mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 00:58:47 +00:00
remove peer set for now
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 2 additions and 1010 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ repository = "https://github.com/SyntheticBird45/cuprate/tree/main/net/monero-wi
levin-cuprate = {path="../levin"}
levin-cuprate = {path="../levin"}
epee-encoding = { git = "https://github.com/boog900/epee-encoding", rev = "b774bf7"}
epee-encoding = { version = "0.5.0"}
hex = "0.4.3"
hex = "0.4.3"
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
pub mod address_book;
pub mod address_book;
pub mod config;
pub mod config;
mod connection_handle;
pub mod connection_counter;
pub mod connection_counter;
mod connection_handle;
mod constants;
mod constants;
pub mod peer;
pub mod peer;
pub mod peer_set;
mod protocol;
mod protocol;
pub use config::Config;
pub use config::Config;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pub mod initialize;
pub mod services;
pub mod set;
mod unready_service;
use unready_service::UnreadyService;
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use futures::{future, StreamExt};
use tower::buffer::Buffer;
use tower::discover::Change;
use tower::util::BoxService;
use tower::{BoxError, Layer, Service};
use monero_wire::NetworkAddress;
use crate::address_book::{start_address_book, AddressBookRequest, AddressBookResponse};
use crate::constants;
use crate::protocol::{
CoreSyncDataRequest, CoreSyncDataResponse, InternalMessageRequest, InternalMessageResponse,
use crate::{peer, Config, NetZoneBasicNodeData, P2PStore};
use super::set::{MorePeers, PeerSet};
type DiscoveredPeer = Result<(NetworkAddress, peer::Client), BoxError>;
pub async fn init<Svc, CoreSync, P2PS>(
config: Config,
inbound_service: Svc,
core_sync_svc: CoreSync,
mut p2p_store: P2PS,
) -> Result<
Buffer<BoxService<AddressBookRequest, AddressBookResponse, BoxError>, AddressBookRequest>,
Svc: Service<InternalMessageRequest, Response = InternalMessageResponse, Error = BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ 'static,
Svc::Future: Send,
CoreSync: Service<CoreSyncDataRequest, Response = CoreSyncDataResponse, Error = BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ 'static,
CoreSync::Future: Send,
P2PS: P2PStore,
let basic_node_data: NetZoneBasicNodeData = match p2p_store.basic_node_data().await? {
Some(bnd) => bnd,
None => {
let node_id = crate::NodeID::generate();
let bnd = NetZoneBasicNodeData::new(&config, &node_id);
let address_book = Buffer::new(
BoxService::new(start_address_book(p2p_store, config).await?),
let outbound_connector = {
use tower::timeout::TimeoutLayer;
let hs_timeout = TimeoutLayer::new(constants::HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT);
let hs = peer::Handshaker::new(
let (peerset_tx, peerset_rx) =
let discovered_peers = peerset_rx
// Discover interprets an error as stream termination,
// so discard any errored connections...
.filter(|result| future::ready(result.is_ok()))
.map_ok(|(address, client)| Change::Insert(address, client.into()));
// Create an mpsc channel for peerset demand signaling,
// based on the maximum number of outbound peers.
let (mut demand_tx, demand_rx) =
// Create a oneshot to send background task JoinHandles to the peer set
let (handle_tx, handle_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
let peer_set = PeerSet::new(&config, discovered_peers, demand_tx, handle_rx);
let peer_set = Buffer::new(BoxService::new(peer_set), constants::PEERSET_BUFFER_SIZE);
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
use monero_wire::NetworkAddress;
use tower::BoxError;
pub mod block_broadcaster;
pub mod block_download;
pub(crate) type DiscoveredPeer = Result<(NetworkAddress, crate::peer::Client), BoxError>;
pub use block_download::{BlockGetterRequest, BlockGetterResponse, BlockGetterService};
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
// TODO: Investigate tor/i2p block broadcasting; should we do it? randomise delay?
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use futures::stream::FuturesOrdered;
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tower::discover::Discover;
use tower::BoxError;
use monero_wire::messages::common::{BlockCompleteEntry, TransactionBlobs};
use monero_wire::messages::{NewBlock, NewFluffyBlock};
use monero_wire::{NetworkAddress, PeerID};
use crate::peer::LoadTrackedClient;
use crate::peer_set::set::PeerSet;
pub enum BlockBroadCasterRequest {
/// A request to broadcast a block to all ready peers, Cuprate
/// only supports broadcasting by fluffy blocks.
