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* This file is part of Stack Wallet.
* Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack
* All Rights Reserved.
* The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details.
* Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/cached_electrumx_client.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart' as isar_models;
import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/stellar/stellar_wallet.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/transaction_notification_tracker.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
* This file implements the CoinServiceAPI abstract class that is used by wallet files to implement the coin specific functionality.
* @param coin: The coin type
* @param walletId: The wallet id
* @param walletName: The wallet name
* @param secureStorageInterface: The interface for securely storing data like private keys, mnemonics, passphrases, etc.
* @param node: The node to connect to
* @param tracker: The transaction notification tracker
* @param prefs: The preferences
* @return: The coin service API
abstract class CoinServiceAPI {
factory CoinServiceAPI.from(
Coin coin,
String walletId,
String walletName,
SecureStorageInterface secureStorageInterface,
NodeModel node,
TransactionNotificationTracker tracker,
Prefs prefs,
List<NodeModel> failovers,
) {
final electrumxNode = ElectrumXNode(
address: node.host,
port: node.port,
name: node.name,
id: node.id,
useSSL: node.useSSL,
final client = ElectrumXClient.from(
node: electrumxNode,
failovers: failovers
.map((e) => ElectrumXNode(
address: e.host,
port: e.port,
name: e.name,
id: e.id,
useSSL: e.useSSL,
prefs: prefs,
final cachedClient = CachedElectrumXClient.from(
electrumXClient: client,
switch (coin) {
case Coin.firo:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.firoTestNet:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.bitcoin:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.litecoin:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.litecoinTestNet:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.bitcoinTestNet:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.bitcoincash:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.bitcoincashTestnet:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.dogecoin:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.epicCash:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.ethereum:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.monero:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.particl:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.stellar:
return StellarWallet(
walletId: walletId,
walletName: walletName,
coin: coin,
secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
tracker: tracker,
case Coin.stellarTestnet:
return StellarWallet(
walletId: walletId,
walletName: walletName,
coin: coin,
secureStore: secureStorageInterface,
tracker: tracker,
case Coin.tezos:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.wownero:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.namecoin:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.nano:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.banano:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.dogecoinTestNet:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
case Coin.eCash:
throw UnimplementedError("moved");
Coin get coin;
bool get isRefreshing;
bool get shouldAutoSync;
set shouldAutoSync(bool shouldAutoSync);
bool get isFavorite;
set isFavorite(bool markFavorite);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> prepareSend({
required String address,
required Amount amount,
Map<String, dynamic>? args,
Future<String> confirmSend({required Map<String, dynamic> txData});
Future<FeeObject> get fees;
Future<int> get maxFee;
Future<String> get currentReceivingAddress;
Balance get balance;
Future<List<isar_models.Transaction>> get transactions;
Future<List<isar_models.UTXO>> get utxos;
Future<void> refresh();
Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh);
// setter for updating on rename
set walletName(String newName);
String get walletName;
String get walletId;
bool validateAddress(String address);
Future<List<String>> get mnemonic;
Future<String?> get mnemonicString;
Future<String?> get mnemonicPassphrase;
Future<bool> testNetworkConnection();
Future<void> recoverFromMnemonic({
required String mnemonic,
String? mnemonicPassphrase,
required int maxUnusedAddressGap,
required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
required int height,
Future<void> initializeNew(
({String mnemonicPassphrase, int wordCount})? data,
Future<void> initializeExisting();
Future<void> exit();
bool get hasCalledExit;
Future<void> fullRescan(
int maxUnusedAddressGap, int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck);
void Function(bool isActive)? onIsActiveWalletChanged;
bool get isConnected;
Future<Amount> estimateFeeFor(Amount amount, int feeRate);
Future<bool> generateNewAddress();
// used for electrumx coins
Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic> txData);
int get storedChainHeight;
// Certain outputs return address as an array/list of strings like List<String> ["addresses"][0], some return it as a string like String ["address"]
String? getAddress(dynamic output) {
// Julian's code from https://github.com/cypherstack/stack_wallet/blob/35a8172d35f1b5cdbd22f0d56c4db02f795fd032/lib/services/coins/coin_paynym_extension.dart#L170 wins codegolf for this, I'd love to commit it now but need to retest this section ... should make unit tests for this case
// final String? address = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"]?[0] as String? ?? output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"] as String?;
String? address;
if (output.containsKey('scriptPubKey') as bool) {
// Make sure the key exists before using it
if (output["scriptPubKey"].containsKey('address') as bool) {
address = output["scriptPubKey"]["address"] as String?;
} else if (output["scriptPubKey"].containsKey('addresses') as bool) {
address = output["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][0] as String?;
// TODO determine cases in which there are multiple addresses in the array
} /*else {
// TODO detect cases in which no scriptPubKey exists
Logging.instance.log("output type not detected; output: ${output}",
level: LogLevel.Info);
return address;
// Firo wants an array/list of address strings like List<String>
List? getAddresses(dynamic output) {
// Inspired by Julian's code as referenced above, need to test before committing
// final List? addresses = output["scriptPubKey"]?["addresses"] as List? ?? [output["scriptPubKey"]?["address"]] as List?;
List? addresses;
if (output.containsKey('scriptPubKey') as bool) {
if (output["scriptPubKey"].containsKey('addresses') as bool) {
addresses = output["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"] as List?;
} else if (output["scriptPubKey"].containsKey('address') as bool) {
addresses = [output["scriptPubKey"]["address"]];
} /*else {
// TODO detect cases in which no scriptPubKey exists
Logging.instance.log("output type not detected; output: ${output}",
level: LogLevel.Info);
return addresses;