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synced 2025-03-24 16:18:49 +00:00
display actual XMR amount in offerFromUnsignedAccount warning instead of hardcoded 0.01 BTC
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 64 additions and 63 deletions
@ -3305,13 +3305,13 @@ payment.accountType=Account type
payment.personalId=Personal ID
payment.personalId=Personal ID
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\n\
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\n\
It is highly recommended to either:\n\
It is highly recommended to either:\n\
- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n\
- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n\
- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\n\
- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\n\
Haveno developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. \
Haveno developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. \
Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\n\
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\n\
It is highly recommended to either:\n\
It is highly recommended to either:\n\
- take offers from signed buyers only\n\
- take offers from signed buyers only\n\
- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\n\
- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\n\
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Typ účtu
payment.personalId=Číslo občanského průkazu
payment.personalId=Číslo občanského průkazu
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle je služba převodu peněz, která funguje nejlépe *prostřednictvím* jiné banky.\n\n1. Na této stránce zjistěte, zda (a jak) vaše banka spolupracuje se Zelle:\n[HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Zaznamenejte si zvláštní limity převodů - limity odesílání se liší podle banky a banky často určují samostatné denní, týdenní a měsíční limity.\n\n3. Pokud vaše banka s Zelle nepracuje, můžete ji stále používat prostřednictvím mobilní aplikace Zelle, ale vaše limity převodu budou mnohem nižší.\n\n4. Název uvedený na vašem účtu Bisq MUSÍ odpovídat názvu vašeho účtu Zelle/bankovního účtu.\n\nPokud nemůžete dokončit transakci Zelle, jak je uvedeno ve vaší obchodní smlouvě, můžete ztratit část (nebo vše) ze svého bezpečnostního vkladu.\n\nVzhledem k poněkud vyššímu riziku zpětného zúčtování společnosti Zelle se prodejcům doporučuje kontaktovat nepodepsané kupující prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo SMS, aby ověřili, že kupující skutečně vlastní účet Zelle uvedený v Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle je služba převodu peněz, která funguje nejlépe *prostřednictvím* jiné banky.\n\n1. Na této stránce zjistěte, zda (a jak) vaše banka spolupracuje se Zelle:\n[HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Zaznamenejte si zvláštní limity převodů - limity odesílání se liší podle banky a banky často určují samostatné denní, týdenní a měsíční limity.\n\n3. Pokud vaše banka s Zelle nepracuje, můžete ji stále používat prostřednictvím mobilní aplikace Zelle, ale vaše limity převodu budou mnohem nižší.\n\n4. Název uvedený na vašem účtu Bisq MUSÍ odpovídat názvu vašeho účtu Zelle/bankovního účtu.\n\nPokud nemůžete dokončit transakci Zelle, jak je uvedeno ve vaší obchodní smlouvě, můžete ztratit část (nebo vše) ze svého bezpečnostního vkladu.\n\nVzhledem k poněkud vyššímu riziku zpětného zúčtování společnosti Zelle se prodejcům doporučuje kontaktovat nepodepsané kupující prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo SMS, aby ověřili, že kupující skutečně vlastní účet Zelle uvedený v Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Některé banky začaly ověřovat celé jméno příjemce pro převody Faster Payments. Váš současný účet Faster Payments nepožadoval celé jméno.\n\nZvažte prosím znovu vytvoření svého Faster Payments účtu v Bisqu, abyste mohli budoucím kupujícím {0} poskytnout celé jméno.\n\nPři opětovném vytvoření účtu nezapomeňte zkopírovat přesný kód řazení, číslo účtu a hodnoty soli (salt) pro ověření věku ze starého účtu do nového účtu. Tím zajistíte zachování stáří a stavu vašeho stávajícího účtu.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Některé banky začaly ověřovat celé jméno příjemce pro převody Faster Payments. Váš současný účet Faster Payments nepožadoval celé jméno.\n\nZvažte prosím znovu vytvoření svého Faster Payments účtu v Bisqu, abyste mohli budoucím kupujícím {0} poskytnout celé jméno.\n\nPři opětovném vytvoření účtu nezapomeňte zkopírovat přesný kód řazení, číslo účtu a hodnoty soli (salt) pro ověření věku ze starého účtu do nového účtu. Tím zajistíte zachování stáří a stavu vašeho stávajícího účtu.
