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synced 2025-03-21 06:38:46 +00:00
remove message of losing maker fee on removing offer
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 17 additions and 19 deletions
@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=You need to wait until you ha
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=You need to wait until the download of missing Monero blocks is complete.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=You need to wait until the download of missing Monero blocks is complete.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Monero block has been published.\n\n\
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Monero block has been published.\n\n\
You can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
You can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove that offer?\nThe maker fee of {0} will be lost if you remove that offer.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove that offer?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=You cannot set a percentage of 100% or larger.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=You cannot set a percentage of 100% or larger.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Please enter a percentage number like \"5.4\" for 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Please enter a percentage number like \"5.4\" for 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=There is no price feed available for that currency. You cannot use a percent based price.\nPlease select the fixed price.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=There is no price feed available for that currency. You cannot use a percent based price.\nPlease select the fixed price.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Musíte počkat, až budete plně připojeni k s
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Musíte počkat, až budete mít alespoň {0} připojení k bitcoinové síti.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Musíte počkat, až budete mít alespoň {0} připojení k bitcoinové síti.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Musíte počkat, až bude stahování chybějících bitcoinových bloků kompletní.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Musíte počkat, až bude stahování chybějících bitcoinových bloků kompletní.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Výška blockchainu peněženky Haveno není správně synchronizována. Pokud jste aplikaci spustili nedávno, počkejte, dokud nebude zveřejněn jeden blok bitcoinů.\n\nVýšku blockchainu můžete zkontrolovat v Nastavení/Informace o síti. Pokud projde více než jeden blok a tento problém přetrvává, asi být zastaven, v takovém případě byste měli provést SPV resynchonizaci. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Výška blockchainu peněženky Haveno není správně synchronizována. Pokud jste aplikaci spustili nedávno, počkejte, dokud nebude zveřejněn jeden blok bitcoinů.\n\nVýšku blockchainu můžete zkontrolovat v Nastavení/Informace o síti. Pokud projde více než jeden blok a tento problém přetrvává, asi být zastaven, v takovém případě byste měli provést SPV resynchonizaci. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Opravdu chcete tuto nabídku odebrat?\nPokud tuto nabídku odstraníte, ztratí se poplatek tvůrce {0}.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Opravdu chcete tuto nabídku odebrat?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Nelze nastavit procento 100% nebo větší.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Nelze nastavit procento 100% nebo větší.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Zadejte procento jako číslo \"5.4\" pro 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Zadejte procento jako číslo \"5.4\" pro 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Pro tuto měnu není k dispozici žádný zdroj cen. Nelze použít procentuální cenu.\nVyberte pevnou cenu.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Pro tuto měnu není k dispozici žádný zdroj cen. Nelze použít procentuální cenu.\nVyberte pevnou cenu.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Sie müssen warten, bis Sie vollständig mit dem
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Sie müssen warten, bis Sie wenigstens {0} Verbindungen zum Bitcoinnetzwerk haben.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Sie müssen warten, bis Sie wenigstens {0} Verbindungen zum Bitcoinnetzwerk haben.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Sie müssen warten bis der Download der fehlenden Bitcoinblöcke abgeschlossen ist.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Sie müssen warten bis der Download der fehlenden Bitcoinblöcke abgeschlossen ist.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Die Blockchain Größe der Haveno Wallet ist nicht korrekt synchronisiert. Wenn Sie kürzlich die Applikation geöffnet haben, warten Sie bitte bis ein Bitcoin Block veröffentlicht wurde.\n\nSie können die Blockchain Größe unter Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen finden. Wenn mehr als ein Block veröffentlicht wird und das Problem weiterhin bestehen sollte, wird es eventuell abgewürgt werden. Dann sollten Sie einen SPV Resync durchführen. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Die Blockchain Größe der Haveno Wallet ist nicht korrekt synchronisiert. Wenn Sie kürzlich die Applikation geöffnet haben, warten Sie bitte bis ein Bitcoin Block veröffentlicht wurde.