fix transaction IDs in legacy UI trade info views

This commit is contained in:
napoly 2022-11-11 17:54:50 +01:00 committed by woodser
parent 2684e7528a
commit 1f61e82946
18 changed files with 17 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Enter % value
shared.OR=OR shared.OR=OR
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Haveno wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Haveno wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Haveno wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Haveno wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=Waiting for funds... shared.waitingForFunds=Waiting for funds...
shared.depositTransactionId=Deposit transaction ID shared.yourDepositTransactionId=Your deposit transaction ID
shared.peerDepositTransactionId=Peer's deposit transaction ID
shared.makerDepositTransactionId=Maker's deposit transaction ID
shared.takerDepositTransactionId=Taker's deposit transaction ID
shared.TheBTCBuyer=The XMR buyer shared.TheBTCBuyer=The XMR buyer
shared.You=You shared.You=You
shared.sendingConfirmation=Sending confirmation... shared.sendingConfirmation=Sending confirmation...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Zadejte % hodnotu
shared.OR=NEBO shared.OR=NEBO
shared.notEnoughFunds=Ve své peněžence Bisq nemáte pro tuto transakci dostatek prostředků — je potřeba {0}, ale k dispozici je pouze {1}.\n\nPřidejte prostředky z externí peněženky nebo financujte svou peněženku Bisq v části Prostředky > Přijmout prostředky. shared.notEnoughFunds=Ve své peněžence Bisq nemáte pro tuto transakci dostatek prostředků — je potřeba {0}, ale k dispozici je pouze {1}.\n\nPřidejte prostředky z externí peněženky nebo financujte svou peněženku Bisq v části Prostředky > Přijmout prostředky.
shared.waitingForFunds=Čekání na finance... shared.waitingForFunds=Čekání na finance...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID vkladové transakce
shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC kupující shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC kupující
shared.You=Vy shared.You=Vy
shared.sendingConfirmation=Posílám potvrzení... shared.sendingConfirmation=Posílám potvrzení...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=%-Wert eingeben
shared.OR=ODER shared.OR=ODER
shared.notEnoughFunds=Für diese Transaktion haben Sie nicht genug Gelder in Ihrem Bisq-Wallet—{0} werden benötigt, aber nur {1} sind verfügbar.\n\nBitte fügen Sie Gelder aus einer externen Wallet hinzu, oder senden Sie Gelder an Ihr Bisq-Wallet unter Gelder > Gelder erhalten. shared.notEnoughFunds=Für diese Transaktion haben Sie nicht genug Gelder in Ihrem Bisq-Wallet—{0} werden benötigt, aber nur {1} sind verfügbar.\n\nBitte fügen Sie Gelder aus einer externen Wallet hinzu, oder senden Sie Gelder an Ihr Bisq-Wallet unter Gelder > Gelder erhalten.
shared.waitingForFunds=Warte auf Gelder... shared.waitingForFunds=Warte auf Gelder...
shared.TheBTCBuyer=Der BTC-Käufer shared.TheBTCBuyer=Der BTC-Käufer
shared.You=Sie shared.You=Sie
shared.sendingConfirmation=Sende Bestätigung... shared.sendingConfirmation=Sende Bestätigung...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Introduzca valor %
shared.OR=ó shared.OR=ó
shared.notEnoughFunds=No tiene suficientes fondos en su monedero bisq para esta transacción. Necesita {0} pero solo tiene {1} disponibles.\n\nPor favor deposite desde un monedero externo o agregue fondos a su monedero Bisq en Fondos > Recibir Fondos. shared.notEnoughFunds=No tiene suficientes fondos en su monedero bisq para esta transacción. Necesita {0} pero solo tiene {1} disponibles.\n\nPor favor deposite desde un monedero externo o agregue fondos a su monedero Bisq en Fondos > Recibir Fondos.
shared.waitingForFunds=Esperando fondos... shared.waitingForFunds=Esperando fondos...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID de transacción del depósito
shared.TheBTCBuyer=El comprador de BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=El comprador de BTC
shared.You=Usted shared.You=Usted
shared.sendingConfirmation=Enviando confirmación... shared.sendingConfirmation=Enviando confirmación...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=ارزش ٪ را وارد کنید
shared.OR=یا shared.OR=یا
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=در انتظار دریافت وجه... shared.waitingForFunds=در انتظار دریافت وجه...
shared.depositTransactionId=شناسه تراکنش وجه دریافتی
shared.TheBTCBuyer=خریدار بیتکوین shared.TheBTCBuyer=خریدار بیتکوین
shared.You=شما shared.You=شما
shared.sendingConfirmation=در حال ارسال تاییدیه... shared.sendingConfirmation=در حال ارسال تاییدیه...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Entrez la valeur en %
shared.OR=OU shared.OR=OU
shared.notEnoughFunds=Il n'y a pas suffisamment de fonds dans votre portefeuille Bisq pour payer cette transaction. La transaction a besoin de {0} Votre solde disponible est de {1}. \n\nVeuillez ajouter des fonds à partir d'un portefeuille Bitcoin externe ou recharger votre portefeuille Bisq dans «Fonds / Dépôts > Recevoir des Fonds». shared.notEnoughFunds=Il n'y a pas suffisamment de fonds dans votre portefeuille Bisq pour payer cette transaction. La transaction a besoin de {0} Votre solde disponible est de {1}. \n\nVeuillez ajouter des fonds à partir d'un portefeuille Bitcoin externe ou recharger votre portefeuille Bisq dans «Fonds / Dépôts > Recevoir des Fonds».
shared.waitingForFunds=En attente des fonds... shared.waitingForFunds=En attente des fonds...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID de la transaction de dépôt
shared.TheBTCBuyer=L'acheteur de BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=L'acheteur de BTC
shared.You=Vous shared.You=Vous
shared.sendingConfirmation=Envoi de la confirmation... shared.sendingConfirmation=Envoi de la confirmation...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Immetti il valore %
shared.OR=OPPURE shared.OR=OPPURE
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=In attesa dei fondi... shared.waitingForFunds=In attesa dei fondi...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID transazione di deposito
shared.TheBTCBuyer=L'acquirente di BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=L'acquirente di BTC
shared.You=Tu shared.You=Tu
shared.sendingConfirmation=Invio della conferma in corso... shared.sendingConfirmation=Invio della conferma in corso...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=%を入力
shared.OR=または shared.OR=または
shared.notEnoughFunds=このトランザクションには、Bisqウォレットに資金が足りません。\n{0}が必要ですが、Bisqウォレットには{1}しかありません。\n\n外部のビットコインウォレットから入金するか、または「資金 > 資金の受取」でBisqウォレットに入金してください。 shared.notEnoughFunds=このトランザクションには、Bisqウォレットに資金が足りません。\n{0}が必要ですが、Bisqウォレットには{1}しかありません。\n\n外部のビットコインウォレットから入金するか、または「資金 > 資金の受取」でBisqウォレットに入金してください。
shared.waitingForFunds=資金を待っています shared.waitingForFunds=資金を待っています
shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC買い手 shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC買い手
shared.You=あなた shared.You=あなた
shared.sendingConfirmation=承認を送信中 shared.sendingConfirmation=承認を送信中

