Periode erreicht und ist nicht abgeschlossen.\n\nDie Trade-Periode endete am {1}.\n\nBitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Trade unter \"Portfolio/Offene Trades\", um den Mediator zu kontaktieren.
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Ungültiger Vermittler ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Alle {0} Zahlungskonten wurden erfolgreich unterzeichnet!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Den Unterzeichnungsstand all Ihrer Konten finden Sie im Abschnitt Konto.\n\nFür weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Den Unterzeichnungsstand all Ihrer Konten finden Sie im Abschnitt Konto.\n\nFür weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Eines Ihrer Zahlungskonten wurde von einem Vermittler verifiziert und unterzeichnet. Wenn Sie mit diesem Konto traden, wird das Konto Ihres Trade-Partners nach einem erfolgreichen Trade automatisch unterzeichnet.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Eines Ihrer Zahlungskonten wurde von einem Trade-Partner verifiziert und unterzeichnet. Ihr anfängliches Trade-Limit wird aufgehoben und Sie können in {0} Tagen andere Konten unterzeichnen.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=Das anfängliche Limit für eines Ihrer Konten wurde aufgehoben.\n\n{0}
@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=Die Stadt wird mit dem Angebot angezeigt
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Gib spezielle Bedingungen, Abmachungen oder Details die bei ihren Angeboten unter diesem Zahlungskonto angezeigt werden sollen an. Nutzer werden diese Informationen vor der Annahme des Angebots sehen.
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche 'Face to Face' Trades haben unterschiedliche Regeln und sind mit anderen Risiken verbunden als gewöhnliche Online-Trades.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Trading Partner müssen die Kontaktdaten und Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens austauschen.\n● Die Trading Partner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung der "gesendeten Zahlung" und der "erhaltenen Zahlung" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn ein Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese im Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" des Kontos angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Anbieter angegebenen "Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Mediator oder Arbitrator nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist zu bestimmen, was beim Treffen passiert ist. In solchen Fällen können die Bitcoin auf unbestimmte Zeit oder bis zu einer Einigung der Trading Peers gesperrt werden.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen 'Face to Face' Trades vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche 'Face to Face' Trades haben unterschiedliche Regeln und sind mit anderen Risiken verbunden als gewöhnliche Online-Trades.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Trading Partner müssen die Kontaktdaten und Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens austauschen.\n● Die Trading Partner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung der "gesendeten Zahlung" und der "erhaltenen Zahlung" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn ein Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese im Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" des Kontos angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Anbieter angegebenen "Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Mediator oder Arbitrator nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist zu bestimmen, was beim Treffen passiert ist. In solchen Fällen können die Bitcoin auf unbestimmte Zeit oder bis zu einer Einigung der Trading Peers gesperrt werden.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen 'Face to Face' Trades vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Land und Stadt: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Zusätzliche Informationen: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Esta oferta usa un método de pago que n
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Esta oferta no puede tomarse debido a restricciones de intercambio de la contraparte
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Con esta versión de software, los pares de intercambio pueden verificar y firmar entre sí sus cuentas de pago para crear una red de cuentas de pago de confianza.\n\nDespués de intercambiar con éxito con un par con una cuenta de pago verificada, su cuenta de pago será firmada y los límites de intercambio se elevarán después de un cierto intervalo de tiempo (la duración de este intervalo depende del método de verificación).\n\nPara más información acerca del firmado de cuentas, por favor vea la documentación en [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Con esta versión de software, los pares de intercambio pueden verificar y firmar entre sí sus cuentas de pago para crear una red de cuentas de pago de confianza.\n\nDespués de intercambiar con éxito con un par con una cuenta de pago verificada, su cuenta de pago será firmada y los límites de intercambio se elevarán después de un cierto intervalo de tiempo (la duración de este intervalo depende del método de verificación).\n\nPara más información acerca del firmado de cuentas, por favor vea la documentación en [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=El monto de intercambio permitido está limitado a {0} debido a restricciones de seguridad basadas en los siguientes criterios:\n- La cuenta del comprador no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par\n- El tiempo desde el firmado de la cuenta del comprador no es de al menos 30 días.\n- el método de pago para esta oferta se considera riesgoso para devoluciones de cargo\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=El monto de intercambio permitido está limitado a {0} debido a restricciones de seguridad basadas en los siguientes criterios:\n- Su cuenta de pago no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par\n- El tiempo desde el firmado de su cuenta no es de al menos 30 días\n- El método de pago para esta oferta se considera riesgoso para devoluciones de cargo\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Esta oferta ha sido bloqueada por los desarrollad
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=La moneda utilizada en esta oferta fue bloqueada por los desarrolladores de Haveno.\nPor favor visite el Forum de Haveno para más información.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=El método de pago utilizado en esta oferta fue bloqueado por los desarrolladores de Haveno.\nPor favor visite el Forum Haveno para más información.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=La dirección onion de este comerciante ha sido bloqueada por los desarrolladores de Haveno.\nProbablemente existe un error de software desatendido que causa problemas al tomar ofertas de este comerciante.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Su versión de Haveno ya no es compatible para realizar intercambios.\nPor favor actualice a la última versión de Haveno en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Su versión de Haveno ya no es compatible para realizar intercambios.\nPor favor actualice a la última versión de Haveno en [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=No puede aceptar esta oferta porque ya lo hizo antes. Podría ser que su intento anterior de aceptar esta oferta haya terminado como un intercambio fallido.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Venderá a precio de mercado (actualizado cada minuto).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=El par de intercambio ha ace
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Ver resolución propuesta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado de mediación para el intercambio con ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=El par de intercambio ha aceptado la sugerencia del mediador para el intercmabio {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=El mediador ha sugerido el siguiente pago:\nUsted recibe: {0}\nEl par de intercambio recibe: {1}\n\nUsted puede aceptar o rechazar esta sugerencia de pago.\n\nAceptándola, usted firma el pago propuesto. Si su par de intercambio también acepta y firma, el pago se completará y el intercambio se cerrará.\n\nSi una o ambas partes rechaza la sugerencia, tendrá que esperar hasta {2} (bloque {3}) para abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caso de nuevo y realizará el pago de acuerdo a sus hallazgos.\n\nEl árbitro puede cobrar una tasa pequeña (tasa máxima: el depósito de seguridad del comerciante) como compensación por su trabajo. Que las dos partes estén de acuerdo es el buen camino, ya que requerir arbitraje se reserva para circunstancias excepcionales, como que un comerciante esté seguro de que el mediador hizo una sugerencia de pago injusta (o que la otra parte no responda).\n\nMás detalles acerca del nuevo modelo de arbitraje:\n[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Ha aceptado el pago sugerido por el mediador, pero parece que su par de intercambio no lo ha aceptado.\n\nUna vez que finaliza el tiempo de bloqueo en el {0} (bloque {1}), puede abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caso nuevamente y realizará un pago en función de sus hallazgos.\n\nPuede encontrar más detalles sobre el modelo de arbitraje en:\n[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=El mediador ha sugerido el siguiente pago:\nUsted recibe: {0}\nEl par de intercambio recibe: {1}\n\nUsted puede aceptar o rechazar esta sugerencia de pago.\n\nAceptándola, usted firma el pago propuesto. Si su par de intercambio también acepta y firma, el pago se completará y el intercambio se cerrará.\n\nSi una o ambas partes rechaza la sugerencia, tendrá que esperar hasta {2} (bloque {3}) para abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caso de nuevo y realizará el pago de acuerdo a sus hallazgos.\n\nEl árbitro puede cobrar una tasa pequeña (tasa máxima: el depósito de seguridad del comerciante) como compensación por su trabajo. Que las dos partes estén de acuerdo es el buen camino, ya que requerir arbitraje se reserva para circunstancias excepcionales, como que un comerciante esté seguro de que el mediador hizo una sugerencia de pago injusta (o que la otra parte no responda).\n\nMás detalles acerca del nuevo modelo de arbitraje:\n[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Ha aceptado el pago sugerido por el mediador, pero parece que su par de intercambio no lo ha aceptado.\n\nUna vez que finaliza el tiempo de bloqueo en el {0} (bloque {1}), puede abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caso nuevamente y realizará un pago en función de sus hallazgos.\n\nPuede encontrar más detalles sobre el modelo de arbitraje en:\n[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rechazar y solicitar arbitraje
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Ya ha aceptado
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=comprador/Tomador BTC
support.sellerTaker=vendedor/Tomador BTC
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno no es una compañía, por ello maneja las disputas de una forma diferente.\n\nLos compradores y vendedores pueden comunicarse a través de la aplicación por un chat seguro en la pantalla de intercambios abiertos para intentar resolver una disputa por su cuenta. Si eso no es suficiente, un mediador puede intervenir para ayudar. El mediador evaluará la situación y dará una recomendación para el pago de los fondos de la transacción. Si ambos aceptan esta sugerencia, la transacción del pago se completa y el intercambio se cierra. Si uno o ambos no están de acuerdo con el pago recomendado por el mediador, pueden solicitar arbitraje. El árbitro re-evaluará la situación y, si es necesario, hará el pago personalmente y solicitará un reembolso de este pago a la DAO de Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto de abajo. Añada tanta información como sea posible para agilizar la resolución de la disputa.\n\nEsta es una lista de la información que usted debe proveer:\n\t● Si es el comprador de BTC: ¿Hizo la transferencia Traditional o Cryptocurrency? Si es así, ¿Pulsó el botón 'pago iniciado' en la aplicación?\n\t● Si es el vendedor de BTC: ¿Recibió el pago Traditional o Cryptocurrency? Si es así, ¿Pulsó el botón 'pago recibido' en la aplicación?\n\t● ¿Qué versión de Haveno está usando?\n\t● ¿Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n\t● Si tiene problemas con transacciones fallidas, por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\n\tA veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y causa errores extraños.\n\tVer: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPor favor, familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n\t● Tiene que responder a los requerimientos de {0} en 2 días.\n\t● Los mediadores responden en 2 días. Los árbitros responden en 5 días laborables.\n\t● El periodo máximo para una disputa es de 14 días.\n\t● Tiene que cooperar con {1} y proveer la información necesaria que soliciten.\n\t● Aceptó la reglas esbozadas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario cuando inició por primera ver la aplicación.\n\nPuede leer más sobre el proceso de disputa en: {2}
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto de abajo. Añada tanta información como sea posible para agilizar la resolución de la disputa.\n\nEsta es una lista de la información que usted debe proveer:\n\t● Si es el comprador de BTC: ¿Hizo la transferencia Traditional o Cryptocurrency? Si es así, ¿Pulsó el botón 'pago iniciado' en la aplicación?\n\t● Si es el vendedor de BTC: ¿Recibió el pago Traditional o Cryptocurrency? Si es así, ¿Pulsó el botón 'pago recibido' en la aplicación?\n\t● ¿Qué versión de Haveno está usando?\n\t● ¿Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n\t● Si tiene problemas con transacciones fallidas, por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\n\tA veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y causa errores extraños.\n\tVer: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPor favor, familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n\t● Tiene que responder a los requerimientos de {0} en 2 días.\n\t● Los mediadores responden en 2 días. Los árbitros responden en 5 días laborables.\n\t● El periodo máximo para una disputa es de 14 días.\n\t● Tiene que cooperar con {1} y proveer la información necesaria que soliciten.\n\t● Aceptó la reglas esbozadas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario cuando inició por primera ver la aplicación.\n\nPuede leer más sobre el proceso de disputa en: {2}
support.systemMsg=Mensaje de sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Ha abierto una solicitud de soporte.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Haveno: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Ha abierto una solicitud de disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Haveno: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Descargar más tarde
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignorar esta versión
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=¡Una nueva versión de Haveno está disponible!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Descarga fallida
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Descarga fallida.\nPor favor descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=No se puede determinar el instalador correcto. Por favor, descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verificación fallida.\nPor favor descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Descarga fallida.\nPor favor descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=No se puede determinar el instalador correcto. Por favor, descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verificación fallida.\nPor favor descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=La nueva versión ha sido descargada con éxito y la firma verificada.\n\nPor favor abra el directorio de descargas, cierre la aplicación e instale la nueva versión.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Abrir directorio de descargas
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=El depósito de transacción de el intercambio
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=La cartera aún no sea ha iniciado
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Debido a medidas de seguridad más estrictas en macOS 10.14 y siguientes, al iniciar una aplicación Java (Haveno usa Java) causa un popup de alarma en macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nPara evitar esto por favor abra su 'Configuración macOS' y vaya a 'Seguridad y privacidad' -> 'Privacidad¡ -> 'Monitorización de inputs' y elimine 'Haveno' de la lista a la derecha.\n\nHaveno actualizara a una nueva versión de Java para evitar que este problema tan pronto como se resuelvan las limitaciones técnicas (el paquete de Java para la versión requerida de Java aún no se ha emitido).
