log error on failure to set password (#1318)

This commit is contained in:
woodser 2024-10-12 06:18:53 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 58787a1d31
commit 5352225bce
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
17 changed files with 4 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ password.deriveKey=Derive key from password
password.walletDecrypted=Wallet successfully decrypted and password protection removed.
password.wrongPw=You entered the wrong password.\n\nPlease try entering your password again, carefully checking for typos or spelling errors.
password.walletEncrypted=Wallet successfully encrypted and password protection enabled.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Password could not be set.
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=The 2 passwords you entered don't match.
password.forgotPassword=Forgot password?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\n\

View file

@ -1847,7 +1847,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Odvozuji klíč z hesla
password.walletDecrypted=Peněženka úspěšně dešifrována a ochrana heslem byla odstraněna.
password.wrongPw=Zadali jste nesprávné heslo.\n\nZkuste prosím zadat heslo znovu a pečlivě zkontrolujte překlepy nebo pravopisné chyby.
password.walletEncrypted=Peněženka úspěšně šifrována a ochrana heslem povolena.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Heslo peněženky nelze nastavit. Možná jste importovali počáteční slova, která neodpovídají databázi peněženky. Kontaktujte vývojáře na Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Zadaná 2 hesla se neshodují.
password.forgotPassword=Zapomněli jste heslo?
password.backupReminder=Pamatujte, že při nastavování hesla do peněženky budou odstraněny všechny automaticky vytvořené zálohy z nezašifrované peněženky.\n\nPřed nastavením hesla se důrazně doporučuje provést zálohu adresáře aplikace a zapsat si počáteční slova!

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@ -1848,7 +1848,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Schlüssel aus Passwort ableiten
password.walletDecrypted=Die Wallet wurde erfolgreich entschlüsselt und der Passwortschutz entfernt.
password.wrongPw=Sie haben das falsche Passwort eingegeben.\n\nVersuchen Sie bitte Ihr Passwort erneut einzugeben, wobei Sie dies vorsichtig auf Tipp- und Rechtschreibfehler überprüfen sollten.
password.walletEncrypted=Die Wallet wurde erfolgreich verschlüsselt und der Passwortschutz aktiviert.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet Passwort konnte nicht eingerichtet werden. Sie haben vielleicht Seed-Wörter importiert, die nicht mit der Wallet-Datenbank übereinstimmen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die Entwickler auf Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Die 2 eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.
password.forgotPassword=Passwort vergessen?
password.backupReminder=Beachten Sie, dass wenn Sie ein Passwort setzen, alle automatisch erstellten Backups der unverschlüsselten Wallet gelöscht werden.\n\nEs wird dringend empfohlen ein Backup des Anwendungsverzeichnisses zu erstellen und die Seed-Wörter aufzuschreiben, bevor Sie ein Passwort erstellen!

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@ -1849,7 +1849,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar clave desde contraseña
password.walletDecrypted=El monedero se desencriptó con éxito y se eliminó la protección por contraseña.
password.wrongPw=Ha introducido la contraseña incorrecta.\n\nPor favor, introduzca nuevamente la contraseña, evitando errores.
password.walletEncrypted=El monedero se encriptó con éxito y se activó la protección por contraseña.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=No se pudo establecer la contraseña de de la cartera. Puede haber importado palabras semilla que no corresponden a la base de datos del monedero. Por favor contacte con los desarrolladores en Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Las 2 contraseñas introducidas no coinciden.
password.forgotPassword=¿Ha olvidado la contraseña?
password.backupReminder=Por favor, al establecer una contraseña para la cartera, tenga en cuenta que todas las copias de seguridad creadas de la cartera no encriptada serán borradas automáticamente

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@ -1841,7 +1841,6 @@ password.deriveKey=کلید را از رمز عبور استنتاج کنید
password.walletDecrypted=کیف پول با موفقیت رمزگشایی شد و حفاظت با رمز عبور حذف شد.
password.wrongPw=شما رمز عبور را اشتباه وارد کرده اید.\n\n لطفا سعی کنید رمز عبور خود را وارد کنید و با دقت خطاها و اشتباهات املایی را بررسی کنید.
password.walletEncrypted=کیف پول به طور موفقیت آمیز کدگذاری و حفاظت کیف پول فعال شد.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 رمز عبوری که وارد نموده اید باهم مطابقت ندارند.
password.forgotPassword=رمز عبور را فراموش کرده اید؟
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -1850,7 +1850,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Récupérer la clé à partir du mot de passe
password.walletDecrypted=Portefeuille décrypté avec succès et protection par mot de passe désactivée.
password.wrongPw=Vous avez entré un mot de passe incorrect.\n\nVeuillez réessayer d'entrer votre mot de passe, en vérifiant soigneusement qu'il ne contient pas de fautes de frappe ou d'orthographe.
password.walletEncrypted=Portefeuille crypté avec succès et protection par mot de passe activée.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Le mot de passe du portefeuille n'a pas pu être défini. Il est possible que vous ayiez importé des mots sources qui ne correspondent pas à la base de données du portefeuille. Veuillez contacter les développeurs sur Keybase ([LIEN:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Les 2 mots de passe entrés ne correspondent pas.
password.forgotPassword=Mot de passe oublié?
password.backupReminder=Veuillez noter que lors de la définition d'un mot de passe de portefeuille, toutes les sauvegardes créées automatiquement à partir du portefeuille non crypté seront supprimées.\n\nIl est fortement recommandé de faire une sauvegarde du répertoire de l'application et d'écrire les mots source avant de définir un mot de passe!

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@ -1844,7 +1844,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Deriva la chiave dalla password
password.walletDecrypted=Portafoglio decodificato correttamente e protezione con password rimossa.
password.wrongPw=Hai inserito la password errata.\n\nProva a inserire nuovamente la password, verificando attentamente errori di battitura o errori di ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=Portafoglio crittografato correttamente e protezione con password abilitata.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Le 2 password inserite non corrispondono.
password.forgotPassword=Password dimenticata?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -1847,7 +1847,6 @@ password.deriveKey=パスワードから鍵を引き出す
password.walletEncryptionFailed=ウォレットのパスワードを設定できませんでした。ウォレットデータベースと一致しないシードワードをインポートした可能性があります。Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]) で開発者と連絡して下さい。

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@ -1851,7 +1851,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivando chave a partir da senha
password.walletDecrypted=A carteira foi decifrada com sucesso e a proteção por senha removida
password.wrongPw=Você digitou a senha incorreta.\n\nFavor tentar novamente, verificando com cuidado erros de digitação ou ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=A carteira foi encriptada e a proteção por senha foi ativada com sucesso.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=As 2 senhas inseridas não são iguais.
password.forgotPassword=Esqueceu a senha?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -1841,7 +1841,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar chave a partir da senha
password.walletDecrypted=A carteira foi descriptografada com sucesso e a proteção por senha removida.
password.wrongPw=Você digitou a senha errada.\n\nPor favor, tente digitar sua senha novamente, verificando com atenção se há erros de ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=Carteira encriptada com sucesso e proteção por senha ativada.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=As 2 senhas inseridas não são iguais.
password.forgotPassword=Esqueceu a senha?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -1842,7 +1842,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Извлечь ключ из пароля
password.walletDecrypted=Кошелёк успешно расшифрован, защита паролем удалена.
password.wrongPw=Вы ввели неверный пароль.\n\nПопробуйте снова, обратив внимание на возможные ошибки ввода.
password.walletEncrypted=Кошелёк успешно зашифрован, защита паролем включена.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Введённые вами 2 пароля не совпадают.
password.forgotPassword=Забыли пароль?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -1842,7 +1842,6 @@ password.deriveKey=ดึงข้อมูลจากรหัสผ่าน
password.wrongPw=คุณป้อนรหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง\n\nโปรดลองป้อนรหัสผ่านอีกครั้งโดยละเอียด เพื่อตรวจสอบความผิดพลาดในการพิมพ์หรือสะกด
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=รหัสผ่าน 2 รายการที่คุณป้อนไม่ตรงกัน
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -2440,7 +2440,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Şifreden anahtar türet
password.walletDecrypted=Cüzdan başarıyla şifresiz hale getirildi ve şifre koruması kaldırıldı.
password.wrongPw=Yanlış şifre girdiniz.\n\nLütfen şifrenizi dikkatlice kontrol ederek tekrar girin, yazım hatalarına dikkat edin.
password.walletEncrypted=Cüzdan başarıyla şifrelendi ve şifre koruması etkinleştirildi.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Cüzdan şifresi ayarlanamadı. Seed kelimeleriniz cüzdan veritabanıyla eşleşmeyebilir. Lütfen Keybase'deki geliştiricilerle iletişime geçin ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Girdiğiniz iki şifre eşleşmiyor.
password.forgotPassword=Şifrenizi mi unuttunuz?
password.backupReminder=Şifre ayarlarken tüm otomatik olarak oluşturulan şifresiz cüzdan yedekleri silinecektir.\n\n\

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@ -1844,7 +1844,6 @@ password.deriveKey=Lấy khóa từ mật khẩu
password.walletDecrypted=Ví đã giải mã thành công và bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu bị gỡ bỏ.
password.wrongPw=Bạn nhập sai mật khẩu.\n\nVui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu, kiểm tra lỗi do gõ phí hoặc lỗi chính tả cẩn thận.
password.walletEncrypted=Ví đã được mã hóa thành công và bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu được kích hoạt.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/haveno]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 mật khẩu bạn nhập không khớp.
password.forgotPassword=Quên mật khẩu?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!

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@ -1851,7 +1851,6 @@ password.deriveKey=从密码中提取密钥
password.walletEncryptionFailed=无法设置钱包密码。您可能导入了与钱包数据库不匹配的还原密钥。请在 Keybase 上联系开发者https://keybase.io/team/haveno]

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@ -1845,7 +1845,6 @@ password.deriveKey=從密碼中提取密鑰
password.walletEncryptionFailed=無法設置錢包密碼。您可能導入了與錢包數據庫不匹配的還原密鑰。請在 Keybase 上聯繫開發者https://keybase.io/team/haveno]

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import static haveno.desktop.util.FormBuilder.addButtonBusyAnimationLabel;
import static haveno.desktop.util.FormBuilder.addMultilineLabel;
import static haveno.desktop.util.FormBuilder.addPasswordTextField;
import static haveno.desktop.util.FormBuilder.addTitledGroupBg;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import haveno.desktop.util.Layout;
import haveno.desktop.util.validation.PasswordValidator;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
@ -157,8 +158,9 @@ public class PasswordView extends ActivatableView<GridPane, Void> {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Error applying password: {}\n", t.getMessage(), t);
new Popup()
.warning(Res.get("password.walletEncryptionFailed") + "\n\n" + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(t))