payment.moneyGram.info=Při používání MoneyGram musí BTC kupující zaslat autorizační číslo a fotografii potvrzení e-mailem prodejci BTC. Potvrzení musí jasně uvádět celé jméno prodejce, zemi, stát a částku. E-mail prodávajícího se kupujícímu zobrazí během procesu obchodování.
payment.moneyGram.info=Při používání MoneyGram musí BTC kupující zaslat autorizační číslo a fotografii potvrzení e-mailem prodejci BTC. Potvrzení musí jasně uvádět celé jméno prodejce, zemi, stát a částku. E-mail prodávajícího se kupujícímu zobrazí během procesu obchodování.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Kontotyp
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle ist ein Geldtransferdienst, der am besten *durch* eine andere Bank funktioniert.\n\n1. Sehen Sie auf dieser Seite nach, ob (und wie) Ihre Bank mit Zelle zusammenarbeitet:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2. Achten Sie besonders auf Ihre Überweisungslimits - die Sendelimits variieren je nach Bank, und die Banken geben oft separate Tages-, Wochen- und Monatslimits an.\n\n3. Wenn Ihre Bank nicht mit Zelle zusammenarbeitet, können Sie die Zahlungsmethode trotzdem über die Zelle Mobile App benutzen, aber Ihre Überweisungslimits werden viel niedriger sein.\n\n4. Der auf Ihrem Bisq-Konto angegebene Name MUSS mit dem Namen auf Ihrem Zelle/Bankkonto übereinstimmen. \n\nWenn Sie eine Zelle Transaktion nicht wie in Ihrem Handelsvertrag angegeben durchführen können, verlieren Sie möglicherweise einen Teil (oder die gesamte) Sicherheitskaution.\n\nWegen des etwas höheren Chargeback-Risikos von Zelle wird Verkäufern empfohlen, nicht unterzeichnete Käufer per E-Mail oder SMS zu kontaktieren, um zu überprüfen, ob der Käufer wirklich das in Bisq angegebene Zelle-Konto besitzt.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle ist ein Geldtransferdienst, der am besten *durch* eine andere Bank funktioniert.\n\n1. Sehen Sie auf dieser Seite nach, ob (und wie) Ihre Bank mit Zelle zusammenarbeitet:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2. Achten Sie besonders auf Ihre Überweisungslimits - die Sendelimits variieren je nach Bank, und die Banken geben oft separate Tages-, Wochen- und Monatslimits an.\n\n3. Wenn Ihre Bank nicht mit Zelle zusammenarbeitet, können Sie die Zahlungsmethode trotzdem über die Zelle Mobile App benutzen, aber Ihre Überweisungslimits werden viel niedriger sein.\n\n4. Der auf Ihrem Bisq-Konto angegebene Name MUSS mit dem Namen auf Ihrem Zelle/Bankkonto übereinstimmen. \n\nWenn Sie eine Zelle Transaktion nicht wie in Ihrem Handelsvertrag angegeben durchführen können, verlieren Sie möglicherweise einen Teil (oder die gesamte) Sicherheitskaution.\n\nWegen des etwas höheren Chargeback-Risikos von Zelle wird Verkäufern empfohlen, nicht unterzeichnete Käufer per E-Mail oder SMS zu kontaktieren, um zu überprüfen, ob der Käufer wirklich das in Bisq angegebene Zelle-Konto besitzt.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Einige Banken haben damit begonnen, den vollständigen Namen des Empfängers für Faster Payments Überweisungen zu überprüfen. Ihr aktuelles Faster Payments-Konto gibt keinen vollständigen Namen an.\n\nBitte erwägen Sie, Ihr Faster Payments-Konto in Bisq neu einzurichten, um zukünftigen {0} Käufern einen vollständigen Namen zu geben.\n\nWenn Sie das Konto neu erstellen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die genaue Bankleitzahl, Kontonummer und die "Salt"-Werte für die Altersverifikation von Ihrem alten Konto auf Ihr neues Konto kopieren. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass das Alter und der Unterschriftsstatus Ihres bestehenden Kontos erhalten bleiben.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Einige Banken haben damit begonnen, den vollständigen Namen des Empfängers für Faster Payments Überweisungen zu überprüfen. Ihr aktuelles Faster Payments-Konto gibt keinen vollständigen Namen an.\n\nBitte erwägen Sie, Ihr Faster Payments-Konto in Bisq neu einzurichten, um zukünftigen {0} Käufern einen vollständigen Namen zu geben.\n\nWenn Sie das Konto neu erstellen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die genaue Bankleitzahl, Kontonummer und die "Salt"-Werte für die Altersverifikation von Ihrem alten Konto auf Ihr neues Konto kopieren. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass das Alter und der Unterschriftsstatus Ihres bestehenden Kontos erhalten bleiben.
