From 95b3d0417f63ca1a28609c15fcb3c4d759842930 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Someone Else <>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2023 23:22:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] save

 database/reactor/src/             | 36 +++------
 database/reactor/src/         |  2 -
 database/reactor/src/         |  4 +-
 database/src/encoding/ | 12 +--
 database/src/encoding/            |  9 ++-
 database/src/interface/       | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
 database/src/interface/           |  6 ++
 database/src/                     |  7 +-
 database/src/                   |  1 +
 database/src/                   |  4 +-
 10 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/database/reactor/src/ b/database/reactor/src/
index c5323097..355a3d21 100644
--- a/database/reactor/src/
+++ b/database/reactor/src/
@@ -6,59 +6,41 @@ pub mod message;
 pub mod reactor;
 pub mod thread;
-use std::{pin::Pin, thread::JoinHandle, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
+use std::{pin::Pin, thread::JoinHandle, sync::Arc};
 use cuprate_database::error::DBException;
 use futures::{channel::{oneshot, mpsc}, Future, FutureExt};
 use message::{DatabaseRequest, DatabaseResponse, DatabaseClientRequest};
-use tower::Service;
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 /// `Databaseclient` is a struct shared across the daemon to interact with database reactor, and therefore the underlying database
 pub struct DatabaseClient {
 	/// The channel used to send request to the reactor
 	db: mpsc::Sender<DatabaseClientRequest>,
-	/// A shared pointer to the reactor thread. Used to check if the reactor shutdowned properly.
-	reactor_thread: Arc<JoinHandle<()>>,
+	/// Shared handle to the reactor thread to check if the thread is stopped
+	reactor_thread: Arc<JoinHandle<()>>
-impl DatabaseClient {
-	/// This function send a message to stop the reactor, and check if it shutdowned properly.
-	pub async fn shutdown(mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
-		if let DatabaseResponse::Shutdowned = self
-			.call(DatabaseRequest::Shutdown)
-			.await
-			.map_err(|err| {})?
-		{
-			// A small delay is placed here to let the OS thread shutdown. The upper response is sent just before the end of the thread.
-			std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200));
-			if self.reactor_thread.is_finished() {
-				return Ok(())
-			}
-		}
-		Err(())
-	}
+/// Implementing Tower service for the database client
 impl tower::Service<DatabaseRequest> for DatabaseClient {
     type Response = DatabaseResponse;
-    type Error = DBException;
+    type Error = DBException; // The reactor can sent back to the caller database errors, such as NotFound for example
     type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
+	/// `poll_ready` check if the channel is sempty and therefore is waiting to process a request
     fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> std::task::Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
 			.map_err(|_| DBException::Other("closed"))
+	/// `call` to send a request to the database
     fn call(&mut self, req: DatabaseRequest) -> Self::Future {
+		// Generating result oneshot::channel
         let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>();
         // get the callers span
         let span = tracing::span::Span::current();
         let req = DatabaseClientRequest { req, tx, span };
         match self.db.try_send(req) {
diff --git a/database/reactor/src/ b/database/reactor/src/
index 3f91ff6c..a0c3f603 100644
--- a/database/reactor/src/
+++ b/database/reactor/src/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ pub enum DatabaseRequest {
-	Shutdown,
 /// `DatabaseResponse` is an enum listing all the response sent from the reactor, to answer their corresponding Request.
@@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ pub enum DatabaseResponse {
-	Shutdowned
 // Temporary
diff --git a/database/reactor/src/ b/database/reactor/src/
index 4ec65488..d4bd138d 100644
--- a/database/reactor/src/
+++ b/database/reactor/src/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use std::{thread::JoinHandle, path::PathBuf, sync::{RwLock, Arc}};
 use futures::{channel::{oneshot, mpsc::{self, Receiver}}, Future, FutureExt};
-use cuprate_database::{database::{Database, Interface}, error::DB_FAILURES};
+use cuprate_database::{database::{Database, Interface}, error::DBException};
 use libmdbx::{NoWriteMap, WriteMap};
 use tracing::{span, Level, event, Span};
 use crate::{message::{DatabaseRequest, DatabaseResponse, DatabaseClientRequest}, DatabaseClient, thread::{WriteThread, ReadThread}};
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ pub struct DatabaseReactor {
 	write_thread: Option<WriteThread>,
 	/// Vector of ReadThread
 	read_threads: Vec<ReadThread>,
-	/// The (theorical) on-going memory changes in the database
-	mm_size: u64,
 	/// The number of write being performed in the database
 	write_count: u64,
diff --git a/database/src/encoding/ b/database/src/encoding/
index cd017563..8837786b 100644
--- a/database/src/encoding/
+++ b/database/src/encoding/
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 use std::{fmt::Debug, io::Write};
 use monero::{Hash, PublicKey, util::ringct::Key, consensus::{Encodable, Decodable}};
-use crate::{types::{BlockMetadata, TransactionPruned, OutputMetadata, TxIndex, AltBlock, TxOutputIdx}, BINCODE_CONFIG};
-use super::{Encode, Error, Decode, compat::Compat, Buffer};
+use crate::{types::{BlockMetadata, TransactionPruned, OutputMetadata, TxIndex, AltBlock, TxOutputIdx}};
+use super::{Encode, Error, Decode, compat::Compat, Buffer, BINCODE_CONFIG};
 /// A macro for idiomatic implementation of encode|decode for integer primitives
 macro_rules! impl_encode_decode_integer {
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ impl Encode for BlockMetadata {
-		buf[40..72].copy_from_slice(&self.block_hash.0.0); // < When Hash will be implemented pls remove the Compat this
