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synced 2025-03-22 23:28:48 +00:00
378 lines
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378 lines
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import 'package:bitbox/bitbox.dart' as bitbox;
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/transaction.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/input_v2.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/output_v2.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/v2/transaction_v2.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/bitcoincash/bch_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/bitcoincash/cashtokens.dart'
as cash_tokens;
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/amount/amount.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/extensions/extensions.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/crypto_currency/coins/ecash.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/intermediate/bip39_hd_wallet.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/bcash_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/cash_fusion_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/coin_control_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/wallets/wallet/wallet_mixin_interfaces/electrumx_interface.dart';
class EcashWallet extends Bip39HDWallet
CashFusionInterface {
int get isarTransactionVersion => 2;
EcashWallet(CryptoCurrencyNetwork network) : super(Ecash(network));
FilterOperation? get changeAddressFilterOperation => FilterGroup.and(
const ObjectFilter(
property: "derivationPath",
filter: FilterCondition.startsWith(
property: "value",
value: "m/44'/899",
FilterOperation? get receivingAddressFilterOperation => FilterGroup.and(
const ObjectFilter(
property: "derivationPath",
filter: FilterCondition.startsWith(
property: "value",
value: "m/44'/899",
// ===========================================================================
Future<List<Address>> fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan() async {
final allAddresses = await mainDB
return allAddresses;
String convertAddressString(String address) {
if (bitbox.Address.detectFormat(address) == bitbox.Address.formatLegacy &&
(cryptoCurrency.addressType(address: address) == DerivePathType.bip44 ||
cryptoCurrency.addressType(address: address) ==
DerivePathType.eCash44)) {
return bitbox.Address.toECashAddress(address);
} else {
return address;
// ===========================================================================
Future<void> updateTransactions() async {
List<Address> allAddressesOld = await fetchAddressesForElectrumXScan();
Set<String> receivingAddresses = allAddressesOld
.where((e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.receiving)
.map((e) => convertAddressString(e.value))
Set<String> changeAddresses = allAddressesOld
.where((e) => e.subType == AddressSubType.change)
.map((e) => convertAddressString(e.value))
final allAddressesSet = {...receivingAddresses, ...changeAddresses};
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTxHashes =
await fetchHistory(allAddressesSet);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> allTransactions = [];
for (final txHash in allTxHashes) {
final storedTx = await mainDB.isar.transactionV2s
.txidWalletIdEqualTo(txHash["tx_hash"] as String, walletId)
if (storedTx == null ||
storedTx.height == null ||
(storedTx.height != null && storedTx.height! <= 0)) {
final tx = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction(
txHash: txHash["tx_hash"] as String,
verbose: true,
coin: cryptoCurrency.coin,
// check for duplicates before adding to list
if (allTransactions
.indexWhere((e) => e["txid"] == tx["txid"] as String) ==
-1) {
tx["height"] = txHash["height"];
final List<TransactionV2> txns = [];
for (final txData in allTransactions) {
// set to true if any inputs were detected as owned by this wallet
bool wasSentFromThisWallet = false;
// set to true if any outputs were detected as owned by this wallet
bool wasReceivedInThisWallet = false;
BigInt amountReceivedInThisWallet = BigInt.zero;
BigInt changeAmountReceivedInThisWallet = BigInt.zero;
// parse inputs
final List<InputV2> inputs = [];
for (final jsonInput in txData["vin"] as List) {
final map = Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonInput as Map);
final List<String> addresses = [];
String valueStringSats = "0";
