mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 15:48:53 +00:00
lots of extra code, lots of commented sections, the models are wrong, the pages just load on desktop and mobile. need to complete the form and ... well, there's a lot, really
428 lines
12 KiB
428 lines
12 KiB
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/buy/buy.dart';
class BuyFormState extends ChangeNotifier {
Buy? _buy;
Buy? get buy => _buy;
set buy(Buy? value) {
_buy = value;
// BuyRateType _buyType = BuyRateType.estimated;
// BuyRateType get buyType => _buyType;
// set buyType(BuyRateType value) {
// _buyType = value;
// _onBuyRateTypeChanged();
// }
bool reversed = false;
Decimal? fromAmount;
Decimal? toAmount;
Decimal? minAmount;
Decimal? maxAmount;
Decimal? rate;
// Estimate? estimate;
// dynamic? _market;
// dynamic? get market => _market;
// dynamic? _from;
// dynamic? _to;
String toString() {
return 'BuyFormState: {test: "test"}';
// return 'BuyFormState: {_buy: $_buy, _buyType: $_buyType, reversed: $reversed, fromAmount: $fromAmount, toAmount: $toAmount, minAmount: $minAmount, maxAmount: $maxAmount, rate: $rate, estimate: $estimate, _market: $_market, _from: $_from, _to: $_to, _onError: $_onError}';
String? get fromTicker {
// switch (buyType) {
// case BuyRateType.estimated:
// return _from?.ticker;
// case BuyRateType.fixed:
// switch (buy?.name) {
// // case SimpleSwapBuy.buyName:
// // return _from?.ticker;
// case ChangeNowBuy.buyName:
// return market?.from;
// default:
// return null;
// }
// }
String? get toTicker {
// switch (buyType) {
// case BuyRateType.estimated:
// return _to?.ticker;
// case BuyRateType.fixed:
// switch (buy?.name) {
// // case SimpleSwapBuy.buyName:
// // return _to?.ticker;
// case ChangeNowBuy.buyName:
// return market?.to;
// default:
// return null;
// }
// }
void Function(String)? _onError;
// dynamic? get from => _from;
// dynamic? get to => _to;
// void setCurrencies(dynamic from, dynamic to) {
// _from = from;
// _to = to;
// }
String get warning {
// if (reversed) {
// if (toTicker != null && toAmount != null) {
// if (minAmount != null &&
// toAmount! < minAmount! &&
// toAmount! > Decimal.zero) {
// return "Minimum amount ${minAmount!.toString()} ${toTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// } else if (maxAmount != null && toAmount! > maxAmount!) {
// return "Maximum amount ${maxAmount!.toString()} ${toTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// } else {
// if (fromTicker != null && fromAmount != null) {
// if (minAmount != null &&
// fromAmount! < minAmount! &&
// fromAmount! > Decimal.zero) {
// return "Minimum amount ${minAmount!.toString()} ${fromTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// } else if (maxAmount != null && fromAmount! > maxAmount!) {
// return "Maximum amount ${maxAmount!.toString()} ${fromTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// }
return "";
String get fromAmountString => fromAmount?.toStringAsFixed(8) ?? "";
String get toAmountString => toAmount?.toStringAsFixed(8) ?? "";
bool get canBuy {
// if (buy?.name == ChangeNowBuy.buyName && buyType == BuyRateType.fixed) {
// return _market != null &&
// fromAmount != null &&
// toAmount != null &&
// warning.isEmpty;
// } else {
// return fromAmount != null &&
// fromAmount != Decimal.zero &&
// toAmount != null &&
// rate != null &&
// warning.isEmpty;
// }
return true;
void clearAmounts(bool shouldNotifyListeners) {
// fromAmount = null;
// toAmount = null;
// minAmount = null;
// maxAmount = null;
// rate = null;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> setFromAmountAndCalculateToAmount(
Decimal newFromAmount,
bool shouldNotifyListeners,
) async {
// if (newFromAmount == Decimal.zero) {
// toAmount = Decimal.zero;
// }
// fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// reversed = false;
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> setToAmountAndCalculateFromAmount(
Decimal newToAmount,
bool shouldNotifyListeners,
) async {
// if (newToAmount == Decimal.zero) {
// fromAmount = Decimal.zero;
// }
// toAmount = newToAmount;
// reversed = true;
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// Future<void> updateTo(dynamic to, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
Future<void> updateTo(dynamic to, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
// try {
// _to = to;
// if (_from == null) {
// rate = null;
// notifyListeners();
// return;
// }