\n\nSie können die Blockchain Größe unter Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen finden. Wenn mehr als ein Block veröffentlicht wird und das Problem weiterhin bestehen sollte, wird es eventuell abgewürgt werden. Dann sollten Sie einen SPV Resync durchführen. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Angebot entfernen wollen?\nDie Erstellergebühr von {0} geht verloren, wenn Sie des Angebot entfernen.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Angebot entfernen wollen?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Es kann kein Prozentsatz von 100% oder mehr verwendet werden.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Es kann kein Prozentsatz von 100% oder mehr verwendet werden.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Bitte geben sei einen Prozentsatz wie folgt ein \"5.4\" für 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Bitte geben sei einen Prozentsatz wie folgt ein \"5.4\" für 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Es ist kein Marktpreis für diese Währung verfügbar. Sie können keinen auf Prozent basierenden Preis verwenden.\nBitte wählen Sie den Festpreis.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Es ist kein Marktpreis für diese Währung verfügbar. Sie können keinen auf Prozent basierenden Preis verwenden.\nBitte wählen Sie den Festpreis.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Necesita esperar hasta que esté completamente c
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Necesita esperar hasta que tenga al menos {0} conexiones a la red Bitcoin.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Necesita esperar hasta que tenga al menos {0} conexiones a la red Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Tiene que esperar hasta que finalice la descarga de los bloques Bitcoin que faltan.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Tiene que esperar hasta que finalice la descarga de los bloques Bitcoin que faltan.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La cadena de bloques del monedero Haveno no está sincronizada correctamente. Si ha iniciado la aplicación recientemente, espere a que se haya publicado al menos un bloque Bitcoin.\n\nPuede comprobar la altura de la cadena de bloques en Configuración/Información de red. Si se encuentra más de un bloque y el problema persiste podría estar estancado, en cuyo caso deberá hacer una resincronización SPV.\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La cadena de bloques del monedero Haveno no está sincronizada correctamente. Si ha iniciado la aplicación recientemente, espere a que se haya publicado al menos un bloque Bitcoin.\n\nPuede comprobar la altura de la cadena de bloques en Configuración/Información de red. Si se encuentra más de un bloque y el problema persiste podría estar estancado, en cuyo caso deberá hacer una resincronización SPV.\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la oferta?\nLa comisión de creador de {0} se perderá si elimina la oferta.
popup.warning.removeOffer=¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la oferta?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=No puede establecer un porcentaje del 100% o superior.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=No puede establecer un porcentaje del 100% o superior.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor, introduzca un número de porcentaje como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor, introduzca un número de porcentaje como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=No hay una fuente de precios disponible para esta moneda. No puede utilizar un precio basado en porcentaje.\nPor favor, seleccione un precio fijo.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=No hay una fuente de precios disponible para esta moneda. No puede utilizar un precio basado en porcentaje.\nPor favor, seleccione un precio fijo.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا ب
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا حداقل {0} اتصال به شبکه بیتکوین داشته باشید.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا حداقل {0} اتصال به شبکه بیتکوین داشته باشید.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا بارگیری بلاک های بیتکوین باقیمانده کامل شود.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا بارگیری بلاک های بیتکوین باقیمانده کامل شود.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=آیا شما مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیشنهاد را حذف کنید؟\nاگر آن پیشنهاد را حذف کنید، هزینه سفارش گذار {0} از دست خواهد رفت .
popup.warning.removeOffer=آیا شما مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیشنهاد را حذف کنید؟
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=شما نمیتوانید درصد 100٪ یا بیشتر را تنظیم کنید.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=شما نمیتوانید درصد 100٪ یا بیشتر را تنظیم کنید.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=لطفا یک عدد درصد مانند \"5.4\" برای 5.4% وارد کنید
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=لطفا یک عدد درصد مانند \"5.4\" برای 5.4% وارد کنید
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=برای این ارز هیچ خوراک قیمتی وجود ندارد. شما نمیتوانید از یک درصد بر اساس قیمت استفاده کنید. \nلطفا قیمت مقطوع را انتخاب کنید.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=برای این ارز هیچ خوراک قیمتی وجود ندارد. شما نمیتوانید از یک درصد بر اساس قیمت استفاده کنید. \nلطفا قیمت مقطوع را انتخاب کنید.