payment.moneyGram.info=Bei der Nutzung von MoneyGram, muss der BTC Käufer die MoneyGram Zulassungsnummer und ein Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, das Land, das Bundesland des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt.
payment.moneyGram.info=Bei der Nutzung von MoneyGram, muss der BTC Käufer die MoneyGram Zulassungsnummer und ein Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, das Land, das Bundesland des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Tipo de cuenta
payment.personalId=ID personal:
payment.personalId=ID personal:
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle es un servicio de transmisión de dinero que funciona mejor *a través* de otro banco..\n\n1. Compruebe esta página para ver si (y cómo) trabaja su banco con Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Preste atención a los límites de transferencia -límites de envío- que varían entre bancos, y que los bancos especifican a menudo diferentes límites diarios, semanales y mensuales..\n\n3. Si su banco no trabaja con Zelle, aún puede usarlo a través de la app móvil de Zelle, pero sus límites de transferencia serán mucho menores.\n\n4. El nombre especificado en su cuenta Bisq DEBE ser igual que el nombre en su cuenta de Zelle/bancaria. \n\nSi no puede completar una transacción Zelle tal como se especifica en el contrato, puede perder algo (o todo) el depósito de seguridad!\n\nDebido a que Zelle tiene cierto riesgo de reversión de pago, se aconseja que los vendedores contacten con los compradores no firmados a través de email o SMS para verificar que el comprador realmente tiene la cuenta de Zelle especificada en Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle es un servicio de transmisión de dinero que funciona mejor *a través* de otro banco..\n\n1. Compruebe esta página para ver si (y cómo) trabaja su banco con Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Preste atención a los límites de transferencia -límites de envío- que varían entre bancos, y que los bancos especifican a menudo diferentes límites diarios, semanales y mensuales..\n\n3. Si su banco no trabaja con Zelle, aún puede usarlo a través de la app móvil de Zelle, pero sus límites de transferencia serán mucho menores.\n\n4. El nombre especificado en su cuenta Bisq DEBE ser igual que el nombre en su cuenta de Zelle/bancaria. \n\nSi no puede completar una transacción Zelle tal como se especifica en el contrato, puede perder algo (o todo) el depósito de seguridad!\n\nDebido a que Zelle tiene cierto riesgo de reversión de pago, se aconseja que los vendedores contacten con los compradores no firmados a través de email o SMS para verificar que el comprador realmente tiene la cuenta de Zelle especificada en Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Algunos bancos han comenzado a verificar el nombre completo del receptor para las transferencias Faster Payments. Su cuenta actual Faster Payments no especifica un nombre completo.\n\nConsidere recrear su cuenta Faster Payments en Bisq para proporcionarle a los futuros compradores {0} un nombre completo.\n\nCuando vuelva a crear la cuenta, asegúrese de copiar el UK Short Code de forma precisa , el número de cuenta y los valores salt de la cuenta anterior a su cuenta nueva para la verificación de edad. Esto asegurará que la edad de su cuenta existente y el estado de la firma se conserven.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Algunos bancos han comenzado a verificar el nombre completo del receptor para las transferencias Faster Payments. Su cuenta actual Faster Payments no especifica un nombre completo.\n\nConsidere recrear su cuenta Faster Payments en Bisq para proporcionarle a los futuros compradores {0} un nombre completo.\n\nCuando vuelva a crear la cuenta, asegúrese de copiar el UK Short Code de forma precisa , el número de cuenta y los valores salt de la cuenta anterior a su cuenta nueva para la verificación de edad. Esto asegurará que la edad de su cuenta existente y el estado de la firma se conserven.
payment.moneyGram.info=Al utilizar MoneyGram, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el nobre completo del vendedor, país, estado y cantidad. El email del vendedor se mostrará al comprador durante el proceso de intercambio.