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Insira a %
shared.OR=OU shared.OR=OU
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=Aguardando pagamento... shared.waitingForFunds=Aguardando pagamento...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID da Transação de depósito
shared.TheBTCBuyer=O comprador de BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=O comprador de BTC
shared.You=Você shared.You=Você
shared.sendingConfirmation=Enviando confirmação... shared.sendingConfirmation=Enviando confirmação...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Insira % do valor
shared.OR=OU shared.OR=OU
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=Esperando pelos fundos... shared.waitingForFunds=Esperando pelos fundos...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID da transação de depósito
shared.TheBTCBuyer=O comprador de BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=O comprador de BTC
shared.You=Você shared.You=Você
shared.sendingConfirmation=Enviando confirmação... shared.sendingConfirmation=Enviando confirmação...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Ввести величину в %
shared.OR=ИЛИ shared.OR=ИЛИ
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=Ожидание средств... shared.waitingForFunds=Ожидание средств...
shared.depositTransactionId=Идентификатор зачисления на счёт
shared.TheBTCBuyer=Покупатель ВТС shared.TheBTCBuyer=Покупатель ВТС
shared.You=Вы shared.You=Вы
shared.sendingConfirmation=Отправка подтверждения... shared.sendingConfirmation=Отправка подтверждения...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=เข้าสู่ % ตามมูลค่า
shared.OR=หรือ shared.OR=หรือ
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=กำลังรอเงิน ... shared.waitingForFunds=กำลังรอเงิน ...
shared.depositTransactionId=รหัสธุรกรรมการฝากเงิน (transaction ID)
shared.TheBTCBuyer=ผู้ซื้อ BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=ผู้ซื้อ BTC
shared.You=คุณ shared.You=คุณ
shared.sendingConfirmation=กำลังส่งการยืนยัน ... shared.sendingConfirmation=กำลังส่งการยืนยัน ...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=Nhập giá trị %
shared.OR=HOẶC shared.OR=HOẶC
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds. shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.waitingForFunds=Đợi nộp tiền... shared.waitingForFunds=Đợi nộp tiền...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID giao dịch gửi tiền
shared.TheBTCBuyer=Người mua BTC shared.TheBTCBuyer=Người mua BTC
shared.You=Bạn shared.You=Bạn
shared.sendingConfirmation=Gửi xác nhận... shared.sendingConfirmation=Gửi xác nhận...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=输入 % 值
shared.OR=或者 shared.OR=或者
shared.notEnoughFunds=您的 Bisq 钱包中没有足够的资金去支付这一交易 需要{0} 您可用余额为 {1}。\n\n请从外部比特币钱包注入资金或在“资金/存款”充值到您的 Bisq 钱包。 shared.notEnoughFunds=您的 Bisq 钱包中没有足够的资金去支付这一交易 需要{0} 您可用余额为 {1}。\n\n请从外部比特币钱包注入资金或在“资金/存款”充值到您的 Bisq 钱包。
shared.waitingForFunds=等待资金充值... shared.waitingForFunds=等待资金充值...
shared.depositTransactionId=存款交易 ID
shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC 买家 shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC 买家
shared.You= shared.You=
shared.sendingConfirmation=发送确认... shared.sendingConfirmation=发送确认...

