Add compress.log()

This commit is contained in:
Rucknium 2024-04-28 23:51:01 +00:00
parent db758fbca9
commit d6f3672015
5 changed files with 241 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ Imports:
parallelly, parallelly,
future, future,
future.apply, future.apply,
qs qs,
Suggests: Suggests:
testthat (>= 3.0.0), testthat (>= 3.0.0),
withr withr
Config/testthat/edition: 3 Config/testthat/edition: 3
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1 RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# exportPattern("^[[:alpha:]]+") # exportPattern("^[[:alpha:]]+")
export("ping.peers") export("ping.peers")
export("get.p2p.log") export("get.p2p.log")
importFrom("utils", "read.csv") export("compress.log")
importFrom("utils", "read.csv", "untar")
importFrom("stats", "complete.cases") importFrom("stats", "complete.cases")

View file

@ -184,6 +184,202 @@ get.p2p.log <- function(bitmonero.dir = "~/.bitmonero", output.file = NULL) {
#' Extract and compress selected log lines
#' @description
#' With default arguments, this function accomplishes the same thing as this
#' Linux shell call:
#' ```
#' zgrep -a 'net.p2p.msg' bitmonero.log* > extracted-xmr-log; xz extracted-xmr-log;
#' ```
#' @param bitmonero.dir Directory location of the log files
#' @param output.file Name of the file that will be created. ".tar.xz" will
#' be appended to this name
#' @param log.filter Regular expression that selects log lines.
#' @param rm.uncompressed.file Remove the uncompressed version of the
#' extracted log file after compression? Does not affect the original log files.
#' @return
#' NULL (invisible)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' compress.log()
#' }
compress.log <- function(bitmonero.dir = c("~/.bitmonero", "C:\\ProgramData\\bitmonero"),
output.file = "extracted-xmr-log", log.filter = "net.p2p.msg", rm.uncompressed.file = TRUE) {
if (identical(bitmonero.dir, c("~/.bitmonero", "C:\\ProgramData\\bitmonero"))) {
if ( ! (.Platform$OS.type %in% c("unix", "windows"))) {
stop("Operating system is neither Unix nor Windows. Please manually specify Monero log directory with bitmonero.dir argument.")
if ( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" ) {
bitmonero.dir <- "~/.bitmonero"
if ( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ) {
bitmonero.dir <- "C:\\ProgramData\\bitmonero"
if (file.exists(output.file)) {
stop(paste0("Uncompressed ", output.file, " file already exists. Delete or move file and retry."))
if (rm.uncompressed.file) {
bitmonero.dir <- path.expand(bitmonero.dir)
bitmonero.dir <- gsub("/+$", "", bitmonero.dir)
# Remove trailing slash(es) if they exist <- list.files(bitmonero.dir)
bitmonero.files <-[grepl("(^bitmonero[.]log)|(^monero[.]log)",, = TRUE)]
if (length(bitmonero.files) == 0) {
stop(paste0("No Monero log files (bitmonero.log* or monero.log*) found in ", bitmonero.dir))
bitmonero.files.tar <- bitmonero.files[grepl("[.]tar[.]gz$", bitmonero.files)]
bitmonero.files <- bitmonero.files[!grepl("[.]tar[.]gz$", bitmonero.files)]
cat("Processing ", length(bitmonero.files), " uncompressed log file(s) and ",
length(bitmonero.files.tar), " compressed archive(s).\n", sep = "")
for (tar.file in bitmonero.files.tar) {
# This loop will be skipped if there are zero tar files
gz.files <- untar(paste0(bitmonero.dir, "/", tar.file), list = TRUE)
cat("Processing ", length(gz.files), " log files in ", tar.file, "...\n", sep = "")
for (gz.file in gz.files) {
cat("Processing log file ", gz.file, " from ", tar.file, "...\n", sep = "")
gz.connection <- archive::archive_read(paste0(bitmonero.dir, "/", tar.file), file = gz.file)
gz.output <- readLines(gz.connection, skipNul = TRUE)
# Cannot use data.table::fread() with a connection:
data.table::fwrite(list(paste0(gz.file, ":", gz.output[grep(log.filter, gz.output)])),
file = output.file, append = TRUE, = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE)
# Close connection
for (bitmonero.file in bitmonero.files) {
cat("Processing log file ", bitmonero.file, "...\n", sep = "")
txt.output <- data.table::fread(paste0(bitmonero.dir, "/", bitmonero.file), colClasses = "character",
header = FALSE, sep = NULL, blank.lines.skip = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE)[[1]]
data.table::fwrite(list(paste0(gz.file, ":", txt.output[grep(log.filter, txt.output)])),
file = output.file, append = TRUE, = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE)
output.file.size <- file.size(output.file)
cat("Compressing ", output.file, " (", round(output.file.size / 10^9, 2),
" GB)...\n", sep = "")
tic <- Sys.time()
xzcompress(output.file, overwrite = TRUE, remove = rm.uncompressed.file, BFR.SIZE = 1e+08)
# archive::archive_write_files() is multi-threaded, but it requires the .xz
# to be put in an archive that can save file metadata like creation time and
# user account
time.diff <- Sys.time() - tic
cat("Compression from ", round(output.file.size / 10^9, 2), " GB to ",
round(file.size(paste0(output.file, ".xz")) / 10^6, 2), " MB completed in ",
round(time.diff, 2), " ", attr(time.diff, "units"),
". File is ", output.file, ".xz in ", getwd(), "\n", sep = "")
# xzcompress function copied from micropan R package. Modified this line:
# nbytes <- 0L
# to
# nbytes <- 0
# and added this for a progress indicator:
# cat( formatC(round(nbytes / 10^9, 1), digits = 1, flag = "#"), " GB compressed...\r", sep = "")
# GPL-2 license, Copyright 2022 Lars Snipen and Kristian Hovde Liland
xzcompress <- function (filename, destname = sprintf("%s.xz", filename), temporary = FALSE,
skip = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, remove = TRUE, BFR.SIZE = 1e+07,
compression = 6, ...)
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
stop("No such file: ", filename)
if (temporary) {
destname <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(destname))
attr(destname, "temporary") <- temporary
if (filename == destname)
stop(sprintf("Argument 'filename' and 'destname' are identical: %s",
if (file.exists(destname)) {
if (skip) {
else if (!overwrite) {
stop(sprintf("File already exists: %s", destname))
destpath <- dirname(destname)
if (!$isdir)
inn <- file(filename, open = "rb")
on.exit(if (!is.null(inn)) close(inn))
outComplete <- FALSE
out <- xzfile(destname, open = "wb", compression = compression,
if (!outComplete) {
}, add = TRUE)
nbytes <- 0 # Make nbytes a numeric (float), not integer, to avoid overflow
repeat {
bfr <- readBin(inn, what = raw(0L), size = 1L, n = BFR.SIZE)
n <- length(bfr)
if (n == 0L)
nbytes <- nbytes + n
writeBin(bfr, con = out, size = 1L)
bfr <- NULL
cat( formatC(round(nbytes / 10^9, 1), digits = 1, flag = "#"), " GB compressed...\r", sep = "")
# Added this. \r is to delete previous line.
outComplete <- TRUE
if (remove) {
inn <- NULL
attr(destname, "nbrOfBytes") <- nbytes
# Suggested by # Suggested by
# #
# We need the R.utils package to enable reading compressed log file with # We need the R.utils package to enable reading compressed log file with