payment.moneyGram.info=Al utilizar MoneyGram, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el nobre completo del vendedor, país, estado y cantidad. El email del vendedor se mostrará al comprador durante el proceso de intercambio.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=نوع حساب
payment.savings=اندوخته ها
payment.savings=اندوخته ها
payment.personalId=شناسه شخصی
payment.personalId=شناسه شخصی
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Type de compte
payment.personalId=Pièce d'identité
payment.personalId=Pièce d'identité
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=Avec la récente montée en prix du BTC, soyez informés que vendre 0.01 BTC ou moins cause un risque plus élevé qu'avant.\n\nIl est hautement recommandé de:\n- faire des offres au dessus de 0.01 BTC, ainsi vous traiterez uniquement avec des acheteurs signés/de confiance\n- garder les offres pour vendre en desous de 0.01 BTC à une valeur d'environ 100 USD, cette valeur a (historiquement) découragé les arnaqueurs\n\nLes développeurs de Bisq travaillent sur des meilleurs moyens de sécuriser le modèle de compte de paiement pour des trades plus petits. Rejoignez la discussion ici : [LIEN:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=Avec la récente montée en prix du XMR, soyez informés que vendre {0} ou moins cause un risque plus élevé qu'avant.\n\nIl est hautement recommandé de:\n- faire des offres au dessus de {0}, ainsi vous traiterez uniquement avec des acheteurs signés/de confiance\n- garder les offres pour vendre en desous de {0} à une valeur d'environ 100 USD, cette valeur a (historiquement) découragé les arnaqueurs\n\nLes développeurs de Bisq travaillent sur des meilleurs moyens de sécuriser le modèle de compte de paiement pour des trades plus petits. Rejoignez la discussion ici : [LIEN:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=Avec la récente montée en prix du BTC, soyez informés que vendre 0.01 BTC ou moins cause un risque plus élevé qu'avant.\n\nIl est hautement recommandé de:\n- prendre les offres d'acheteurs signés uniquement\n- garder les offres pour vendre en desous de 0.01 BTC à une valeur d'environ 100 USD, cette valeur a (historiquement) découragé les arnaqueurs\n\nLes développeurs de Bisq travaillent sur des meilleurs moyens de sécuriser le modèle de compte de paiement pour des trades plus petits. Rejoignez la discussion ici : [LIEN:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=Avec la récente montée en prix du BTC, soyez informés que vendre {0} ou moins cause un risque plus élevé qu'avant.\n\nIl est hautement recommandé de:\n- prendre les offres d'acheteurs signés uniquement\n- garder les offres pour vendre en desous de {0} à une valeur d'environ 100 USD, cette valeur a (historiquement) découragé les arnaqueurs\n\nLes développeurs de Bisq travaillent sur des meilleurs moyens de sécuriser le modèle de compte de paiement pour des trades plus petits. Rejoignez la discussion ici : [LIEN:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle est un service de transfert d'argent, qui fonctionne bien pour transférer de l'argent vers d'autres banques. \n\n1. Consultez cette page pour voir si (et comment) votre banque coopère avec Zelle: \n[HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Faites particulièrement attention à votre limite de transfert - les limites de versement varient d'une banque à l'autre, et les banques spécifient généralement des limites quotidiennes, hebdomadaires et mensuelles. \n\n3. Si votre banque ne peut pas utiliser Zelle, vous pouvez toujours l'utiliser via l'application mobile Zelle, mais votre limite de transfert sera bien inférieure. \n\n4. Le nom indiqué sur votre compte Bisq doit correspondre à celui du compte Zelle / bancaire. \n\nSi vous ne parvenez pas à réaliser la transaction Zelle comme stipulé dans le contrat commercial, vous risquez de perdre une partie (ou la totalité) de votre marge.