BroadCastBlock { block: Vec<u8>, block_height: u64 },
pub enum BlockBroadCasterResponse {
pub struct BlockBroadCaster<D>
D: Discover<Key = PeerID, Service = LoadTrackedClient> + Unpin,
D::Error: Into<BoxError>,
peer_set: std::sync::Arc<Mutex<PeerSet<D>>>,
/// The proportion of peers that need to be ready for `poll_ready` to return ready.
/// monerod will remove peers that do not broadcast every block to it, this is a problem
/// for us as we need peers to be ready for us to broadcast to them so we compromise and
/// only broadcast to ready peers and take the hit on the other peers.
wanted_ready_peers: f64,
impl<D> tower::Service<BlockBroadCasterRequest> for BlockBroadCaster<D>
D: Discover<Key = PeerID, Service = LoadTrackedClient> + Unpin + Send + 'static,
D::Error: Into<BoxError>,
type Response = BlockBroadCasterResponse;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
let mutex = self.peer_set.clone();
let ret = match Box::pin(mutex.lock()).poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
Poll::Ready(mut peer_set) => {
if self.wanted_ready_peers <= peer_set.proportion_ready() {
} else {
fn call(&mut self, req: BlockBroadCasterRequest) -> Self::Future {
match req {
BlockBroadCasterRequest::BroadCastBlock {
} => {
let empty_txs = TransactionBlobs::new_unpruned(vec![]);
let fluffy_complete_entry = BlockCompleteEntry {
block: block.clone(),
block_weight: 0,
txs: empty_txs,
pruned: false,
let new_fluffy_block = NewFluffyBlock {
b: fluffy_complete_entry,
current_blockchain_height: block_height + 1,
let mutex = self.peer_set.clone();
async move {
let mut peer_set = mutex.lock().await;
let all_ready_peers = peer_set.all_ready();
let mut fut = FuturesOrdered::new();
for (_, svc) in all_ready_peers {
if svc.supports_fluffy_blocks() {
} else {
"Peer which doesn't support fluffy blocks is in the PeerSet"
while let Some(_) = fut.next().await {}
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
use futures::{FutureExt, Sink};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tower::discover::Discover;
use tower::BoxError;
use monero_wire::messages::GetObjectsRequest;
use monero_wire::messages::{GetObjectsResponse, MessageNotification};
use monero_wire::{Message, NetworkAddress, PeerID};
use crate::peer::LoadTrackedClient;
use crate::peer_set::set::PeerSet;
use crate::protocol::InternalMessageResponse;
pub enum BlockGetterRequest {
/// A request for blocks, used when syncing.
/// start_height is used to determine the peer for the next request,
/// you should use [`BlockGetterRequest::SetHeight`] before calling
/// this for the first time.
GetBlocks {
blocks: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
pruned: bool,
start_height: u64,
pub enum BlockGetterResponse {
pub struct BlockGetterService<D>
D: Discover<Key = PeerID, Service = LoadTrackedClient> + Unpin,
D::Error: Into<BoxError>,
peer_set: Arc<Mutex<PeerSet<D>>>,
next_start_height: Option<u64>,
p2c_peer: Option<(D::Key, D::Service)>,
impl<D> tower::Service<BlockGetterRequest> for BlockGetterService<D>
D: Discover<Key = PeerID, Service = LoadTrackedClient> + Unpin + Send + 'static,
D::Error: Into<BoxError>,
type Response = BlockGetterResponse;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
let span = tracing::trace_span!(parent: &tracing::span::Span::current(), "BlockGetter");
match self.next_start_height {
// If we don't know the next batch start height we must have not received
// any requests yet. The first request has to be [`SetHeight`] so thats
// what the next request will be.