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Probablemente tenga una versión de Haveno incorrecta para este ordenador.\nLa arquitectura de su ordenador es: {0}.\nLos binarios de Haveno instalados son: {1}.\nPor favor cierre y reinstale la versión correcta ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=¡Hemos detectado archivos de base de datos incompatibles!\n\nEstos archivos de base de datos no son compatibles con nuestro actual código base:\n{0}\n\nHemos hecho una copia de seguridad de los archivos corruptos y aplicado los valores por defecto a la nueva versión de base de datos.\n\nLa copia de seguridad se localiza en:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPor favor, compruebe si tiene la última versión de Haveno instalada.\nPuede descargarla en:\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]\n\nPor favor, reinicie la aplicación.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=¡Hemos detectado archivos de base de datos incompatibles!\n\nEstos archivos de base de datos no son compatibles con nuestro actual código base:\n{0}\n\nHemos hecho una copia de seguridad de los archivos corruptos y aplicado los valores por defecto a la nueva versión de base de datos.\n\nLa copia de seguridad se localiza en:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPor favor, compruebe si tiene la última versión de Haveno instalada.\nPuede descargarla en:\n[HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]\n\nPor favor, reinicie la aplicación.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Ya está ejecutando Haveno. No puede ejecutar dos instancias de Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Su intercambio con ID {0} ha alcanzado la mitad de el periodo máximo permitido de intercambio y aún no está completada.\n\nEl periodo de intercambio termina el {1}\n\nPor favor, compruebe el estado de su intercambio en \"Portafolio/Intercambios abiertos\" para más información.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Su intercambio con ID {0} ha alcanzado el periodo máximo de intercambio y no se ha completado.\n\nEl periodo de intercambio finalizó en {1}\n\nPor favor, compruebe su intrecambio en \"Portafolio/Intercambios abiertos\" para contactar con el mediador.
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=ECKey de mal árbitro
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Todas las cuentas de pago {0} se firmaron con éxito!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Encontrará el estado de firma de todas sus cuentas en la sección de cuentas.\n\nPara más información, por favor visite [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Encontrará el estado de firma de todas sus cuentas en la sección de cuentas.\n\nPara más información, por favor visite [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Una de sus cuentas de pago ha sido verificada y firmada por un árbitro. Intercambiar con esta cuenta firmará automáticamente la cuenta de su par de intercambio después de un intercambio exitoso.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Una de sus cuentas de pago ha sido verificada y firmada por un par de intercambio. Su límite inicial de intercambio ha sido elevado y podrá firmar otras cuentas en {0} días desde ahora.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=El límite inicial para una de sus cuentas se ha elevado.\n\n{0}
@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ciudad se mostrará con la oferta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Información adicional opcional
payment.shared.extraInfo=Información adicional
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Defina cualquier término especial, condiciones o detalles que quiera mostrar junto a sus ofertas para esta cuenta de pago (otros usuarios podrán ver esta información antes de aceptar las ofertas).
payment.f2f.info=Los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' tienen diferentes reglas y riesgos que las transacciones en línea.\n\nLas principales diferencias son:\n● Los pares de intercambio necesitan intercambiar información acerca del punto de reunión y la hora usando los detalles de contacto proporcionados.\n● Los pares de intercambio tienen que traer sus portátiles y hacer la confirmación de 'pago enviado' y 'pago recibido' en el lugar de reunión.\n● Si un creador tiene 'términos y condiciones' especiales necesita declararlos en el campo de texto 'información adicional' en la cuenta.\n● Tomando una oferta el tomador está de acuerdo con los 'términos y condiciones' declarados por el creador.\n● En caso de disputa el árbitro no puede ayudar mucho ya que normalmente es complicado obtener evidencias no manipulables de lo que ha pasado en una reunión. En estos casos los fondos BTC pueden bloquearse indefinidamente o hasta que los pares lleguen a un acuerdo.\n\nPara asegurarse de que comprende las diferencias con los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' por favor lea las instrucciones y recomendaciones en: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info=Los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' tienen diferentes reglas y riesgos que las transacciones en línea.\n\nLas principales diferencias son:\n● Los pares de intercambio necesitan intercambiar información acerca del punto de reunión y la hora usando los detalles de contacto proporcionados.\n● Los pares de intercambio tienen que traer sus portátiles y hacer la confirmación de 'pago enviado' y 'pago recibido' en el lugar de reunión.\n● Si un creador tiene 'términos y condiciones' especiales necesita declararlos en el campo de texto 'información adicional' en la cuenta.\n● Tomando una oferta el tomador está de acuerdo con los 'términos y condiciones' declarados por el creador.\n● En caso de disputa el árbitro no puede ayudar mucho ya que normalmente es complicado obtener evidencias no manipulables de lo que ha pasado en una reunión. En estos casos los fondos BTC pueden bloquearse indefinidamente o hasta que los pares lleguen a un acuerdo.\n\nPara asegurarse de que comprende las diferencias con los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' por favor lea las instrucciones y recomendaciones en: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir paǵina web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País y ciudad: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Información adicional: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=This offer cannot be taken due to counterparty trade restrictions
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=پیشنهاد توسط توسعه دهندگان
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=ارز مورد استفاده در آن پیشنهاد، توسط توسعهدهندگان Haveno مسدود شد.\nبرای اطلاعات بیشتر، لطفاً از انجمن Haveno بازدید نمایید.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=روش پرداخت مورد استفاده در آن پیشنهاد، توسط توسعه دهندگان Haveno مسدود شد.\nلطفاً برای اطلاعات بیشتر، از انجمن Haveno بازدید نمایید.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=آدرس onion آن معامله گر، توسط توسعه دهندگان Haveno مسدود شد.\nاحتمالاً هنگام گرفتن پیشنهاد از جانب آن معامله گر، یک اشکال ناامن موجب پدید آمدن مسائلی شده است.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=با قیمت روز بازار خواهید فروخت (به روز رسانی در هر دقیقه).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=خریدار/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sellerTaker=فروشنده/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.systemMsg=پیغام سیستم: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=شما یک درخواست برای پشتیبانی باز کردید.\n\n{0}\n\nنسخه Haveno شما: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=شما یک درخواست برای یک اختلاف باز کردید.\n\n{0}\n\nنسخه Haveno شما: {1}
@ -1323,9 +1323,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=بعداً دانلود کن
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=نادیده گرفتن این نسخه
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=یک به روز رسانی جدید برای Haveno موجود است!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=دانلود ناموفق بود
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=نسخه ی جدید به طور موفقیت آمیز دانلود و امضا تأیید شد.\n\nلطفاً راهنمای دانلود را باز کرده، برنامه را ببندید و نسخه ی جدید را نصب نمایید.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=باز کردن راهنمای دانلود
@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=The deposit transaction of the closed trade wit
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=کیف پول هنوز راه اندازی اولیه نشده است
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=شما احتمالاً نسخه اشتباه Haveno را برای این رایانه دارید.\nمعماری کامپیوتر شما این است: {0}.\nباینری Haveno که شما نصب کرده اید،عبارت است از: {1}.\nلطفاً نسخه فعلی را خاموش کرده و مجدداً نصب نمایید ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno در حال اجرا است. شما نمیتوانید دو نمونه از Haveno را اجرا کنید.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=معامله شما با شناسه {0} نیمی از حداکثر مجاز دوره زمانی معامله را به پایان رسانده و هنوز کامل نشده است. \n\nدوره معامله در {1} به پایان می رسد\n\n لطفا وضعیت معامله خود را در \"سبد سهام/معاملات باز\" برای اطلاعات بیشتر، بررسی کنید.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator.
@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Bad arbitrator ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=All {0} payment accounts were successfully signed!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by an arbitrator. Trading with this account will automatically sign your trading peer''s account after a successful trade.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by a trading peer. Your initial trading limit will be lifted and you''ll be able to sign other accounts in {0} days from now.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=The initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0}
@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=نام شهر به همراه پیشنهاد نمایش
payment.shared.optionalExtra=اطلاعات اضافی اختیاری
payment.shared.extraInfo=اطلاعات اضافی
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=باز کردن صفحه وب
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=اطلاعات اضافی: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Cette offre utilise un mode de paiement
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Cette offre ne peut être acceptée en raison de restrictions d'échange imposées par les contreparties
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Grâce à cette version du logiciel, les partenaires commerciaux peuvent confirmer et vérifier les comptes de paiement de chacun pour créer un réseau de comptes de paiement de confiance.\n\nUne fois la transaction réussie, votre compte de paiement sera vérifié et les restrictions de transaction seront levées après une certaine période de temps (cette durée est basée sur la méthode de vérification).\n\nPour plus d'informations sur la vérification de votre compte, veuillez consulter le document sur https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Grâce à cette version du logiciel, les partenaires commerciaux peuvent confirmer et vérifier les comptes de paiement de chacun pour créer un réseau de comptes de paiement de confiance.\n\nUne fois la transaction réussie, votre compte de paiement sera vérifié et les restrictions de transaction seront levées après une certaine période de temps (cette durée est basée sur la méthode de vérification).\n\nPour plus d'informations sur la vérification de votre compte, veuillez consulter le document sur https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Le compte de l''acheteur n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature du compte de l''acheteur est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Votre compte n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature de votre compte est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=L'ordre a été bloqué par des développeurs de
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=La devise utilisée pour cet ordre a été bloquée par les développeurs de Haveno.\nVeuillez visiter le Forum Haveno pour obtenir plus d'informations.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Le mode de paiement utilisé pour cet ordre a été bloqué par les développeurs de Haveno.\nVeuillez visiter le Forum Haveno pour obtenir plus d'informations.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=L'adresse onion de ce trader a été bloquée par les développeurs de Haveno.\nIl s'agit peut être d'un bug qui cause des problèmes lors de l'acceptation de cet ordre.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Votre version Haveno n'est plus compatible avec les transactions. Veuillez mettre à jour la dernière version de Haveno via https://bisq.network/downloads
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Votre version Haveno n'est plus compatible avec les transactions. Veuillez mettre à jour la dernière version de Haveno via https://haveno.exchange/downloads
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Vous ne pouvez pas prendre la commande car vous avez déjà terminé l'opération. Il se peut que votre précédente tentative de prise de commandes ait entraîné l'échec de la transaction.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Vous vendrez au prix du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
@ -787,8 +787,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Votre pair de trading a acce
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Voir la résolution proposée