\n\nComme Zelle présente un risque élevé de rétrofacturation, il est recommandé aux vendeurs de contacter les acheteurs non signés par e-mail ou SMS pour confirmer que les acheteurs ont le compte Zelle spécifié dans Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle est un service de transfert d'argent, qui fonctionne bien pour transférer de l'argent vers d'autres banques. \n\n1. Consultez cette page pour voir si (et comment) votre banque coopère avec Zelle: \n[HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Faites particulièrement attention à votre limite de transfert - les limites de versement varient d'une banque à l'autre, et les banques spécifient généralement des limites quotidiennes, hebdomadaires et mensuelles. \n\n3. Si votre banque ne peut pas utiliser Zelle, vous pouvez toujours l'utiliser via l'application mobile Zelle, mais votre limite de transfert sera bien inférieure. \n\n4. Le nom indiqué sur votre compte Bisq doit correspondre à celui du compte Zelle / bancaire. \n\nSi vous ne parvenez pas à réaliser la transaction Zelle comme stipulé dans le contrat commercial, vous risquez de perdre une partie (ou la totalité) de votre marge.\n\nComme Zelle présente un risque élevé de rétrofacturation, il est recommandé aux vendeurs de contacter les acheteurs non signés par e-mail ou SMS pour confirmer que les acheteurs ont le compte Zelle spécifié dans Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Certaines banques ont déjà commencé à vérifier le nom complet du destinataire du paiement rapide. Votre compte de paiement rapide actuel ne remplit pas le nom complet. \n\nPensez à recréer votre compte de paiement rapide dans Bisq pour fournir un nom complet aux futurs {0} acheteurs. \n\nLors de la recréation d'un compte, assurez-vous de copier l'indicatif bancaire, le numéro de compte et le sel de vérification de l'âge de l'ancien compte vers le nouveau compte. Cela garantira que votre âge du compte et état de signature existant sont conservés.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Certaines banques ont déjà commencé à vérifier le nom complet du destinataire du paiement rapide. Votre compte de paiement rapide actuel ne remplit pas le nom complet. \n\nPensez à recréer votre compte de paiement rapide dans Bisq pour fournir un nom complet aux futurs {0} acheteurs. \n\nLors de la recréation d'un compte, assurez-vous de copier l'indicatif bancaire, le numéro de compte et le sel de vérification de l'âge de l'ancien compte vers le nouveau compte. Cela garantira que votre âge du compte et état de signature existant sont conservés.
payment.moneyGram.info=Lors de l'utilisation de MoneyGram, l'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer le numéro d'autorisation et une photo du reçu par email au vendeur de BTC. Le reçu doit clairement mentionner le nom complet du vendeur, le pays, la région et le montant. L'email du vendeur sera donné à l'acheteur durant le processus de transaction.
payment.moneyGram.info=Lors de l'utilisation de MoneyGram, l'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer le numéro d'autorisation et une photo du reçu par email au vendeur de BTC. Le reçu doit clairement mentionner le nom complet du vendeur, le pays, la région et le montant. L'email du vendeur sera donné à l'acheteur durant le processus de transaction.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Tipologia conto
payment.personalId=ID personale
payment.personalId=ID personale
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Alcune banche hanno iniziato a verificare il nome completo del destinatario per i trasferimenti di Faster Payments (UK). Il tuo attuale account Faster Payments non specifica un nome completo.\n\nTi consigliamo di ricreare il tuo account Faster Payments in Bisq per fornire ai futuri acquirenti {0} un nome completo.\n\nQuando si ricrea l'account, assicurarsi di copiare il codice di ordinamento preciso, il numero di account e i valori salt della verifica dell'età dal vecchio account al nuovo account. Ciò garantirà il mantenimento dell'età del tuo account esistente e lo stato della firma.\n
