% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ping.R \name{ping.peers} \alias{ping.peers} \title{Ping peer nodes for latency measurement} \usage{ ping.peers( bitmonero.dir = "~/.bitmonero", output.file = "/monero_peer_pings.csv", sleep = 10, ping.count = 5 ) } \arguments{ \item{bitmonero.dir}{.bitmonero directory where the monero.log file is.} \item{output.file}{Name of the output file. The file will be created in `bitmonero.dir`.} \item{sleep}{Number of seconds to sleep between each round of collecting new peer IPs.} \item{ping.count}{Number of times to ping each peer.} } \value{ No return value. Executes in a loop until interrupted. } \description{ Ping peer nodes for latency measurement } \examples{ \dontrun{ ping.peers() } }