sneurlax 290adfec21 stub pages for mobile and desktop
lots of extra code, lots of commented sections, the models are wrong, the pages just load on desktop and mobile.  need to complete the form and ... well, there's a lot, really
2023-01-10 15:25:20 -06:00

428 lines
12 KiB

import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/buy/buy.dart';
class BuyFormState extends ChangeNotifier {
Buy? _buy;
Buy? get buy => _buy;
set buy(Buy? value) {
_buy = value;
// BuyRateType _buyType = BuyRateType.estimated;
// BuyRateType get buyType => _buyType;
// set buyType(BuyRateType value) {
// _buyType = value;
// _onBuyRateTypeChanged();
// }
bool reversed = false;
Decimal? fromAmount;
Decimal? toAmount;
Decimal? minAmount;
Decimal? maxAmount;
Decimal? rate;
// Estimate? estimate;
// dynamic? _market;
// dynamic? get market => _market;
// dynamic? _from;
// dynamic? _to;
String toString() {
return 'BuyFormState: {test: "test"}';
// return 'BuyFormState: {_buy: $_buy, _buyType: $_buyType, reversed: $reversed, fromAmount: $fromAmount, toAmount: $toAmount, minAmount: $minAmount, maxAmount: $maxAmount, rate: $rate, estimate: $estimate, _market: $_market, _from: $_from, _to: $_to, _onError: $_onError}';
String? get fromTicker {
// switch (buyType) {
// case BuyRateType.estimated:
// return _from?.ticker;
// case BuyRateType.fixed:
// switch (buy?.name) {
// // case SimpleSwapBuy.buyName:
// // return _from?.ticker;
// case ChangeNowBuy.buyName:
// return market?.from;
// default:
// return null;
// }
// }
String? get toTicker {
// switch (buyType) {
// case BuyRateType.estimated:
// return _to?.ticker;
// case BuyRateType.fixed:
// switch (buy?.name) {
// // case SimpleSwapBuy.buyName:
// // return _to?.ticker;
// case ChangeNowBuy.buyName:
// return market?.to;
// default:
// return null;
// }
// }
void Function(String)? _onError;
// dynamic? get from => _from;
// dynamic? get to => _to;
// void setCurrencies(dynamic from, dynamic to) {
// _from = from;
// _to = to;
// }
String get warning {
// if (reversed) {
// if (toTicker != null && toAmount != null) {
// if (minAmount != null &&
// toAmount! < minAmount! &&
// toAmount! > {
// return "Minimum amount ${minAmount!.toString()} ${toTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// } else if (maxAmount != null && toAmount! > maxAmount!) {
// return "Maximum amount ${maxAmount!.toString()} ${toTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// } else {
// if (fromTicker != null && fromAmount != null) {
// if (minAmount != null &&
// fromAmount! < minAmount! &&
// fromAmount! > {
// return "Minimum amount ${minAmount!.toString()} ${fromTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// } else if (maxAmount != null && fromAmount! > maxAmount!) {
// return "Maximum amount ${maxAmount!.toString()} ${fromTicker!.toUpperCase()}";
// }
// }
// }
return "";
String get fromAmountString => fromAmount?.toStringAsFixed(8) ?? "";
String get toAmountString => toAmount?.toStringAsFixed(8) ?? "";
bool get canBuy {
// if (buy?.name == ChangeNowBuy.buyName && buyType == BuyRateType.fixed) {
// return _market != null &&
// fromAmount != null &&
// toAmount != null &&
// warning.isEmpty;
// } else {
// return fromAmount != null &&
// fromAmount != &&
// toAmount != null &&
// rate != null &&
// warning.isEmpty;
// }
return true;
void clearAmounts(bool shouldNotifyListeners) {
// fromAmount = null;
// toAmount = null;
// minAmount = null;
// maxAmount = null;
// rate = null;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> setFromAmountAndCalculateToAmount(
Decimal newFromAmount,
bool shouldNotifyListeners,
) async {
// if (newFromAmount == {
// toAmount =;
// }
// fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// reversed = false;
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> setToAmountAndCalculateFromAmount(
Decimal newToAmount,
bool shouldNotifyListeners,
) async {
// if (newToAmount == {
// fromAmount =;
// }
// toAmount = newToAmount;
// reversed = true;
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// Future<void> updateTo(dynamic to, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
Future<void> updateTo(dynamic to, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
// try {
// _to = to;
// if (_from == null) {
// rate = null;
// notifyListeners();
// return;
// }
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "_updated TO: _from=${_from!.ticker} _to=${_to!.ticker} _fromAmount=$fromAmount _toAmount=$toAmount rate:$rate for: $buy");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