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Alcune banche hanno iniziato a verificare il nome completo del destinatario per i trasferimenti di Faster Payments (UK). Il tuo attuale account Faster Payments non specifica un nome completo.\n\nTi consigliamo di ricreare il tuo account Faster Payments in Bisq per fornire ai futuri acquirenti {0} un nome completo.\n\nQuando si ricrea l'account, assicurarsi di copiare il codice di ordinamento preciso, il numero di account e i valori salt della verifica dell'età dal vecchio account al nuovo account. Ciò garantirà il mantenimento dell'età del tuo account esistente e lo stato della firma.\n
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=口座種別
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelleは他の銀行を介して利用するとよりうまくいく送金サービスです。\n\n1. あなたの銀行がZelleと協力するか(そして利用の方法)をここから確認して下さい: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. 送金制限に注意して下さい。制限は銀行によって異なり、1日、1週、1月当たりの制限に分けられていることが多い。\n\n3. 銀行がZelleと協力しない場合でも、Zelleのモバイルアプリ版を使えますが、送金制限ははるかに低くなります。\n\n4. Bisqアカウントで特定される名前は必ずZelleアカウントと銀行口座に特定される名前と合う必要があります。\n\nトレード契約書とおりにZelleトランザクションを完了できなければ、一部(あるいは全て)のセキュリティデポジットを失う可能性はあります。\n\nZelleにおいてやや高い支払取り消しリスクがあるので、売り手はメールやSMSで無署名買い手に連絡して、Bisqに特定されるZelleアカウントの所有者かどうかを確かめるようにおすすめします。
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelleは他の銀行を介して利用するとよりうまくいく送金サービスです。\n\n1. あなたの銀行がZelleと協力するか(そして利用の方法)をここから確認して下さい: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. 送金制限に注意して下さい。制限は銀行によって異なり、1日、1週、1月当たりの制限に分けられていることが多い。\n\n3. 銀行がZelleと協力しない場合でも、Zelleのモバイルアプリ版を使えますが、送金制限ははるかに低くなります。\n\n4. Bisqアカウントで特定される名前は必ずZelleアカウントと銀行口座に特定される名前と合う必要があります。\n\nトレード契約書とおりにZelleトランザクションを完了できなければ、一部(あるいは全て)のセキュリティデポジットを失う可能性はあります。\n\nZelleにおいてやや高い支払取り消しリスクがあるので、売り手はメールやSMSで無署名買い手に連絡して、Bisqに特定されるZelleアカウントの所有者かどうかを確かめるようにおすすめします。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=「Faster Payments」で送金する場合、銀行が受信者の姓名を確認するケースが最近多くなりました。現在の「Faster Payments」アカウントは姓名を特定しません。\n\nこれからの{0}買い手に姓名を提供するため、Bisq内に新しい「Faster Payments」アカウントを作成するのを検討して下さい。\n\n新しいアカウントを作成すると、完全に同じ分類コード、アカウントの口座番号、そしてアカウント年齢検証ソルト値を古いアカウントから新しいアカウントにコピーして下さい。こうやって現在のアカウントの年齢そして署名状況は維持されます。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=「Faster Payments」で送金する場合、銀行が受信者の姓名を確認するケースが最近多くなりました。現在の「Faster Payments」アカウントは姓名を特定しません。\n\nこれからの{0}買い手に姓名を提供するため、Bisq内に新しい「Faster Payments」アカウントを作成するのを検討して下さい。\n\n新しいアカウントを作成すると、完全に同じ分類コード、アカウントの口座番号、そしてアカウント年齢検証ソルト値を古いアカウントから新しいアカウントにコピーして下さい。こうやって現在のアカウントの年齢そして署名状況は維持されます。
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Tipo de conta
payment.checking=Conta Corrente
payment.checking=Conta Corrente
payment.personalId=Identificação pessoal
payment.personalId=Identificação pessoal
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Tipo de conta
payment.checking=Conta Corrente
payment.checking=Conta Corrente
payment.personalId=ID pessoal
payment.personalId=ID pessoal
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Тип счёта
payment.personalId=Личный идентификатор
payment.personalId=Личный идентификатор
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=ประเภทบัญชี
payment.personalId=รหัส ID ประจำตัวบุคคล
payment.personalId=รหัส ID ประจำตัวบุคคล
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=Loại tài khoản
payment.checking=Đang kiểm tra
payment.checking=Đang kiểm tra
payment.savings=Tiết kiệm
payment.savings=Tiết kiệm
payment.personalId=ID cá nhân
payment.personalId=ID cá nhân
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=账户类型
payment.personalId=个人 ID
payment.personalId=个人 ID
