mirror of
synced 2024-11-16 15:58:14 +00:00
rpc: add cuprate-rpc-interface
skeleton files
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 2221 additions and 0 deletions
@ -757,6 +757,10 @@ dependencies = [
name = "cuprate-rpc-interface"
version = "0.0.0"
dependencies = [
name = "cuprate-rpc-types"
@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ repository = "https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/tree/main/rpc/cuprate-rpc-inte
keywords = ["cuprate", "rpc", "interface"]
default = []
cuprate-epee-encoding = { path = "../../net/epee-encoding" }
serde = { workspace = true }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Monero RPC types.
# What
This crate ports the types used in Monero's RPC interface, including:
- JSON types
- Binary (epee) types
- Mixed types
- Other commonly used RPC types
# Modules
This crate's types are split in the following manner:
| Module | Purpose |
| The root module | Miscellaneous items, e.g. constants.
| [`json`] | Contains JSON request/response (some mixed with binary) that all share the common `/json_rpc` endpoint. |
| [`bin`] | Contains request/response types that are expected to be fully in binary (`cuprate_epee_encoding`) in `monerod` and `cuprated`'s RPC interface. These are called at a custom endpoint instead of `/json_rpc`, e.g. `/get_blocks.bin`. |
| [`other`] | Contains request/response types that are JSON, but aren't called at `/json_rpc` (e.g. [`crate::other::GetHeightRequest`]). |
| [`misc`] | Contains miscellaneous types, e.g. [`crate::misc::Status`]. Many of types here are found and used in request/response types, for example, [`crate::misc::BlockHeader`] is used in [`crate::json::GetLastBlockHeaderResponse`]. |
| [`base`] | Contains base types flattened into many request/response types.
Each type in `{json,bin,other}` come in pairs and have identical names, but are suffixed with either `Request` or `Response`. e.g. [`GetBlockCountRequest`](crate::json::GetBlockCountRequest) & [`GetBlockCountResponse`](crate::json::GetBlockCountResponse).
# Documentation
The documentation for types within `{json,bin,other}` are omitted, as they can be found in [Monero's RPC documentation](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html).
However, each type will document:
- **Definition**: the exact type definition location in `monerod`
- **Documentation**: the Monero RPC documentation link
- **Request/response**: the other side of this type, either the request or response
# Naming
The naming for types within `{json,bin,other}` follow the following scheme:
1. Convert the endpoint or method name into `UpperCamelCase`
1. Remove any suffix extension
1. Add `Request/Response` suffix
For example:
| Endpoint/method | Crate location and name |
| [`get_block_count`](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#get_block_count) | [`json::GetBlockCountRequest`] & [`json::GetBlockCountResponse`]
| [`/get_blocks.bin`](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#get_blockbin) | [`bin::GetBlocksRequest`] & [`bin::GetBlocksResponse`]
| [`/get_height`](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#get_height) | [`other::GetHeightRequest`] & [`other::GetHeightResponse`]
# Mixed types
Note that some types mix JSON & binary together, i.e., the message overall is JSON,
however some fields contain binary values inside JSON strings, for example:
"string": "",
"float": 30.0,
"integer": 30,
"binary": "<serialized binary>"
`binary` here is (de)serialized as a normal [`String`]. In order to be clear on which fields contain binary data, the struct fields that have them will use [`crate::misc::BinaryString`] instead of [`String`].
These mixed types are:
- [`crate::json::GetTransactionPoolBacklogResponse`]
- [`crate::json::GetOutputDistributionResponse`]
TODO: we need to figure out a type that (de)serializes correctly, `String` errors with `serde_json`
# Fixed byte containers
Some fields within requests/responses are containers, but fixed in size.
For example, [`crate::json::GetBlockTemplateResponse::prev_hash`] is always a 32-byte hash.
In these cases, stack allocated types like `cuprate_fixed_bytes::StrArray`
will be used instead of a more typical [`String`] for optimization reasons.
# Feature flags
List of feature flags for `cuprate-rpc-types`.
All are enabled by default.
| Feature flag | Does what |
| `serde` | Implements `serde` on all types
| `epee` | Implements `cuprate_epee_encoding` on all types
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//! TODO
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//! TODO
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
//! Free functions.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serde
// These are functions used for conditionally (de)serialization.
/// Returns `true` if the input `u` is equal to `0`.
#[allow(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref)] // serde needs `&`
pub(crate) const fn is_zero(u: &u64) -> bool {
*u == 0
/// Returns `true` the input `u` is equal to `1`.
#[allow(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref)] // serde needs `&`
pub(crate) const fn is_one(u: &u64) -> bool {
*u == 1
@ -1 +1,115 @@
#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lints
// Forbid lints.
// Our code, and code generated (e.g macros) cannot overrule these.
// `unsafe` is allowed but it _must_ be
// commented with `SAFETY: reason`.
// Never.
// Maybe can be put into `#[deny]`.
// Probably can be put into `#[deny]`.
// Deny lints.
// Some of these are `#[allow]`'ed on a per-case basis.
