#' Ping peer nodes for latency measurement #' #' @param bitmonero.dir .bitmonero directory where the monero.log file is. #' @param output.file Name of the output file. The file will be created in `bitmonero.dir`. #' @param sleep Number of seconds to sleep between each round of collecting new peer IPs. #' @param ping.count Number of times to ping each peer. #' @param threads Override default number of threads for sending pings. #' #' @return No return value. Executes in a loop until interrupted. #' @export #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' ping.peers() #' } ping.peers <- function(bitmonero.dir = "~/.bitmonero", output.file = "monero_peer_pings.csv", sleep = 10, ping.count = 5, threads = NULL) { bitmonero.dir <- path.expand(bitmonero.dir) bitmonero.dir <- gsub("/+$", "", bitmonero.dir) # Remove trailing slash(es) if they exist output.file <- paste0(bitmonero.dir, "/", output.file) files.in.dir <- list.files(bitmonero.dir) log.file.name <- files.in.dir[grepl("(^bitmonero[.]log$)|(^monero[.]log$)", files.in.dir, ignore.case = TRUE)] if (length(log.file.name) == 0) { stop("Cannot find log file in bitmonero.dir") } if (length(log.file.name) > 1) { stop("Files named 'bitmonero.log' _and_ 'monero.log' exist in bitmonero.dir") } log.file <- paste0(bitmonero.dir, "/", log.file.name) first.file.line <- readr::read_lines(log.file, n_max = 1) # Get the first file line so we know when the log file rolls over # to the next file. # Better to do this than file.info() because file.info() is OS-dependent: # > What is meant by the three file times depends on the OS and file system. # > On Windows native file systems ctime is the file creation time # > (something which is not recorded on most Unix-alike file systems). # > What is meant by ‘file access’ and hence the ‘last access time’ is system-dependent. while (length(first.file.line) == 0) { Sys.sleep(sleep) first.file.line <- readr::read_lines(log.file, n_max = 1) # If the log file is empty, sleep until it has at least one line. } lines.already.read <- 0 while (TRUE) { check.first.file.line <- readr::read_lines(log.file, n_max = 1) if (length(check.first.file.line) == 0) { lines.already.read <- 0 Sys.sleep(sleep) next # If the log file is empty, sleep until it has at least one line. } if (first.file.line != check.first.file.line) { first.file.line <- check.first.file.line lines.already.read <- 0 } if (file.exists(output.file)) { old.ping.data <- read.csv(output.file, header = FALSE) old.ip.ports <- paste0(old.ping.data[, 1], ":", old.ping.data[, 2]) } else { old.ip.ports <- "" } tail.file <- readr::read_lines(log.file, skip = lines.already.read) n.lines.file <- length(tail.file) + lines.already.read ip.lines <- grep("Received NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS", tail.file, fixed = TRUE) if (length(ip.lines) == 0) { Sys.sleep(sleep) cat(base::date(), " Peers pinged: 0\n", sep = "") next } get.peer.ip.port.direction <- function(x) { x <- stringr::str_extract(x, "\\[[0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]+\\s[INCOUT]{3}\\]") x <- stringr::str_extract(x, "[0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]+\\s[INCOUT]{3}") x <- strsplit(x, "(:)|(\\s)") x <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(x), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(x) <- c("ip", "port", "direction") x } peers <- get.peer.ip.port.direction(tail.file[ip.lines]) peers <- unique(peers) peers <- peers[! paste0(peers$ip, ":", peers$port) %in% old.ip.ports, , drop = FALSE] if (nrow(peers) == 0) { Sys.sleep(sleep) cat(base::date(), " Peers pinged: 0\n", sep = "") next } get.ping.data <- function(x) { ip <- x[[1]] port <- x[[2]] direction <- x[[3]] if (paste0(ip, ":", port) %in% old.ip.ports) { return("") } pings <- pingr::ping_port(ip, port = port, count = ping.count) if (all(is.na(pings))) { # This may happen if it is an incoming connection and the peer's port is closed pings <- pingr::ping(ip, count = ping.count) } paste(ip, port, direction, paste(pings, collapse = ","), sep = ",") } if (nrow(peers) * ping.count > 5) { if (is.null(threads)) { n.workers <- min(c(floor(nrow(peers) * ping.count / 5), parallelly::availableCores()*4)) } options(parallelly.maxWorkers.localhost = 4) # This means number of CPU cores times 4 # Most time in thread is waiting for ping to return, so can have # high number of workers future::plan(future::multisession, workers = n.workers) # Must have this instead of # future::plan(future::multisession(workers = n.workers)) # since the latter fails with" object 'n.workers' not found" # because of a strange scoping reason. ping.data <- future.apply::future_apply(peers, MARGIN = 1, get.ping.data, future.seed = TRUE) future::plan(future::sequential) # Shut down workers } else { ping.data <- apply(peers, MARGIN = 1, get.ping.data) } ping.data <- unname(ping.data) ping.data <- ping.data[ping.data != ""] if (length(ping.data) > 0) { cat(ping.data, file = output.file, sep = "\n", append = TRUE) } lines.already.read <- n.lines.file Sys.sleep(sleep) cat(base::date(), " Peers pinged: ", length(ping.data), "\n", sep = "") } }