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Résultat de la médiation pour la transaction avec l''ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Votre pair de trading a accepté la suggestion du médiateur pour la transaction {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=Les frais recommandés par le médiateur sont les suivants: \nVous paierez: {0} \nVotre partenaire commercial paiera: {1} \n\nVous pouvez accepter ou refuser ces frais de médiation. \n\nEn acceptant, vous avez vérifié l'opération de paiement du contrat. Si votre partenaire commercial accepte et vérifie également, le paiement sera effectué et la transaction sera clôturée. \n\nSi l'un de vous ou les deux refusent la proposition, vous devrez attendre le {2} (bloc {3}) pour commencer le deuxième tour de discussion sur le différend avec l'arbitre, et ce dernier étudiera à nouveau le cas. Le paiement sera fait en fonction de ses résultats. \n\nL'arbitre peut facturer une somme modique (la limite supérieure des honoraires: la marge de la transaction) en compensation de son travail. Les deux commerçants conviennent que la suggestion du médiateur est une voie agréable. La demande d'arbitrage concerne des circonstances particulières, par exemple si un professionnel est convaincu que le médiateur n'a pas fait une recommandation de d'indemnisation équitable (ou si l'autre partenaire n'a pas répondu). \n\nPlus de détails sur le nouveau modèle d'arbitrage: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Vous avez accepté la proposition de paiement du médiateur, mais il semble que votre contrepartie ne l'ait pas acceptée. \n\nUne fois que le temps de verrouillage atteint {0} (bloc {1}), vous pouvez ouvrir le second tour de litige pour que l'arbitre réétudie le cas et prend une nouvelle décision de dépenses. \n\nVous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur le modèle d'arbitrage sur:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=Les frais recommandés par le médiateur sont les suivants: \nVous paierez: {0} \nVotre partenaire commercial paiera: {1} \n\nVous pouvez accepter ou refuser ces frais de médiation. \n\nEn acceptant, vous avez vérifié l'opération de paiement du contrat. Si votre partenaire commercial accepte et vérifie également, le paiement sera effectué et la transaction sera clôturée. \n\nSi l'un de vous ou les deux refusent la proposition, vous devrez attendre le {2} (bloc {3}) pour commencer le deuxième tour de discussion sur le différend avec l'arbitre, et ce dernier étudiera à nouveau le cas. Le paiement sera fait en fonction de ses résultats. \n\nL'arbitre peut facturer une somme modique (la limite supérieure des honoraires: la marge de la transaction) en compensation de son travail. Les deux commerçants conviennent que la suggestion du médiateur est une voie agréable. La demande d'arbitrage concerne des circonstances particulières, par exemple si un professionnel est convaincu que le médiateur n'a pas fait une recommandation de d'indemnisation équitable (ou si l'autre partenaire n'a pas répondu). \n\nPlus de détails sur le nouveau modèle d'arbitrage: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Vous avez accepté la proposition de paiement du médiateur, mais il semble que votre contrepartie ne l'ait pas acceptée. \n\nUne fois que le temps de verrouillage atteint {0} (bloc {1}), vous pouvez ouvrir le second tour de litige pour que l'arbitre réétudie le cas et prend une nouvelle décision de dépenses. \n\nVous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur le modèle d'arbitrage sur:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Refuser et demander un arbitrage
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Vous avez déjà accepté
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Acheteur BTC/Taker
support.sellerTaker=Vendeur BTC/Taker
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno n'est pas une entreprise, donc elle traite les litiges différemment.\n\nLes traders peuvent communiquer au sein de l'application via un chat sécurisé sur l'écran des transactions ouvertes pour essayer de résoudre les litiges par eux-mêmes. Si cela ne suffit pas, un médiateur peut intervenir pour les aider. Le médiateur évaluera la situation et suggérera un paiement des fonds de transaction. Si les deux traders acceptent cette suggestion, la transaction de paiement est réalisée et l'échange est clos. Si un ou les deux traders n'acceptent pas le paiement suggéré par le médiateur, ils peuvent demander un arbitrage. L'arbitre réévaluera la situation et, si cela est justifié, remboursera personnellement le négociateur et demandera le remboursement de ce paiement à la DAO Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Veuillez entrer une description de votre problème dans le champ texte ci-dessous. Ajoutez autant d''informations que possible pour accélérer le temps de résolution du litige.\n\nVoici une check list des informations que vous devez fournir :\n● Si vous êtes l''acheteur BTC : Avez-vous effectué le paiement Fiat ou Crypto ? Si oui, avez-vous cliqué sur le bouton "paiement commencé" dans l''application ?\n● Si vous êtes le vendeur BTC : Avez-vous reçu le paiement Fiat ou Crypto ? Si oui, avez-vous cliqué sur le bouton "paiement reçu" dans l''application ?\n● Quelle version de Haveno utilisez-vous ?\n● Quel système d''exploitation utilisez-vous ?\n● Si vous avez rencontré un problème avec des transactions qui ont échoué, veuillez envisager de passer à un nouveau répertoire de données.\nParfois, le répertoire de données est corrompu et conduit à des bogues étranges. \nVoir : https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nVeuillez vous familiariser avec les règles de base du processus de règlement des litiges :\n● Vous devez répondre aux demandes des {0} dans les 2 jours.\n● Les médiateurs répondent dans un délai de 2 jours. Les arbitres répondent dans un délai de 5 jours ouvrables.\n● Le délai maximum pour un litige est de 14 jours.\n● Vous devez coopérer avec les {1} et fournir les renseignements qu''ils demandent pour faire valoir votre cause.\n● Vous avez accepté les règles décrites dans le document de litige dans l''accord d''utilisation lorsque vous avez lancé l''application pour la première fois.\n\nVous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur le processus de litige à l''adresse suivante {2}
support.initialInfo=Veuillez entrer une description de votre problème dans le champ texte ci-dessous. Ajoutez autant d''informations que possible pour accélérer le temps de résolution du litige.\n\nVoici une check list des informations que vous devez fournir :\n● Si vous êtes l''acheteur BTC : Avez-vous effectué le paiement Fiat ou Crypto ? Si oui, avez-vous cliqué sur le bouton "paiement commencé" dans l''application ?\n● Si vous êtes le vendeur BTC : Avez-vous reçu le paiement Fiat ou Crypto ? Si oui, avez-vous cliqué sur le bouton "paiement reçu" dans l''application ?\n● Quelle version de Haveno utilisez-vous ?\n● Quel système d''exploitation utilisez-vous ?\n● Si vous avez rencontré un problème avec des transactions qui ont échoué, veuillez envisager de passer à un nouveau répertoire de données.\nParfois, le répertoire de données est corrompu et conduit à des bogues étranges. \nVoir : https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nVeuillez vous familiariser avec les règles de base du processus de règlement des litiges :\n● Vous devez répondre aux demandes des {0} dans les 2 jours.\n● Les médiateurs répondent dans un délai de 2 jours. Les arbitres répondent dans un délai de 5 jours ouvrables.\n● Le délai maximum pour un litige est de 14 jours.\n● Vous devez coopérer avec les {1} et fournir les renseignements qu''ils demandent pour faire valoir votre cause.\n● Vous avez accepté les règles décrites dans le document de litige dans l''accord d''utilisation lorsque vous avez lancé l''application pour la première fois.\n\nVous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur le processus de litige à l''adresse suivante {2}
support.systemMsg=Message du système: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Vous avez ouvert une demande de support.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Vous avez ouvert une demande de litige.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno version: {1}
@ -1325,9 +1325,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Télécharger plus tard
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignorer cette version
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Une nouvelle mise à jour Haveno est disponible !
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Echec du téléchargement
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Téléchargement échoué. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier via [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Impossible de déterminer le bon programme d'installation. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier manuellement via [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] .
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Vérification échouée. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier manuellement via [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Téléchargement échoué. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier via [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Impossible de déterminer le bon programme d'installation. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier manuellement via [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads] .
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Vérification échouée. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier manuellement via [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=La nouvelle version a été téléchargée avec succès et la signature vérifiée.\n\nVeuillez ouvrir le répertoire de téléchargement, fermer l'application et installer la nouvelle version.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Ouvrir le répertoire de téléchargement
@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=La transaction de dépôt de l'échange fermé
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Le portefeuille n'est pas encore initialisé
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=En raison de mesures de sécurité plus strictes dans MacOS 10.14 et dans la version supérieure, le lancement d'une application Java (Haveno utilise Java) provoquera un avertissement pop-up dans MacOS (« Haveno souhaite recevoir les frappes de toute application »). \n\nPour éviter ce problème, veuillez ouvrir «Paramètres MacOS», puis allez dans «Sécurité et confidentialité» -> «Confidentialité» -> «Surveillance des entrées», puis supprimez «Haveno» de la liste de droite. \n\nUne fois les limitations techniques résolues (le packager Java de la version Java requise n'a pas été livré), Haveno effectuera une mise à niveau vers la nouvelle version Java pour éviter ce problème.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Vous avez probablement une mauvaise version de Haveno sur cet ordinateur.\nL''architecture de votre ordinateur est: {0}.\nLa binary Haveno que vous avez installé est: {1}.\nVeuillez éteindre et réinstaller une bonne version ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Nous avons détecté un fichier de base de données incompatible!\n\nCes fichiers de base de données ne sont pas compatibles avec notre base de code actuelle: {0}\n\nNous avons sauvegardé les fichiers endommagés et appliqué les valeurs par défaut à la nouvelle version de la base de données.\n\nLa sauvegarde se trouve dans: \n\n{1} / db / backup_of_corrupted_data. \n\nVeuillez vérifier si vous avez installé la dernière version de Haveno. \n\nVous pouvez télécharger: \n\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] \n\nVeuillez redémarrer l'application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=Nous avons détecté un fichier de base de données incompatible!\n\nCes fichiers de base de données ne sont pas compatibles avec notre base de code actuelle: {0}\n\nNous avons sauvegardé les fichiers endommagés et appliqué les valeurs par défaut à la nouvelle version de la base de données.\n\nLa sauvegarde se trouve dans: \n\n{1} / db / backup_of_corrupted_data. \n\nVeuillez vérifier si vous avez installé la dernière version de Haveno. \n\nVous pouvez télécharger: \n\n[HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads] \n\nVeuillez redémarrer l'application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno est déjà lancé. Vous ne pouvez pas lancer deux instances de haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Votre transaction avec ID {0} a atteint la moitié de la période de trading maximale autorisée et n''est toujours pas terminée.\n\nLa période de trade se termine le {1}.\n\nVeuillez vérifier l''état de votre transaction dans \"Portfolio/échanges en cours\" pour obtenir de plus amples informations.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Votre échange avec l''ID {0} a atteint la période de trading maximale autorisée et n''est pas terminé.\n\nLa période d''échange s''est terminée le {1}.\n\nVeuillez vérifier votre transaction sur \"Portfolio/Echanges en cours\" pour contacter le médiateur.
@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Mauvaise ECKey de l'arbitre
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Tous les {0} comptes de paiement ont été signés avec succès !
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Vous trouverez l'état de signature de tous vos comptes dans la section compte.\n\nPour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter [LIEN:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=Vous trouverez l'état de signature de tous vos comptes dans la section compte.\n\nPour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter [LIEN:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Un de vos comptes de paiement a été vérifié et signé par un arbitre. Echanger avec ce compte signera automatiquement le compte de votre pair de trading après un échange réussi.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Un de vos comptes de paiement a été vérifié et signé par un pair de trading. Votre limite de trading initiale sera levée et vous pourrez signer d''autres comptes dans les {0} jours à venir.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=La limite initiale pour l''un de vos comptes a été levée.\n\n{0}
@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ville sera affichée en même temps que l'ordre
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informations complémentaires facultatives
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informations complémentaires
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Définissez n'importe quels termes spécifiques, conditons ou détails que vous souhaiteriez voir affichés avec vos offres pour ce compte de paiement (les utilisateurs verront ces informations avant d'accepter les offres).
payment.f2f.info=Les transactions en 'face à face' ont des règles différentes et comportent des risques différents de ceux des transactions en ligne.\n\nLes principales différences sont les suivantes:\n● Les pairs de trading doivent échanger des informations sur le lieu et l'heure de la réunion en utilisant les coordonnées de contanct qu'ils ont fournies.\n● Les pairs de trading doivent apporter leur ordinateur portable et faire la confirmation du 'paiement envoyé' et du 'paiement reçu' sur le lieu de la réunion.\n● Si un maker a des 'termes et conditions' spéciaux, il doit les indiquer dans le champ 'Informations supplémentaires' dans le compte.\n● En acceptant une offre, le taker accepte les 'termes et conditions' du maker.\n● En cas de litige, le médiateur ou l'arbitre ne peut pas beaucoup aider car il est généralement difficile d'obtenir des preuves irréfutables de ce qui s'est passé lors de la réunion. Dans ce cas, les fonds en BTC peuvent être bloqué s indéfiniment tant que les pairs ne parviennent pas à un accord.\n\nPour vous assurer de bien comprendre les spécificités des transactions 'face à face', veuillez lire les instructions et les recommandations à [LIEN:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info=Les transactions en 'face à face' ont des règles différentes et comportent des risques différents de ceux des transactions en ligne.\n\nLes principales différences sont les suivantes:\n● Les pairs de trading doivent échanger des informations sur le lieu et l'heure de la réunion en utilisant les coordonnées de contanct qu'ils ont fournies.\n● Les pairs de trading doivent apporter leur ordinateur portable et faire la confirmation du 'paiement envoyé' et du 'paiement reçu' sur le lieu de la réunion.\n● Si un maker a des 'termes et conditions' spéciaux, il doit les indiquer dans le champ 'Informations supplémentaires' dans le compte.\n● En acceptant une offre, le taker accepte les 'termes et conditions' du maker.\n● En cas de litige, le médiateur ou l'arbitre ne peut pas beaucoup aider car il est généralement difficile d'obtenir des preuves irréfutables de ce qui s'est passé lors de la réunion. Dans ce cas, les fonds en BTC peuvent être bloqué s indéfiniment tant que les pairs ne parviennent pas à un accord.\n\nPour vous assurer de bien comprendre les spécificités des transactions 'face à face', veuillez lire les instructions et les recommandations à [LIEN:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Ouvrir la page web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Pays et ville: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informations complémentaires: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Questa offerta non può essere accettata a causa di restrizioni di scambio della controparte
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=L'importo di scambio consentito è limitato a {0} a causa delle restrizioni di sicurezza basate sui seguenti criteri:\n- L'account dell'acquirente non è stato firmato da un arbitro o da un pari\n- Il tempo trascorso dalla firma dell'account dell'acquirente non è di almeno 30 giorni\n- Il metodo di pagamento per questa offerta è considerato rischioso per le richieste di storno bancarie\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=L'importo di scambio consentito è limitato a {0} a causa delle restrizioni di sicurezza basate sui seguenti criteri:\n- Il tuo account non è stato firmato da un arbitro o da un pari\n- Il tempo trascorso dalla firma del tuo account non è di almeno 30 giorni\n- Il metodo di pagamento per questa offerta è considerato rischioso per le richieste di storno bancarie\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Tale offerta è stata bloccata dagli sviluppatori
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=La valuta utilizzata in quell'offerta è stata bloccata dagli sviluppatori Haveno.\nPer ulteriori informazioni, visitare il forum di Haveno.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Il metodo di pagamento utilizzato in quell'offerta è stato bloccato dagli sviluppatori Haveno.\nPer ulteriori informazioni, visitare il forum di Haveno.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=L'indirizzo onion di quel trader è stato bloccato dagli sviluppatori Haveno.\nProbabilmente c'è un bug non gestito che causa problemi quando si accettano offerte da quel trader.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Venderai al prezzo di mercato (aggiornato ogni minuto).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Il tuo pari commerciale ha a
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Visualizza la risoluzione proposta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Risultato della mediazione per gli scambi con ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Il tuo pari commerciale ha accettato il suggerimento del mediatore per lo scambio {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rifiuta e richiedi l'arbitrato
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Hai già accettato
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Acquirente/Taker BTC
support.sellerTaker=Venditore/Taker BTC
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno non è una società, quindi gestisce le controversie in modo diverso.\n\nI trader possono comunicare all'interno dell'applicazione tramite chat sicura nella schermata degli scambi aperti per provare a risolvere le controversie da soli. Se ciò non è sufficiente, un mediatore può intervenire per aiutare. Il mediatore valuterà la situazione e suggerirà un pagamento di fondi commerciali. Se entrambi i trader accettano questo suggerimento, la transazione di pagamento è completata e lo scambio è chiuso. Se uno o entrambi i trader non accettano il pagamento suggerito dal mediatore, possono richiedere l'arbitrato. L'arbitro rivaluterà la situazione e, se garantito, ripagherà personalmente il trader e chiederà il rimborso per questo pagamento dal DAO Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Inserisci una descrizione del tuo problema nel campo di testo qui sotto. Aggiungi quante più informazioni possibili per accelerare i tempi di risoluzione della disputa.\n\nEcco una lista delle informazioni che dovresti fornire:\n● Se sei l'acquirente BTC: hai effettuato il trasferimento Traditional o Cryptocurrency? In tal caso, hai fatto clic sul pulsante "pagamento avviato" nell'applicazione?\n● Se sei il venditore BTC: hai ricevuto il pagamento Traditional o Cryptocurrency? In tal caso, hai fatto clic sul pulsante "pagamento ricevuto" nell'applicazione?\n● Quale versione di Haveno stai usando?\n● Quale sistema operativo stai usando?\n● Se si è verificato un problema con transazioni non riuscite, prendere in considerazione la possibilità di passare a una nuova directory di dati.\n A volte la directory dei dati viene danneggiata e porta a strani bug.\n Vedi: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nAcquisire familiarità con le regole di base per la procedura di disputa:\n● È necessario rispondere alle richieste di {0} entro 2 giorni.\n● I mediatori rispondono entro 2 giorni. Gli arbitri rispondono entro 5 giorni lavorativi.\n● Il periodo massimo per una disputa è di 14 giorni.\n● È necessario collaborare con {1} e fornire le informazioni richieste per presentare il proprio caso.\n● Hai accettato le regole delineate nel documento di contestazione nel contratto con l'utente al primo avvio dell'applicazione.\n\nPuoi leggere ulteriori informazioni sulla procedura di contestazione all'indirizzo: {2}\n
support.initialInfo=Inserisci una descrizione del tuo problema nel campo di testo qui sotto. Aggiungi quante più informazioni possibili per accelerare i tempi di risoluzione della disputa.\n\nEcco una lista delle informazioni che dovresti fornire:\n● Se sei l'acquirente BTC: hai effettuato il trasferimento Traditional o Cryptocurrency? In tal caso, hai fatto clic sul pulsante "pagamento avviato" nell'applicazione?\n● Se sei il venditore BTC: hai ricevuto il pagamento Traditional o Cryptocurrency? In tal caso, hai fatto clic sul pulsante "pagamento ricevuto" nell'applicazione?\n● Quale versione di Haveno stai usando?\n● Quale sistema operativo stai usando?\n● Se si è verificato un problema con transazioni non riuscite, prendere in considerazione la possibilità di passare a una nuova directory di dati.\n A volte la directory dei dati viene danneggiata e porta a strani bug.\n Vedi: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nAcquisire familiarità con le regole di base per la procedura di disputa:\n● È necessario rispondere alle richieste di {0} entro 2 giorni.\n● I mediatori rispondono entro 2 giorni. Gli arbitri rispondono entro 5 giorni lavorativi.\n● Il periodo massimo per una disputa è di 14 giorni.\n● È necessario collaborare con {1} e fornire le informazioni richieste per presentare il proprio caso.\n● Hai accettato le regole delineate nel documento di contestazione nel contratto con l'utente al primo avvio dell'applicazione.\n\nPuoi leggere ulteriori informazioni sulla procedura di contestazione all'indirizzo: {2}\n
support.systemMsg=Messaggio di sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Hai aperto una richiesta di supporto.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Haveno: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Hai aperto una richiesta per una controversia.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Haveno: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Scarica più tardi
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignora questa versione
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=È disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento di Haveno!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Download fallito
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=La nuova versione è stata scaricata correttamente e la firma è stata verificata.\n\nAprire la cartella di download, chiudere l'applicazione e installare la nuova versione.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Apri la cartella di download
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=La transazione di deposito dello scambio chiuso
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Il portafoglio non è ancora inizializzato
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Probabilmente hai la versione Haveno sbagliata per questo computer.\nL'architettura del tuo computer è: {0}.\nIl binario Haveno che hai installato è: {1}.\nChiudere e reinstallare la versione corretta ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno è già in esecuzione. Non è possibile eseguire due istanze di Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Il tuo scambio con ID {0} ha raggiunto la metà del massimo periodo di negoziazione consentito e non è ancora completato.\n\nIl periodo di scambio termina il {1}\n\nPer ulteriori informazioni, controllare lo stato dello scambio in \"Portafoglio/Scambi aperti\".
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended= \nIl tuo scambio con ID {0} ha raggiunto il limite massimo del periodo di scambio consentito e non è stato completato.\n\nIl periodo di scambio è terminato il {1}\n\nPer favore verifica il tuo trade su \"Portafoglio/Scambi aperti\" per contattare il mediatore.
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=ECKey dell'arbitro errata
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Tutti gli account di pagamento {0} sono stati firmati correttamente!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Uno dei tuoi conti di pagamento è stato verificato e firmato da un arbitro. Il trading con questo account firmerà automaticamente l'account del tuo peer di trading dopo una negoziazione di successo.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Uno dei tuoi conti di pagamento è stato verificato e firmato da un peer di trading. Il limite di trading iniziale verrà revocato e sarai in grado di firmare altri account tra {0} giorni da adesso.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=Il limite iniziale per uno dei tuoi account è stato revocato.\n\n{0}
@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=La città verrà visualizzata con l'offerta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Ulteriori informazioni opzionali
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informazioni aggiuntive
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Apri sito web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Paese e città: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Ulteriori informazioni: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=このオファーは、まだ設定さ
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=許可されたトレード金額は以下のセキュリティ基準に基づいて {0} に制限されました:\n- 買い手のアカウントは調停人やピアに署名されていません\n- 買い手のアカウントが署名された時から30日未満がたちました\n- このオファーの支払い方法は、銀行のチャージバックのリスクが高いと考えられます\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=許可されたトレード金額は以下のセキュリティ基準に基づいて {0} に制限されました:\n- このアカウントは調停人やピアに署名されていません\n- このアカウントが署名された時から30日未満がたちました\n- このオファーの支払い方法は、銀行のチャージバックのリスクが高いと考えられます\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=そのオファーはHaveno開発者によって
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=このHavenoのバージョンはもはやトレードする互換性がありません。\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] で最新のHavenoバージョンに更新してください。
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=このHavenoのバージョンはもはやトレードする互換性がありません。\n[HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads] で最新のHavenoバージョンに更新してください。
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=トレードピアは調停
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=トレードID {0} の調停の結果
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=トレードピアは、トレード {0} に関する調停者の提案を受け入れました。
