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synced 2025-03-22 15:19:12 +00:00
update translations for sell limits within release windows
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 30 additions and 2 deletions
@ -412,12 +412,12 @@ popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount
- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n\
- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n\
- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n\
- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n\
- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=This payment method is temporarily limited to {0} until {1} because all buyers have new accounts.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Your offer will be limited to buyers with signed and aged accounts because it exceeds {0}.\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n\
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n\
- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n\
- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n\
- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n\
- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n\
- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=This payment method is temporarily limited to {0} until {1} because all buyers have new accounts.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Your offer will be limited to buyers with signed and aged accounts because it exceeds {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=That offer requires a different protocol version as the one used in your version of the software.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version installed, otherwise the user who created the offer has used an older version.\n\nUsers cannot trade with an incompatible trade protocol version.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=That offer requires a different protocol version as the one used in your version of the software.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version installed, otherwise the user who created the offer has used an older version.\n\nUsers cannot trade with an incompatible trade protocol version.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=You have added that user's onion address to your ignore list.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=You have added that user's onion address to your ignore list.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=S touto verzí softwaru mohou obchodní
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Povolená částka obchodu je omezena na {0} z důvodu bezpečnostních omezení na základě následujících kritérií:\n- Účet kupujícího nebyl podepsán rozhodcem ani obchodním partnerem\n- Doba od podpisu účtu kupujícího není alespoň 30 dní\n- Způsob platby této nabídky je považován za riskantní pro bankovní zpětné zúčtování\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Povolená částka obchodu je omezena na {0} z důvodu bezpečnostních omezení na základě následujících kritérií:\n- Účet kupujícího nebyl podepsán rozhodcem ani obchodním partnerem\n- Doba od podpisu účtu kupujícího není alespoň 30 dní\n- Způsob platby této nabídky je považován za riskantní pro bankovní zpětné zúčtování\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Povolená částka obchodu je omezena na {0} z důvodu bezpečnostních omezení na základě následujících kritérií:\n- Váš účet nebyl podepsán rozhodcem ani obchodním partnerem\n- Čas od podpisu vašeho účtu není alespoň 30 dní\n- Způsob platby této nabídky je považován za riskantní pro bankovní zpětné zúčtování\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Povolená částka obchodu je omezena na {0} z důvodu bezpečnostních omezení na základě následujících kritérií:\n- Váš účet nebyl podepsán rozhodcem ani obchodním partnerem\n- Čas od podpisu vašeho účtu není alespoň 30 dní\n- Způsob platby této nabídky je považován za riskantní pro bankovní zpětné zúčtování\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Tento platební metoda je dočasně omezena na {0} do {1}, protože všichni kupující mají nové účty.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Vaše nabídka bude omezena na kupující s podepsanými a starými účty, protože překračuje {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Tato nabídka vyžaduje jinou verzi protokolu než ta, která byla použita ve vaší verzi softwaru.\n\nZkontrolujte, zda máte nainstalovanou nejnovější verzi, jinak uživatel, který nabídku vytvořil, použil starší verzi.\n\nUživatelé nemohou obchodovat s nekompatibilní verzí obchodního protokolu.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Tato nabídka vyžaduje jinou verzi protokolu než ta, která byla použita ve vaší verzi softwaru.\n\nZkontrolujte, zda máte nainstalovanou nejnovější verzi, jinak uživatel, který nabídku vytvořil, použil starší verzi.\n\nUživatelé nemohou obchodovat s nekompatibilní verzí obchodního protokolu.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Do seznamu ignorovaných uživatelů jste přidali onion adresu tohoto uživatele.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Do seznamu ignorovaných uživatelů jste přidali onion adresu tohoto uživatele.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Mit dieser Version der Software können