// FIXME: this lint affects crates outside of
// `database/` for some reason, allow for now.
// FIXME: adding `#[must_use]` onto everything
// might just be more annoying than useful...
// although it is sometimes nice.
// FIXME: good lint but too many false positives
// with our `Env` + `RwLock` setup.
// FIXME: good lint but is less clear in most cases.
// Allow some lints when running in debug mode.
// Allow some lints in tests.
// TODO: remove me after finishing impl
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mod
mod constants;
mod error;
mod free;
mod macros;
mod request;
mod response;
mod route;
mod state;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
//! Macros.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_request_and_response
/// A template for generating the RPC request and response `struct`s.
/// These `struct`s automatically implement:
/// - `Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash`
/// - `serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}`
/// - `cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeObject`
/// It's best to see the output of this macro via the documentation
/// of the generated structs via `cargo doc`s to see which parts
/// generate which docs.
/// See the [`crate::json`] module for example usage.
/// # Macro internals
/// This macro uses:
/// - [`__define_request`]
/// - [`__define_response`]
/// - [`__define_request_and_response_doc`]
/// # `__define_request`
/// This macro has 2 branches. If the caller provides
/// `Request {}`, i.e. no fields, it will generate:
/// ```
/// pub type Request = ();
/// ```
/// If they _did_ specify fields, it will generate:
/// ```
/// pub struct Request {/* fields */}
/// ```
/// This is because having a bunch of types that are all empty structs
/// means they are not compatible and it makes it cumbersome for end-users.
/// Really, they semantically are empty types, so `()` is used.
/// # `__define_response`
/// This macro has 2 branches. If the caller provides `Response`
/// it will generate a normal struct with no additional fields.
/// If the caller provides a base type from [`crate::base`], it will
/// flatten that into the request type automatically.
/// E.g. `Response {/*...*/}` and `ResponseBase {/*...*/}`
/// would trigger the different branches.
macro_rules! define_request_and_response {
// The markdown tag for Monero daemon RPC documentation. Not necessarily the endpoint.
// The commit hash and `$file.$extension` in which this type is defined in
// the Monero codebase in the `rpc/` directory, followed by the specific lines.
$monero_code_commit:ident =>
$monero_code_filename_extension:ident =>
// The base `struct` name.
// Attributes added here will apply to _both_
// request and response types.
$( #[$type_attr:meta] )*
// The request type (and any doc comments, derives, etc).
$( #[$request_type_attr:meta] )*
Request {
// And any fields.
$( #[$request_field_attr:meta] )* // Field attribute.
$request_field:ident: $request_field_type:ty // field_name: field type
$(as $request_field_type_as:ty)? // (optional) alternative type (de)serialization
$(= $request_field_type_default:expr, $request_field_type_default_string:literal)?, // (optional) default value
// The response type (and any doc comments, derives, etc).
$( #[$response_type_attr:meta] )*
$response_base_type:ty {
// And any fields.
$( #[$response_field_attr:meta] )*
$response_field:ident: $response_field_type:ty
$(as $response_field_type_as:ty)?
$(= $response_field_type_default:expr, $response_field_type_default_string:literal)?,
) => { paste::paste! {
$crate::macros::__define_request! {
#[doc = $crate::macros::__define_request_and_response_doc!(
"response" => [<$type_name Response>],
$( #[$type_attr] )*
$( #[$request_type_attr] )*
[<$type_name Request>] {
$( #[$request_field_attr] )*
$request_field: $request_field_type
$(as $request_field_type_as)?
$(= $request_field_type_default, $request_field_type_default_string)?,
$crate::macros::__define_response! {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = $crate::macros::__define_request_and_response_doc!(
"request" => [<$type_name Request>],
$( #[$type_attr] )*
$( #[$response_type_attr] )*
$response_base_type => [<$type_name Response>] {
$( #[$response_field_attr] )*
$response_field: $response_field_type
$(as $response_field_type_as)?
$(= $response_field_type_default, $response_field_type_default_string)?,
pub(crate) use define_request_and_response;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_request
/// Define a request type.
/// This is only used in [`define_request_and_response`], see it for docs.
/// `__` is used to notate that this shouldn't be called directly.
macro_rules! __define_request {
// This branch will generate a type alias to `()` if only given `{}` as input.
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response type.
$t:ident {}
) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
/// This request has no inputs.
pub type $t = ();
// This branch of the macro expects fields within the `{}`,
// and will generate a `struct`
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response type.
$t:ident {
// And any fields.
$( #[$field_attr:meta] )* // field attributes
// field_name: FieldType
$field:ident: $field_type:ty
$(as $field_as:ty)?
$(= $field_default:expr, $field_default_string:literal)?,
// The $field_default is an optional extra token that represents
// a default value to pass to [`cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object`],
// see it for usage.
) => {
#[allow(dead_code, missing_docs)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
$( #[$attr] )*
pub struct $t {
$( #[$field_attr] )*
$(#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default = $field_default_string))])?
pub $field: $field_type,
#[cfg(feature = "epee")]
::cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object! {
$field: $field_type
$(as $field_as)?