View file

@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ shared.enterPercentageValue=輸入 % 值
shared.OR=或者 shared.OR=或者
shared.notEnoughFunds=您的 Bisq 錢包中沒有足夠的資金去支付這一交易 需要{0} 您可用餘額為 {1}。\n\n請從外部比特幣錢包注入資金或在“資金/存款”充值到您的 Bisq 錢包。 shared.notEnoughFunds=您的 Bisq 錢包中沒有足夠的資金去支付這一交易 需要{0} 您可用餘額為 {1}。\n\n請從外部比特幣錢包注入資金或在“資金/存款”充值到您的 Bisq 錢包。
shared.waitingForFunds=等待資金充值... shared.waitingForFunds=等待資金充值...
shared.depositTransactionId=存款交易 ID
shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC 買家 shared.TheBTCBuyer=BTC 買家
shared.You= shared.You=
shared.sendingConfirmation=發送確認... shared.sendingConfirmation=發送確認...

View file

@ -265,8 +265,10 @@ public class ContractWindow extends Overlay<ContractWindow> {
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.makerFeeTxId"), offer.getOfferFeePaymentTxId()); addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.makerFeeTxId"), offer.getOfferFeePaymentTxId());
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.takerFeeTxId"), "TAKER FEE TX ID NOT PART OF CONTRACT"); // TODO (woodser): should taker fee tx id be part of contract? addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.takerFeeTxId"), "TAKER FEE TX ID NOT PART OF CONTRACT"); // TODO (woodser): should taker fee tx id be part of contract?
if (dispute.getDepositTxSerialized() != null) if (dispute.getDepositTxSerialized() != null) {
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.depositTransactionId"), dispute.getDepositTxId()); addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.makerDepositTransactionId"), contract.getMakerDepositTxHash());
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.takerDepositTransactionId"), contract.getTakerDepositTxHash());
if (dispute.getDelayedPayoutTxId() != null) if (dispute.getDelayedPayoutTxId() != null)
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.delayedPayoutTxId"), dispute.getDelayedPayoutTxId()); addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.delayedPayoutTxId"), dispute.getDelayedPayoutTxId());

View file

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
package; package;
import bisq.desktop.components.HavenoTextArea; import bisq.desktop.components.HavenoTextArea;
import bisq.desktop.components.TextFieldWithCopyIcon;
import bisq.desktop.components.TxIdTextField;
import bisq.desktop.main.MainView; import bisq.desktop.main.MainView;
import bisq.desktop.main.overlays.Overlay; import bisq.desktop.main.overlays.Overlay;
import bisq.desktop.util.DisplayUtils; import bisq.desktop.util.DisplayUtils;
@ -33,9 +31,9 @@ import bisq.core.offer.Offer;
import bisq.core.payment.payload.PaymentAccountPayload; import bisq.core.payment.payload.PaymentAccountPayload;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import bisq.core.util.FormattingUtils; import bisq.core.util.FormattingUtils;
import bisq.core.util.VolumeUtil; import bisq.core.util.VolumeUtil;
@ -46,9 +44,6 @@ import;
import bisq.common.UserThread; import bisq.common.UserThread;
import bisq.common.util.Tuple3; import bisq.common.util.Tuple3;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils;
import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Named;
@ -273,13 +268,11 @@ public class TradeDetailsWindow extends Overlay<TradeDetailsWindow> {
Res.get(contract.getPaymentMethodId())); Res.get(contract.getPaymentMethodId()));
} }
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.makerFeeTxId"), offer.getOfferFeePaymentTxId());
if (trade.getMakerDepositTx() != null) if (trade.getMakerDepositTx() != null)
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.depositTransactionId"), // TODO (woodser): separate UI labels for deposit tx ids addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.makerDepositTransactionId"),
trade.getMakerDepositTx().getHash()); trade.getMakerDepositTx().getHash());
if (trade.getTakerDepositTx() != null) if (trade.getTakerDepositTx() != null)
addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.depositTransactionId"), // TODO (woodser): separate UI labels for deposit tx ids addLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, Res.get("shared.takerDepositTransactionId"),
trade.getTakerDepositTx().getHash()); trade.getTakerDepositTx().getHash());
if (trade.getPayoutTxId() != null) if (trade.getPayoutTxId() != null)