@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Vous devez attendre d'être complètement connec
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Vous devez attendre d''avoir au minimum {0} connexions au réseau Bitcoin.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Vous devez attendre d''avoir au minimum {0} connexions au réseau Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Vous devez attendre que le téléchargement des blocs Bitcoin manquants soit terminé.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Vous devez attendre que le téléchargement des blocs Bitcoin manquants soit terminé.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La hauteur de la blockchain du portefeuille Haveno n'est pas synchronisée correctement. Si vous avez récemment démarré l'application, veuillez attendre qu'un block de Bitcoin a soit publié.\n\nVous pouvez vérifier la hauteur de la blockchain dans Paramètres/Informations Réseau. Si plus d'un block passe et que ce problème persiste, il est possible que ça soit bloqué, dans ce cas effectuez une resynchronisation SPV [LIEN:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La hauteur de la blockchain du portefeuille Haveno n'est pas synchronisée correctement. Si vous avez récemment démarré l'application, veuillez attendre qu'un block de Bitcoin a soit publié.\n\nVous pouvez vérifier la hauteur de la blockchain dans Paramètres/Informations Réseau. Si plus d'un block passe et que ce problème persiste, il est possible que ça soit bloqué, dans ce cas effectuez une resynchronisation SPV [LIEN:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Vous êtes certain de vouloir retirer cet ordre?\nLes frais du maker de {0} seront perdus si vous retirez cet ordre.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Vous êtes certain de vouloir retirer cet ordre?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Vous ne pouvez pas définir un pourcentage de 100% ou plus grand.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Vous ne pouvez pas définir un pourcentage de 100% ou plus grand.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Merci de saisir un nombre sous la forme d'un pourcentage tel que \"5.4\" pour 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Merci de saisir un nombre sous la forme d'un pourcentage tel que \"5.4\" pour 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Il n'y a pas de flux pour le prix de disponible pour cette devise. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser un prix basé sur un pourcentage.\nVeuillez sélectionner le prix fixé.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Il n'y a pas de flux pour le prix de disponible pour cette devise. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser un prix basé sur un pourcentage.\nVeuillez sélectionner le prix fixé.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=È necessario attendere fino a quando non si è
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Devi aspettare fino a quando non hai almeno {0} connessioni alla rete Bitcoin.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Devi aspettare fino a quando non hai almeno {0} connessioni alla rete Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Devi aspettare fino al completamento del download dei blocchi Bitcoin mancanti.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Devi aspettare fino al completamento del download dei blocchi Bitcoin mancanti.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere quell'offerta?\nLa commissione del maker di {0} andrà persa se rimuovi quell'offerta.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere quell'offerta?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Non è possibile impostare una percentuale del 100% o superiore.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Non è possibile impostare una percentuale del 100% o superiore.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Inserisci un numero percentuale come \"5.4\" per il 5,4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Inserisci un numero percentuale come \"5.4\" per il 5,4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Non è disponibile alcun feed di prezzi per la valuta. Non è possibile utilizzare un prezzo basato su percentuale.\nSeleziona il prezzo fisso.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Non è disponibile alcun feed di prezzi per la valuta. Non è possibile utilizzare un prezzo basato su percentuale.\nSeleziona il prezzo fisso.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=ネットワークへ完全に接続するまで
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Havenoウォレットのブロックチェーン高さは正しく同期されていません。アプリを最近起動した場合、1つのビットコインブロックが発行されるまで待って下さい。\n\nブロックチェーン高さは\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"に表示されます。 2つ以上のブロックが発行されても問題が解決されない場合、フリーズしている可能性があります。その場合には、SPV再同期を行って下さい [HYPERLINK: https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file ]。
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Havenoウォレットのブロックチェーン高さは正しく同期されていません。アプリを最近起動した場合、1つのビットコインブロックが発行されるまで待って下さい。\n\nブロックチェーン高さは\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"に表示されます。 2つ以上のブロックが発行されても問題が解決されない場合、フリーズしている可能性があります。その場合には、SPV再同期を行って下さい [HYPERLINK: https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file ]。
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=その通貨で利用できる価格フィードはありません。パーセントベースの価格は使用できません。 固定価格を選択してください。
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=その通貨で利用できる価格フィードはありません。パーセントベースの価格は使用できません。 固定価格を選択してください。
@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Você precisa aguardar até estar totalmente con
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até ter pelo menos {0} conexões à rede Bitcoin.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até ter pelo menos {0} conexões à rede Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa aguardar até que termine o download dos blocos de Bitcoin restantes
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa aguardar até que termine o download dos blocos de Bitcoin restantes
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza que deseja remover essa oferta?\nA taxa de oferta de {0} será perdida se você removê-la.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza que deseja remover essa oferta?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma porcentagem superior a 100%.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma porcentagem superior a 100%.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Digite um número percentual, como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Digite um número percentual, como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Não há feed de preços disponível para essa moeda. Você não pode usar um preço porcentual.\nPor favor selecione um preço fixo.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Não há feed de preços disponível para essa moeda. Você não pode usar um preço porcentual.\nPor favor selecione um preço fixo.