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Der zulässige Trade-Betrag ist aufgrund von Sicherheitseinschränkungen, die auf den folgenden Kriterien basieren, auf {0} begrenzt:\n- Das Konto des Käufers wurde nicht von einem Vermittler oder einem Partner unterzeichnet\n- Die Zeit seit der Unterzeichnung des Kontos des Käufers beträgt nicht mindestens 30 Tage\n- Die Zahlungsmethode für dieses Angebot gilt als riskant für Bankrückbuchungen\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Der zulässige Trade-Betrag ist aufgrund von Sicherheitseinschränkungen, die auf den folgenden Kriterien basieren, auf {0} begrenzt:\n- Das Konto des Käufers wurde nicht von einem Vermittler oder einem Partner unterzeichnet\n- Die Zeit seit der Unterzeichnung des Kontos des Käufers beträgt nicht mindestens 30 Tage\n- Die Zahlungsmethode für dieses Angebot gilt als riskant für Bankrückbuchungen\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Der zulässige Trade-Betrag ist aufgrund von Sicherheitseinschränkungen, die auf den folgenden Kriterien basieren, auf {0} begrenzt:\n- Ihr Konto wurde nicht von einem Vermittler oder einem Partner unterzeichnet\n- Die Zeit seit der Unterzeichnung Ihres Kontos beträgt nicht mindestens 30 Tage\n- Die Zahlungsmethode für dieses Angebot gilt als riskant für Bankrückbuchungen\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Der zulässige Trade-Betrag ist aufgrund von Sicherheitseinschränkungen, die auf den folgenden Kriterien basieren, auf {0} begrenzt:\n- Ihr Konto wurde nicht von einem Vermittler oder einem Partner unterzeichnet\n- Die Zeit seit der Unterzeichnung Ihres Kontos beträgt nicht mindestens 30 Tage\n- Die Zahlungsmethode für dieses Angebot gilt als riskant für Bankrückbuchungen\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Diese Zahlungsmethode ist vorübergehend auf {0} bis {1} begrenzt, da alle Käufer neue Konten haben.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Ihr Angebot wird auf Käufer mit unterzeichneten und alten Konten beschränkt sein, da es {0} übersteigt.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Dieses Angebot benötigt eine andere Protokollversion, als die Version Ihrer Software.\n\nBitte überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die aktuellste Version installiert haben. Andernfalls hat der Nutzer, der das Angebot erstellt hat, eine ältere Version benutzt.\n\nNutzer können nicht mit inkompatiblen Protokollversionen handeln.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Dieses Angebot benötigt eine andere Protokollversion, als die Version Ihrer Software.\n\nBitte überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die aktuellste Version installiert haben. Andernfalls hat der Nutzer, der das Angebot erstellt hat, eine ältere Version benutzt.\n\nNutzer können nicht mit inkompatiblen Protokollversionen handeln.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Sie haben die Onion-Adresse dieses Nutzers zu Ihrer Liste ignorierter Adressen hinzugefügt.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Sie haben die Onion-Adresse dieses Nutzers zu Ihrer Liste ignorierter Adressen hinzugefügt.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Con esta versión de software, los pare
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=El monto de intercambio permitido está limitado a {0} debido a restricciones de seguridad basadas en los siguientes criterios:\n- La cuenta del comprador no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par\n- El tiempo desde el firmado de la cuenta del comprador no es de al menos 30 días.\n- el método de pago para esta oferta se considera riesgoso para devoluciones de cargo\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=El monto de intercambio permitido está limitado a {0} debido a restricciones de seguridad basadas en los siguientes criterios:\n- La cuenta del comprador no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par\n- El tiempo desde el firmado de la cuenta del comprador no es de al menos 30 días.\n- el método de pago para esta oferta se considera riesgoso para devoluciones de cargo\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=El monto de intercambio permitido está limitado a {0} debido a restricciones de seguridad basadas en los siguientes criterios:\n- Su cuenta de pago no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par\n- El tiempo desde el firmado de su cuenta no es de al menos 30 días\n- El método de pago para esta oferta se considera riesgoso para devoluciones de cargo\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=El monto de intercambio permitido está limitado a {0} debido a restricciones de seguridad basadas en los siguientes criterios:\n- Su cuenta de pago no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par\n- El tiempo desde el firmado de su cuenta no es de al menos 30 días\n- El método de pago para esta oferta se considera riesgoso para devoluciones de cargo\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Este método de pago está temporalmente limitado a {0} hasta {1} porque todos los compradores tienen cuentas nuevas.