$(= $field_default)?,
pub(crate) use __define_request;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_response
/// Define a response type.
/// This is only used in [`define_request_and_response`], see it for docs.
/// `__` is used to notate that this shouldn't be called directly.
macro_rules! __define_response {
// This version of the macro expects the literal ident
// `Response` => $response_type_name.
// It will create a `struct` that _doesn't_ use a base from [`crate::base`],
// for example, [`crate::json::BannedResponse`] doesn't use a base, so it
// uses this branch.
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response type.
Response => $t:ident {
// And any fields.
// See [`__define_request`] for docs, this does the same thing.
$( #[$field_attr:meta] )*
$field:ident: $field_type:ty
$(as $field_as:ty)?
$(= $field_default:expr, $field_default_string:literal)?,
) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
pub struct $t {
$( #[$field_attr] )*
$(#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default = $field_default_string))])?
pub $field: $field_type,
#[cfg(feature = "epee")]
::cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object! {
$field: $field_type
$(as $field_as)?
$(= $field_default)?,
// This version of the macro expects a `Request` base type from [`crate::bases`].
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response base type => actual name of the struct
$base:ty => $t:ident {
// And any fields.
// See [`__define_request`] for docs, this does the same thing.
$( #[$field_attr:meta] )*
$field:ident: $field_type:ty
$(as $field_as:ty)?
$(= $field_default:expr, $field_default_string:literal)?,
) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
pub struct $t {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(flatten))]
pub base: $base,
$( #[$field_attr] )*
$(#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default = $field_default_string))])?
pub $field: $field_type,
#[cfg(feature = "epee")]
::cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object! {
$field: $field_type
$(as $field_as)?
$(= $field_default)?,
!flatten: base: $base,
pub(crate) use __define_response;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_request_and_response_doc
/// Generate documentation for the types generated
/// by the [`__define_request_and_response`] macro.
/// See it for more info on inputs.
/// `__` is used to notate that this shouldn't be called directly.
macro_rules! __define_request_and_response_doc {
// This labels the last `[request]` or `[response]`
// hyperlink in documentation. Input is either:
// - "request"
// - "response"
// Remember this is linking to the _other_ type,
// so if defining a `Request` type, input should
// be "response".
$request_or_response:literal => $request_or_response_type:ident,
) => {
"), [documentation](",
"), [",
pub(crate) use __define_request_and_response_doc;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro
/// Output a string link to `monerod` source code.
macro_rules! monero_definition_link {
$commit:ident, // Git commit hash
$file_path:literal, // File path within `monerod`'s `src/`, e.g. `rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h`
$start:literal$(..=$end:literal)? // File lines, e.g. `0..=123` or `0`
) => {
pub(crate) use monero_definition_link;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//! TODO
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//! TODO
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
//! Binary types from [`.bin` endpoints](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#get_blocksbin).
//! All types are originally defined in [`rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h`](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h).
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_blocksbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 162..=262,
// GetBlocks,
// Request {
// requested_info: u8 = default_zero(), "default_zero",
// // FIXME: This is a `std::list` in `monerod` because...?
// block_ids: ByteArrayVec<32>,
// start_height: u64,
// prune: bool,
// no_miner_tx: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// pool_info_since: u64 = default_zero(), "default_zero",
// },
// // TODO: this has custom epee (de)serialization.
// // <https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h#L242-L259>
// ResponseBase {
// blocks: Vec<BlockCompleteEntry>,
// start_height: u64,
// current_height: u64,
// output_indices: Vec<BlockOutputIndices>,
// daemon_time: u64,
// pool_info_extent: u8,
// added_pool_txs: Vec<PoolTxInfo>,
// remaining_added_pool_txids: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
// removed_pool_txids: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_blocks_by_heightbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 264..=286,
// GetBlocksByHeight,
// Request {
// heights: Vec<u64>,
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// blocks: Vec<BlockCompleteEntry>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_hashesbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 309..=338,
// GetHashes,
// Request {
// block_ids: ByteArrayVec<32>,
// start_height: u64,
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// m_blocks_ids: ByteArrayVec<32>,
// start_height: u64,
// current_height: u64,
// }
// }
// #[cfg(not(feature = "epee"))]
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_o_indexesbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 487..=510,
// GetOutputIndexes,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// txid: [u8; 32],
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// o_indexes: Vec<u64>,
// }
// }
// #[cfg(feature = "epee")]
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_o_indexesbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 487..=510,
// GetOutputIndexes,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// txid: [u8; 32],
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// o_indexes: Vec<u64> as ContainerAsBlob<u64>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_outsbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 512..=565,
// GetOuts,
// Request {
// outputs: Vec<GetOutputsOut>,
// get_txid: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// outs: Vec<OutKeyBin>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_transaction_pool_hashesbin,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1593..=1613,
// GetTransactionPoolHashes,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// tx_hashes: ByteArrayVec<32>,
// }
// }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
//! JSON types from the [`/json_rpc`](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#json-rpc-methods) endpoint.
//! All types are originally defined in [`rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h`](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h).
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Struct definitions
// // This generates 2 structs:
// //
// // - `GetBlockTemplateRequest`
// // - `GetBlockTemplateResponse`
// //
// // with some interconnected documentation.
// define_request_and_response! {
// // The markdown tag for Monero RPC documentation. Not necessarily the endpoint.
// get_block_template,
// // The commit hash and `$file.$extension` in which this type is defined in
// // the Monero codebase in the `rpc/` directory, followed by the specific lines.
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 => core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 943..=994,
// // The base type name.
// GetBlockTemplate,
// // The request type.
// //
// // If `Request {/* fields */}` is provided, a struct is generate as-is.
// //
// // If `Request {}` is specified here, it will create a `pub type YOUR_REQUEST_TYPE = ()`
// // instead of a `struct`, see below in other macro definitions for an example.
// //
// // If there are any additional attributes (`/// docs` or `#[derive]`s)
// // for the struct, they go here, e.g.:
// // #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// // Within the `{}` is an infinite matching pattern of:
// // ```
// // ```
// // The struct generated and all fields are `pub`.
// // This optional expression can be placed after
// // a `field: field_type`. this indicates to the
// // macro to (de)serialize this field using this
// // default expression if it doesn't exist in epee.
// //
// // See `cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object` for info.
// //
// // The default function must be specified twice:
// //
// // 1. As an expression
// // 2. As a string literal
// //
// // For example: `extra_nonce: String /* = default_string(), "default_string" */,`
// //
// // This is a HACK since `serde`'s default attribute only takes in
// // string literals and macros (stringify) within attributes do not work.
// extra_nonce: String /* = default_expression, "default_literal" */,
// // Another optional expression:
// // This indicates to the macro to (de)serialize
// // this field as another type in epee.
// //
// // See `cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object` for info.
// prev_block: String /* as Type */,
// // Regular fields.
// reserve_size: u64,
// wallet_address: String,
// },
// // The response type.
// //
// // If `Response {/* fields */}` is used,
// // this will generate a struct as-is.
// //
// // If a type found in [`crate::base`] is used,
// // It acts as a "base" that gets flattened into
// // the actual request type.
// //
// // "Flatten" means the field(s) of a struct gets inlined
// // directly into the struct during (de)serialization, see:
// // <https://serde.rs/field-attrs.html#flatten>.
// ResponseBase {
// // This is using [`crate::base::ResponseBase`],
// // so the type we generate will contain this field:
// // ```
// // base: crate::base::ResponseBase,
// // ```
// //
// // This is flattened with serde and epee, so during
// // (de)serialization, it will act as if there are 2 extra fields here:
// // ```
// // status: crate::Status,
// // untrusted: bool,
// // ```
// blockhashing_blob: String,
// blocktemplate_blob: String,
// difficulty_top64: u64,
// difficulty: u64,
// expected_reward: u64,
// height: u64,
// next_seed_hash: String,
// prev_hash: String,
// reserved_offset: u64,
// seed_hash: String,
// seed_height: u64,
// wide_difficulty: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_block_count,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 919..=933,
// GetBlockCount,
// // There are no request fields specified,
// // this will cause the macro to generate a
// // type alias to `()` instead of a `struct`.
// Request {},
// #[derive(Copy)]
// ResponseBase {
// count: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// on_get_block_hash,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 935..=939,
// OnGetBlockHash,
// /// ```rust
// /// use serde_json::*;
// /// use cuprate_rpc_types::json::*;
// ///
// /// let x = OnGetBlockHashRequest { block_height: [3] };
// /// let x = to_string(&x).unwrap();
// /// assert_eq!(x, "[3]");
// /// ```
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// // This is `std::vector<u64>` in `monerod` but
// // it must be a 1 length array or else it will error.
// block_height: [u64; 1],
// },
// /// ```rust
// /// use serde_json::*;
// /// use cuprate_rpc_types::json::*;
// ///
// /// let x = OnGetBlockHashResponse { block_hash: String::from("asdf") };
// /// let x = to_string(&x).unwrap();
// /// assert_eq!(x, "\"asdf\"");
// /// ```
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// Response {
// block_hash: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// submit_block,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1114..=1128,
// SubmitBlock,
// /// ```rust
// /// use serde_json::*;
// /// use cuprate_rpc_types::json::*;
// ///
// /// let x = SubmitBlockRequest { block_blob: ["a".into()] };
// /// let x = to_string(&x).unwrap();
// /// assert_eq!(x, r#"["a"]"#);
// /// ```
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// Request {
// // This is `std::vector<std::string>` in `monerod` but
// // it must be a 1 length array or else it will error.