None => {
tracing::trace!(parent: &span, "next height not known");
Some(height) => {
tracing::trace!(parent: &span, next_height = height);
let mut peer_no_longer_ready = false;
if let Some((addr, svc)) = &mut self.p2c_peer {
tracing::trace!(parent: &span, preselected_peer = ?addr);
match svc.poll_ready(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {
parent: &span,
"Pre-selected peer still ready, keeping it selected"
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
Poll::Pending => {
"preselected service is no longer ready, moving to unready list"
peer_no_longer_ready = true;
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
tracing::trace!(parent: &span, %e, "preselected service failed, dropping it");
self.p2c_peer = None;
parent: &span,
"preselected service was not ready, preselecting another ready service"
let mutex = self.peer_set.clone();
let ret = match Box::pin(mutex.lock()).poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
Poll::Ready(mut peer_set) => {
if peer_no_longer_ready {
let (key, svc) = std::mem::replace(&mut self.p2c_peer, None)
.expect("Peer must exist for it to not be ready");
peer_set.push_unready(key, svc);
let p2c_peer = match peer_set.preselect_p2c_peer_with_full_block(height) {
None => {
parent: &span,
"no ready services, sending demand signal"
return Poll::Pending;
Some(peer) => {
tracing::trace!(parent: &span, preselected_peer = ?peer);
self.p2c_peer = peer_set
.and_then(|svc| Some((p2c_peer, svc)));
fn call(&mut self, req: BlockGetterRequest) -> Self::Future {
match req {
BlockGetterRequest::SetHeight(height) => {
self.next_start_height = Some(height);
async { Ok(BlockGetterResponse::HeightSet) }.boxed()
BlockGetterRequest::GetBlocks {
} => {
self.next_start_height = Some(start_height + blocks.len() as u64);
let obj_req = GetObjectsRequest { blocks, pruned };
let peer_set = self.peer_set.clone();
let (addr, mut svc) = std::mem::replace(&mut self.p2c_peer, None).expect(
"A peer is always selected in poll_ready and poll_ready must be called first",
async move {
let fut = svc.call(obj_req.into());
let mut set = peer_set.lock().await;
set.push_unready(addr, svc);
fut.await.map(|res| {
let InternalMessageResponse::GetObjectsResponse(res) = res else {
unreachable!("Peer connection must return correct response")
@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
use std::future::Future;
use std::ops::Div;
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use futures::TryFutureExt;
use futures::{
channel::{mpsc, oneshot},
use futures::{FutureExt, SinkExt};
use tokio::{sync::oneshot::error::TryRecvError, task::JoinHandle};
use tower::{
discover::{Change, Discover},
BoxError, Service,
use monero_wire::{NetworkAddress, PeerID};
use super::{unready_service::UnreadyError, UnreadyService};
use crate::{
protocol::{InternalMessageRequest, InternalMessageResponse},
/// A signal sent by the [`PeerSet`] when it has no ready peers, and gets a request from Zebra.
/// In response to this signal, the crawler tries to open more peer connections.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct MorePeers;
/// A signal sent by the [`PeerSet`] to cancel a [`Client`][1]'s current request
/// or response.
/// When it receives this signal, the [`Client`][1] stops processing and exits.
/// [1]: crate::peer::Client
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct CancelClientWork;
/// A [`tower::Service`] that abstractly represents "the rest of the network".
/// # Security
/// The `Discover::Key` must be the transient remote address of each peer. This
/// address may only be valid for the duration of a single connection. (For
/// example, inbound connections have an ephemeral remote port, and proxy
/// connections have an ephemeral local or proxy port.)
/// Otherwise, malicious peers could interfere with other peers' `PeerSet` state.
pub struct PeerSet<D>
D: Discover<Key = PeerID, Service = LoadTrackedClient> + Unpin,
D::Error: Into<BoxError>,
/// Peer Tracking: New Peers
/// Provides new and deleted peer [`Change`]s to the peer set,
/// via the [`Discover`] trait implementation.
discover: D,
/// A channel that asks the peer crawler task to connect to more peers.
demand_signal: mpsc::Sender<MorePeers>,
/// Peer Tracking: Ready Peers
/// Connected peers that are ready to receive requests from Zebra,
/// or send requests to Zebra.
ready_services: HashMap<D::Key, D::Service>,
/// Peer Tracking: Busy Peers
/// Connected peers that are handling a Zebra request,
/// or Zebra is handling one of their requests.
unready_services: FuturesUnordered<UnreadyService<D::Key, D::Service, InternalMessageRequest>>,
/// Channels used to cancel the request that an unready service is doing.
cancel_handles: HashMap<D::Key, oneshot::Sender<CancelClientWork>>,
/// The configured limit for inbound and outbound connections.
/// The peer set panics if this size is exceeded.
/// If that happens, our connection limit code has a bug.
peerset_total_connection_limit: usize,
// Background Tasks
/// Channel for passing ownership of tokio JoinHandles from PeerSet's background tasks
/// The join handles passed into the PeerSet are used populate the `guards` member
handle_rx: tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<Vec<JoinHandle<Result<(), BoxError>>>>,
/// Unordered set of handles to background tasks associated with the `PeerSet`
/// These guards are checked for errors as part of `poll_ready` which lets
/// the `PeerSet` propagate errors from background tasks back to the user
guards: FuturesUnordered<JoinHandle<Result<(), BoxError>>>,
impl<D> PeerSet<D>
D: Discover<Key = PeerID, Service = LoadTrackedClient> + Unpin,
D::Error: Into<BoxError>,
/// Construct a peerset which uses `discover` to manage peer connections.
/// Arguments:
/// - `config`: configures the peer set connection limit;
/// - `discover`: handles peer connects and disconnects;
/// - `demand_signal`: requests more peers when all peers are busy (unready);
/// - `handle_rx`: receives background task handles,
/// monitors them to make sure they're still running,
/// and shuts down all the tasks as soon as one task exits;
pub fn new(
config: &Config,
discover: D,
demand_signal: mpsc::Sender<MorePeers>,
handle_rx: tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<Vec<JoinHandle<Result<(), BoxError>>>>,
) -> Self {
Self {
// New peers
// Ready peers
ready_services: HashMap::new(),
// Busy peers
unready_services: FuturesUnordered::new(),
cancel_handles: HashMap::new(),
peerset_total_connection_limit: config.peerset_total_connection_limit(),
// Background tasks
guards: futures::stream::FuturesUnordered::new(),
/// Receive background tasks, if they've been sent on the channel,
/// but not consumed yet.
/// Returns a result representing the current task state,
/// or `None` if the background tasks should be polled to check their state.
fn receive_tasks_if_needed(&mut self) -> Option<Result<(), BoxError>> {
if self.guards.is_empty() {
match self.handle_rx.try_recv() {
// The tasks haven't been sent yet.
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => Some(Ok(())),
// The tasks have been sent, but not consumed.
Ok(handles) => {
// Currently, the peer set treats an empty background task set as an error.
// TODO: refactor `handle_rx` and `guards` into an enum
// for the background task state: Waiting/Running/Shutdown.
"the peer set requires at least one background task"
// The tasks have been sent and consumed, but then they exited.
// Correctness: the peer set must receive at least one task.
// TODO: refactor `handle_rx` and `guards` into an enum
// for the background task state: Waiting/Running/Shutdown.
Err(TryRecvError::Closed) => {
Some(Err("all peer set background tasks have exited".into()))
} else {
/// Check background task handles to make sure they're still running.
/// If any background task exits, shuts down all other background tasks,
/// and returns an error.
fn poll_background_errors(&mut self, cx: &mut Context) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
if let Some(result) = self.receive_tasks_if_needed() {
return result;
match Pin::new(&mut self.guards).poll_next(cx) {
// All background tasks are still running.
Poll::Pending => Ok(()),
Poll::Ready(Some(res)) => {
background_tasks = %self.guards.len(),
"a peer set background task exited, shutting down other peer set tasks"
// Flatten the join result and inner result,
// then turn Ok() task exits into errors.
// TODO: replace with Result::flatten when it stabilises (#70142)
.and(Err("a peer set background task exited".into()))
Poll::Ready(None) => {
Err("all peer set background tasks have exited".into())
/// Shut down:
/// - services by dropping the service lists
/// - background tasks via their join handles or cancel handles
/// - channels by closing the channel
fn shut_down_tasks_and_channels(&mut self) {
// Drop services and cancel their background tasks.
self.ready_services = HashMap::new();
for (_peer_key, handle) in self.cancel_handles.drain() {
let _ = handle.send(CancelClientWork);
self.unready_services = FuturesUnordered::new();
// Close the MorePeers channel for all senders,
// so we don't add more peers to a shut down peer set.