View file

@ -335,8 +335,7 @@ public abstract class TradeStepView extends AnchorPane {
// self's deposit tx id // self's deposit tx id
final Tuple3<Label, TxIdTextField, VBox> labelSelfTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3 = final Tuple3<Label, TxIdTextField, VBox> labelSelfTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3 =
addTopLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, gridRow, addTopLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, gridRow, Res.get("shared.yourDepositTransactionId"),
"Your " + Res.get("shared.depositTransactionId").toLowerCase(),
GridPane.setColumnSpan(labelSelfTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3.third, 2); GridPane.setColumnSpan(labelSelfTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3.third, 2);
@ -350,8 +349,7 @@ public abstract class TradeStepView extends AnchorPane {
// peer's deposit tx id // peer's deposit tx id
final Tuple3<Label, TxIdTextField, VBox> labelPeerTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3 = final Tuple3<Label, TxIdTextField, VBox> labelPeerTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3 =
addTopLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++gridRow, addTopLabelTxIdTextField(gridPane, ++gridRow, Res.get("shared.peerDepositTransactionId"),
"Peer's " + Res.get("shared.depositTransactionId").toLowerCase(),
GridPane.setColumnSpan(labelPeerTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3.third, 2); GridPane.setColumnSpan(labelPeerTxIdTextFieldVBoxTuple3.third, 2);
@ -644,7 +642,7 @@ public abstract class TradeStepView extends AnchorPane {
} }
Optional<Dispute> optionalDispute = model.dataModel.mediationManager.findDispute(trade.getId()); Optional<Dispute> optionalDispute = model.dataModel.mediationManager.findDispute(trade.getId());
if (!optionalDispute.isPresent()) { if (optionalDispute.isEmpty()) {
return; return;
} }
@ -656,14 +654,14 @@ public abstract class TradeStepView extends AnchorPane {
log.error("trade.getMakerDepositTx() was null at openMediationResultPopup. " + log.error("trade.getMakerDepositTx() was null at openMediationResultPopup. " +
"We add the trade to failed trades. TradeId={}", trade.getId()); "We add the trade to failed trades. TradeId={}", trade.getId());
//model.dataModel.addTradeToFailedTrades(); // TODO (woodser): new way to move trade to failed trades? //model.dataModel.addTradeToFailedTrades(); // TODO (woodser): new way to move trade to failed trades?
model.dataModel.onMoveInvalidTradeToFailedTrades(trade);; model.dataModel.onMoveInvalidTradeToFailedTrades(trade);
new Popup().warning(Res.get("portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull")).show(); // TODO (woodser): separate error messages for maker/taker new Popup().warning(Res.get("portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull")).show(); // TODO (woodser): separate error messages for maker/taker
return; return;
} else if (trade instanceof TakerTrade && trade.getTakerDepositTx() == null) { } else if (trade instanceof TakerTrade && trade.getTakerDepositTx() == null) {
log.error("trade.getTakerDepositTx() was null at openMediationResultPopup. " + log.error("trade.getTakerDepositTx() was null at openMediationResultPopup. " +
"We add the trade to failed trades. TradeId={}", trade.getId()); "We add the trade to failed trades. TradeId={}", trade.getId());
//model.dataModel.addTradeToFailedTrades(); //model.dataModel.addTradeToFailedTrades();
model.dataModel.onMoveInvalidTradeToFailedTrades(trade);; model.dataModel.onMoveInvalidTradeToFailedTrades(trade);
new Popup().warning(Res.get("portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull")).show(); new Popup().warning(Res.get("portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull")).show();
return; return;
} }