<div align="center"> <img src="misc/logo/wordmark/CuprateWordmark.svg" width="50%"/> An alternative Monero node implementation. _(work-in-progress)_ [](https://matrix.to/#/#cuprate:monero.social) [](https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/actions/workflows/ci.yml) </div> ## Contents - [About](#about) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Security](#security) - [License](#license) <!-- TODO: add these sections someday. - [Status](#status) // when we're near v1.0.0 - [Getting help](#getting-help) // issue tracker, user book, matrix channels, etc - [Build](#build) - [Windows](#windows) - [macOS](#macOS) - [Linux](#Linux) --> ## About Cuprate is an effort to create an alternative [Monero](https://getmonero.org) node implementation in [Rust](http://rust-lang.org). It will be able to independently validate Monero consensus rules, providing a layer of security and redundancy for the Monero network. <!-- TODO: add some details about what Cuprate is and is not, goals, status --> ## Documentation _Cuprate is currently a work-in-progress; documentation will be changing/unfinished._ Cuprate maintains various documentation books: | Book | Description | |-----------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | [Cuprate's architecture book](https://architecture.cuprate.org) | Documents Cuprate's internal architecture & implementation | | [Monero's protocol book](https://monero-book.cuprate.org) | Documents the Monero protocol | | [Cuprate's user book](https://user.cuprate.org) | Practical user-guide for using `cuprated` | For crate (library) documentation, see: https://doc.cuprate.org. This site holds documentation for Cuprate's crates and all dependencies. All Cuprate crates start with `cuprate_`, for example: [`cuprate_database`](https://doc.cuprate.org/cuprate_database). ## Contributing See [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Security Cuprate has a responsible vulnerability disclosure policy, see [`SECURITY.md`](SECURITY.md). ## License The `binaries/` directory is licensed under AGPL-3.0, everything else is licensed under MIT. See [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) for more details.