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=調停者の資金分け提案は以下のとおり:\nあなたの分: {0}\nトレードピアの分: {1}\n\nこの支払い提案を受け取るまたは断ることができます。\n\n受け取ることで、支払い提案のトランザクションを署名します。トレードピアも同じく受け取って署名すると、支払いは完了しトレードは成立されます。\n\n片当事者もしくは両当事者が提案を断ると、2回目の係争を開始するのに{2} (ブロック {3}) まで待つ必要があります。調停人は再びに問題を検討し、調査結果に基づいて支払い提案を申し出ます。\n\n仕事に対する補償として、調停人は手数料を徴収するかもしれない(手数料の上限:取引者のセキュリティデポジット)。両当事者が提案に応じるのは最高の結果です。調停を依頼するのは異例の事態のためです、例えば取引者が調停者の支払い提案は不正だということを確信している場合(それともピアが無反応になる場合)。\n\n新しい仲裁モデルの詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=調停者の支払い提案に応じましたが、トレードピアは断りましたそうです。\n\n{0}のロック時間が終わったら(ブロック{1})、2回目の係争を開始できます、そして調停人は再びに問題を検討し調査結果に基づいて支払い提案を申し出るでしょう。\n\n新しい仲裁モデルの詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=調停者の資金分け提案は以下のとおり:\nあなたの分: {0}\nトレードピアの分: {1}\n\nこの支払い提案を受け取るまたは断ることができます。\n\n受け取ることで、支払い提案のトランザクションを署名します。トレードピアも同じく受け取って署名すると、支払いは完了しトレードは成立されます。\n\n片当事者もしくは両当事者が提案を断ると、2回目の係争を開始するのに{2} (ブロック {3}) まで待つ必要があります。調停人は再びに問題を検討し、調査結果に基づいて支払い提案を申し出ます。\n\n仕事に対する補償として、調停人は手数料を徴収するかもしれない(手数料の上限:取引者のセキュリティデポジット)。両当事者が提案に応じるのは最高の結果です。調停を依頼するのは異例の事態のためです、例えば取引者が調停者の支払い提案は不正だということを確信している場合(それともピアが無反応になる場合)。\n\n新しい仲裁モデルの詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=調停者の支払い提案に応じましたが、トレードピアは断りましたそうです。\n\n{0}のロック時間が終わったら(ブロック{1})、2回目の係争を開始できます、そして調停人は再びに問題を検討し調査結果に基づいて支払い提案を申し出るでしょう。\n\n新しい仲裁モデルの詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC 買い手/テイカー
support.sellerTaker=BTC 売り手/テイカー
support.initialInfo=下のテキストフィールドに問題の説明を入力してください。係争解決の時間を短縮するために、可能な限り多くの情報を追加してください。\n\n提供する必要がある情報のチェックリストを次に示します:\n\t●BTC買い手の場合:法定通貨またはアルトコインの送金を行いましたか?その場合、アプリケーションの「支払い開始」ボタンをクリックしましたか?\n\t●BTC売り手の場合:法定通貨またはアルトコインの支払いを受け取りましたか?その場合、アプリケーションの「支払いを受け取った」ボタンをクリックしましたか?\n\t●どのバージョンのHavenoを使用していますか?\n\t●どのオペレーティングシステムを使用していますか?\n\t●失敗したトランザクションで問題が発生した場合は、新しいデータディレクトリへの切り替えを検討してください。\n\t データディレクトリが破損し、不可解なバグが発生している場合があります。\n\t 参照:https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n係争プロセスの基本的なルールをよく理解してください:\n\t●2日以内に{0}の要求に応答する必要があります。\n\t●調停者は2日以内に返事をするでしょう。調停人は5営業日以内に返事をするでしょう。\n\t●係争の最大期間は14日間です。\n\t●{1}と協力し、彼らがあなたの主張をするために、要求された情報を提供する必要があります\n\t●あなたは申請を最初に開始したときに、ユーザー契約の係争文書に記載されている規則を受け入れています。\n\n係争プロセスの詳細については、{2} をご覧ください。
support.initialInfo=下のテキストフィールドに問題の説明を入力してください。係争解決の時間を短縮するために、可能な限り多くの情報を追加してください。\n\n提供する必要がある情報のチェックリストを次に示します:\n\t●BTC買い手の場合:法定通貨またはアルトコインの送金を行いましたか?その場合、アプリケーションの「支払い開始」ボタンをクリックしましたか?\n\t●BTC売り手の場合:法定通貨またはアルトコインの支払いを受け取りましたか?その場合、アプリケーションの「支払いを受け取った」ボタンをクリックしましたか?\n\t●どのバージョンのHavenoを使用していますか?\n\t●どのオペレーティングシステムを使用していますか?\n\t●失敗したトランザクションで問題が発生した場合は、新しいデータディレクトリへの切り替えを検討してください。\n\t データディレクトリが破損し、不可解なバグが発生している場合があります。\n\t 参照:https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n係争プロセスの基本的なルールをよく理解してください:\n\t●2日以内に{0}の要求に応答する必要があります。\n\t●調停者は2日以内に返事をするでしょう。調停人は5営業日以内に返事をするでしょう。\n\t●係争の最大期間は14日間です。\n\t●{1}と協力し、彼らがあなたの主張をするために、要求された情報を提供する必要があります\n\t●あなたは申請を最初に開始したときに、ユーザー契約の係争文書に記載されている規則を受け入れています。\n\n係争プロセスの詳細については、{2} をご覧ください。
support.systemMsg=システムメッセージ: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=サポートのリクエスト開始しました。\n\n{0}\n\nHavenoバージョン: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=係争のリクエスト開始しました。\n\n{0}\n\nHavenoバージョン: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=後でダウンロード
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=ダウンロード失敗。\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] から手動でダウンロード、確認してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=正しいインストーラーを判別できません。 [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] から手動でダウンロードして検証してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=検証失敗。\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] から手動でダウンロードして確認してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=ダウンロード失敗。\n[HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads] から手動でダウンロード、確認してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=正しいインストーラーを判別できません。 [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads] から手動でダウンロードして検証してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=検証失敗。\n[HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads] から手動でダウンロードして確認してください。
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=トレードID{0}で識別されるトレード
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=macOS 10.14以上の厳しいセキュリティー対策のため、Javaアプリケーション(HavenoはJavaを利用します)はmacOSで警告用のポップアップ・ウィンドウを生じます(「Havenoは他のアプリからキー操作をアクセスしたい」)。\n\nこの問題を解決するのに、macOS設定を開いて、「セキュリティとプライバシー -> プライバシー -> 入力監視」において右側のリストからHavenoを外して下さい。\n\n技術的な限界は克服されたら(必要のJavaバージョンパッケージャーがまだリリースされていません)、問題を避けるためにHavenoは新しいJavaバージョンにアップグレードします。
popup.warning.wrongVersion=このコンピューターのHavenoバージョンが間違っている可能性があります。\nコンピューターのアーキテクチャ: {0}\nインストールしたHavenoバイナリ: {1}\nシャットダウンして、次の正しいバージョンを再インストールしてください({2})。
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=ID {0}とのトレードは許可された最大トレード期間の半分に達しましたが、まだ完了していません\n\n取引期間は{1}で終了します\n\n詳細については、「ポートフォリオ/オープントレード」でトレード状態を確認してください。
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=ID {0}とのトレードは許可された最大トレード期間に達しましたが、まだ完了していません。\n\nトレード期間は{1}で終了しました\n\n調停者に連絡するには、「ポートフォリオ/オープントレード」であなたのトレードを確認してください。
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=不良の調停人ECKey
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=全てのアカウントの署名状態はアカウント画面に表示されます。\n\n詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing]
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=全てのアカウントの署名状態はアカウント画面に表示されます。\n\n詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing]
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=支払いアカウントの1つはトレードピアに検証、署名されました。{0} 日後に、初期のトレード制限は解除され、他の支払いアカウントを署名できるようになります。\n\n{1}
@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=オファーとともに市区町村が表示されま
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=国と都市: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=追加情報: {0}
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Esta oferta não pode ser tomada por restrições de negociação da outra parte
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=A quantia permitida para a negociação está limitada a {0} devido a restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguintes critérios:\n- A conta do comprador não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- A conta do comprador foi assinada há menos de 30 dias\n- O meio de pagamento para essa oferta é considerado de risco para estornos bancários.\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=A quantia permitida para a negociação está limitada a {0} devido a restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguintes critérios:\n- A sua conta não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- A sua conta foi assinada há menos de 30 dias\n- O meio de pagamento para essa oferta é considerado de risco para estornos bancários.\n\n{1}
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Essa oferta foi bloqueada pelos desenvolvedores d
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=A moeda usada nesta oferta foi bloqueada pelos desenvolvedores do Haveno.\nPor favor, visite o Fórum do Haveno para maiores informações.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=O método de pagamento usado nesta oferta foi bloqueado pelos desenvolvedores do Haveno.\nPor favor, visite o Fórum do Haveno para maiores informações.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=O endereço onion daquele negociador foi bloqueado pelos desenvolvedores do Haveno.\nProvavelmente há um problema não resolvido associado àquele negociador.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Você irá vender a preço de mercado (atualizado a cada minuto).
@ -789,8 +789,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=O seu parceiro de negociaç
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Ver solução proposta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado da mediação para a negociação com ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=O seu parceiro de negociação aceitou a sugestão do mediador para a negociação {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rejeitar e solicitar arbitramento
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Você já aceitou
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno não é uma empresa, então ela lida com disputas de uma forma diferente.\n\nComerciantes podem se comunicar dentro do aplicativo usando um chat seguro na tela de negociações em aberto para tentar resolver conflitos entre eles mesmos. Se isto não for o suficiente, um mediador pode intervir para ajudar. O mediador irá avaliar a situação e sugerir um pagamento. Se ambos comerciantes aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento é finalizada e a negociação é fechada. Se um or ambos os comerciantes não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar arbitragem. O árbitro irá reavaliar a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante e então solicitará reembolso deste pagamento à DAO Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Por favor, entre a descrição do seu problema no campo de texto abaixo. Informe o máximo de informações que puder para agilizar a resolução da disputa.\n\nSegue uma lista com as informações que você deve fornecer:\n\t● Se você está comprando BTC: Você fez a transferência do dinheiro ou crypto? Caso afirmativo, você clicou no botão 'pagamento iniciado' no aplicativo?\n\t● Se você está vendendo BTC: Você recebeu o pagamento em dinheiro ou em crypto? Caso afirmativo, você clicou no botão 'pagamento recebido' no aplicativo?\n\t● Qual versão da Haveno você está usando?\n\t● Qual sistema operacional você está usando?\n\t● Se seu problema é com falhas em transações, por favor considere usar um novo diretório de dados.\n\t Às vezes, o diretório de dados pode ficar corrompido, causando bugs estranhos.\n\t Veja mais: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPor favor, familiarize-se com as regras básicas do processo de disputa:\n\t● Você precisa responder às solicitações de {0}' dentro do prazo de 2 dias.\n\t● Mediadores respondem dentro de 2 dias. Ábitros respondem dentro de 5 dias úteis.\n\t● O período máximo para uma disputa é de 14 dias.\n\t● Você deve cooperar com o {1} e providenciar as informações requisitadas para comprovar o seu caso.\n\t● Você aceitou as regras estipuladas nos termos de acordo do usuário que foi exibido na primeira vez em que você iniciou o aplicativo. \nVocê pode saber mais sobre o processo de disputa em: {2}
support.initialInfo=Por favor, entre a descrição do seu problema no campo de texto abaixo. Informe o máximo de informações que puder para agilizar a resolução da disputa.\n\nSegue uma lista com as informações que você deve fornecer:\n\t● Se você está comprando BTC: Você fez a transferência do dinheiro ou crypto? Caso afirmativo, você clicou no botão 'pagamento iniciado' no aplicativo?\n\t● Se você está vendendo BTC: Você recebeu o pagamento em dinheiro ou em crypto? Caso afirmativo, você clicou no botão 'pagamento recebido' no aplicativo?\n\t● Qual versão da Haveno você está usando?\n\t● Qual sistema operacional você está usando?\n\t● Se seu problema é com falhas em transações, por favor considere usar um novo diretório de dados.\n\t Às vezes, o diretório de dados pode ficar corrompido, causando bugs estranhos.\n\t Veja mais: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPor favor, familiarize-se com as regras básicas do processo de disputa:\n\t● Você precisa responder às solicitações de {0}' dentro do prazo de 2 dias.\n\t● Mediadores respondem dentro de 2 dias. Ábitros respondem dentro de 5 dias úteis.\n\t● O período máximo para uma disputa é de 14 dias.\n\t● Você deve cooperar com o {1} e providenciar as informações requisitadas para comprovar o seu caso.\n\t● Você aceitou as regras estipuladas nos termos de acordo do usuário que foi exibido na primeira vez em que você iniciou o aplicativo. \nVocê pode saber mais sobre o processo de disputa em: {2}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Você abriu um pedido de suporte.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno versão: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Você abriu um pedido para uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno versão: {1}
@ -1328,9 +1328,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Baixar depois
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignorar essa versão
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Uma nova atualização para o Haveno está disponível!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Erro no download
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=A nova versão foi baixada com sucesso e teve a sua assinatura verificada.\n\nPara usá-la, abra a pasta de downloads, feche o programa e instale a nova versão.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Abrir pasta de download
@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=A transação de depósito da negociação já
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=A carteira ainda não foi inicializada
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Você provavelmente está usando a versão incorreta do Haveno para este computador.\nA arquitetura do seu computador é: {0}.\nO binário do Haveno que você instalou é: {1}.\nPor favor, feche o programa e instale a versão correta ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=O Haveno já está sendo executado. Você não pode executar duas instâncias do Haveno ao mesmo tempo.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Sua negociação com ID {0} chegou à metade do período máximo permitido e ainda não foi concluída.\n\nO período de negociação acaba em {1}\n\nFavor verifique o estado de sua negociação em \"Portfolio/Negociações em aberto\" para mais informações.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Sua negociação com ID {0} atingiu o período máximo de negociação e não foi finalizada.\n\nO período de negociação terminou em {1}.\n\nPor favor, verifique sua negociação em "Portfolio/Negociações em aberto" para contactar o mediador.
@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Chave ECKey de árbitro errada.
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Todas as {0} contas de pagamento foram assinadas com sucesso!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Uma de suas contas de pagamento foi verificada e assinada por um árbitro. Ao negociar com essa conta você automaticamente assinará a conta de seu par após uma negociação bem succedida.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Uma de suas contas de pagamento foi verificada e assinada por um par de negociação. Seu limite de negociação inicial será aumentado e você poderá assinar outras contas em {0} dias.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=O limite inicial para uma de suas contas acaba de ser aumentado.
