//! The transaction pool [`Config`]. use std::{borrow::Cow, path::Path}; use cuprate_database::{ config::{Config as DbConfig, SyncMode}, resize::ResizeAlgorithm, }; use cuprate_database_service::ReaderThreads; use cuprate_helper::fs::CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR; #[cfg(feature = "serde")] use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; /// The default transaction pool weight limit. const DEFAULT_TXPOOL_WEIGHT_LIMIT: usize = 600 * 1024 * 1024; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConfigBuilder /// Builder for [`Config`]. /// // SOMEDAY: there's are many more options to add in the future. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] pub struct ConfigBuilder { /// [`Config::db_directory`]. db_directory: Option>, /// [`Config::cuprate_database_config`]. db_config: cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder, /// [`Config::reader_threads`]. reader_threads: Option, /// [`Config::max_txpool_weight`]. max_txpool_weight: Option, } impl ConfigBuilder { /// Create a new [`ConfigBuilder`]. /// /// [`ConfigBuilder::build`] can be called immediately /// after this function to use default values. pub fn new() -> Self { Self { db_directory: None, db_config: cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder::new(Cow::Borrowed( &*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR, )), reader_threads: None, max_txpool_weight: None, } } /// Build into a [`Config`]. /// /// # Default values /// If [`ConfigBuilder::db_directory`] was not called, /// the default [`CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR`] will be used. /// /// For all other values, [`Default::default`] is used. pub fn build(self) -> Config { // INVARIANT: all PATH safety checks are done // in `helper::fs`. No need to do them here. let db_directory = self .db_directory .unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::Borrowed(&*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR)); let reader_threads = self.reader_threads.unwrap_or_default(); let max_txpool_weight = self .max_txpool_weight .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_TXPOOL_WEIGHT_LIMIT); let db_config = self .db_config .db_directory(db_directory) .reader_threads(reader_threads.as_threads()) .build(); Config { db_config, reader_threads, max_txpool_weight, } } /// Sets a new maximum weight for the transaction pool. #[must_use] pub const fn max_txpool_weight(mut self, max_txpool_weight: usize) -> Self { self.max_txpool_weight = Some(max_txpool_weight); self } /// Set a custom database directory (and file) [`Path`]. #[must_use] pub fn db_directory(mut self, db_directory: Cow<'static, Path>) -> Self { self.db_directory = Some(db_directory); self } /// Calls [`cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder::sync_mode`]. #[must_use] pub fn sync_mode(mut self, sync_mode: SyncMode) -> Self { self.db_config = self.db_config.sync_mode(sync_mode); self } /// Calls [`cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder::resize_algorithm`]. #[must_use] pub fn resize_algorithm(mut self, resize_algorithm: ResizeAlgorithm) -> Self { self.db_config = self.db_config.resize_algorithm(resize_algorithm); self } /// Set a custom [`ReaderThreads`]. #[must_use] pub const fn reader_threads(mut self, reader_threads: ReaderThreads) -> Self { self.reader_threads = Some(reader_threads); self } /// Tune the [`ConfigBuilder`] for the highest performing, /// but also most resource-intensive & maybe risky settings. /// /// Good default for testing, and resource-available machines. #[must_use] pub fn fast(mut self) -> Self { self.db_config = cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder::new(Cow::Borrowed(&*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR)) .fast(); self.reader_threads = Some(ReaderThreads::OnePerThread); self } /// Tune the [`ConfigBuilder`] for the lowest performing, /// but also least resource-intensive settings. /// /// Good default for resource-limited machines, e.g. a cheap VPS. #[must_use] pub fn low_power(mut self) -> Self { self.db_config = cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder::new(Cow::Borrowed(&*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR)) .low_power(); self.reader_threads = Some(ReaderThreads::One); self } } impl Default for ConfigBuilder { fn default() -> Self { let db_directory = Cow::Borrowed(CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR.as_path()); Self { db_directory: Some(db_directory.clone()), db_config: cuprate_database::config::ConfigBuilder::new(db_directory), reader_threads: Some(ReaderThreads::default()), max_txpool_weight: Some(DEFAULT_TXPOOL_WEIGHT_LIMIT), } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Config /// `cuprate_txpool` configuration. /// /// This is a configuration built on-top of [`DbConfig`]. /// /// It contains configuration specific to this crate, plus the database config. /// /// For construction, either use [`ConfigBuilder`] or [`Config::default`]. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub struct Config { /// The database configuration. pub db_config: DbConfig, /// Database reader thread count. pub reader_threads: ReaderThreads, /// The maximum weight of the transaction pool, after which we will start dropping transactions. // TODO: enforce this max size. pub max_txpool_weight: usize, } impl Config { /// Create a new [`Config`] with sane default settings. /// /// The [`DbConfig::db_directory`] /// will be set to [`CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR`]. /// /// All other values will be [`Default::default`]. /// /// Same as [`Config::default`]. /// /// ```rust /// use cuprate_database::{ /// config::SyncMode, /// resize::ResizeAlgorithm, /// DATABASE_DATA_FILENAME, /// }; /// use cuprate_database_service::ReaderThreads; /// use cuprate_helper::fs::*; /// /// use cuprate_txpool::Config; /// /// let config = Config::new(); /// /// assert_eq!(config.db_config.db_directory(), &*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR); /// assert!(config.db_config.db_file().starts_with(&*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR)); /// assert!(config.db_config.db_file().ends_with(DATABASE_DATA_FILENAME)); /// assert_eq!(config.db_config.sync_mode, SyncMode::default()); /// assert_eq!(config.db_config.resize_algorithm, ResizeAlgorithm::default()); /// assert_eq!(config.reader_threads, ReaderThreads::default()); /// ``` pub fn new() -> Self { Config { db_config: DbConfig::new(Cow::Borrowed(&*CUPRATE_TXPOOL_DIR)), reader_threads: ReaderThreads::default(), max_txpool_weight: 0, } } } impl Default for Config { /// Same as [`Config::new`]. /// /// ```rust /// # use cuprate_txpool::Config; /// assert_eq!(Config::default(), Config::new()); /// ``` fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } }