Apart from CPU architecture type, you can build two types of binaries from this project: a **server** and a **client**.
The **clients** is used to fetch node information given by the server. First, it will ask the server which node to fetch. Then, it will fetch the information and report back to the server.
The **server** serves an embedded Svelte static site for the Web UI. It also serves the `/api` endpoint that is used by the clients and the Web UI itself.
- [GeoIP Database](https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/) (optional). Place it to `./assets/geoip`, see [./internal/geo/ip.go](./internal/geo/ip.go).
1. Download [GeoIP Database](https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/) and place it to `./assets/geoip`. (see [./internal/geo/ip.go](./internal/geo/ip.go)).
Systemd example: [xmr-nodes-prober.service](./deployment/init/xmr-nodes-prober.service) and [xmr-nodes-prober.timer](./deployment/init/xmr-nodes-prober.timer).