// block_blob: [String; 1],
// },
// ResponseBase {
// block_id: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// generateblocks,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1130..=1161,
// GenerateBlocks,
// Request {
// amount_of_blocks: u64,
// prev_block: String,
// starting_nonce: u32,
// wallet_address: String,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// blocks: Vec<String>,
// height: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_last_block_header,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1214..=1238,
// GetLastBlockHeader,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// fill_pow_hash: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// block_header: BlockHeader,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_block_header_by_hash,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1240..=1269,
// GetBlockHeaderByHash,
// Request {
// hash: String,
// hashes: Vec<String>,
// fill_pow_hash: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// block_header: BlockHeader,
// block_headers: Vec<BlockHeader>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_block_header_by_height,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1271..=1296,
// GetBlockHeaderByHeight,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// height: u64,
// fill_pow_hash: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// block_header: BlockHeader,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_block_headers_range,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1756..=1783,
// GetBlockHeadersRange,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// start_height: u64,
// end_height: u64,
// fill_pow_hash: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// headers: Vec<BlockHeader>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_block,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1298..=1313,
// GetBlock,
// Request {
// // `monerod` has both `hash` and `height` fields.
// // In the RPC handler, if `hash.is_empty()`, it will use it, else, it uses `height`.
// // <https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server.cpp#L2674>
// hash: String = default_string(), "default_string",
// height: u64 = default_height(), "default_height",
// fill_pow_hash: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// blob: String,
// block_header: BlockHeader,
// json: String, // TODO: this should be defined in a struct, it has many fields.
// miner_tx_hash: String,
// tx_hashes: Vec<String>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_connections,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1734..=1754,
// GetConnections,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// // FIXME: This is a `std::list` in `monerod` because...?
// connections: Vec<ConnectionInfo>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_info,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 693..=789,
// GetInfo,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// adjusted_time: u64,
// alt_blocks_count: u64,
// block_size_limit: u64,
// block_size_median: u64,
// block_weight_limit: u64,
// block_weight_median: u64,
// bootstrap_daemon_address: String,
// busy_syncing: bool,
// cumulative_difficulty_top64: u64,
// cumulative_difficulty: u64,
// database_size: u64,
// difficulty_top64: u64,
// difficulty: u64,
// free_space: u64,
// grey_peerlist_size: u64,
// height: u64,
// height_without_bootstrap: u64,
// incoming_connections_count: u64,
// mainnet: bool,
// nettype: String,
// offline: bool,
// outgoing_connections_count: u64,
// restricted: bool,
// rpc_connections_count: u64,
// stagenet: bool,
// start_time: u64,
// synchronized: bool,
// target_height: u64,
// target: u64,
// testnet: bool,
// top_block_hash: String,
// tx_count: u64,
// tx_pool_size: u64,
// update_available: bool,
// version: String,
// was_bootstrap_ever_used: bool,
// white_peerlist_size: u64,
// wide_cumulative_difficulty: String,
// wide_difficulty: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// hard_fork_info,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1958..=1995,
// HardForkInfo,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// earliest_height: u64,
// enabled: bool,
// state: u32,
// threshold: u32,
// version: u8,
// votes: u32,
// voting: u8,
// window: u32,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// set_bans,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2032..=2067,
// SetBans,
// Request {
// bans: Vec<SetBan>,
// },
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_bans,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1997..=2030,
// GetBans,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// bans: Vec<GetBan>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// banned,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2069..=2094,
// Banned,
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// Request {
// address: String,
// },
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Response {
// banned: bool,
// seconds: u32,
// status: Status,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// flush_txpool,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2096..=2116,
// FlushTransactionPool,
// Request {
// txids: Vec<String> = default_vec::<String>(), "default_vec",
// },
// #[derive(Copy)]
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// Response {
// status: Status,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_output_histogram,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2118..=2168,
// GetOutputHistogram,
// Request {
// amounts: Vec<u64>,
// min_count: u64,
// max_count: u64,
// unlocked: bool,
// recent_cutoff: u64,
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// histogram: Vec<HistogramEntry>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_coinbase_tx_sum,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2213..=2248,
// GetCoinbaseTxSum,
// Request {
// height: u64,
// count: u64,
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// emission_amount: u64,
// emission_amount_top64: u64,
// fee_amount: u64,
// fee_amount_top64: u64,
// wide_emission_amount: String,
// wide_fee_amount: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_version,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2170..=2211,
// GetVersion,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// version: u32,
// release: bool,
// #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "is_zero")]
// current_height: u64 = default_zero(), "default_zero",
// #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "is_zero")]
// target_height: u64 = default_zero(), "default_zero",
// #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Vec::is_empty")]
// hard_forks: Vec<HardforkEntry> = default_vec(), "default_vec",
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_fee_estimate,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2250..=2277,
// GetFeeEstimate,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// fee: u64,
// fees: Vec<u64>,
// #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "is_one")]
// quantization_mask: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_alternate_chains,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2279..=2310,
// GetAlternateChains,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// chains: Vec<ChainInfo>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// relay_tx,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2361..=2381,
// RelayTx,
// Request {
// txids: Vec<String>,
// },
// #[derive(Copy)]
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// Response {
// status: Status,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// sync_info,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2383..=2443,
// SyncInfo,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// height: u64,
// next_needed_pruning_seed: u32,
// overview: String,
// // FIXME: This is a `std::list` in `monerod` because...?