// Shut down background tasks.
for guard in self.guards.iter() {
// TODO: implement graceful shutdown for InventoryRegistry (#1678)
/// Check busy peer services for request completion or errors.
/// Move newly ready services to the ready list if they are for peers with supported protocol
/// versions, otherwise they are dropped. Also drop failed services.
fn poll_unready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
loop {
match Pin::new(&mut self.unready_services).poll_next(cx) {
// No unready service changes, or empty unready services
Poll::Pending | Poll::Ready(None) => return,
// Unready -> Ready
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok((key, svc)))) => {
tracing::trace!(?key, "service became ready");
let cancel = self.cancel_handles.remove(&key);
assert!(cancel.is_some(), "missing cancel handle");
// Unready -> Canceled
Poll::Ready(Some(Err((key, UnreadyError::Canceled)))) => {
// A service be canceled because we've connected to the same service twice.
// In that case, there is a cancel handle for the peer address,
// but it belongs to the service for the newer connection.
duplicate_connection = self.cancel_handles.contains_key(&key),
"service was canceled, dropping service"
Poll::Ready(Some(Err((key, UnreadyError::CancelHandleDropped(_))))) => {
// Similarly, services with dropped cancel handes can have duplicates.
duplicate_connection = self.cancel_handles.contains_key(&key),
"cancel handle was dropped, dropping service"
// Unready -> Errored
Poll::Ready(Some(Err((key, UnreadyError::Inner(error))))) => {
tracing::debug!(%error, "service failed while unready, dropping service");
let cancel = self.cancel_handles.remove(&key);
assert!(cancel.is_some(), "missing cancel handle");
/// Checks for newly inserted or removed services.
/// Puts inserted services in the unready list.
/// Drops removed services, after cancelling any pending requests.
fn poll_discover(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), BoxError>> {
use futures::ready;
loop {
match ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.discover).poll_discover(cx))
.ok_or("discovery stream closed")?
Change::Remove(key) => {
tracing::trace!(?key, "got Change::Remove from Discover");
Change::Insert(key, svc) => {
// We add peers as unready, so that we:
// - always do the same checks on every ready peer, and
// - check for any errors that happened right after the handshake
tracing::trace!(?key, "got Change::Insert from Discover");
self.push_unready(key, svc);
/// Calls the poll functions used at the start of all `poll_ready`s
pub fn poll_all(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Update peer statuses
let _ = self.poll_discover(cx)?;
pub fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
let mut ready_services = HashMap::with_capacity(self.ready_services.len());
let mut pending_services = vec![];
for (key, mut svc) in self.ready_services.drain() {
match svc.poll_ready(cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
pending_services.push((key, svc));
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {
ready_services.insert(key, svc);
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
tracing::trace!("Peer poll_ready returned error: {}", e);
// peer svc will get dropped at the start of next loop
for (key, svc) in pending_services {
self.push_unready(key, svc);
self.ready_services = ready_services;
pub fn proportion_ready(&self) -> f64 {
let total_services = self.ready_services.len() + self.unready_services.len();
if total_services == 0 {
return 1.0;
self.ready_services.len() as f64 / total_services as f64
/// Takes a ready service by key.
pub fn take_ready_service(&mut self, key: &D::Key) -> Option<D::Service> {
if let Some(svc) = self.ready_services.remove(key) {
"cancel handles are only used for unready service work"
} else {
/// Remove the service corresponding to `key` from the peer set.
/// Drops the service, cancelling any pending request or response to that peer.
/// If the peer does not exist, does nothing.
fn remove(&mut self, key: &D::Key) {
if let Some(ready_service) = self.take_ready_service(key) {
// A ready service has no work to cancel, so just drop it.
} else if let Some(handle) = self.cancel_handles.remove(key) {
// Cancel the work, implicitly dropping the cancel handle.
// The service future returns a `Canceled` error,
// making `poll_unready` drop the service.
let _ = handle.send(CancelClientWork);
/// Adds a busy service to the unready list if it's for a peer with a supported version,
/// and adds a cancel handle for the service's current request.