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Tu oferta estará limitada a compradores con cuentas firmadas y antiguas porque excede {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Esta oferta requiere un protocolo de intercambio diferente al utilizado en su versión del software.\n\nPor favor, compruebe que tiene instalada la última versión del software, o de otra forma el usuario que creó la oferta ha utilizado una versión más antigua que la suya.\n\nLos usuarios no pueden realizar transacciones con una versión de protocolo de intercambio incompatible.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Esta oferta requiere un protocolo de intercambio diferente al utilizado en su versión del software.\n\nPor favor, compruebe que tiene instalada la última versión del software, o de otra forma el usuario que creó la oferta ha utilizado una versión más antigua que la suya.\n\nLos usuarios no pueden realizar transacciones con una versión de protocolo de intercambio incompatible.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Ha añadido esta dirección onion a la lista de ignorados.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Ha añadido esta dirección onion a la lista de ignorados.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=این روش پرداخت موقتاً تا {1} به {0} محدود شده است زیرا همه خریداران حسابهای جدیدی دارند.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=پیشنهاد شما تنها مختص خریدارانی خواهد بود که حسابهایی با امضا و سنین پیر دارند زیرا این مبلغ {0} را بیشتر میکند.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=این پیشنهاد نیاز به نسخه پروتکل متفاوتی مانند پروتکل نسخه نرمافزار خودتان دارد.\n\nلطفا پس از نصب آخرین آپدیت نرمافزار دوباره تلاش کنید. در غیر این صورت، کاربری که این پیشنهاد را ایجاد کرده است، از نسخهای قدیمیتر استفاده میکند.\n\nکاربران نمی توانند با نسخههای پروتکل معاملاتی ناسازگار، معامله کنند.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=این پیشنهاد نیاز به نسخه پروتکل متفاوتی مانند پروتکل نسخه نرمافزار خودتان دارد.\n\nلطفا پس از نصب آخرین آپدیت نرمافزار دوباره تلاش کنید. در غیر این صورت، کاربری که این پیشنهاد را ایجاد کرده است، از نسخهای قدیمیتر استفاده میکند.\n\nکاربران نمی توانند با نسخههای پروتکل معاملاتی ناسازگار، معامله کنند.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=شما آدرس onion کاربر را به لیست بیاعتنایی خودتان افزودهاید.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=شما آدرس onion کاربر را به لیست بیاعتنایی خودتان افزودهاید.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Grâce à cette version du logiciel, le
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Le compte de l''acheteur n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature du compte de l''acheteur est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Le compte de l''acheteur n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature du compte de l''acheteur est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Votre compte n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature de votre compte est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Votre compte n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature de votre compte est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Ce mode de paiement est temporairement limité à {0} jusqu'à {1} car tous les acheteurs ont de nouveaux comptes.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Votre offre sera limitée aux acheteurs avec des comptes signés et anciens car elle dépasse {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Cet ordre exige une version de protocole différente de celle utilisée actuellement par votre logiciel.\n\nVeuillez vérifier que vous avez bien la dernière version d'installée, il est possible que l'utilisateur qui a créé cet ordre utilise une ancienne version.\n\nIl n'est pas possible de trader avec des versions différentes de protocole.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Cet ordre exige une version de protocole différente de celle utilisée actuellement par votre logiciel.\n\nVeuillez vérifier que vous avez bien la dernière version d'installée, il est possible que l'utilisateur qui a créé cet ordre utilise une ancienne version.\n\nIl n'est pas possible de trader avec des versions différentes de protocole.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Vous avez ajouté l'adresse onion de cet utilisateur à votre liste noire.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Vous avez ajouté l'adresse onion de cet utilisateur à votre liste noire.