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<h1 class="block font-extrabold text-4xl md:text-5xl lg:text-6xl text-neutral-200 mt-5">Monero Remote Node</h1>
<p class="text-lg text-neutral-300 mt-2">A website that helps you monitor your favourite Monero remote nodes, but YOU BETTER RUN AND USE YOUR OWN NODE.</p>
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<p>If you're new to Monero, the official links above is a perfect place to start.</p>
Of course, there are lots of personal and community sites which generally discusses a lot about Monero, such as
for _, link := range communityLinks {
<a href={ templ.URL(link.URI) } class="external" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{ link.Text }</a>,
etc; can be an other good reference for you.
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<p class="font-semibold text-orange-400">Remote Nodes</p>
<p class="text-sm">List of submitted Monero remote nodes you can use when you <strong>cannot</strong> run your own node.</p>
<a href="/add-node" class="group flex flex-col text-center bg-neutral-900 border border-orange-400 shadow-sm rounded-xl transition hover:shadow-md hover:brightness-125">
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<p class="font-semibold text-orange-400">Add Node</p>
<p class="text-sm">Add your Monero public node to be monitored and see how it performs.</p>
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<p>You can find few resources I provide related to Monero below:</p>
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<h2 class="font-semibold text-neutral-200 text-3xl">My Stagenet Public Node</h2>
<p>Stagenet is what you need to learn Monero safely. Stagenet is technically equivalent to mainnet, both in terms of features and consensus rules.</p>
<label for="stagenet-p2p" class="sr-only">Stagenet P2P</label>
<div class="flex rounded-lg shadow-sm">
<span class="px-4 inline-flex items-center min-w-fit rounded-s-md border border-e-0 border-neutral-700 bg-neutral-700 text-sm">
<span class="text-sm text-neutral-400">P2P</span>
<input type="text" id="stagenet-p2p" name="stagenet-p2p" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 shadow-sm rounded-0 text-sm focus:z-10 focus:border-orange-500 focus:ring-orange-500" value="stagenet.xmr.ditatompel.com:38080" readonly/>
<button class="clipboard copy-input" data-clipboard-target="#stagenet-p2p">
<label for="stagenet-rpc" class="sr-only">Stagenet RPC</label>
<div class="flex rounded-lg shadow-sm">
<span class="px-4 inline-flex items-center min-w-fit rounded-s-md border border-e-0 border-neutral-700 bg-neutral-700 text-sm">
<span class="text-sm text-neutral-400">RPC</span>
<input type="text" id="stagenet-rpc" name="stagenet-rpc" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 shadow-sm rounded-0 text-sm focus:z-10 focus:border-orange-500 focus:ring-orange-500" value="stagenet.xmr.ditatompel.com:38089" readonly/>
<button class="clipboard copy-input" data-clipboard-target="#stagenet-rpc">
<label for="stagenet-ssl" class="sr-only">Stagenet RPC SSL</label>
<div class="flex rounded-lg shadow-sm">
<span class="px-4 inline-flex items-center min-w-fit rounded-s-md border border-e-0 border-neutral-700 bg-neutral-700 text-sm">
<span class="text-sm text-neutral-400">RPC SSL</span>
<input type="text" id="stagenet-ssl" name="stagenet-ssl" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 shadow-sm rounded-0 text-sm focus:z-10 focus:border-orange-500 focus:ring-orange-500" value="stagenet.xmr.ditatompel.com:443" readonly/>
<button class="clipboard copy-input" data-clipboard-target="#stagenet-ssl">
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<div class="group flex flex-col text-center gap-2">
<h2 class="font-semibold text-neutral-200 text-3xl">My Testnet Public Node</h2>
<p>Testnet is the <em>"experimental"</em> network and blockchain where things get released long before mainnet. As a normal user, use mainnet instead.</p>
<label for="testnet-p2p" class="sr-only">Testnet P2P</label>
<div class="flex rounded-lg shadow-sm">
<span class="px-4 inline-flex items-center min-w-fit rounded-s-md border border-e-0 border-neutral-700 bg-neutral-700 text-sm">
