/* XMRig * Copyright 2010 Jeff Garzik * Copyright 2012-2014 pooler * Copyright 2014 Lucas Jones * Copyright 2014-2016 Wolf9466 * Copyright 2016 Jay D Dee * Copyright 2016-2017 XMRig * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "log/Log.h" #include "interfaces/IClientListener.h" #include "net/Client.h" #include "net/JobResult.h" #include "net/Url.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER # define strncasecmp(x,y,z) _strnicmp(x,y,z) #endif Client::Client(int id, IClientListener *listener) : m_keepAlive(false), m_host(nullptr), m_listener(listener), m_id(id), m_retryPause(5000), m_failures(0), m_sequence(1), m_recvBufPos(0), m_state(UnconnectedState), m_port(0), m_stream(nullptr), m_socket(nullptr) { m_resolver.data = m_responseTimer.data = m_retriesTimer.data = m_keepAliveTimer.data = this; m_hints.ai_family = PF_INET; m_hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; m_hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; m_hints.ai_flags = 0; m_recvBuf.base = static_cast(malloc(kRecvBufSize)); m_recvBuf.len = kRecvBufSize; auto loop = uv_default_loop(); uv_timer_init(loop, &m_retriesTimer); uv_timer_init(loop, &m_responseTimer); uv_timer_init(loop, &m_keepAliveTimer); } Client::~Client() { free(m_recvBuf.base); free(m_socket); free(m_host); } void Client::connect() { resolve(m_host); } /** * @brief Connect to server. * * @param url */ void Client::connect(const Url *url) { setUrl(url); resolve(m_host); } void Client::disconnect() { m_failures = -1; close(); } void Client::login(const char *user, const char *pass, const char *agent) { m_sequence = 1; const size_t size = 96 + strlen(user) + strlen(pass) + strlen(agent); char *req = static_cast(malloc(size)); snprintf(req, size, "{\"id\":%llu,\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"login\",\"params\":{\"login\":\"%s\",\"pass\":\"%s\",\"agent\":\"%s\"}}\n", m_sequence, user, pass, agent); send(req); } /** * @brief Send raw data to server. * * @param data */ void Client::send(char *data) { LOG_DEBUG("[%s:%u] send (%d bytes): \"%s\"", m_host, m_port, strlen(data), data); if (state() != ConnectedState) { LOG_DEBUG_ERR("[%s:%u] send failed, invalid state: %d", m_host, m_port, m_state); return; } m_sequence++; uv_buf_t buf = uv_buf_init(data, strlen(data)); uv_write_t *req = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(uv_write_t))); req->data = buf.base; uv_write(req, m_stream, &buf, 1, [](uv_write_t *req, int status) { free(req->data); free(req); }); uv_timer_start(&m_responseTimer, [](uv_timer_t *handle) { getClient(handle->data)->close(); }, kResponseTimeout, 0); } void Client::setUrl(const Url *url) { if (!url || !url->isValid()) { return; } free(m_host); m_host = strdup(url->host()); m_port = url->port(); } void Client::submit(const JobResult &result) { char *req = static_cast(malloc(345)); char nonce[9]; char data[65]; Job::toHex(reinterpret_cast(&result.nonce), 4, nonce); nonce[8] = '\0'; Job::toHex(result.result, 32, data); data[64] = '\0'; snprintf(req, 345, "{\"id\":%llu,\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"submit\",\"params\":{\"id\":\"%s\",\"job_id\":\"%s\",\"nonce\":\"%s\",\"result\":\"%s\"}}\n", m_sequence, m_rpcId, result.jobId, nonce, data); send(req); } bool Client::parseJob(const json_t *params, int *code) { if (!json_is_object(params)) { *code = 2; return false; } Job job; if (!job.setId(json_string_value(json_object_get(params, "job_id")))) { *code = 3; return false; } if (!job.setBlob(json_string_value(json_object_get(params, "blob")))) { *code = 4; return false; } if (!job.setTarget(json_string_value(json_object_get(params, "target")))) { *code = 5; return false; } job.setPoolId(m_id); m_job = std::move(job); LOG_DEBUG("[%s:%u] job: \"%s\", diff: %lld", m_host, m_port, job.id(), job.diff()); return true; } bool Client::parseLogin(const json_t *result, int *code) { const char *id = json_string_value(json_object_get(result, "id")); if (!id || strlen(id) >= sizeof(m_rpcId)) { *code = 1; return false; } memset(m_rpcId, 0, sizeof(m_rpcId)); memcpy(m_rpcId, id, strlen(id)); return parseJob(json_object_get(result, "job"), code); } int Client::resolve(const char *host) { setState(HostLookupState); m_recvBufPos = 0; const int r = uv_getaddrinfo(uv_default_loop(), &m_resolver, Client::onResolved, host, NULL, &m_hints); if (r) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] getaddrinfo error: \"%s\"", host, m_port, uv_strerror(r)); return 1; } return 0; } void Client::close() { if (m_state == UnconnectedState || m_state == ClosingState || !m_socket) { return; } setState(ClosingState); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(m_socket), Client::onClose); } void Client::connect(struct sockaddr *addr) { setState(ConnectingState); reinterpret_cast(addr)->sin_port = htons(m_port); free(m_socket); uv_connect_t *req = (uv_connect_t*) malloc(sizeof(uv_connect_t)); req->data = this; m_socket = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(uv_tcp_t))); m_socket->data = this; uv_tcp_init(uv_default_loop(), m_socket); uv_tcp_nodelay(m_socket, 1); uv_tcp_keepalive(m_socket, 1, 60); uv_tcp_connect(req, m_socket, (const sockaddr*) addr, Client::onConnect); } void