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=L'importo di scambio consentito è limitato a {0} a causa delle restrizioni di sicurezza basate sui seguenti criteri:\n- L'account dell'acquirente non è stato firmato da un arbitro o da un pari\n- Il tempo trascorso dalla firma dell'account dell'acquirente non è di almeno 30 giorni\n- Il metodo di pagamento per questa offerta è considerato rischioso per le richieste di storno bancarie\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=L'importo di scambio consentito è limitato a {0} a causa delle restrizioni di sicurezza basate sui seguenti criteri:\n- L'account dell'acquirente non è stato firmato da un arbitro o da un pari\n- Il tempo trascorso dalla firma dell'account dell'acquirente non è di almeno 30 giorni\n- Il metodo di pagamento per questa offerta è considerato rischioso per le richieste di storno bancarie\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=L'importo di scambio consentito è limitato a {0} a causa delle restrizioni di sicurezza basate sui seguenti criteri:\n- Il tuo account non è stato firmato da un arbitro o da un pari\n- Il tempo trascorso dalla firma del tuo account non è di almeno 30 giorni\n- Il metodo di pagamento per questa offerta è considerato rischioso per le richieste di storno bancarie\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=L'importo di scambio consentito è limitato a {0} a causa delle restrizioni di sicurezza basate sui seguenti criteri:\n- Il tuo account non è stato firmato da un arbitro o da un pari\n- Il tempo trascorso dalla firma del tuo account non è di almeno 30 giorni\n- Il metodo di pagamento per questa offerta è considerato rischioso per le richieste di storno bancarie\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Questo metodo di pagamento è temporaneamente limitato a {0} fino a {1} perché tutti gli acquirenti hanno nuovi account.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=La tua offerta sarà limitata ai compratori con account firmati e datati perché supera {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Questa offerta richiede una versione di protocollo diversa da quella utilizzata nella versione del tuo software.\n\nVerifica di aver installato l'ultima versione, altrimenti l'utente che ha creato l'offerta ha utilizzato una versione precedente.\n\nGli utenti non possono effettuare scambi con una versione di protocollo di scambio incompatibile.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Questa offerta richiede una versione di protocollo diversa da quella utilizzata nella versione del tuo software.\n\nVerifica di aver installato l'ultima versione, altrimenti l'utente che ha creato l'offerta ha utilizzato una versione precedente.\n\nGli utenti non possono effettuare scambi con una versione di protocollo di scambio incompatibile.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Hai aggiunto l'indirizzo onion dell'utente al tuo elenco di persone da ignorare.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Hai aggiunto l'indirizzo onion dell'utente al tuo elenco di persone da ignorare.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=このバージョンのソフトウェ
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=許可されたトレード金額は以下のセキュリティ基準に基づいて {0} に制限されました:\n- 買い手のアカウントは調停人やピアに署名されていません\n- 買い手のアカウントが署名された時から30日未満がたちました\n- このオファーの支払い方法は、銀行のチャージバックのリスクが高いと考えられます\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=許可されたトレード金額は以下のセキュリティ基準に基づいて {0} に制限されました:\n- 買い手のアカウントは調停人やピアに署名されていません\n- 買い手のアカウントが署名された時から30日未満がたちました\n- このオファーの支払い方法は、銀行のチャージバックのリスクが高いと考えられます\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=許可されたトレード金額は以下のセキュリティ基準に基づいて {0} に制限されました:\n- このアカウントは調停人やピアに署名されていません\n- このアカウントが署名された時から30日未満がたちました\n- このオファーの支払い方法は、銀行のチャージバックのリスクが高いと考えられます\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=許可されたトレード金額は以下のセキュリティ基準に基づいて {0} に制限されました:\n- このアカウントは調停人やピアに署名されていません\n- このアカウントが署名された時から30日未満がたちました\n- このオファーの支払い方法は、銀行のチャージバックのリスクが高いと考えられます\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=あなたのオファーは、署名済みで経年の古いアカウントを持つバイヤーに限定されます。なぜなら、それが {0} を超えているためです。\n\n{1}
@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=A quantia permitida para a negociação está limitada a {0} devido a restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguintes critérios:\n- A conta do comprador não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- A conta do comprador foi assinada há menos de 30 dias\n- O meio de pagamento para essa oferta é considerado de risco para estornos bancários.\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=A quantia permitida para a negociação está limitada a {0} devido a restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguintes critérios:\n- A conta do comprador não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- A conta do comprador foi assinada há menos de 30 dias\n- O meio de pagamento para essa oferta é considerado de risco para estornos bancários.\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=A quantia permitida para a negociação está limitada a {0} devido a restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguintes critérios:\n- A sua conta não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- A sua conta foi assinada há menos de 30 dias\n- O meio de pagamento para essa oferta é considerado de risco para estornos bancários.\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=A quantia permitida para a negociação está limitada a {0} devido a restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguintes critérios:\n- A sua conta não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- A sua conta foi assinada há menos de 30 dias\n- O meio de pagamento para essa oferta é considerado de risco para estornos bancários.