@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida na oferta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informações adicionais opcionais
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informações adicionais
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir site
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País e cidade: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informações adicionais: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Esta oferta não pode ser aceite devido às restrições de negócio da contraparte
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=A quantia de negócio é limitada à {0} devido à restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguinte critérios:\n- A conta do comprador não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- O tempo decorrido desde a assinatura da conta do comprador não é de pelo menos 30 dias\n- O método de pagamento para esta oferta é considerado arriscado para estornos bancários\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=A quantia de negócio é limitada à {0} devido à restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguinte critérios:\n- A sua conta não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- O tempo decorrido desde a assinatura da sua conta não é de pelo menos 30 dias\n- O método de pagamento para esta oferta é considerado arriscado para estornos bancários\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Essa oferta foi bloqueada pelos desenvolvedores d
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=A moeda usada nessa oferta foi bloqueada pelos desenvolvedores do Haveno.\nPor favor, visite o Fórum Haveno para mais informações.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=O método de pagamento usado nessa oferta foi bloqueado pelos desenvolvedores do Haveno.\nPor favor, visite o Fórum Haveno para mais informações.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=O endereço onion desse negociador foi bloqueado pelos desenvolvedores do Haveno.\nProvavelmente, há um erro não tratado causando problemas ao aceitar ofertas desse negociador.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Venderá ao preço de mercado (atualizado à cada minuto).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=O seu par de negócio aceito
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Ver a resolução proposta
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado da mediação para o negócio com o ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=O seu par de negócio aceitou a sugestão do mediador para o negócio {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rejeitar e solicitar arbitragem
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Você já aceitou
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC/Aceitador
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC/Aceitador
support.backgroundInfo=O Haveno não é uma empresa, por isso as disputas são tratadas diferentemente.\n\nOs negociadores podem se comunicar dentro do programa via chat seguro no ecrã de negócios abertos para tentar resolver disputas por conta própria. Se isso não for suficiente, um mediador pode ajudar. O mediador avaliará a situação e sugerirá um pagamento dos fundos de negócio. Se ambos os negociadores aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento será concluída e o negócio será encerrado. Se um ou ambos os negociadores não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar a arbitragem. O árbitro reavaliará a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante de volta e solicitará reembolso à OAD do Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Digite uma descrição do seu problema no campo de texto abaixo. Adicione o máximo de informações possível para acelerar o tempo de resolução da disputa.\n\nAqui está uma lista do que você deve fornecer:\n● Se você é o comprador de BTC: Você fez a transferência da Fiat ou Crypto? Se sim, você clicou no botão 'pagamento iniciado' no programa?\n● Se você é o vendedor de BTC: Você recebeu o pagamento da Fiat ou Crypto? Se sim, você clicou no botão 'pagamento recebido' no programa?\n\t● Qual versão do Haveno você está usando?\n\t● Qual sistema operacional você está usando?\n\t ● Se você encontrou um problema com transações com falha, considere mudar para um novo diretório de dados.\n\t Às vezes, o diretório de dados é corrompido e leva a erros estranhos.\n\t Consulte: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nFamiliarize-se com as regras básicas do processo de disputa:\n\t● Você precisa responder às solicitações do {0} dentro de 2 dias.\n\t● Os mediadores respondem entre 2 dias. Os árbitros respondem dentro de 5 dias úteis.\n\t ● O período máximo para uma disputa é de 14 dias.\n\t ● Você precisa cooperar com o {1} e fornecer as informações solicitadas para justificar o seu caso.\n\t● Você aceitou as regras descritas no documento de disputa no contrato do usuário quando iniciou o programa.\n\nVocê pode ler mais sobre o processo de disputa em: {2}
support.initialInfo=Digite uma descrição do seu problema no campo de texto abaixo. Adicione o máximo de informações possível para acelerar o tempo de resolução da disputa.\n\nAqui está uma lista do que você deve fornecer:\n● Se você é o comprador de BTC: Você fez a transferência da Fiat ou Crypto? Se sim, você clicou no botão 'pagamento iniciado' no programa?\n● Se você é o vendedor de BTC: Você recebeu o pagamento da Fiat ou Crypto? Se sim, você clicou no botão 'pagamento recebido' no programa?\n\t● Qual versão do Haveno você está usando?\n\t● Qual sistema operacional você está usando?\n\t ● Se você encontrou um problema com transações com falha, considere mudar para um novo diretório de dados.\n\t Às vezes, o diretório de dados é corrompido e leva a erros estranhos.\n\t Consulte: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nFamiliarize-se com as regras básicas do processo de disputa:\n\t● Você precisa responder às solicitações do {0} dentro de 2 dias.\n\t● Os mediadores respondem entre 2 dias. Os árbitros respondem dentro de 5 dias úteis.\n\t ● O período máximo para uma disputa é de 14 dias.\n\t ● Você precisa cooperar com o {1} e fornecer as informações solicitadas para justificar o seu caso.\n\t● Você aceitou as regras descritas no documento de disputa no contrato do usuário quando iniciou o programa.\n\nVocê pode ler mais sobre o processo de disputa em: {2}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Você abriu um pedido para apoio.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno versão: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Você abriu um pedido para uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno versão: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Descarregar depois
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignorar esta versão
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Uma nova atualização do Haveno está disponível!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Download falhou
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=A nova versão foi descarregada com sucesso e a assinatura foi verificada.\n\nPor favor, abra o diretório de download, desligue o programa e instale a nova versão.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Abrir diretório de download
@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=A transação de depósito do negócio fechado
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=A carteira ainda não foi inicializada
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Você provavelmente tem a versão errada do Haveno para este computador.\nA arquitetura do seu computador é: {0}.\nO binário Haveno que você instalou é: {1}.\nPor favor, desligue e reinstale a versão correta ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno já está em execução. Você não pode executar duas instâncias do Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Sua negociação com o ID {0} atingiu a metade do valor máx. do período de negociação permitido e ainda não está concluído.\n\nO período de negócio termina em {1}\n\nPor favor, verifique o seu estado de negócio em \"Portefólio/Ofertas abertas\" para mais informações.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=O seu negócio com o ID {0} atingiu o limite do máx. período de negociação permitido e não está concluído.\n\nO período de negócio terminou em {1}\n\nPor favor, verifique o seu negócio em \"Portefólio/Negócios abertos\" para entrar em contacto com o mediador.
@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Má ECKey do árbitro
popup.accountSigning.success.description=Todas as contas de pagamento de {0} foram assinadas com sucesso!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=Uma das suas contas de pagamento foi verificada e assinada por um árbitro. Fazendo negócios com esta conta assinará automaticamente a conta do seu par de negociação após um negócio bem-sucedido.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=Uma das suas contas de pagamento foi verificada e assinada por um par de negociação. Seu limite inicial de negociação será aumentado e você poderá assinar outras contas dentro de {0} dias a partir de agora.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=O limite inicial de uma das suas contas foi aumentado.\n\n{0}
@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida com a oferta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informação adicional opcional
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informação adicional
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir página web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País e cidade: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informação adicional: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=This offer cannot be taken due to counterparty trade restrictions
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Это предложение заблокиро
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Валюта, используемая в этом предложении, заблокирована разработчиками Haveno.\nПодробности можно узнать на форуме Haveno.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Метод платежа, использованный в этом предложении, заблокирован разработчиками Haveno.\nПодробности можно узнать на форуме Haveno.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Onion-адрес этого трейдера заблокирован разработчиками Haveno.\nВероятно, принятие предложения от данного трейдера вызывает необрабатываемую ошибку.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Продажа по рыночному курсу (обновляется ежеминутно).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Покупатель ВТС/тейкер
support.sellerTaker=Продавец BTC/тейкер
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.systemMsg=Системное сообщение: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Вы запросили поддержку.\n\n{0}\n\nВерсия Haveno: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Вы начали спор.\n\n{0}\n\nВерсия Haveno: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Скачать позже
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Игнорировать эту версию
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Доступно новое обновление Haveno!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Загрузка не удалась
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Новая версия загружена, а её подпись проверена.\n\nОткройте директорию загрузки, закройте приложение и установите новую версию.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Открыть директорию загрузки
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=The deposit transaction of the closed trade wit
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Кошелёк ещё не инициализирован
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Вероятно, у вас установлена не та версия Haveno.\nАрхитектура Вашего компьютера: {0}.\nУстановленная версия Haveno: {1}.\nЗакройте приложение и установите нужную версию ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno уже запущен. Нельзя запустить два экземпляра Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Половина макс. допустимого срока сделки с идентификатором {0} истекла, однако она до сих пор не завершена.\n\nСрок сделки заканчивается {1}\n\nДополнительную информацию о состоянии сделки можно узнать в разделе \«Сделки/Текущие сделки\».
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator.
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Bad arbitrator ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=All {0} payment accounts were successfully signed!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by an arbitrator. Trading with this account will automatically sign your trading peer''s account after a successful trade.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by a trading peer. Your initial trading limit will be lifted and you''ll be able to sign other accounts in {0} days from now.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=The initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0}
@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=Город будет указан в предложен
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Дополнительная необязательная информация
payment.shared.extraInfo=Дополнительная информация
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Открыть веб-страницу
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Дополнительная информация: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=This offer cannot be taken due to counterparty trade restrictions
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=ข้อเสนอดังกล่าวถ
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=สกุลเงินที่ใช้ในข้อเสนอนั้นถูกบล็อกโดยนักพัฒนา Haveno\nสามารถอ่านข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ฟอรั่มของ Haveno
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=วิธีการชำระเงินที่ใช้ในข้อเสนอนั้นถูกบล็อกโดยนักพัฒนา Haveno\nกรุณาเข้าไปอ่านที่ Forum ของ Haveno สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=ที่อยู่ onion ของผู้ซื้อขายรายนั้นถูกบล็อกโดยนักพัฒนา Haveno\nอาจมีข้อบกพร่องที่ไม่ได้รับการจัดการ ซึ่งก่อให้เกิดปัญหาเมื่อรับข้อเสนอจากผู้ซื้อขายรายนั้น
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=คุณจะขายในราคาตลาด (อัปเดตทุกนาที)
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้รับ
support.sellerTaker=BTC ผู้ขาย / ผู้รับ
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.systemMsg=ระบบข้อความ: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno version: {1}
@ -1324,9 +1324,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=ดาวน์โหลดใ
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=การอัปเดต Haveno ใหม่พร้อมแล้ว!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=ดาวน์โหลดเวอร์ชั่นใหม่เรียบร้อยแล้วและได้รับการยืนยันลายเซ็นแล้ว\n\nโปรดเปิดสารบบดาวน์โหลด หลังจากนั้นปิดโปรแกรมและติดตั้งเวอร์ชั่นใหม่
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=The deposit transaction of the closed trade wit
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=wallet ยังไม่ได้เริ่มต้น
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=คุณอาจมีเวอร์ชั่น Haveno ไม่เหมาะสำหรับคอมพิวเตอร์นี้\nสถาปัตยกรรมคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณคือ: {0} .\nเลขฐานสอง Haveno ที่คุณติดตั้งคือ: {1} .\nโปรดปิดตัวลงและติดตั้งรุ่นที่ถูกต้องอีกครั้ง ({2})
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno กำลังทำงานอยู่ คุณไม่สามารถเรียกใช้ Haveno พร้อมกันได้
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=การซื้อขายของคุณที่มีรหัส ID {0} ได้ถึงครึ่งหนึ่งของจำนวนสูงสุดแล้ว อนุญาตให้ซื้อขายได้และยังไม่สมบูรณ์\n\nช่วงเวลาการซื้อขายสิ้นสุดวันที่ {1} \n\nโปรดตรวจสอบสถานะการค้าของคุณที่ \"Portfolio (แฟ้มผลงาน) / เปิดการซื้อขาย \" สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator.
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Bad arbitrator ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=All {0} payment accounts were successfully signed!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by an arbitrator. Trading with this account will automatically sign your trading peer''s account after a successful trade.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by a trading peer. Your initial trading limit will be lifted and you''ll be able to sign other accounts in {0} days from now.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=The initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0}
@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=ชื่อเมืองจะแสดงพร้
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you hav
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=This offer cannot be taken due to counterparty trade restrictions
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Báo giá này bị chặn bởi các lập trìn
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Loại tiền sử dụng trong báo giá này bị chặn bởi các lập trình viên Haveno.\nTruy cập diễn đàn Haveno để biết thêm thông tin.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Phương thức thanh toán sử dụng trong báo giá này bị chặn bởi các lập trình viên Haveno.\nTruy cập diễn đàn Haveno để biết thêm thông tin.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Địa chỉ onion của Thương gia bị chặn bởi các lập trình viên Haveno.\nCó thể có sự cố chưa được xử lý dẫn tới vấn đề khi nhận báo giá từ Thương gia này.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Your version of Haveno is not compatible for trading anymore.\nPlease update to the latest Haveno version at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=You cannot take this offer because you already took it earlier. It could be that your previous take-offer attempt resulted in a failed trade.
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Bạn sẽ bán với giá thị trường (cập nhật mỗi phút).