man/compress.log.Rd Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/parse.R
\title{Extract and compress selected log lines}
bitmonero.dir = c("~/.bitmonero", "C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\bitmonero"),
output.file = "extracted-xmr-log",
log.filter = "net.p2p.msg",
rm.uncompressed.file = TRUE
\item{bitmonero.dir}{Directory location of the log files}
\item{output.file}{Name of the file that will be created. ".tar.xz" will
be appended to this name}
\item{log.filter}{Regular expression that selects log lines.}
\item{rm.uncompressed.file}{Remove the uncompressed version of the
extracted log file after compression? Does not affect the original log files.}
NULL (invisible)
With default arguments, this function accomplishes the same thing as this
Linux shell call:
\if{html}{\out{<div class="sourceCode">}}\preformatted{zgrep -a 'net.p2p.msg' bitmonero.log* > extracted-xmr-log; xz extracted-xmr-log;

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ping.peers(
\arguments{ \arguments{
\item{bitmonero.dir}{.bitmonero directory where the monero.log file is.} \item{bitmonero.dir}{.bitmonero directory where the monero.log file is.}
\item{output.file}{Name of the output file. The file will be created in `bitmonero.dir`.} \item{output.file}{Name of the output file. The file will be created in \code{bitmonero.dir}.}
\item{sleep}{Number of seconds to sleep between each round of collecting new peer IPs.} \item{sleep}{Number of seconds to sleep between each round of collecting new peer IPs.}