+		buf[40..72].copy_from_slice(&self.block_hash.0);
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ impl Decode for BlockMetadata {
 				total_coins_generated: u64::from_le_bytes(src[8..16].try_into().map_err(Error::TryInto)?),
 				weight: u64::from_le_bytes(src[16..24].try_into().map_err(Error::TryInto)?),
 				cumulative_difficulty: u128::from_le_bytes(src[24..40].try_into().map_err(Error::TryInto)?),
-				block_hash: Compat(Hash::from_slice(src[40..72].try_into().map_err(Error::Infallible)?)), // < When Hash will be implemented pls remove the Compat this
+				block_hash: Hash::from_slice(src[40..72].try_into().map_err(Error::Infallible)?), // < When Hash will be implemented pls remove the Compat this
 				cum_rct: u64::from_le_bytes(src[72..80].try_into().map_err(Error::TryInto)?),
 				long_term_block_weight: u64::from_le_bytes(src[80..88].try_into().map_err(Error::TryInto)?),
@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ mod tests {
 			total_coins_generated: 17, 
 			weight: 4300, 
 			cumulative_difficulty: 965904, 
-			block_hash: Compat(Hash([
+			block_hash: Hash([
 				0x5c, 0x5e, 0x69, 0xd8, 0xfc, 0x0d, 0x22, 0x6a, 0x60, 0x91, 0x47, 0xda, 0x98, 0x36,
 				0x06, 0x00, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x49, 0xcc, 0x49, 0x45, 0x2c, 0x5e, 0xf8, 0xba, 0x20, 0xf5,
 				0x93, 0xd4, 0x80, 0x7d,
-			])), 
+			]), 
 			cum_rct: 7, 
 			long_term_block_weight: 30 
diff --git a/database/src/encoding/ b/database/src/encoding/
index 72e0fe2b..fe4b3069 100644
--- a/database/src/encoding/
+++ b/database/src/encoding/
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
 use std::{fmt::Debug, array::TryFromSliceError, convert::Infallible, io};
 use crate::table::Table;
+const BINCODE_CONFIG: bincode::config::Configuration<
+    bincode::config::LittleEndian,
+    bincode::config::Fixint,
+> = bincode::config::standard().with_fixed_int_encoding();
 pub mod compat;
 pub mod buffer;
 pub mod implementation;
@@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ pub enum Value<T: Table> {
 /// variant of Value you should receive. But be careful on your code, or it might crash.
 impl<'a, T: Table> Value<T> {
-	fn as_type(&'a self) -> &'a <T as Table>::Value {
+	pub fn as_type(&'a self) -> &'a <T as Table>::Value {
 		assert!(matches!(self, Value::Type(_))); // Hint for the compiler to check the boundaries
 		if let Value::Type(value) = self {
@@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ impl<'a, T: Table> Value<T> {
-	fn as_raw(&'a self) -> &'a <<T as Table>::Value as Encode>::Output {
+	pub fn as_raw(&'a self) -> &'a <<T as Table>::Value as Encode>::Output {
 		assert!(matches!(self, Value::Raw(_))); // Hint for the compiler to check the boundaries
         if let Value::Raw(raw) = self {
diff --git a/database/src/interface/ b/database/src/interface/
index 8df00526..52381ce5 100644
--- a/database/src/interface/
+++ b/database/src/interface/
@@ -20,60 +20,143 @@ impl<'thread, D: Database<'thread>> ReadInterface<'thread> for Interface<'thread
     fn block_exists(&'thread self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<bool, DBException> {
 		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+		let mut cursor_blockhash = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockhash>()?;
-        let mut cursor_blockhash = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockhash>()?;
         Ok(cursor_blockhash.get_dup::<true>(&(), hash)?.is_some())
     fn get_block_hash(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<Hash, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+        let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+		let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().block_hash)
     fn get_block_height(&'thread self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<u64, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;        
+		let mut cursor_blockhash = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockhash>()?;
+        cursor_blockhash
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), hash)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find height of block: {}", hash)))
+			.map(|res| *res.as_type())
     fn get_block_weight(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u64, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+        let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().weight)
     fn get_block_already_generated_coins(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u64, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+        let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().total_coins_generated)
     fn get_block_long_term_weight(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u64, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+        let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().long_term_block_weight)
     fn get_block_timestamp(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u64, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+        let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().timestamp)
     fn get_block_cumulative_rct_outputs(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u64, DBException> {
-        todo!()
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+        let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().cum_rct)
+	fn get_block_cumulative_difficulty(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u128, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+		let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let metadata = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?;
+        Ok(metadata.as_type().cumulative_difficulty)
+	}
+	fn get_block_difficulty(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u128, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
+		let mut cursor_blockmetadata = ro_tx.cursor_dup::<table::blockmetadata>()?;
+		let diff1 = cursor_blockmetadata
+            .get_dup::<false>(&(), height)?
