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synced 2025-03-23 07:38:49 +00:00
285 lines
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285 lines
7.8 KiB
import 'socketwrapper.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
This file might need some fixing up because each time we call fillBuf, we're trying to
remove data from a buffer but its a local copy , might not actually
remove the data from the socket buffer. We may need a wrapper class for the buffer??
class BadFrameError extends Error {
final String message;
String toString() => message;
Future<Connection> openConnection(String host, int port,
{double connTimeout = 5.0,
double defaultTimeout = 5.0,
bool ssl = false,
dynamic socksOpts}) async {
try {
// Dart's Socket class handles connection timeout internally.
Socket socket = await Socket.connect(host, port);
if (ssl) {
// We can use SecureSocket.secure to upgrade socket connection to SSL/TLS.
socket = await SecureSocket.secure(socket);
return Connection(socket: socket, timeout: Duration(seconds: defaultTimeout.toInt()));
} catch (e) {
throw 'Failed to open connection: $e';
class Connection {
Duration timeout = Duration(seconds: 1);
Socket? socket;
static const int MAX_MSG_LENGTH = 200*1024;
static final Uint8List magic = Uint8List.fromList([0x76, 0x5b, 0xe8, 0xb4, 0xe4, 0x39, 0x6d, 0xcf]);
final Uint8List recvbuf = Uint8List(0);
Connection({required this.socket, this.timeout = const Duration(seconds: 1)});
Connection.withoutSocket({this.timeout = const Duration(seconds: 1)});
Future<void> sendMessageWithSocketWrapper(SocketWrapper socketwrapper, List<int> msg, {Duration? timeout}) async {
timeout ??= this.timeout;
print ("DEBUG sendmessage msg sending ");
print (msg);
final lengthBytes = Uint8List(4);
final byteData = ByteData.view(lengthBytes.buffer);
byteData.setUint32(0, msg.length, Endian.big);
final frame = <int>[]
try {
} on SocketException catch (e) {
throw TimeoutException('Socket write timed out', timeout);
Future<void> sendMessage(List<int> msg, {Duration? timeout}) async {
timeout ??= this.timeout;
final lengthBytes = Uint8List(4);
final byteData = ByteData.view(lengthBytes.buffer);
byteData.setUint32(0, msg.length, Endian.big);
print (Connection.magic);
final frame = <int>[]
try {
StreamController<List<int>> controller = StreamController();
controller.stream.listen((data) {
try {
// Remove the socket.flush() if it doesn't help.
// await socket?.flush();
} catch (e) {
print('Error when adding to controller: $e');
} finally {
} on SocketException catch (e) {
throw TimeoutException('Socket write timed out', timeout);
void close() {
Future<List<int>> fillBuf2(SocketWrapper socketwrapper, List<int> recvBuf, int n, {Duration? timeout}) async {
final maxTime = timeout != null ? DateTime.now().add(timeout) : null;
await for (var data in socketwrapper.socket!.cast<List<int>>()) {
print("DEBUG fillBuf2 1 - new data received: $data");
if (maxTime != null && DateTime.now().isAfter(maxTime)) {
throw SocketException('Timeout');
if (data.isEmpty) {
if (recvBuf.isNotEmpty) {
throw SocketException('Connection ended mid-message.');
} else {
throw SocketException('Connection ended while awaiting message.');
print("DEBUG fillBuf2 2 - data added to recvBuf, new length: ${recvBuf.length}");
if (recvBuf.length >= n) {
print("DEBUG fillBuf2 3 - breaking loop, recvBuf is big enough");
return recvBuf;
Future<List<int>> fillBuf(int n, {Duration? timeout}) async {
var recvBuf = <int>[];
socket?.listen((data) {
print('Received from server: $data');
}, onDone: () {
print('Server closed connection.');
}, onError: (error) {
print('Error: $error');
return recvBuf;
StreamSubscription<List<int>>? subscription; // Declaration moved here
subscription = socket!.listen(
(List<int> data) {
if (recvBuf.length >= n) {
onError: (e) {
throw e;
onDone: () {
print ("DEBUG ON DONE");
if (recvBuf.length < n) {
throw SocketException('Connection closed before enough data was received');
if (timeout != null) {
Future.delayed(timeout, () {
if (recvBuf.length < n) {
throw SocketException('Timeout');
return recvBuf;
Future<List<int>> recv_message2(SocketWrapper socketwrapper, {Duration? timeout}) async {
if (timeout == null) {
timeout = this.timeout;
final maxTime = timeout != null ? DateTime.now().add(timeout) : null;
List<int> recvBuf = [];
int bytesRead = 0;
print("DEBUG recv_message2 1 - about to read the header");
try {
await for (var data in socketwrapper.receiveStream) {
if (maxTime != null && DateTime.now().isAfter(maxTime)) {
throw SocketException('Timeout');
if (data.isEmpty) {
if (recvBuf.isNotEmpty) {
throw SocketException('Connection ended mid-message.');
} else {
throw SocketException('Connection ended while awaiting message.');
if (bytesRead < 12) {
bytesRead += data.length;
if (recvBuf.length >= 12) {
final magic = recvBuf.sublist(0, 8);
if (!ListEquality().equals(magic, Connection.magic)) {
throw BadFrameError('Bad magic in frame: ${hex.encode(magic)}');
final byteData = ByteData.view(Uint8List.fromList(recvBuf.sublist(8, 12)).buffer);
final messageLength = byteData.getUint32(0, Endian.big);
if (messageLength > MAX_MSG_LENGTH) {
throw BadFrameError('Got a frame with msg_length=$messageLength > $MAX_MSG_LENGTH (max)');
print("DEBUG recv_message2 3 - about to read the message body, messageLength: $messageLength");
print ("DEBUG recvfbuf len is ");
print (recvBuf.length);
print ("bytes read is ");
print (bytesRead);
print ("message length is ");
if (recvBuf.length == bytesRead && bytesRead == 12 + messageLength) {
final message = recvBuf.sublist(12, 12 + messageLength);
print("DEBUG recv_message2 4 - message received, length: ${message.length}");
print("DEBUG recv_message2 5 - message content: $message");
return message;
} else {
// Throwing exception if the length doesn't match
throw Exception('Message length mismatch: expected ${12 + messageLength} bytes, received ${recvBuf.length} bytes.');
} on SocketException catch (e) {
print('Socket exception: $e');
// This is a default return in case of exceptions.
return [];
Future<List<int>> recv_message({Duration? timeout}) async {
return [];