// peers: Vec<SyncInfoPeer>,
// // FIXME: This is a `std::list` in `monerod` because...?
// spans: Vec<Span>,
// target_height: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_txpool_backlog,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1637..=1664,
// GetTransactionPoolBacklog,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// // TODO: this is a [`BinaryString`].
// backlog: Vec<TxBacklogEntry>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_output_distribution,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2445..=2520,
// /// This type is also used in the (undocumented)
// /// [`/get_output_distribution.bin`](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server.h#L138)
// /// binary endpoint.
// GetOutputDistribution,
// Request {
// amounts: Vec<u64>,
// binary: bool,
// compress: bool,
// cumulative: bool,
// from_height: u64,
// to_height: u64,
// },
// /// TODO: this request has custom serde:
// /// <https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h#L2468-L2508>
// AccessResponseBase {
// distributions: Vec<OutputDistributionData>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_miner_data,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 996..=1044,
// GetMinerData,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// major_version: u8,
// height: u64,
// prev_id: String,
// seed_hash: String,
// difficulty: String,
// median_weight: u64,
// already_generated_coins: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// prune_blockchain,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2747..=2772,
// PruneBlockchain,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// check: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// #[derive(Copy)]
// ResponseBase {
// pruned: bool,
// pruning_seed: u32,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// calc_pow,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1046..=1066,
// CalcPow,
// Request {
// major_version: u8,
// height: u64,
// block_blob: String,
// seed_hash: String,
// },
// #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// Response {
// pow_hash: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// flush_cache,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2774..=2796,
// FlushCache,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// bad_txs: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// bad_blocks: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// add_aux_pow,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1068..=1112,
// AddAuxPow,
// Request {
// blocktemplate_blob: String,
// aux_pow: Vec<AuxPow>,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// blocktemplate_blob: String,
// blockhashing_blob: String,
// merkle_root: String,
// merkle_tree_depth: u64,
// aux_pow: Vec<AuxPow>,
// }
// }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
//! TODO
mod bin;
mod json;
mod other;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
//! JSON types from the [`other`](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#other-daemon-rpc-calls) endpoints.
//! All types are originally defined in [`rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h`](https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h).
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Import
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_height,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 138..=160,
// GetHeight,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// hash: String,
// height: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_transactions,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 370..=451,
// GetTransactions,
// Request {
// txs_hashes: Vec<String>,
// // FIXME: this is documented as optional but it isn't serialized as an optional
// // but it is set _somewhere_ to false in `monerod`
// // <https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454/src/rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h#L382>
// decode_as_json: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// prune: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// split: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// txs_as_hex: Vec<String>,
// txs_as_json: Vec<String>,
// missed_tx: Vec<String>,
// txs: Vec<TxEntry>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_alt_blocks_hashes,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 288..=308,
// GetAltBlocksHashes,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// blks_hashes: Vec<String>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// is_key_image_spent,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 454..=484,
// IsKeyImageSpent,
// Request {
// key_images: Vec<String>,
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// spent_status: Vec<u8>, // TODO: should be `KeyImageSpentStatus`.
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// send_raw_transaction,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 370..=451,
// SendRawTransaction,
// Request {
// tx_as_hex: String,
// do_not_relay: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// do_sanity_checks: bool = default_true(), "default_true",
// },
// AccessResponseBase {
// double_spend: bool,
// fee_too_low: bool,
// invalid_input: bool,
// invalid_output: bool,
// low_mixin: bool,
// nonzero_unlock_time: bool,
// not_relayed: bool,
// overspend: bool,
// reason: String,
// sanity_check_failed: bool,
// too_big: bool,
// too_few_outputs: bool,
// tx_extra_too_big: bool,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// start_mining,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 665..=691,
// StartMining,
// Request {
// miner_address: String,
// threads_count: u64,
// do_background_mining: bool,
// ignore_battery: bool,
// },
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// stop_mining,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 825..=843,
// StopMining,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// mining_status,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 846..=895,
// MiningStatus,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// active: bool,
// address: String,
// bg_idle_threshold: u8,
// bg_ignore_battery: bool,
// bg_min_idle_seconds: u8,
// bg_target: u8,
// block_reward: u64,
// block_target: u32,
// difficulty: u64,
// difficulty_top64: u64,
// is_background_mining_enabled: bool,
// pow_algorithm: String,
// speed: u64,
// threads_count: u32,
// wide_difficulty: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// save_bc,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 898..=916,
// SaveBc,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_peer_list,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1369..=1417,
// GetPeerList,
// Request {
// public_only: bool = default_true(), "default_true",
// include_blocked: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// ResponseBase {
// white_list: Vec<Peer>,
// gray_list: Vec<Peer>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// set_log_hash_rate,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1450..=1470,
// SetLogHashRate,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// visible: bool,
