sneurlax e5dea74096 fix: override identifier
WIP because this causes issues with BIP48Bitcoin not being in the configured list of supported coins as per AppConfig

but we don't want it to appear as a distinct coin so that could be an issue
2024-12-30 19:50:25 -06:00

73 lines
1.8 KiB

import '../../../utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart';
import '../crypto_currency.dart';
class BIP48Bitcoin extends Bitcoin {
BIP48Bitcoin( {
_idMain = "bip48Bitcoin";
_uriScheme = "bitcoin";
switch (network) {
case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.main:
_id = _idMain;
_name = "Bitcoin";
_ticker = "BTC";
case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test:
_id = "bip48BitcoinTestNet";
_name = "tBitcoin";
_ticker = "tBTC";
case CryptoCurrencyNetwork.test4:
_id = "bip48BitcoinTestNet4";
_name = "t4Bitcoin";
_ticker = "t4BTC";
throw Exception("Unsupported network: $network");
late final String _id;
String get identifier => _id;
late final String _idMain;
String get mainNetId => _idMain;
late final String _name;
String get prettyName => _name;
late final String _uriScheme;
String get uriScheme => _uriScheme;
late final String _ticker;
String get ticker => _ticker;
List<DerivePathType> get supportedDerivationPathTypes => [
String constructDerivePath({
required DerivePathType derivePathType,
int account = 0,
required int chain,
required int index,
}) {
if (derivePathType == DerivePathType.bip48p2shp2wsh ||
derivePathType == DerivePathType.bip48p2wsh) {
final coinType = networkParams.wifPrefix == 0x80 ? "0" : "1";
return "m/48'/$coinType'/$account'/$chain/$index";
return super.constructDerivePath(
derivePathType: derivePathType,
account: account,
chain: chain,
index: index,