\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Este método de pagamento está temporariamente limitado a {0} até {1} porque todos os compradores têm novas contas.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Sua oferta será limitada a compradores com contas assinadas e antigas porque excede {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Essa oferta requer uma versão do protocolo diferente da usada em sua versão do software.\n\nVerifique se você possui a versão mais nova instalada, caso contrário o usuário que criou a oferta usou uma versão ultrapassada.\n\nUsuários não podem negociar com uma versão incompatível do protocolo.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Essa oferta requer uma versão do protocolo diferente da usada em sua versão do software.\n\nVerifique se você possui a versão mais nova instalada, caso contrário o usuário que criou a oferta usou uma versão ultrapassada.\n\nUsuários não podem negociar com uma versão incompatível do protocolo.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Você adicionou o endereço onion à sua lista de endereços ignorados.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Você adicionou o endereço onion à sua lista de endereços ignorados.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=A quantia de negócio é limitada à {0} devido à restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguinte critérios:\n- A conta do comprador não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- O tempo decorrido desde a assinatura da conta do comprador não é de pelo menos 30 dias\n- O método de pagamento para esta oferta é considerado arriscado para estornos bancários\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=A quantia de negócio é limitada à {0} devido à restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguinte critérios:\n- A conta do comprador não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- O tempo decorrido desde a assinatura da conta do comprador não é de pelo menos 30 dias\n- O método de pagamento para esta oferta é considerado arriscado para estornos bancários\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=A quantia de negócio é limitada à {0} devido à restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguinte critérios:\n- A sua conta não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- O tempo decorrido desde a assinatura da sua conta não é de pelo menos 30 dias\n- O método de pagamento para esta oferta é considerado arriscado para estornos bancários\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=A quantia de negócio é limitada à {0} devido à restrições de segurança baseadas nos seguinte critérios:\n- A sua conta não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par\n- O tempo decorrido desde a assinatura da sua conta não é de pelo menos 30 dias\n- O método de pagamento para esta oferta é considerado arriscado para estornos bancários\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Este método de pagamento está temporariamente limitado a {0} até {1} porque todos os compradores têm novas contas.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Sua oferta será limitada a compradores com contas assinadas e antigas porque excede {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Essa oferta requer uma versão de protocolo diferente da usada na sua versão do software.\n\nPor favor, verifique se você tem a versão mais recente instalada, caso contrário, o usuário que criou a oferta usou uma versão mais antiga.\n\nOs utilizadores não podem negociar com uma versão de protocolo de negócio incompatível.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Essa oferta requer uma versão de protocolo diferente da usada na sua versão do software.\n\nPor favor, verifique se você tem a versão mais recente instalada, caso contrário, o usuário que criou a oferta usou uma versão mais antiga.\n\nOs utilizadores não podem negociar com uma versão de protocolo de negócio incompatível.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Você adicionou o endereço onion daquele utilizador à sua lista de endereços ignorados.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Você adicionou o endereço onion daquele utilizador à sua lista de endereços ignorados.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Этот способ оплаты временно ограничен до {0} до {1}, поскольку все покупатели имеют новые аккаунты.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Ваше предложение будет ограничено для покупателей с подписанными и старыми аккаунтами, потому что оно превышает {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Это предложение требует другой версии протокола, чем та, что используется в вашей версии приложения.\n\nПроверьте, установлена ли у вас новейшая версия приложения. Если да, то пользователь, создавший предложение, использовал старую версию.\n\nПри использовании несовместимой версии торгового протокола торговля невозможна.