// },
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// set_log_level,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1450..=1470,
// SetLogLevel,
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Request {
// level: u8,
// },
// ResponseBase {}
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// set_log_categories,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1494..=1517,
// SetLogCategories,
// Request {
// categories: String = default_string(), "default_string",
// },
// ResponseBase {
// categories: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// set_bootstrap_daemon,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1785..=1812,
// SetBootstrapDaemon,
// Request {
// address: String,
// username: String,
// password: String,
// proxy: String,
// },
// #[derive(Copy)]
// Response {
// status: Status,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_transaction_pool,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1569..=1591,
// GetTransactionPool,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// transactions: Vec<TxInfo>,
// spent_key_images: Vec<SpentKeyImageInfo>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_transaction_pool_stats,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1712..=1732,
// GetTransactionPoolStats,
// Request {},
// AccessResponseBase {
// pool_stats: TxpoolStats,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// stop_daemon,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1814..=1831,
// StopDaemon,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// status: Status,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_limit,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1852..=1874,
// GetLimit,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// limit_down: u64,
// limit_up: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// set_limit,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1876..=1903,
// SetLimit,
// Request {
// limit_down: i64,
// limit_up: i64,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// limit_down: i64,
// limit_up: i64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// out_peers,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1876..=1903,
// OutPeers,
// Request {
// set: bool = default_true(), "default_true",
// out_peers: u32,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// out_peers: u32,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_net_stats,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 793..=822,
// GetNetStats,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// start_time: u64,
// total_packets_in: u64,
// total_bytes_in: u64,
// total_packets_out: u64,
// total_bytes_out: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// get_outs,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 567..=609,
// GetOuts,
// Request {
// outputs: Vec<GetOutputsOut>,
// get_txid: bool,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// outs: Vec<OutKey>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// update,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2324..=2359,
// Update,
// Request {
// command: String,
// path: String = default_string(), "default_string",
// },
// ResponseBase {
// auto_uri: String,
// hash: String,
// path: String,
// update: bool,
// user_uri: String,
// version: String,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// pop_blocks,
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2722..=2745,
// PopBlocks,
// Request {
// nblocks: u64,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// height: u64,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 2798..=2823,
// GetTxIdsLoose,
// Request {
// txid_template: String,
// num_matching_bits: u32,
// },
// ResponseBase {
// txids: Vec<String>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1615..=1635,
// GetTransactionPoolHashes,
// Request {},
// ResponseBase {
// tx_hashes: Vec<String>,
// }
// }
// define_request_and_response! {
// cc73fe71162d564ffda8e549b79a350bca53c454 =>
// core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h => 1419..=1448,
// GetPublicNodes,
// Request {
// gray: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// white: bool = default_true(), "default_true",
// include_blocked: bool = default_false(), "default_false",
// },
// ResponseBase {
// gray: Vec<PublicNode>,
// white: Vec<PublicNode>,
// }
// }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests
mod test {
// use super::*;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
//! Macros.
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_request_and_response
/// A template for generating the RPC request and response `struct`s.
/// These `struct`s automatically implement:
/// - `Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash`
/// - `serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}`
/// - `cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeObject`
/// It's best to see the output of this macro via the documentation
/// of the generated structs via `cargo doc`s to see which parts
/// generate which docs.
/// See the [`crate::json`] module for example usage.
/// # Macro internals
/// This macro uses:
/// - [`__define_request`]
/// - [`__define_response`]
/// - [`__define_request_and_response_doc`]
/// # `__define_request`
/// This macro has 2 branches. If the caller provides
/// `Request {}`, i.e. no fields, it will generate:
/// ```
/// pub type Request = ();
/// ```
/// If they _did_ specify fields, it will generate:
/// ```
/// pub struct Request {/* fields */}
/// ```
/// This is because having a bunch of types that are all empty structs
/// means they are not compatible and it makes it cumbersome for end-users.
/// Really, they semantically are empty types, so `()` is used.
/// # `__define_response`
/// This macro has 2 branches. If the caller provides `Response`
/// it will generate a normal struct with no additional fields.
/// If the caller provides a base type from [`crate::base`], it will
/// flatten that into the request type automatically.
/// E.g. `Response {/*...*/}` and `ResponseBase {/*...*/}`
/// would trigger the different branches.
macro_rules! define_request_and_response {
// The markdown tag for Monero daemon RPC documentation. Not necessarily the endpoint.
// The commit hash and `$file.$extension` in which this type is defined in
// the Monero codebase in the `rpc/` directory, followed by the specific lines.
$monero_code_commit:ident =>
$monero_code_filename_extension:ident =>
// The base `struct` name.
// Attributes added here will apply to _both_
// request and response types.
$( #[$type_attr:meta] )*
// The request type (and any doc comments, derives, etc).
$( #[$request_type_attr:meta] )*
Request {
// And any fields.
$( #[$request_field_attr:meta] )* // Field attribute.
$request_field:ident: $request_field_type:ty // field_name: field type
$(as $request_field_type_as:ty)? // (optional) alternative type (de)serialization
$(= $request_field_type_default:expr, $request_field_type_default_string:literal)?, // (optional) default value
// The response type (and any doc comments, derives, etc).