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=View proposed resolution
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with ID: {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0}
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.info=The mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=You have accepted the mediator''s suggested payout but it seems that your trading peer has not accepted it.\n\nOnce the lock time is over on {0} (block {1}), you can open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nYou can find more details about the arbitration model at:[HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#arbitration]
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=Người mua BTC/Người nhận
support.sellerTaker=Người bán BTC/Người nhận
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from Haveno.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Crypto transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Crypto payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Haveno are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.systemMsg=Tin nhắn hệ thống: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Bạn đã mở yêu cầu hỗ trợ.\n\n{0}\n\nPhiên bản Haveno: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Bạn đã mở yêu cầu giải quyết tranh chấp.\n\n{0}\n\nPhiên bản Haveno: {1}
@ -1326,9 +1326,9 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Download sau
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Bỏ qua phiên bản này
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Hiện có một cập nhật Haveno mới!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed.headline=Download không thành công
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Phiên bản mới đã được download thành công và chữ ký đã được xác minh.\n\nVui lòng mở thư mục download, tắt ứng dụng và cài đặt phiên bản mới.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Mở thư mục download
@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=The deposit transaction of the closed trade wit
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=Ví chưa được kích hoạt
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=Due to stricter security measures in macOS 10.14 and above, launching a Java application (Haveno uses Java) causes a popup warning in macOS ('Haveno would like to receive keystrokes from any application').\n\nTo avoid that issue please open your 'macOS Settings' and go to 'Security & Privacy' -> 'Privacy' -> 'Input Monitoring' and Remove 'Haveno' from the list on the right side.\n\nHaveno will upgrade to a newer Java version to avoid that issue as soon the technical limitations (Java packager for the required Java version is not shipped yet) are resolved.
popup.warning.wrongVersion=Có thể máy tính của bạn có phiên bản Haveno không đúng.\nCấu trúc máy tính của bạn là: {0}.\nHệ nhị phân Haveno bạn cài đặt là: {1}.\nVui lòng tắt máy và cài đặt lại phiên bản đúng ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\nThose database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\nWe made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\nThe backup is located at:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version of Haveno installed.\nYou can download it at: [HYPERLINK:https://haveno.exchange/downloads].\n\nPlease restart the application.
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno đã chạy. Bạn không thể chạy hai chương trình Haveno.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=giao dịch của bạn với ID {0} đã qua một nửa thời gian giao dịch cho phép tối đa và vẫn chưa hoàn thành.\n\nThời gian giao dịch kết thúc vào {1}\n\nVui lòng kiểm tra trạng thái giao dịch của bạn tại \"Portfolio/Các giao dịch mở\" để biết thêm thông tin.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator.
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Bad arbitrator ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=All {0} payment accounts were successfully signed!
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing].
popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by an arbitrator. Trading with this account will automatically sign your trading peer''s account after a successful trade.\n\n{0}
popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by a trading peer. Your initial trading limit will be lifted and you''ll be able to sign other accounts in {0} days from now.\n\n{1}
popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=The initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0}
@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=Thành phố sẽ được hiển thị cùng báo giá
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Thông tin thêm tuỳ chọn.
payment.shared.extraInfo=thông tin thêm
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Mở trang web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Thông tin thêm: {0}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=这个报价使用了您未创建过的
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=使用这个版本的软件,交易伙伴可以验证和验证彼此的支付帐户,以创建一个可信的支付帐户网络。\n\n交易成功后,您的支付帐户将被验证以及交易限制将在一定时间后解除(此时间基于验证方法)。\n\n有关验证帐户的更多信息,请参见文档 https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=使用这个版本的软件,交易伙伴可以验证和验证彼此的支付帐户,以创建一个可信的支付帐户网络。\n\n交易成功后,您的支付帐户将被验证以及交易限制将在一定时间后解除(此时间基于验证方法)。\n\n有关验证帐户的更多信息,请参见文档 https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=基于以下标准的安全限制,允许的交易金额限制为 {0}:\n- 买方的帐目没有由仲裁员或伙伴验证\n- 买方帐户自验证之日起不足30天\n- 本报价的付款方式被认为存在银行退款的风险\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=基于以下标准的安全限制,允许的交易金额限制为{0}:\n- 你的买家帐户没有由仲裁员或伙伴验证\n- 自验证你的帐户以来的时间少于30天\n- 本报价的付款方式被认为存在银行退款的风险\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=该报价被 Haveno 开发人员限制。\n接受
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=该报价中使用的货币被 Haveno 开发人员阻止。\n请访问 Haveno 论坛了解更多信息。
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=该报价中使用的付款方式被 Haveno 开发人员阻止。\n请访问 Haveno 论坛了解更多信息。
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=该交易者的匿名地址被 Haveno 开发人员限制。\n当获取来自该交易者的报价,可能有一个未处理的漏洞导致了问题。
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=您的 Haveno 版本不再兼容交易。\n请通过 https://bisq.network/downloads 更新到最新的 Haveno 版本。
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=您的 Haveno 版本不再兼容交易。\n请通过 https://haveno.exchange/downloads 更新到最新的 Haveno 版本。
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=你的伙伴已经接受了
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=调解员在交易 ID:{0}上的建议
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC 买家/买单者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 卖家/买单者
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno 不是一家公司,所以它处理纠纷的方式不同。\n\n交易双方可以在应用程序中通过未完成交易页面上的安全聊天进行通信,以尝试自行解决争端。如果这还不够,调解员可以介入帮助。调解员将对情况进行评估,并对交易资金的支出提出建议。如果两个交易者都接受这个建议,那么支付交易就完成了,交易也结束了。如果一方或双方不同意调解员的建议,他们可以要求仲裁。仲裁员将重新评估情况,如果有必要,将亲自向交易员付款,并要求 Haveno DAO 对这笔付款进行补偿。
support.initialInfo=请在下面的文本框中输入您的问题描述。添加尽可能多的信息,以加快解决纠纷的时间。\n\n以下是你应提供的资料核对表:\n\t●如果您是 BTC 买家:您是否使用法定货币或其他加密货币转账?如果是,您是否点击了应用程序中的“支付开始”按钮?\n\t●如果您是 BTC 卖家:您是否收到法定货币或其他加密货币的付款了?如果是,你是否点击了应用程序中的“已收到付款”按钮?\n\t●您使用的是哪个版本的 Haveno?\n\t●您使用的是哪种操作系统?\n\t●如果遇到操作执行失败的问题,请考虑切换到新的数据目录。\n\t有时数据目录会损坏,并导致奇怪的错误。\n详见:https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n请熟悉纠纷处理的基本规则:\n\t●您需要在2天内答复 {0} 的请求。\n\t●调解员会在2天之内答复,仲裁员会在5天之内答复。\n\t●纠纷的最长期限为14天。\n\t●你需要与仲裁员合作,提供他们为你的案件所要求的信息。\n\t●当您第一次启动应用程序时,您接受了用户协议中争议文档中列出的规则。\n\n您可以通过 {2} 了解有关纠纷处理的更多信息
support.initialInfo=请在下面的文本框中输入您的问题描述。添加尽可能多的信息,以加快解决纠纷的时间。\n\n以下是你应提供的资料核对表:\n\t●如果您是 BTC 买家:您是否使用法定货币或其他加密货币转账?如果是,您是否点击了应用程序中的“支付开始”按钮?\n\t●如果您是 BTC 卖家:您是否收到法定货币或其他加密货币的付款了?如果是,你是否点击了应用程序中的“已收到付款”按钮?\n\t●您使用的是哪个版本的 Haveno?\n\t●您使用的是哪种操作系统?\n\t●如果遇到操作执行失败的问题,请考虑切换到新的数据目录。\n\t有时数据目录会损坏,并导致奇怪的错误。\n详见:https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n请熟悉纠纷处理的基本规则:\n\t●您需要在2天内答复 {0} 的请求。\n\t●调解员会在2天之内答复,仲裁员会在5天之内答复。\n\t●纠纷的最长期限为14天。\n\t●你需要与仲裁员合作,提供他们为你的案件所要求的信息。\n\t●当您第一次启动应用程序时,您接受了用户协议中争议文档中列出的规则。\n\n您可以通过 {2} 了解有关纠纷处理的更多信息
support.youOpenedTicket=您创建了帮助请求。\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno 版本:{1}
support.youOpenedDispute=您创建了一个纠纷请求。\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno 版本:{1}
@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=忽略这个版本
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Haveno 有新的更新!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=下载失败。\n请到 https://haveno.io/downloads 下载并验证。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=无法确定正确的安装程序。请通过 https://bisq.network/downloads 手动下载和验证。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=无法确定正确的安装程序。请通过 https://haveno.exchange/downloads 手动下载和验证。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=验证失败。\n请到 https://haveno.io/downloads 手动下载和验证。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=新版本成功下载并验证验证 。\n\n请打开下载目录,关闭应用程序并安装最新版本。
@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=交易 ID 为 {0} 的保证金交易已被确
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=由于 MacOS 10.14 及更高版本中的安全措施更加严格,因此启动 Java 应用程序(Haveno 使用Java)会在 MacOS 中引发弹出警告(``Haveno 希望从任何应用程序接收击键'').\n\n为了避免该问题,请打开“ MacOS 设置”,然后转到“安全和隐私”->“隐私”->“输入监视”,然后从右侧列表中删除“ Haveno”。\n\n一旦解决了技术限制(所需的 Java 版本的 Java 打包程序尚未交付),Haveno将升级到新的 Java 版本,以避免该问题。
popup.warning.wrongVersion=您这台电脑上可能有错误的 Haveno 版本。\n您的电脑的架构是:{0}\n您安装的 Haveno 二进制文件是:{1}\n请关闭并重新安装正确的版本({2})。
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=我们检测到不兼容的数据库文件!\n\n那些数据库文件与我们当前的代码库不兼容:\n{0}\n\n我们对损坏的文件进行了备份,并将默认值应用于新的数据库版本。\n\n备份位于:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data。\n\n请检查您是否安装了最新版本的 Haveno\n您可以下载:\nhttps://bisq.network/downloads\n\n请重新启动应用程序。
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=我们检测到不兼容的数据库文件!\n\n那些数据库文件与我们当前的代码库不兼容:\n{0}\n\n我们对损坏的文件进行了备份,并将默认值应用于新的数据库版本。\n\n备份位于:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data。\n\n请检查您是否安装了最新版本的 Haveno\n您可以下载:\nhttps://haveno.exchange/downloads\n\n请重新启动应用程序。
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno 已经在运行。 您不能运行两个 Haveno 实例。
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=您与 ID {0} 的交易已达到最长交易期的一半,且仍未完成。\n\n交易期结束于 {1}\n\n请查看“业务/未完成交易”的交易状态,以获取更多信息。
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=您与 ID {0} 的已达到最长交易期,且未完成。\n\n交易期结束于 {1}\n\n请查看“业务/未完成交易”的交易状态,以从调解员获取更多信息。
@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=不正确的仲裁员 ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=所有 {0} 支付账户已成功验证!
