% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/txpool.R \name{txpool.export} \alias{txpool.export} \title{Export txpool archive to CSV} \usage{ txpool.export( db.file = "xmr-txpool-archive.db", csv.filepath = "", begin.date = "1970-01-01", end.date = "2035-01-01" ) } \arguments{ \item{db.file}{File name/path of the txpool archive database.} \item{csv.filepath}{File path of CSV file that will be created. Leave default to save in current working directory.} \item{begin.date}{Optional argument to restrict data export date range. Use "YYYY-MM-DD" format.} \item{end.date}{Optional argument to restrict data export date range. Use "YYYY-MM-DD" format.} } \value{ NULL (invisible) } \description{ Exports transaction and block arrival times from a database file to a CSV file. Must use \link{txpool.init} and \link{txpool.collect} first. \link{txpool.export} can be used while \link{txpool.collect} is still running in a separate R session. } \examples{ \dontrun{ txpool.export() } } \seealso{ \link{txpool.init}, which create the database file and \link{txpool.collect}, which collects txpool data and saves it to the database file. }