$( #[$response_type_attr:meta] )*
$response_base_type:ty {
// And any fields.
$( #[$response_field_attr:meta] )*
$response_field:ident: $response_field_type:ty
$(as $response_field_type_as:ty)?
$(= $response_field_type_default:expr, $response_field_type_default_string:literal)?,
) => { paste::paste! {
$crate::macros::__define_request! {
#[doc = $crate::macros::__define_request_and_response_doc!(
"response" => [<$type_name Response>],
$( #[$type_attr] )*
$( #[$request_type_attr] )*
[<$type_name Request>] {
$( #[$request_field_attr] )*
$request_field: $request_field_type
$(as $request_field_type_as)?
$(= $request_field_type_default, $request_field_type_default_string)?,
$crate::macros::__define_response! {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = $crate::macros::__define_request_and_response_doc!(
"request" => [<$type_name Request>],
$( #[$type_attr] )*
$( #[$response_type_attr] )*
$response_base_type => [<$type_name Response>] {
$( #[$response_field_attr] )*
$response_field: $response_field_type
$(as $response_field_type_as)?
$(= $response_field_type_default, $response_field_type_default_string)?,
pub(crate) use define_request_and_response;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_request
/// Define a request type.
/// This is only used in [`define_request_and_response`], see it for docs.
/// `__` is used to notate that this shouldn't be called directly.
macro_rules! __define_request {
// This branch will generate a type alias to `()` if only given `{}` as input.
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response type.
$t:ident {}
) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
/// This request has no inputs.
pub type $t = ();
// This branch of the macro expects fields within the `{}`,
// and will generate a `struct`
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response type.
$t:ident {
// And any fields.
$( #[$field_attr:meta] )* // field attributes
// field_name: FieldType
$field:ident: $field_type:ty
$(as $field_as:ty)?
$(= $field_default:expr, $field_default_string:literal)?,
// The $field_default is an optional extra token that represents
// a default value to pass to [`cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object`],
// see it for usage.
) => {
#[allow(dead_code, missing_docs)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
$( #[$attr] )*
pub struct $t {
$( #[$field_attr] )*
$(#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default = $field_default_string))])?
pub $field: $field_type,
#[cfg(feature = "epee")]
::cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object! {
$field: $field_type
$(as $field_as)?
$(= $field_default)?,
pub(crate) use __define_request;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_response
/// Define a response type.
/// This is only used in [`define_request_and_response`], see it for docs.
/// `__` is used to notate that this shouldn't be called directly.
macro_rules! __define_response {
// This version of the macro expects the literal ident
// `Response` => $response_type_name.
// It will create a `struct` that _doesn't_ use a base from [`crate::base`],
// for example, [`crate::json::BannedResponse`] doesn't use a base, so it
// uses this branch.
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response type.
Response => $t:ident {
// And any fields.
// See [`__define_request`] for docs, this does the same thing.
$( #[$field_attr:meta] )*
$field:ident: $field_type:ty
$(as $field_as:ty)?
$(= $field_default:expr, $field_default_string:literal)?,
) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
pub struct $t {
$( #[$field_attr] )*
$(#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default = $field_default_string))])?
pub $field: $field_type,
#[cfg(feature = "epee")]
::cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object! {
$field: $field_type
$(as $field_as)?
$(= $field_default)?,
// This version of the macro expects a `Request` base type from [`crate::bases`].
// Any doc comments, derives, etc.
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
// The response base type => actual name of the struct
$base:ty => $t:ident {
// And any fields.
// See [`__define_request`] for docs, this does the same thing.
$( #[$field_attr:meta] )*
$field:ident: $field_type:ty
$(as $field_as:ty)?
$(= $field_default:expr, $field_default_string:literal)?,
) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
pub struct $t {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(flatten))]
pub base: $base,
$( #[$field_attr] )*
$(#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default = $field_default_string))])?
pub $field: $field_type,
#[cfg(feature = "epee")]
::cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object! {
$field: $field_type
$(as $field_as)?
$(= $field_default)?,
!flatten: base: $base,
pub(crate) use __define_response;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define_request_and_response_doc
/// Generate documentation for the types generated
/// by the [`__define_request_and_response`] macro.
/// See it for more info on inputs.
/// `__` is used to notate that this shouldn't be called directly.
macro_rules! __define_request_and_response_doc {
// This labels the last `[request]` or `[response]`
// hyperlink in documentation. Input is either:
// - "request"
// - "response"
// Remember this is linking to the _other_ type,
// so if defining a `Request` type, input should
// be "response".
$request_or_response:literal => $request_or_response_type:ident,
) => {
"), [documentation](",
"), [",
pub(crate) use __define_request_and_response_doc;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro
/// Output a string link to `monerod` source code.
macro_rules! monero_definition_link {
$commit:ident, // Git commit hash
$file_path:literal, // File path within `monerod`'s `src/`, e.g. `rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h`
$start:literal$(..=$end:literal)? // File lines, e.g. `0..=123` or `0`
) => {
pub(crate) use monero_definition_link;
Reference in a new issue