// Future<void> updateFrom(dynamic from, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
Future<void> updateFrom(dynamic from, bool shouldNotifyListeners) async {
// try {
// _from = from;
// if (_to == null) {
// rate = null;
// notifyListeners();
// return;
// }
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "_updated FROM: _from=${_from!.ticker} _to=${_to!.ticker} _fromAmount=$fromAmount _toAmount=$toAmount rate:$rate for: $buy");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error);
// }
Future<void> updateMarket(
// dynamic? market,
dynamic? market,
bool shouldNotifyListeners,
) async {
// _market = market;
// if (_market == null) {
// fromAmount = null;
// toAmount = null;
// } else {
// if (fromAmount != null) {
// if (fromAmount! <= {
// toAmount =;
// } else {
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// }
// }
// }
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
void _onBuyRateTypeChanged() {
// print("_onBuyRateTypeChanged");
// updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: true).then(
// (_) => updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: true,
// reversed: reversed,
// ),
// );
void _onBuyTypeChanged() {
// updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: true).then(
// (_) => updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: true,
// reversed: reversed,
// ),
// );
Future<void> updateRanges({required bool shouldNotifyListeners}) async {
// // if (buy?.name == SimpleSwapBuy.buyName) {
// // reversed = false;
// // }
// final _fromTicker = reversed ? toTicker : fromTicker;
// final _toTicker = reversed ? fromTicker : toTicker;
// if (_fromTicker == null || _toTicker == null) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateRanges where (from: $_fromTicker || to: $_toTicker) for: $buy",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// final response = await buy?.getRange(
// _fromTicker,
// _toTicker,
// buyType == BuyRateType.fixed,
// );
// if (response?.value == null) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateRanges for: $buy where response: $response",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// final range = response!.value!;
// minAmount = range.min;
// maxAmount = range.max;
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "updated range for: $buy for $_fromTicker-$_toTicker: $range");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> updateEstimate({
required bool shouldNotifyListeners,
required bool reversed,
}) async {
// // if (buy?.name == SimpleSwapBuy.buyName) {
// // reversed = false;
// // }
// final amount = reversed ? toAmount : fromAmount;
// if (fromTicker == null ||
// toTicker == null ||
// amount == null ||
// amount <= {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateEstimate for: $buy where (from: $fromTicker || to: $toTicker || amount: $amount)",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// final response = await buy?.getEstimate(
// fromTicker!,
// toTicker!,
// amount,
// buyType == BuyRateType.fixed,
// reversed,
// );
// if (response?.value == null) {
// Logging.instance.log(
// "Tried to $runtimeType.updateEstimate for: $buy where response: $response",
// level: LogLevel.Info,
// );
// return;
// }
// estimate = response!.value!;
// if (reversed) {
// fromAmount = estimate!.estimatedAmount;
// } else {
// toAmount = estimate!.estimatedAmount;
// }
// rate = (toAmount! / fromAmount!).toDecimal(scaleOnInfinitePrecision: 12);
// //todo: check if print needed
// // debugPrint(
// // "updated estimate for: $buy for $fromTicker-$toTicker: $estimate");
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
void setOnError({
required void Function(String)? onError,
bool shouldNotifyListeners = false,
}) {
// _onError = onError;
// if (shouldNotifyListeners) {
// notifyListeners();
// }
Future<void> swap({dynamic? market}) async {
// final Decimal? newToAmount = fromAmount;
// final Decimal? newFromAmount = toAmount;
// fromAmount = newFromAmount;
// toAmount = newToAmount;
// minAmount = null;
// maxAmount = null;
// if (buyType == BuyRateType.fixed && buy?.name == ChangeNowBuy.buyName) {
// await updateMarket(market, false);
// } else {
// final dynamic? newTo = from;
// final dynamic? newFrom = to;
// _to = newTo;
// _from = newFrom;
// await updateRanges(shouldNotifyListeners: false);
// await updateEstimate(
// shouldNotifyListeners: false,
// reversed: reversed,
// );
// }
// notifyListeners();