# ____ _ # / ___| _ _ __ _ __ __ _| |_ ___ # | | | | | | '_ \| '__/ _` | __/ _ \ # | |__| |_| | |_) | | | (_| | || __/ # \____\__,_| .__/|_| \__,_|\__\___| # |_| # ## The network to run on, valid values: "Mainnet", "Testnet", "Stagenet". network = "Mainnet" ## Tracing config. [tracing] ## The minimum level for log events to be displayed. level = "info" ## Clear-net config. [p2p.clear_net] ## The number of outbound connections we should make and maintain. outbound_connections = 64 ## The number of extra connections we should make under load from the rest of Cuprate, i.e. when syncing. extra_outbound_connections = 8 ## The maximum number of incoming we should allow. max_inbound_connections = 128 ## The percent of outbound connections that should be to nodes we have not connected to before. gray_peers_percent = 0.7 ## The port to accept connections on, if left `0` no connections will be accepted. p2p_port = 0 ## The IP address to listen to connections on. server.ip = "" ## The Clear-net addressbook config. [p2p.clear_net.address_book_config] ## The size of the white peer list, which contains peers we have made a connection to before. max_white_list_length = 1_000 ## The size of the gray peer list, which contains peers we have not made a connection to before. max_gray_list_length = 5_000 ## The folder to store the address book. peer_store_folder = {cache} ## The amount of time between address book saves. peer_save_period = {{ secs = 90, nanos = 0 }} ## The block downloader config. [p2p.block_downloader] ## The size of the buffer of sequential blocks waiting to be verified and added to the chain (bytes). buffer_size = 50_000_000 ## The size of the queue of blocks which are waiting for a parent block to be downloaded (bytes). in_progress_queue_size = 50_000_000 ## The target size of a batch of blocks (bytes), must not exceed 100MB. target_batch_size = 5_000_000 ## The number of blocks in the first bacth (you probably shouldn't change this). initial_batch_len = 1 ## The amount of time between checking the pool of connected peers for free peers to download blocks. check_client_pool_interval = {{ secs = 30, nanos = 0 }} ## Storage config [storage] ## The amount of reader threads to spawn. reader_threads = "OnePerThread" ## Txpool storage config. [storage.txpool] ## The txpool storage location. path = {txpool} ## The database sync mode for the txpool. sync_mode = "Async" ## The maximum size of all the txs in the pool (bytes). max_txpool_size = 100_000_000 ## Blockchain storage config. [storage.blockchain] ## The blockchain storage location. path = {blockchain} ## The database sync mode for the blockchain. sync_mode = "Async"