Client::parse(char *line, size_t len) { startTimeout(); line[len - 1] = '\0'; LOG_DEBUG("[%s:%u] received (%d bytes): \"%s\"", m_host, m_port, len, line); json_error_t err; json_t *val = json_loads(line, 0, &err); if (!val) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] JSON decode failed: \"%s\"", m_host, m_port, err.text); return; } const json_t *id = json_object_get(val, "id"); if (json_is_integer(id)) { parseResponse(json_integer_value(id), json_object_get(val, "result"), json_object_get(val, "error")); } else { parseNotification(json_string_value(json_object_get(val, "method")), json_object_get(val, "params"), json_object_get(val, "error")); } json_decref(val); } void Client::parseNotification(const char *method, const json_t *params, const json_t *error) { if (json_is_object(error)) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] error: \"%s\", code: %lld", m_host, m_port, json_string_value(json_object_get(error, "message")), json_integer_value(json_object_get(error, "code"))); return; } if (!method) { return; } if (strcmp(method, "job") == 0) { int code = -1; if (parseJob(params, &code)) { m_listener->onJobReceived(this, m_job); } return; } LOG_WARN("[%s:%u] unsupported method: \"%s\"", m_host, m_port, method); } void Client::parseResponse(int64_t id, const json_t *result, const json_t *error) { if (json_is_object(error)) { const char *message = json_string_value(json_object_get(error, "message")); LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] error: \"%s\", code: %lld", m_host, m_port, message, json_integer_value(json_object_get(error, "code"))); if (id == 1 || (message && strncasecmp(message, "Unauthenticated", 15) == 0)) { close(); } return; } if (!json_is_object(result)) { return; } if (id == 1) { int code = -1; if (!parseLogin(result, &code)) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] login error code: %d", m_host, m_port, code); return close(); } m_failures = 0; m_listener->onLoginSuccess(this); m_listener->onJobReceived(this, m_job); return; } } void Client::ping() { char *req = static_cast(malloc(128)); snprintf(req, 128, "{\"id\":%lld,\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"keepalived\",\"params\":{\"id\":\"%s\"}}\n", m_sequence, m_rpcId); send(req); } void Client::reconnect() { uv_timer_stop(&m_responseTimer); if (m_keepAlive) { uv_timer_stop(&m_keepAliveTimer); } if (m_failures == -1) { return m_listener->onClose(this, -1); } m_failures++; m_listener->onClose(this, m_failures); uv_timer_start(&m_retriesTimer, [](uv_timer_t *handle) { getClient(handle->data)->connect(); }, m_retryPause, 0); } void Client::setState(SocketState state) { LOG_DEBUG("[%s:%u] state: %d", m_host, m_port, state); if (m_state == state) { return; } m_state = state; } void Client::startTimeout() { uv_timer_stop(&m_responseTimer); if (!m_keepAlive) { return; } uv_timer_start(&m_keepAliveTimer, [](uv_timer_t *handle) { getClient(handle->data)->ping(); }, kKeepAliveTimeout, 0); } void Client::onAllocBuffer(uv_handle_t *handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t *buf) { auto client = getClient(handle->data); buf->base = &client->m_recvBuf.base[client->m_recvBufPos]; buf->len = client->m_recvBuf.len - client->m_recvBufPos; } void Client::onClose(uv_handle_t *handle) { auto client = getClient(handle->data); free(client->m_socket); client->m_stream = nullptr; client->m_socket = nullptr; client->setState(UnconnectedState); client->reconnect(); } void Client::onConnect(uv_connect_t *req, int status) { auto client = getClient(req->data); if (status < 0) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] connect error: \"%s\"", client->m_host, client->m_port, uv_strerror(status)); free(req); client->close(); return; } client->m_stream = static_cast(req->handle); client->m_stream->data = req->data; client->setState(ConnectedState); uv_read_start(client->m_stream, Client::onAllocBuffer, Client::onRead); free(req); client->m_listener->onLoginCredentialsRequired(client); } void Client::onRead(uv_stream_t *stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t *buf) { auto client = getClient(stream->data); if (nread < 0) { if (nread != UV_EOF) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] read error: \"%s\"", client->m_host, client->m_port, uv_strerror(nread)); } return client->close();; } client->m_recvBufPos += nread; char* end; char* start = client->m_recvBuf.base; size_t remaining = client->m_recvBufPos; while ((end = static_cast(memchr(start, '\n', remaining))) != nullptr) { end++; size_t len = end - start; client->parse(start, len); remaining -= len; start = end; } if (remaining == 0) { client->m_recvBufPos = 0; return; } if (start == client->m_recvBuf.base) { return; } memcpy(client->m_recvBuf.base, start, remaining); client->m_recvBufPos = remaining; } void Client::onResolved(uv_getaddrinfo_t *req, int status, struct addrinfo *res) { auto client = getClient(req->data); if (status < 0) { LOG_ERR("[%s:%u] DNS error: \"%s\"", client->m_host, client->m_port, uv_strerror(status)); return client->reconnect();; } client->connect(res->ai_addr); uv_freeaddrinfo(res); } Client *Client::getClient(void *data) { return static_cast(data); }