# Maximum CPU usage

Please read this document carefully, `max-threads-hint` (was known as `max-cpu-usage`) option is most confusing option in the miner with many myth and legends.
This option is just hint for automatic configuration and can't precise define CPU usage.

### Option definition
#### Config file:
    "cpu": {
        "max-threads-hint": 100,

#### Command line
`--cpu-max-threads-hint 100`

### Known issues and usage

* This option has no effect if miner already generated CPU configuration, to prevent config generation use `"autosave":false,`.
* Only threads count can be changed, for 1 core CPU this option has no effect, for 2 core CPU only 2 values possible 50% and 100%, for 4 cores: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. etc. 
* You CPU may limited by other factors, eg cache.