@ -1983,7 +1983,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=城市将与报价一同显示
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info=与网上交易相比,“面对面”交易有不同的规则,也有不同的风险。\n\n主要区别是:\n●交易伙伴需要使用他们提供的联系方式交换关于会面地点和时间的信息。\n●交易双方需要携带笔记本电脑,在会面地点确认“已发送付款”和“已收到付款”。\n●如果交易方有特殊的“条款和条件”,他们必须在账户的“附加信息”文本框中声明这些条款和条件。\n●在发生争议时,调解员或仲裁员不能提供太多帮助,因为通常很难获得有关会面上所发生情况的篡改证据。在这种情况下,BTC 资金可能会被无限期锁定,或者直到交易双方达成协议。\n\n为确保您完全理解“面对面”交易的不同之处,请阅读以下说明和建议:“https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading”
payment.f2f.info=与网上交易相比,“面对面”交易有不同的规则,也有不同的风险。\n\n主要区别是:\n●交易伙伴需要使用他们提供的联系方式交换关于会面地点和时间的信息。\n●交易双方需要携带笔记本电脑,在会面地点确认“已发送付款”和“已收到付款”。\n●如果交易方有特殊的“条款和条件”,他们必须在账户的“附加信息”文本框中声明这些条款和条件。\n●在发生争议时,调解员或仲裁员不能提供太多帮助,因为通常很难获得有关会面上所发生情况的篡改证据。在这种情况下,BTC 资金可能会被无限期锁定,或者直到交易双方达成协议。\n\n为确保您完全理解“面对面”交易的不同之处,请阅读以下说明和建议:“https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading”
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=国家或地区及城市:{0} / {1}
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=這個報價使用了您未創建過的
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=使用這個版本的軟件,交易夥伴可以驗證和驗證彼此的支付帳户,以創建一個可信的支付帳户網絡。\n\n交易成功後,您的支付帳户將被驗證以及交易限制將在一定時間後解除(此時間基於驗證方法)。\n\n有關驗證帳户的更多信息,請參見文檔 https://docs.bisq.network/payment-methods#account-signing
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=使用這個版本的軟件,交易夥伴可以驗證和驗證彼此的支付帳户,以創建一個可信的支付帳户網絡。\n\n交易成功後,您的支付帳户將被驗證以及交易限制將在一定時間後解除(此時間基於驗證方法)。\n\n有關驗證帳户的更多信息,請參見文檔 https://docs.haveno.exchange/payment-methods#account-signing
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=基於以下標準的安全限制,允許的交易金額限制為 {0}:\n- 買方的帳目沒有由仲裁員或夥伴驗證\n- 買方帳户自驗證之日起不足30天\n- 本報價的付款方式被認為存在銀行退款的風險\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=基於以下標準的安全限制,允許的交易金額限制為{0}:\n- 你的買家帳户沒有由仲裁員或夥伴驗證\n- 自驗證你的帳户以來的時間少於30天\n- 本報價的付款方式被認為存在銀行退款的風險\n\n{1}
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=該報價被 Haveno 開發人員限制。\n接受
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=該報價中使用的貨幣被 Haveno 開發人員阻止。\n請訪問 Haveno 論壇瞭解更多信息。
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=該報價中使用的付款方式被 Haveno 開發人員阻止。\n請訪問 Haveno 論壇瞭解更多信息。
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=該交易者的匿名地址被 Haveno 開發人員限制。\n當獲取來自該交易者的報價,可能有一個未處理的漏洞導致了問題。
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=您的 Haveno 版本不再兼容交易。\n請通過 https://bisq.network/downloads 更新到最新的 Haveno 版本。
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=您的 Haveno 版本不再兼容交易。\n請通過 https://haveno.exchange/downloads 更新到最新的 Haveno 版本。
@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=你的夥伴已經接受了
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=調解員在交易 ID:{0}上的建議
@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC 買家/買單者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 賣家/買單者
support.backgroundInfo=Haveno 不是一家公司,所以它處理糾紛的方式不同。\n\n交易雙方可以在應用程序中通過未完成交易頁面上的安全聊天進行通信,以嘗試自行解決爭端。如果這還不夠,調解員可以介入幫助。調解員將對情況進行評估,並對交易資金的支出提出建議。如果兩個交易者都接受這個建議,那麼支付交易就完成了,交易也結束了。如果一方或雙方不同意調解員的建議,他們可以要求仲裁。仲裁員將重新評估情況,如果有必要,將親自向交易員付款,並要求 Haveno DAO 對這筆付款進行補償。
support.initialInfo=請在下面的文本框中輸入您的問題描述。添加儘可能多的信息,以加快解決糾紛的時間。\n\n以下是你應提供的資料核對表:\n\t●如果您是 BTC 買家:您是否使用法定貨幣或其他加密貨幣轉賬?如果是,您是否點擊了應用程序中的“支付開始”按鈕?\n\t●如果您是 BTC 賣家:您是否收到法定貨幣或其他加密貨幣的付款了?如果是,你是否點擊了應用程序中的“已收到付款”按鈕?\n\t●您使用的是哪個版本的 Haveno?\n\t●您使用的是哪種操作系統?\n\t●如果遇到操作執行失敗的問題,請考慮切換到新的數據目錄。\n\t有時數據目錄會損壞,並導致奇怪的錯誤。\n詳見:https://docs.bisq.network/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n請熟悉糾紛處理的基本規則:\n\t●您需要在2天內答覆 {0} 的請求。\n\t●調解員會在2天之內答覆,仲裁員會在5天之內答覆。\n\t●糾紛的最長期限為14天。\n\t●你需要與仲裁員合作,提供他們為你的案件所要求的信息。\n\t●當您第一次啟動應用程序時,您接受了用户協議中爭議文檔中列出的規則。\n\n您可以通過 {2} 瞭解有關糾紛處理的更多信息
support.initialInfo=請在下面的文本框中輸入您的問題描述。添加儘可能多的信息,以加快解決糾紛的時間。\n\n以下是你應提供的資料核對表:\n\t●如果您是 BTC 買家:您是否使用法定貨幣或其他加密貨幣轉賬?如果是,您是否點擊了應用程序中的“支付開始”按鈕?\n\t●如果您是 BTC 賣家:您是否收到法定貨幣或其他加密貨幣的付款了?如果是,你是否點擊了應用程序中的“已收到付款”按鈕?\n\t●您使用的是哪個版本的 Haveno?\n\t●您使用的是哪種操作系統?\n\t●如果遇到操作執行失敗的問題,請考慮切換到新的數據目錄。\n\t有時數據目錄會損壞,並導致奇怪的錯誤。\n詳見:https://docs.haveno.exchange/backup-recovery.html#switch-to-a-new-data-directory\n\n請熟悉糾紛處理的基本規則:\n\t●您需要在2天內答覆 {0} 的請求。\n\t●調解員會在2天之內答覆,仲裁員會在5天之內答覆。\n\t●糾紛的最長期限為14天。\n\t●你需要與仲裁員合作,提供他們為你的案件所要求的信息。\n\t●當您第一次啟動應用程序時,您接受了用户協議中爭議文檔中列出的規則。\n\n您可以通過 {2} 瞭解有關糾紛處理的更多信息
support.youOpenedTicket=您創建了幫助請求。\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno 版本:{1}
support.youOpenedDispute=您創建了一個糾紛請求。\n\n{0}\n\nHaveno 版本:{1}
@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=忽略這個版本
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=Haveno 有新的更新!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=下載失敗。\n請到 https://haveno.io/downloads 下載並驗證。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=無法確定正確的安裝程序。請通過 https://bisq.network/downloads 手動下載和驗證。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=無法確定正確的安裝程序。請通過 https://haveno.exchange/downloads 手動下載和驗證。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=驗證失敗。\n請到 https://haveno.io/downloads 手動下載和驗證。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=新版本成功下載並驗證驗證 。\n\n請打開下載目錄,關閉應用程序並安裝最新版本。
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ error.closedTradeWithNoDepositTx=交易 ID 為 {0} 的保證金交易已被確
popup.warning.osxKeyLoggerWarning=由於 MacOS 10.14 及更高版本中的安全措施更加嚴格,因此啟動 Java 應用程序(Haveno 使用Java)會在 MacOS 中引發彈出警吿(``Haveno 希望從任何應用程序接收擊鍵'').\n\n為了避免該問題,請打開“ MacOS 設置”,然後轉到“安全和隱私”->“隱私”->“輸入監視”,然後從右側列表中刪除“ Haveno”。\n\n一旦解決了技術限制(所需的 Java 版本的 Java 打包程序尚未交付),Haveno將升級到新的 Java 版本,以避免該問題。
popup.warning.wrongVersion=您這台電腦上可能有錯誤的 Haveno 版本。\n您的電腦的架構是:{0}\n您安裝的 Haveno 二進制文件是:{1}\n請關閉並重新安裝正確的版本({2})。
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=我們檢測到不兼容的數據庫文件!\n\n那些數據庫文件與我們當前的代碼庫不兼容:\n{0}\n\n我們對損壞的文件進行了備份,並將默認值應用於新的數據庫版本。\n\n備份位於:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data。\n\n請檢查您是否安裝了最新版本的 Haveno\n您可以下載:\nhttps://bisq.network/downloads\n\n請重新啟動應用程序。
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=我們檢測到不兼容的數據庫文件!\n\n那些數據庫文件與我們當前的代碼庫不兼容:\n{0}\n\n我們對損壞的文件進行了備份,並將默認值應用於新的數據庫版本。\n\n備份位於:\n{1}/db/backup_of_corrupted_data。\n\n請檢查您是否安裝了最新版本的 Haveno\n您可以下載:\nhttps://haveno.exchange/downloads\n\n請重新啟動應用程序。
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Haveno 已經在運行。 您不能運行兩個 Haveno 實例。
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=您與 ID {0} 的交易已達到最長交易期的一半,且仍未完成。\n\n交易期結束於 {1}\n\n請查看“業務/未完成交易”的交易狀態,以獲取更多信息。
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=您與 ID {0} 的已達到最長交易期,且未完成。\n\n交易期結束於 {1}\n\n請查看“業務/未完成交易”的交易狀態,以從調解員獲取更多信息。
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=不正確的仲裁員 ECKey
popup.accountSigning.success.description=所有 {0} 支付賬户已成功驗證!
@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=城市將與報價一同顯示
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.f2f.info=與網上交易相比,“面對面”交易有不同的規則,也有不同的風險。\n\n主要區別是:\n●交易夥伴需要使用他們提供的聯繫方式交換關於會面地點和時間的信息。\n●交易雙方需要攜帶筆記本電腦,在會面地點確認“已發送付款”和“已收到付款”。\n●如果交易方有特殊的“條款和條件”,他們必須在賬户的“附加信息”文本框中聲明這些條款和條件。\n●在發生爭議時,調解員或仲裁員不能提供太多幫助,因為通常很難獲得有關會面上所發生情況的篡改證據。在這種情況下,BTC 資金可能會被無限期鎖定,或者直到交易雙方達成協議。\n\n為確保您完全理解“面對面”交易的不同之處,請閲讀以下説明和建議:“https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading”
payment.f2f.info=與網上交易相比,“面對面”交易有不同的規則,也有不同的風險。\n\n主要區別是:\n●交易夥伴需要使用他們提供的聯繫方式交換關於會面地點和時間的信息。\n●交易雙方需要攜帶筆記本電腦,在會面地點確認“已發送付款”和“已收到付款”。\n●如果交易方有特殊的“條款和條件”,他們必須在賬户的“附加信息”文本框中聲明這些條款和條件。\n●在發生爭議時,調解員或仲裁員不能提供太多幫助,因為通常很難獲得有關會面上所發生情況的篡改證據。在這種情況下,BTC 資金可能會被無限期鎖定,或者直到交易雙方達成協議。\n\n為確保您完全理解“面對面”交易的不同之處,請閲讀以下説明和建議:“https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading”
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=國家或地區及城市:{0} / {1}
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public class MobileNotificationsView extends ActivatableView<GridPane, Void> {
// Setup
private void onDownload() {
private void onErase() {
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ public abstract class Overlay<T extends Overlay<T>> {
public T useReportBugButton() {
this.closeButtonText = Res.get("shared.reportBug");
this.closeHandlerOptional = Optional.of(() -> GUIUtil.openWebPage("https://haveno.network/source/haveno/issues"));
this.closeHandlerOptional = Optional.of(() -> GUIUtil.openWebPage("https://haveno.exchange/source/haveno/issues"));
return cast();
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ public abstract class Overlay<T extends Overlay<T>> {
gitHubButton.setOnAction(event -> {
if (message != null)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class DisplayAlertMessageWindow extends Overlay<DisplayAlertMessageWindow
checkNotNull(alert, "alertMessage must not be null");
addMultilineLabel(gridPane, ++rowIndex, alert.getMessage(), 10);
if (alert.isSoftwareUpdateNotification()) {
String url = "https://haveno.network/downloads";
String url = "https://haveno.exchange/downloads";
HyperlinkWithIcon hyperlinkWithIcon = FormBuilder.addLabelHyperlinkWithIcon(gridPane, ++rowIndex,
Res.get("displayAlertMessageWindow.update.download"), url, url).second;
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public class HavenoInstaller {
private static final String FINGER_PRINT_MANFRED_KARRER = "F379A1C6";
private static final String FINGER_PRINT_CHRIS_BEAMS = "5BC5ED73";
private static final String FINGER_PRINT_CHRISTOPH_ATTENEDER = "29CDFD3B";
private static final String PUB_KEY_HOSTING_URL = "https://haveno.network/pubkey/";
private static final String DOWNLOAD_HOST_URL = "https://haveno.network/downloads/";
private static final String PUB_KEY_HOSTING_URL = "https://haveno.exchange/pubkey/";
private static final String DOWNLOAD_HOST_URL = "https://haveno.exchange/downloads/";
public boolean isSupportedOS() {
return Utilities.isOSX() || Utilities.isWindows() || Utilities.isDebianLinux() || Utilities.isRedHatLinux();
@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ public class GUIUtilTest {
/* PowerMockito.mockStatic(Utilities.class);
ArgumentCaptor<URI> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(URI.class);
PowerMockito.doNothing().when(Utilities.class, "openURI", captor.capture());
assertEquals("https://haveno.network?utm_source=desktop-client&utm_medium=in-app-link&utm_campaign=language_en", captor.getValue().toString());
assertEquals("https://haveno.exchange?utm_source=desktop-client&utm_medium=in-app-link&utm_campaign=language_en", captor.getValue().toString());
assertEquals("https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html?utm_source=desktop-client&utm_medium=in-app-link&utm_campaign=language_en#f2f-trading", captor.getValue().toString());
assertEquals("https://docs.haveno.exchange/trading-rules.html?utm_source=desktop-client&utm_medium=in-app-link&utm_campaign=language_en#f2f-trading", captor.getValue().toString());
Reference in a new issue