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle是一项转账服务,转账到其他银行做的很好。\n\n1.检查此页面以查看您的银行是否(以及如何)与 Zelle 合作:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2.特别注意您的转账限额-汇款限额因银行而异,银行通常分别指定每日,每周和每月的限额。\n\n3.如果您的银行不能使用 Zelle,您仍然可以通过 Zelle 移动应用程序使用它,但是您的转账限额会低得多。\n\n4.您的 Bisq 帐户上指定的名称必须与 Zelle/银行帐户上的名称匹配。 \n\n如果您无法按照贸易合同中的规定完成 Zelle 交易,则可能会损失部分(或全部)保证金。\n\n由于 Zelle 的拒付风险较高,因此建议卖家通过电子邮件或 SMS 与未签名的买家联系,以确认买家确实拥有 Bisq 中指定的 Zelle 帐户。
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle是一项转账服务,转账到其他银行做的很好。\n\n1.检查此页面以查看您的银行是否(以及如何)与 Zelle 合作:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2.特别注意您的转账限额-汇款限额因银行而异,银行通常分别指定每日,每周和每月的限额。\n\n3.如果您的银行不能使用 Zelle,您仍然可以通过 Zelle 移动应用程序使用它,但是您的转账限额会低得多。\n\n4.您的 Bisq 帐户上指定的名称必须与 Zelle/银行帐户上的名称匹配。 \n\n如果您无法按照贸易合同中的规定完成 Zelle 交易,则可能会损失部分(或全部)保证金。\n\n由于 Zelle 的拒付风险较高,因此建议卖家通过电子邮件或 SMS 与未签名的买家联系,以确认买家确实拥有 Bisq 中指定的 Zelle 帐户。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=有些银行已经开始核实快捷支付收款人的全名。您当前的快捷支付帐户没有填写全名。\n\n请考虑在 Bisq 中重新创建您的快捷支付帐户,为将来的 {0} 买家提供一个完整的姓名。\n\n重新创建帐户时,请确保将银行区号、帐户编号和帐龄验证盐值从旧帐户复制到新帐户。这将确保您现有的帐龄和签名状态得到保留。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=有些银行已经开始核实快捷支付收款人的全名。您当前的快捷支付帐户没有填写全名。\n\n请考虑在 Bisq 中重新创建您的快捷支付帐户,为将来的 {0} 买家提供一个完整的姓名。\n\n重新创建帐户时,请确保将银行区号、帐户编号和帐龄验证盐值从旧帐户复制到新帐户。这将确保您现有的帐龄和签名状态得到保留。
payment.moneyGram.info=使用 MoneyGram 时,BTC 买方必须将授权号码和收据的照片通过电子邮件发送给 BTC 卖方。收据必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、国家或地区、州和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。
payment.moneyGram.info=使用 MoneyGram 时,BTC 买方必须将授权号码和收据的照片通过电子邮件发送给 BTC 卖方。收据必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、国家或地区、州和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。
@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ payment.accountType=賬户類型
payment.personalId=個人 ID
payment.personalId=個人 ID
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >0.01 BTC, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <0.01 BTC to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in XMR price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- make offers >{0}, so you only deal with signed/trusted buyers\n- keep any offers to sell <{0} to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling 0.01 BTC or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=With the recent rise in BTC price, beware that selling {0} or less incurs higher risk than before.\n\nIt is highly recommended to either:\n- take offers from signed buyers only\n- keep trades with unsigned/untrusted buyers to around ~100 USD in value, as this value has (historically) discouraged scammers\n\nBisq developers are working on better ways to secure the payment account model for such smaller trades. Join the discussion here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle是一項轉賬服務,轉賬到其他銀行做的很好。\n\n1.檢查此頁面以查看您的銀行是否(以及如何)與 Zelle 合作:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2.特別注意您的轉賬限額-匯款限額因銀行而異,銀行通常分別指定每日,每週和每月的限額。\n\n3.如果您的銀行不能使用 Zelle,您仍然可以通過 Zelle 移動應用程序使用它,但是您的轉賬限額會低得多。\n\n4.您的 Bisq 帳户上指定的名稱必須與 Zelle/銀行帳户上的名稱匹配。 \n\n如果您無法按照貿易合同中的規定完成 Zelle 交易,則可能會損失部分(或全部)保證金。\n\n由於 Zelle 的拒付風險較高,因此建議賣家通過電子郵件或 SMS 與未簽名的買家聯繫,以確認買家確實擁有 Bisq 中指定的 Zelle 帳户。
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle是一項轉賬服務,轉賬到其他銀行做的很好。\n\n1.檢查此頁面以查看您的銀行是否(以及如何)與 Zelle 合作:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2.特別注意您的轉賬限額-匯款限額因銀行而異,銀行通常分別指定每日,每週和每月的限額。\n\n3.如果您的銀行不能使用 Zelle,您仍然可以通過 Zelle 移動應用程序使用它,但是您的轉賬限額會低得多。\n\n4.您的 Bisq 帳户上指定的名稱必須與 Zelle/銀行帳户上的名稱匹配。 \n\n如果您無法按照貿易合同中的規定完成 Zelle 交易,則可能會損失部分(或全部)保證金。\n\n由於 Zelle 的拒付風險較高,因此建議賣家通過電子郵件或 SMS 與未簽名的買家聯繫,以確認買家確實擁有 Bisq 中指定的 Zelle 帳户。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=有些銀行已經開始核實快捷支付收款人的全名。您當前的快捷支付帳户沒有填寫全名。\n\n請考慮在 Bisq 中重新創建您的快捷支付帳户,為將來的 {0} 買家提供一個完整的姓名。\n\n重新創建帳户時,請確保將銀行區號、帳户編號和帳齡驗證鹽值從舊帳户複製到新帳户。這將確保您現有的帳齡和簽名狀態得到保留。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=有些銀行已經開始核實快捷支付收款人的全名。您當前的快捷支付帳户沒有填寫全名。\n\n請考慮在 Bisq 中重新創建您的快捷支付帳户,為將來的 {0} 買家提供一個完整的姓名。\n\n重新創建帳户時,請確保將銀行區號、帳户編號和帳齡驗證鹽值從舊帳户複製到新帳户。這將確保您現有的帳齡和簽名狀態得到保留。