+            .ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?
+			.as_type()
+			.cumulative_difficulty;
+		let diff2 = cursor_blockmetadata
+			.get_dup::<false>(&(), &(height-1))?
+			.ok_or(DBException::NotFound(format!("Failed to find block's metadata at height : {}", height)))?
+			.as_type()
+			.cumulative_difficulty;
+        Ok(diff1-diff2)
+	}
     fn get_block<const B: bool>(&'thread self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<Block, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
     fn get_block_from_height<const B: bool>(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<Block, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
     fn get_block_header(&'thread self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<BlockHeader, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
     fn get_block_header_from_height(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<BlockHeader, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
     fn get_top_block(&'thread self) -> Result<Block, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
     fn get_top_block_hash(&'thread self) -> Result<Hash, DBException> {
+		let ro_tx = self.db.tx().map_err(Into::into)?;
diff --git a/database/src/interface/ b/database/src/interface/
index a36dc5cf..fd76922a 100644
--- a/database/src/interface/
+++ b/database/src/interface/
@@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ pub trait ReadInterface<'thread> {
 	/// `get_block_cumulative_rct_outputs` fetch the amount of RingCT outputs at the given block's height
 	fn get_block_cumulative_rct_outputs(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u64, DBException>;
+	/// `get_block_cumulative_difficulty` fetch the requested block's cumulative difficulty (with its given height)
+	fn get_block_cumulative_difficulty(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u128, DBException>;
+	/// `get_block_difficulty` fetch the requested block's cumulative difficulty (with its given height)
+	fn get_block_difficulty(&'thread self, height: &u64) -> Result<u128, DBException>;
 	/// `get_block` fetch the requested block (with its given hash)
 	fn get_block<const B: bool>(&'thread self, hash: &Hash) -> Result<Block, DBException>;
diff --git a/database/src/ b/database/src/
index 4c6e8bd5..bb2e2e76 100644
--- a/database/src/
+++ b/database/src/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 //! The cuprate-db crate implement (as its name suggests) the relations between the blockchain/txpool objects and their databases.
-//! `` contains all the generics, trait and specification for interfaces between blockchain and a backend-agnostic database
+//! `` contains all the generics, trait and specification for interfaces between the reactor and a database
 //! Every other files in this folder are implementation of these traits/methods to real storage engine.
 //! At the moment, the only storage engine available is MDBX.
@@ -40,10 +40,7 @@ pub mod types;
 const DEFAULT_TXPOOL_DATABASE_DIRECTORY: &str = "txpool_mem";
-const BINCODE_CONFIG: bincode::config::Configuration<
-    bincode::config::LittleEndian,
-    bincode::config::Fixint,
-> = bincode::config::standard().with_fixed_int_encoding();
 // ------------------------------------------|      Errors      |------------------------------------------
diff --git a/database/src/ b/database/src/
index 21b0a2a1..984fb22b 100644
--- a/database/src/
+++ b/database/src/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pub trait Table: Send + Sync + 'static + Clone {
 pub trait DupTable: Table {
 	// Subkey of the table (prefix of the data)
+	// Warning: it should be a type with constant-size
 	type SubKey: Encode + Decode + Ord;
diff --git a/database/src/ b/database/src/
index 48288b5e..b44edb53 100644
--- a/database/src/
+++ b/database/src/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use monero::{
 // ---- BLOCKS ----
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
 /// [`BlockMetadata`] is a struct containing metadata of a block such as  the block's `timestamp`, the `total_coins_generated` at this height, its `weight`, its difficulty (`diff_lo`)
 /// and cumulative difficulty (`diff_hi`), the `block_hash`, the cumulative RingCT (`cum_rct`) and its long term weight (`long_term_block_weight`). The monerod's struct equivalent is `mdb_block_info_4`
 /// This struct is used in [`crate::table::blockmetadata`] table.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pub struct BlockMetadata {
     /// Block's cumulative_difficulty. In monerod this field would have been split into two `u64`, since cpp don't support *natively* `uint128_t`/`u128`
     pub cumulative_difficulty: u128,
     /// Block's hash
-    pub block_hash: Compat<Hash>,
+    pub block_hash: Hash,
     /// Cumulative number of RingCT outputs up to this block
     pub cum_rct: u64,
     /// Block's long term weight