<span class="text-sm text-neutral-400">P2P</span>
<input type="text" id="testnet-p2p" name="testnet-p2p" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 shadow-sm rounded-0 text-sm focus:z-10 focus:border-orange-500 focus:ring-orange-500" value="testnet.xmr.ditatompel.com:28080" readonly/>
<button class="clipboard copy-input" data-clipboard-target="#testnet-p2p">
<label for="testnet-rpc" class="sr-only">Testnet RPC</label>
<div class="flex rounded-lg shadow-sm">
<span class="px-4 inline-flex items-center min-w-fit rounded-s-md border border-e-0 border-neutral-700 bg-neutral-700 text-sm">
<span class="text-sm text-neutral-400">RPC</span>
<input type="text" id="testnet-rpc" name="testnet-rpc" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 shadow-sm rounded-0 text-sm focus:z-10 focus:border-orange-500 focus:ring-orange-500" value="testnet.xmr.ditatompel.com:28089" readonly/>
<button class="clipboard copy-input" data-clipboard-target="#testnet-rpc">
<label for="testnet-ssl" class="sr-only">Testnet RPC SSL</label>
<div class="flex rounded-lg shadow-sm">
<span class="px-4 inline-flex items-center min-w-fit rounded-s-md border border-e-0 border-neutral-700 bg-neutral-700 text-sm">
<span class="text-sm text-neutral-400">RPC SSL</span>
<input type="text" id="testnet-ssl" name="testnet-ssl" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 shadow-sm rounded-0 text-sm focus:z-10 focus:border-orange-500 focus:ring-orange-500" value="testnet.xmr.ditatompel.com:443" readonly/>
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<path d="M7.39762 10.3C7.39762 11.0733 7.14888 11.7 6.6514 12.18C6.15392 12.6333 5.52552 12.86 4.76621 12.86C3.84979 12.86 3.09047 12.5533 2.48825 11.94C1.91222 11.3266 1.62421 10.4467 1.62421 9.29999C1.62421 8.07332 1.96459 6.87332 2.64535 5.69999C3.35231 4.49999 4.33418 3.55332 5.59098 2.85999L6.4943 4.25999C5.81354 4.73999 5.26369 5.27332 4.84476 5.85999C4.45201 6.44666 4.19017 7.12666 4.05926 7.89999C4.29491 7.79332 4.56983 7.73999 4.88403 7.73999C5.61716 7.73999 6.21938 7.97999 6.69067 8.45999C7.16197 8.93999 7.39762 9.55333 7.39762 10.3ZM14.6242 10.3C14.6242 11.0733 14.3755 11.7 13.878 12.18C13.3805 12.6333 12.7521 12.86 11.9928 12.86C11.0764 12.86 10.3171 12.5533 9.71484 11.94C9.13881 11.3266 8.85079 10.4467 8.85079 9.29999C8.85079 8.07332 9.19117 6.87332 9.87194 5.69999C10.5789 4.49999 11.5608 3.55332 12.8176 2.85999L13.7209 4.25999C13.0401 4.73999 12.4903 5.27332 12.0713 5.85999C11.6786 6.44666 11.4168 7.12666 11.2858 7.89999C11.5215 7.79332 11.7964 7.73999 12.1106 7.73999C12.8437 7.73999 13.446 7.97999 13.9173 8.45999C14.3886 8.93999 14.6242 9.55333 14.6242 10.3Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
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<p class="text-xl text-white md:text-2xl md:leading-normal">
Since we desire privacy, we must ensure that each party to a transaction have knowledge only of that which is directly necessary for that transaction.
<p class="my-2">
<strong>Eric Hughes</strong> in <a href="https://www.activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.html" class="external" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><cite title="Source Title">A Cypherpunk's Manifesto</cite></a>.
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<p>If you find this project useful, please consider making a donation to help cover the ongoing expenses. Your contribution will go towards ensuring the continued availability of <strong>this website</strong>, my <strong>stagenet</strong> and <strong>testnet</strong> public nodes.</p>
<label for="donate" class="block text-sm text-white font-medium my-2">XMR Donation address:</label>
<textarea id="donate" class="py-3 px-4 block w-full text-neutral-400 bg-neutral-900 border-neutral-700 rounded-lg text-sm focus:border-neutral-500 focus:ring-neutral-600" rows="3" readonly>8BWYe6GzbNKbxe3D8mPkfFMQA2rViaZJFhWShhZTjJCNG6EZHkXRZCKHiuKmwwe4DXDYF8KKcbGkvNYaiRG3sNt7JhnVp7D</textarea>
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<p>Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. 🥰</p>