/// If the service is for a connection to an outdated peer, the request is cancelled and the
/// service is dropped.
pub fn push_unready(&mut self, key: D::Key, svc: D::Service) {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.unready_services.push(UnreadyService {
key: Some(key),
service: Some(svc),
cancel: rx,
_req: PhantomData,
self.cancel_handles.insert(key, tx);
pub fn preselect_p2c_peer_with_full_block(&self, block_height: u64) -> Option<D::Key> {
.filter_map(|(key, serv)| {
if serv.has_full_block(block_height) {
} else {
/// Performs P2C on `self.ready_services` to randomly select a less-loaded ready service.
pub fn preselect_p2c_peer(&self) -> Option<D::Key> {
/// Accesses a ready endpoint by `key` and returns its current load.
/// Returns `None` if the service is not in the ready service list.
fn query_load(&self, key: &D::Key) -> Option<<D::Service as Load>::Metric> {
let svc = self.ready_services.get(key);
svc.map(|svc| svc.load())
// Performs P2C on `ready_service_list` to randomly select a less-loaded ready service.
pub fn select_p2c_peer_from_list(
ready_service_list: &HashSet<&D::Key>,
) -> Option<D::Key> {
match ready_service_list.len() {
0 => None,
1 => Some(
.expect("just checked there is one service"),
len => {
// If there are only 2 peers, randomise their order.
// Otherwise, choose 2 random peers in a random order.
let (a, b) = {
let idxs = rand::seq::index::sample(&mut rand::thread_rng(), len, 2);
let a = idxs.index(0);
let b = idxs.index(1);
let a = **ready_service_list
.expect("sample returns valid indexes");
let b = **ready_service_list
.expect("sample returns valid indexes");
(a, b)
let a_load = self.query_load(&a).expect("supplied services are ready");
let b_load = self.query_load(&b).expect("supplied services are ready");
let selected = if a_load <= b_load { a } else { b };
a.key = ?a,
a.load = ?a_load,
b.key = ?b,
b.load = ?b_load,
selected = ?selected,
"selected service by p2c"
pub fn all_ready(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<PeerID, LoadTrackedClient> {
&mut self.ready_services
pub fn push_all_unready(&mut self) {
let all_ready: Vec<(_, _)> = self.ready_services.drain().collect();
for (key, svc) in all_ready {
self.push_unready(key, svc)
pub fn demand_more_peers(&mut self) {
let _ = self.demand_signal.try_send(MorePeers);
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
/// Services that are busy or newly created.
/// Adapted from zebra who themselves adapted this from tower-balance.
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{channel::oneshot, ready};
use pin_project::pin_project;
use tower::Service;
use crate::peer_set::set::CancelClientWork;
/// A Future that becomes satisfied when an `S`-typed service is ready.
/// May fail due to cancellation, i.e. if the service is removed from discovery.
pub(super) struct UnreadyService<K, S, Req> {
/// The key used to lookup `service`.
pub(super) key: Option<K>,
/// A oneshot used to cancel the request the `service` is currently working on, if any.
pub(super) cancel: oneshot::Receiver<CancelClientWork>,
/// The `service` that is busy (or newly created).
pub(super) service: Option<S>,
/// Dropping `service` might drop a request.
/// This [`PhantomData`] tells the Rust compiler to do a drop check for `Req`.
pub(super) _req: PhantomData<Req>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum UnreadyError<E> {
impl<K, S: Service<Req>, Req> Future for UnreadyService<K, S, Req> {
type Output = Result<(K, S), (K, UnreadyError<S::Error>)>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
if let Poll::Ready(oneshot_result) = this.cancel.poll(cx) {
let key = this.key.take().expect("polled after ready");
// # Correctness
// Return an error if the service is explicitly canceled,
// or its cancel handle is dropped, implicitly cancelling it.
match oneshot_result {
Ok(CancelClientWork) => return Poll::Ready(Err((key, UnreadyError::Canceled))),
Err(canceled_error) => {
return Poll::Ready(Err((
// # Correctness
// The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we return
// `Poll::Pending`.
//`ready!` returns `Poll::Pending` when the service is unready, and
// the inner `poll_ready` schedules this task for wakeup.
// `cancel.poll` also schedules this task for wakeup if it is canceled.
let res = ready!(this
.expect("polled after ready")
let key = this.key.take().expect("polled after ready");
let svc = this.service.take().expect("polled after ready");
match res {
Ok(()) => Poll::Ready(Ok((key, svc))),
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err((key, UnreadyError::Inner(e)))),
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