@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Você precisa esperar até estar totalmente cone
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até que você tenha pelo menos {0} conexões com a rede Bitcoin.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até que você tenha pelo menos {0} conexões com a rede Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa esperar até que o download dos blocos de Bitcoin ausentes esteja completo.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa esperar até que o download dos blocos de Bitcoin ausentes esteja completo.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza de que deseja remover essa oferta?\nA taxa de ofertante de {0} será perdida se você remover essa oferta.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza de que deseja remover essa oferta?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma percentagem superior à 100%.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma percentagem superior à 100%.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor digitar um número percentual como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor digitar um número percentual como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Não há feed de preço disponível para essa moeda. Você não pode usar um preço baseado em percentagem.\nPor favor, selecione o preço fixo.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Não há feed de preço disponível para essa moeda. Você não pode usar um preço baseado em percentagem.\nPor favor, selecione o preço fixo.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Необходимо дождаться полн
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Необходимо дождаться не менее {0} соединений с сетью Биткойн.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Необходимо дождаться не менее {0} соединений с сетью Биткойн.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Необходимо дождаться завершения загрузки недостающих блоков сети Биткойн.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Необходимо дождаться завершения загрузки недостающих блоков сети Биткойн.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Действительно хотите удалить это предложение?\nКомиссия мейкера в размере {0} компенсации не подлежит.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Действительно хотите удалить это предложение?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Нельзя установить процент в размере 100% или выше.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Нельзя установить процент в размере 100% или выше.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Введите процент, например \«5,4\» для 5,4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Введите процент, например \«5,4\» для 5,4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Источник рыночного курса для этой валюты отсутствует. Невозможно использовать процентный курс.\nПросьба указать фиксированный курс.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Источник рыночного курса для этой валюты отсутствует. Невозможно использовать процентный курс.\nПросьба указать фиксированный курс.
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าค
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าจะมีการเชื่อมต่อกับเครือข่าย Bitcoin อย่างน้อย {0} รายการ
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าจะมีการเชื่อมต่อกับเครือข่าย Bitcoin อย่างน้อย {0} รายการ
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าการดาวน์โหลดบล็อค Bitcoin ที่ขาดหายไปจะเสร็จสมบูรณ์
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าการดาวน์โหลดบล็อค Bitcoin ที่ขาดหายไปจะเสร็จสมบูรณ์
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการนำข้อเสนอนั้นออก\nค่าธรรมเนียมของผู้สร้าง {0} จะสูญหายไปหากคุณนำข้อเสนอนั้นออก
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=คุณไม่สามารถกำหนดเปอร์เซ็นต์เป็น 100% หรือมากกว่าได้
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=คุณไม่สามารถกำหนดเปอร์เซ็นต์เป็น 100% หรือมากกว่าได้
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=โปรดป้อนตัวเลขเปอร์เซ็นต์เช่น \"5.4 \" เป็น 5.4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=โปรดป้อนตัวเลขเปอร์เซ็นต์เช่น \"5.4 \" เป็น 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=ไม่มีฟีดราคาสำหรับสกุลเงินดังกล่าว คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตามเปอร์เซ็นต์ได้\nโปรดเลือกราคาที่ถูกกำหนดไว้แแล้ว
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=ไม่มีฟีดราคาสำหรับสกุลเงินดังกล่าว คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตามเปอร์เซ็นต์ได้\nโปรดเลือกราคาที่ถูกกำหนดไว้แแล้ว
@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi kết n
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi bạn có ít nhất {0} kết nối với mạng Bitcoin.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi bạn có ít nhất {0} kết nối với mạng Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi download xong các block Bitcoin còn thiếu.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi download xong các block Bitcoin còn thiếu.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Haveno wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.removeOffer=Bạn có chắc bạn muốn gỡ bỏ Báo giá này?\nPhí người khởi tạo {0} sẽ bị mất nếu bạn gỡ bỏ Báo giá.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Bạn có chắc bạn muốn gỡ bỏ Báo giá này?
