% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/newborn.R \name{newborn.nodes} \alias{newborn.nodes} \title{Print likely newborn nodes to the console} \usage{ newborn.nodes( unrestricted.rpc.url = "", poll.time = 30, sync.height.lag = 30 * 24 * 90, avg_upload.limit = 10, current_upload.limit = 10 ) } \arguments{ \item{unrestricted.rpc.url}{URL and port of the \code{monerod} unrestricted RPC. Default is \verb{}} \item{poll.time}{How often, in seconds, to check for a newborn node connection. Default is 30 seconds.} \item{sync.height.lag}{Criteria to consider a node as "newborn". Nodes that have a height greater than current network height minus \code{sync.height.lag} will not be considered a newborn node. Default is 3 months.} \item{avg_upload.limit}{Criteria to consider a node as "newborn". The \code{avg_upload} from the \code{get_peers} call must be greater than or equal to \code{avg_upload.limit} OR \code{current_upload} must be greater than or equal to \code{current_upload.limit} to consider the node as "newborn". Default is 10 for both limits. Sometimes a node gets stuck at a low height, so it isn't actually new or syncing. This criteria makes sure that the peer is actually actively syncing data.} \item{current_upload.limit}{Criteria to consider a node as "newborn".} } \value{ NULL (invisible) } \description{ When a node connects to our own node, it could be a newborn node that is syncing from the genesis block. \code{newborn.nodes} queries the local Monero node about node connections with a \code{get_peers} call and prints information about likely newborn nodes to the console. The unrestricted RPC port must be reachable by R. This function is an infinite loop. \code{ctrl + c} to interrupt the function and print all IP addresses of likely newborn nodes recorded so far. Each peer will only be printed once during a specific run of \code{newborn.nodes}, even if the node disconnects and reconnects later. } \examples{ \dontrun{ newborn.nodes() } }