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Это предложение требует другой версии протокола, чем та, что используется в вашей версии приложения.\n\nПроверьте, установлена ли у вас новейшая версия приложения. Если да, то пользователь, создавший предложение, использовал старую версию.\n\nПри использовании несовместимой версии торгового протокола торговля невозможна.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Onion-адрес данного пользователя добавлен в чёрный список.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Onion-адрес данного пользователя добавлен в чёрный список.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=วิธีการชำระเงินนี้ถูก จำกัด ชั่วคราวไปยัง {0} จนถึง {1} เนื่องจากผู้ซื้อทุกคนมีบัญชีใหม่\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=ข้อเสนอของคุณจะถูก จำกัด เฉพาะผู้ซื้อที่มีบัญชีที่ได้ลงนามและมีอายุ เนื่องจากมันเกิน {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=ข้อเสนอดังกล่าวต้องใช้โปรโตคอลเวอร์ชันอื่นเหมือนกับเวอร์ชันที่ใช้ในซอฟต์แวร์เวอร์ชันของคุณ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าคุณได้ติดตั้งเวอร์ชั่นล่าสุด อีกนัยหนึ่งผู้ใช้ที่สร้างข้อเสนอได้ใช้รุ่นที่เก่ากว่า\n\nผู้ใช้ไม่สามารถซื้อขายกับโปรโตคอลการค้าเวอร์ชั่นซอฟต์แวร์ที่แตกต่างกันได้
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=ข้อเสนอดังกล่าวต้องใช้โปรโตคอลเวอร์ชันอื่นเหมือนกับเวอร์ชันที่ใช้ในซอฟต์แวร์เวอร์ชันของคุณ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าคุณได้ติดตั้งเวอร์ชั่นล่าสุด อีกนัยหนึ่งผู้ใช้ที่สร้างข้อเสนอได้ใช้รุ่นที่เก่ากว่า\n\nผู้ใช้ไม่สามารถซื้อขายกับโปรโตคอลการค้าเวอร์ชั่นซอฟต์แวร์ที่แตกต่างกันได้
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=คุณได้เพิ่มที่อยู่ onion ของผู้ใช้ลงในรายการที่ไม่สนใจแล้ว
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=คุณได้เพิ่มที่อยู่ onion ของผู้ใช้ลงในรายการที่ไม่สนใจแล้ว
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trad
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- The buyer''s account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of the buyer''s account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=The allowed trade amount is limited to {0} because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:\n- Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer\n- The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days\n- The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=Phương thức thanh toán này tạm thời chỉ được giới hạn đến {0} cho đến {1} vì tất cả các người mua đều có tài khoản mới.\n\n{2}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.exceedsUnsignedBuyLimit=Đề nghị của bạn sẽ bị giới hạn chỉ đối với các người mua có tài khoản đã ký và có tuổi vì nó vượt quá {0}.\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Lệnh này cần phiên bản giao thức khác với được sử dụng trong phiên bản phần mềm của bạn.\n\nHãy kiểm tra xem bạn đã cài đặt phiên bản mới nhất chưa, nếu không người dùng đã tạo lệnh đã sử dụng phiên bản cũ.\n\nNgười dùng không thể giao dịch với phiên bản giao thức giao dịch không tương thích.
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Lệnh này cần phiên bản giao thức khác với được sử dụng trong phiên bản phần mềm của bạn.\n\nHãy kiểm tra xem bạn đã cài đặt phiên bản mới nhất chưa, nếu không người dùng đã tạo lệnh đã sử dụng phiên bản cũ.\n\nNgười dùng không thể giao dịch với phiên bản giao thức giao dịch không tương thích.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Bạn đã thêm địa chỉ onion của người dùng vào danh sách bỏ qua.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Bạn đã thêm địa chỉ onion của người dùng vào danh sách bỏ qua.
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=使用这个版本的软件,交易伙
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=基于以下标准的安全限制,允许的交易金额限制为 {0}:\n- 买方的帐目没有由仲裁员或伙伴验证\n- 买方帐户自验证之日起不足30天\n- 本报价的付款方式被认为存在银行退款的风险\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=基于以下标准的安全限制,允许的交易金额限制为 {0}:\n- 买方的帐目没有由仲裁员或伙伴验证\n- 买方帐户自验证之日起不足30天\n- 本报价的付款方式被认为存在银行退款的风险\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=基于以下标准的安全限制,允许的交易金额限制为{0}:\n- 你的买家帐户没有由仲裁员或伙伴验证\n- 自验证你的帐户以来的时间少于30天\n- 本报价的付款方式被认为存在银行退款的风险\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=基于以下标准的安全限制,允许的交易金额限制为{0}:\n- 你的买家帐户没有由仲裁员或伙伴验证\n- 自验证你的帐户以来的时间少于30天\n- 本报价的付款方式被认为存在银行退款的风险\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=这种付款方法暂时限于 {0} 到 {1},因为所有的买家都是新帐户。\n\n{2}
@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=使用這個版本的軟件,交易夥
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=基於以下標準的安全限制,允許的交易金額限制為 {0}:\n- 買方的帳目沒有由仲裁員或夥伴驗證\n- 買方帳户自驗證之日起不足30天\n- 本報價的付款方式被認為存在銀行退款的風險\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=基於以下標準的安全限制,允許的交易金額限制為 {0}:\n- 買方的帳目沒有由仲裁員或夥伴驗證\n- 買方帳户自驗證之日起不足30天\n- 本報價的付款方式被認為存在銀行退款的風險\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=基於以下標準的安全限制,允許的交易金額限制為{0}:\n- 你的買家帳户沒有由仲裁員或夥伴驗證\n- 自驗證你的帳户以來的時間少於30天\n- 本報價的付款方式被認為存在銀行退款的風險\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=基於以下標準的安全限制,允許的交易金額限制為{0}:\n- 你的買家帳户沒有由仲裁員或夥伴驗證\n- 自驗證你的帳户以來的時間少於30天\n- 本報價的付款方式被認為存在銀行退款的風險\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller.releaseLimit=這個付款方式暫時只限於 {0} 到 {1},因為所有買家都是新帳戶。\n\n{2}
Reference in a new issue