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "_updated TO: _from=${_from!.ticker} _to=${_to!.ticker} _fromAmount=$fromAmount _toAmount=$toAmount rate:$rate for: $buy");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
// Future<void> updateFrom(dynamic from, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
Future<void> updateFrom(dynamic from, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
// try {
// _from = from;
// if (_to == null) {
// rate = null;
// notifyListeners();
// return;
// }
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "_updated FROM: _from=${_from!.ticker} _to=${_to!.ticker} _fromAmount=$fromAmount _toAmount=$toAmount rate:$rate for: $buy");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
Future<void> updateMarket(
// dynamic? market,
dynamic? market,
bool shouldNotifyListeners,
) async {
// _market = market;
// if (_market == null) {
// fromAmount = null;
// toAmount = null;
// } else {
// if (fromAmount != null) {
// if (fromAmount! <= Decimal.zero) {
// toAmount = Decimal.zero;
// } else {
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// }
// }
// }
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
void _onBuyRateTypeChanged() {
// print("_onBuyRateTypeChanged");
// updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: true).then(
// (_) => updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: true,
// reversed: reversed,
// ),
// );
void _onBuyTypeChanged() {
// updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: true).then(
// (_) => updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: true,
// reversed: reversed,
// ),
// );
Future<void> updateRanges({required bool shouldNotifyListeners}) async {
// // if (buy?.name == SimpleSwapBuy.buyName) {
// // reversed = false;
// // }
// final _fromTicker = reversed ? toTicker : fromTicker;
// final _toTicker = reversed ? fromTicker : toTicker;
// if (_fromTicker == null || _toTicker == null) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateRanges where (from: $_fromTicker || to: $_toTicker) for: $buy",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// final response = await buy?.getRange(
// _fromTicker,
// _toTicker,
// buyType == BuyRateType.fixed,
// );
// if (response?.value == null) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateRanges for: $buy where response: $response",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// final range = response!.value!;
// minAmount = range.min;
// maxAmount = range.max;
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "updated range for: $buy for $_fromTicker-$_toTicker: $range");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> updateEstimate({
required bool shouldNotifyListeners,
required bool reversed,
}) async {
// // if (buy?.name == SimpleSwapBuy.buyName) {
// // reversed = false;
// // }
// final amount = reversed ? toAmount : fromAmount;
// if (fromTicker == null ||
// toTicker == null ||
// amount == null ||
// amount <= Decimal.zero) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateEstimate for: $buy where (from: $fromTicker || to: $toTicker || amount: $amount)",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// final response = await buy?.getEstimate(
// fromTicker!,
// toTicker!,
// amount,
// buyType == BuyRateType.fixed,
// reversed,
// );
// if (response?.value == null) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateEstimate for: $buy where response: $response",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// estimate = response!.value!;
// if (reversed) {
// fromAmount = estimate!.estimatedAmount;
// } else {
// toAmount = estimate!.estimatedAmount;
// }
// rate = (toAmount! / fromAmount!).toDecimal(scaleOnInfinitePrecision: 12);
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "updated estimate for: $buy for $fromTicker-$toTicker: $estimate");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
void setOnError({
required void Function(String)? onError,
bool shouldNotifyListeners = false,
}) {
// _onError = onError;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> swap({dynamic? market}) async {
// final Decimal? newToAmount = fromAmount;
// final Decimal? newFromAmount = toAmount;
// fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// toAmount = newToAmount;
// minAmount = null;
// maxAmount = null;
// if (buyType == BuyRateType.fixed && buy?.name == ChangeNowBuy.buyName) {
// await updateMarket(market, false);
// } else {
// final dynamic? newTo = from;
// final dynamic? newFrom = to;
// _to = newTo;
// _from = newFrom;
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// }
// notifyListeners();