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Bạn không thể cài đặt phần trăm là 100% hoặc cao hơn.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Bạn không thể cài đặt phần trăm là 100% hoặc cao hơn.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Vui lòng nhập số phần trăm như \"5.4\" cho 5,4%
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Vui lòng nhập số phần trăm như \"5.4\" cho 5,4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Không có giá cung cấp cho tiền tệ này. Bạn không thể sử dụng giá dựa trên tỷ lệ.\nVui lòng chọn giá cố định.
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=Không có giá cung cấp cho tiền tệ này. Bạn không thể sử dụng giá dựa trên tỷ lệ.\nVui lòng chọn giá cố định.
@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=您需要等到您完全连接到网络\n在启
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Haveno 钱包区块链高度没有正确地同步。如果最近才打开应用,请等待一个新发布的比特币区块。\n\n你可以检查区块链高度在设置/网络信息。如果经过了一个区块但问题还是没有解决,你应该及时的完成 SPV 链重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Haveno 钱包区块链高度没有正确地同步。如果最近才打开应用,请等待一个新发布的比特币区块。\n\n你可以检查区块链高度在设置/网络信息。如果经过了一个区块但问题还是没有解决,你应该及时的完成 SPV 链重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file
popup.warning.removeOffer=您确定要移除该报价吗?\n如果您删除该报价,{0} 的挂单费将会丢失。
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=请输入百分比数字,如 5.4% 是“5.4”
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=请输入百分比数字,如 5.4% 是“5.4”
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=该货币没有可用的价格。 你不能使用基于百分比的价格。\n请选择固定价格。
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=该货币没有可用的价格。 你不能使用基于百分比的价格。\n请选择固定价格。
@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=您需要等到您完全連接到網絡\n在啟
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Haveno 錢包區塊鏈高度沒有正確地同步。如果最近才打開應用,請等待一個新發布的比特幣區塊。\n\n你可以檢查區塊鏈高度在設置/網絡信息。如果經過了一個區塊但問題還是沒有解決,你應該及時的完成 SPV 鏈重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Haveno 錢包區塊鏈高度沒有正確地同步。如果最近才打開應用,請等待一個新發布的比特幣區塊。\n\n你可以檢查區塊鏈高度在設置/網絡信息。如果經過了一個區塊但問題還是沒有解決,你應該及時的完成 SPV 鏈重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file
popup.warning.removeOffer=您確定要移除該報價嗎?\n如果您刪除該報價,{0} 的掛單費將會丟失。
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=請輸入百分比數字,如 5.4% 是“5.4”
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=請輸入百分比數字,如 5.4% 是“5.4”
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=該貨幣沒有可用的價格。 你不能使用基於百分比的價格。\n請選擇固定價格。
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=該貨幣沒有可用的價格。 你不能使用基於百分比的價格。\n請選擇固定價格。
@ -706,9 +706,7 @@ abstract public class OfferBookView<R extends GridPane, M extends OfferBookViewM
if (model.isBootstrappedOrShowPopup()) {
if (model.isBootstrappedOrShowPopup()) {
String key = "RemoveOfferWarning";
String key = "RemoveOfferWarning";
if (DontShowAgainLookup.showAgain(key)) {
if (DontShowAgainLookup.showAgain(key)) {
String message = offer.getMakerFee().compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(0)) > 0 ?
String message = Res.get("popup.warning.removeOffer");
Res.get("popup.warning.removeOffer", model.getMakerFeeAsString(offer)) :
new Popup().warning(message)
new Popup().warning(message)
.onAction(() -> doRemoveOffer(offer))
.onAction(() -> doRemoveOffer(offer))
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ public class OpenOffersView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<VBox, OpenOffersView
if (model.isBootstrappedOrShowPopup()) {
if (model.isBootstrappedOrShowPopup()) {
String key = "RemoveOfferWarning";
String key = "RemoveOfferWarning";
if (DontShowAgainLookup.showAgain(key)) {
if (DontShowAgainLookup.showAgain(key)) {
new Popup().warning(Res.get("popup.warning.removeOffer", model.getMakerFeeAsString(openOffer)))
new Popup().warning(Res.get("popup.warning.removeOffer"))
.onAction(() -> doRemoveOpenOffer(openOffer))
.onAction(() -> doRemoveOpenOffer(openOffer))
Reference in a new issue