payment.moneyGram.info=使用 MoneyGram 時,BTC 買方必須將授權號碼和收據的照片通過電子郵件發送給 BTC 賣方。收據必須清楚地顯示賣方的全名、國家或地區、州和金額。買方將在交易過程中顯示賣方的電子郵件。
payment.moneyGram.info=使用 MoneyGram 時,BTC 買方必須將授權號碼和收據的照片通過電子郵件發送給 BTC 賣方。收據必須清楚地顯示賣方的全名、國家或地區、州和金額。買方將在交易過程中顯示賣方的電子郵件。
@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ public abstract class MutableOfferViewModel<M extends MutableOfferDataModel> ext
PaymentMethod.hasChargebackRisk(dataModel.getPaymentAccount().getPaymentMethod(), dataModel.getTradeCurrency().getCode())) {
PaymentMethod.hasChargebackRisk(dataModel.getPaymentAccount().getPaymentMethod(), dataModel.getTradeCurrency().getCode())) {
Coin checkAmount = dataModel.getMinAmount().get() == null ? dataModel.getAmount().get() : dataModel.getMinAmount().get();
Coin checkAmount = dataModel.getMinAmount().get() == null ? dataModel.getAmount().get() : dataModel.getMinAmount().get();
if (checkAmount != null && !checkAmount.isGreaterThan(OfferRestrictions.TOLERATED_SMALL_TRADE_AMOUNT)) {
if (checkAmount != null && !checkAmount.isGreaterThan(OfferRestrictions.TOLERATED_SMALL_TRADE_AMOUNT)) {
@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ public class TakeOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, TakeOffer
// warn if you are selling BTC to unsigned account (#5343)
// warn if you are selling BTC to unsigned account (#5343)
if (model.isSellingToAnUnsignedAccount(offer) && !takeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarningDisplayed) {
if (model.isSellingToAnUnsignedAccount(offer) && !takeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarningDisplayed) {
takeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarningDisplayed = true;
takeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarningDisplayed = true;
UserThread.runAfter(GUIUtil::showTakeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarning, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
UserThread.runAfter(() -> GUIUtil.showTakeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarning(formatter), 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import bisq.core.locale.Res;
import bisq.core.locale.TradeCurrency;
import bisq.core.locale.TradeCurrency;
import bisq.core.monetary.Price;
import bisq.core.monetary.Price;
import bisq.core.monetary.Volume;
import bisq.core.monetary.Volume;
import bisq.core.offer.OfferRestrictions;
import bisq.core.payment.PaymentAccount;
import bisq.core.payment.PaymentAccount;
import bisq.core.payment.PaymentAccountList;
import bisq.core.payment.PaymentAccountList;
import bisq.core.payment.payload.PaymentMethod;
import bisq.core.payment.payload.PaymentMethod;
@ -699,18 +700,18 @@ public class GUIUtil {
return t.cast(parent);
return t.cast(parent);
public static void showTakeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarning() {
public static void showTakeOfferFromUnsignedAccountWarning(CoinFormatter coinFormatter) {
String key = "confirmTakeOfferFromUnsignedAccount";
String key = "confirmTakeOfferFromUnsignedAccount";
new Popup().warning(Res.get("payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning"))
new Popup().warning(Res.get("payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning", coinFormatter.formatCoinWithCode(OfferRestrictions.TOLERATED_SMALL_TRADE_AMOUNT)))
public static void showMakeOfferToUnsignedAccountWarning() {
public static void showMakeOfferToUnsignedAccountWarning(CoinFormatter coinFormatter) {
String key = "confirmMakeOfferToUnsignedAccount";
String key = "confirmMakeOfferToUnsignedAccount";
new Popup().warning(Res.get("payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning"))
new Popup().warning(Res.get("payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning", coinFormatter.formatCoinWithCode(OfferRestrictions.TOLERATED_SMALL_TRADE_AMOUNT)))
Reference in a new issue