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synced 2025-03-12 09:29:25 +00:00
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137 lines
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#' Print likely newborn nodes to the console
#' @description When a node connects to our own node, it could be a newborn
#' node that is syncing from the genesis block. `newborn.nodes` queries the
#' local Monero node about node connections with a `get_peers` call and prints
#' information about likely newborn nodes to the console. The unrestricted RPC
#' port must be reachable by R. This function is an infinite loop. `ctrl + c`
#' to interrupt the function and print all IP addresses of likely newborn nodes
#' recorded so far. Each peer will only be printed once during a specific run of
#' `newborn.nodes`, even if the node disconnects and reconnects later.
#' @param unrestricted.rpc.url URL and port of the monerod unrestricted RPC.
#' Default is ``
#' @param poll.time How often, in seconds, to check for a newborn node
#' connection. Default is 30 seconds.
#' @param sync.height.lag Criteria to consider a node as "newborn". Nodes that
#' have a height greater than current network height minus `sync.height.lag`
#' will not be considered a newborn node. Default is 3 months.
#' @param avg_upload.limit Criteria to consider a node as "newborn". The
#' `avg_upload` from the `get_peers` call must be greater than or equal to
#' `avg_upload.limit` OR `current_upload` must be greater than or equal to
#' `current_upload.limit` to consider the node as "newborn". Default is 10 for
#' both limits. Sometimes a node gets stuck at a low height, so it isn't
#' actually new or syncing. This criteria makes sure that the peer is actually
#' actively syncing data.
#' @param current_upload.limit Criteria to consider a node as "newborn".
#' @return
#' NULL (invisible)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' newborn.nodes()
#' }
newborn.nodes <- function(unrestricted.rpc.url = "",
poll.time = 30, sync.height.lag = 30 * 24 * 90, avg_upload.limit = 10,
current_upload.limit = 10) {
json.post <- RJSONIO::toJSON(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
id = "0",
method = "get_connections",
params = ""
already.seen.newborn.address <- c()
already.seen.newborn.peer_id <- c()
session.duration <- Sys.time() - session.start.time
cat(paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %T"),
" ", length(already.seen.newborn.address),
" likely newborn nodes seen during this session that lasted ",
round(session.duration, 1), " ", units(session.duration),
": \n",
paste0(already.seen.newborn.address, collapse = " "), "\n"))
session.start.time <- Sys.time()
cat(paste0(format(session.start.time, "%Y-%m-%d %T"), " Start polling monerod for newborn nodes...\n"))
while (TRUE) {
peers <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(
RCurl::postForm(paste0(unrestricted.rpc.url, "/json_rpc"),
.opts = list(
userpwd = "",
postfields = json.post,
httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
), asText = TRUE
if(length(peers$result$connections) == 0 ) {
cat("Unexpected results from node's RPC response. Check that monerod's unrestricted RPC port is at ",
unrestricted.rpc.url, "\n")
peers <- peers$result$connections
peer.heights <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$height})
peer.address <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$address})
peer.peer_id <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$peer_id})
peer.avg_upload <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$avg_upload})
peer.current_upload <- sapply(peers, FUN = function(x) {x$current_upload})
consensus.height <- floor(quantile(peer.heights, prob = 0.9))
new.nodes <- which(
peer.heights > 1 &
(peer.heights <= consensus.height - sync.height.lag) &
(! peer.address %in% already.seen.newborn.address) &
(! peer.peer_id %in% already.seen.newborn.peer_id) &
(peer.avg_upload > avg_upload.limit | peer.current_upload > current_upload.limit)
for (i in new.nodes) {
paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %T"), " ",
"Likely newborn node: ",
formatC(peers[[i]]$address, width = 21), ", ",
# "Peer ID: ", peers[[i]]$peer_id, ", ",
# "Connection ID: ", peers[[i]]$connection_id, ", ",
"Height: ",
formatC(peers[[i]]$height, width = 7, format = "d"), "/", consensus.height, ", ",
ifelse(peers[[i]]$pruning_seed > 0, " Pruned", "Unpruned"), ", ",
ifelse(peers[[i]]$incoming, "Incoming connection", "Outgoing connection"), ", ",
"avg_upload: ", formatC(peers[[i]]$avg_upload, width = 4),
# ", ", "current_upload: ", formatC(peers[[i]]$current_upload, width = 4),
# ", ", "send_count: ", formatC(peers[[i]]$send_count, width = 8, format = "d"),
already.seen.newborn.address <- c(already.seen.newborn.address, peers[[i]]$address)
already.seen.newborn.peer_id <- c(already.seen.newborn.peer_id, peers[[i]]$peer_id)