OutpointV2? outpoint;
final coinbase = map["coinbase"] as String?;
if (coinbase == null) {
final txid = map["txid"] as String;
final vout = map["vout"] as int;
final inputTx = await electrumXCachedClient.getTransaction(
txHash: txid,
coin: cryptoCurrency.coin,
final prevOutJson = Map<String, dynamic>.from(
(inputTx["vout"] as List).firstWhere((e) => e["n"] == vout)
as Map);
final prevOut = OutputV2.fromElectrumXJson(
decimalPlaces: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
isFullAmountNotSats: true,
walletOwns: false, // doesn't matter here as this is not saved
outpoint = OutpointV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor(
txid: txid,
vout: vout,
valueStringSats = prevOut.valueStringSats;
InputV2 input = InputV2.isarCantDoRequiredInDefaultConstructor(
scriptSigHex: map["scriptSig"]?["hex"] as String?,
scriptSigAsm: map["scriptSig"]?["asm"] as String?,
sequence: map["sequence"] as int?,
outpoint: outpoint,
valueStringSats: valueStringSats,
addresses: addresses,
witness: map["witness"] as String?,
coinbase: coinbase,
innerRedeemScriptAsm: map["innerRedeemscriptAsm"] as String?,
// don't know yet if wallet owns. Need addresses first
walletOwns: false,
if (allAddressesSet.intersection(input.addresses.toSet()).isNotEmpty) {
wasSentFromThisWallet = true;
input = input.copyWith(walletOwns: true);
// parse outputs
final List<OutputV2> outputs = [];
for (final outputJson in txData["vout"] as List) {
OutputV2 output = OutputV2.fromElectrumXJson(
Map<String, dynamic>.from(outputJson as Map),
decimalPlaces: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
isFullAmountNotSats: true,
// don't know yet if wallet owns. Need addresses first
walletOwns: false,
// if output was to my wallet, add value to amount received
if (receivingAddresses
.isNotEmpty) {
wasReceivedInThisWallet = true;
amountReceivedInThisWallet += output.value;
output = output.copyWith(walletOwns: true);
} else if (changeAddresses
.isNotEmpty) {
wasReceivedInThisWallet = true;
changeAmountReceivedInThisWallet += output.value;
output = output.copyWith(walletOwns: true);
final totalOut = outputs
.map((e) => e.value)
.fold(BigInt.zero, (value, element) => value + element);
TransactionType type;
TransactionSubType subType = TransactionSubType.none;
// at least one input was owned by this wallet
if (wasSentFromThisWallet) {
type = TransactionType.outgoing;
if (wasReceivedInThisWallet) {
if (changeAmountReceivedInThisWallet + amountReceivedInThisWallet ==
totalOut) {
// definitely sent all to self
type = TransactionType.sentToSelf;
} else if (amountReceivedInThisWallet == BigInt.zero) {
// most likely just a typical send
// do nothing here yet
// check vout 0 for special scripts
if (outputs.isNotEmpty) {
final output = outputs.first;
// check for fusion
if (BchUtils.isFUZE(output.scriptPubKeyHex.toUint8ListFromHex)) {
subType = TransactionSubType.cashFusion;
} else {
// check other cases here such as SLP or cash tokens etc
} else if (wasReceivedInThisWallet) {
// only found outputs owned by this wallet
type = TransactionType.incoming;
} else {
"Unexpected tx found (ignoring it): $txData",
level: LogLevel.Error,
final tx = TransactionV2(
walletId: walletId,
blockHash: txData["blockhash"] as String?,
hash: txData["hash"] as String,
txid: txData["txid"] as String,
height: txData["height"] as int?,
version: txData["version"] as int,
timestamp: txData["blocktime"] as int? ??
DateTime.timestamp().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
inputs: List.unmodifiable(inputs),
outputs: List.unmodifiable(outputs),
type: type,
subType: subType,
otherData: null,
await mainDB.updateOrPutTransactionV2s(txns);
String? blockedReason,
bool blocked,
String? utxoLabel,
})> checkBlockUTXO(
Map<String, dynamic> jsonUTXO,
String? scriptPubKeyHex,
Map<String, dynamic> jsonTX,
String? utxoOwnerAddress,
) async {
bool blocked = false;
String? blockedReason;
if (scriptPubKeyHex != null) {
// check for cash tokens
try {
final ctOutput =
if (ctOutput.token_data != null) {
// found a token!
blocked = true;
blockedReason = "Cash token output detected";
} catch (e, s) {
// Probably doesn't contain a cash token so just log failure
"Script pub key \"$scriptPubKeyHex\" cash token"
" parsing check failed: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Warning,
// check for SLP tokens if not already blocked
if (!blocked && BchUtils.isSLP(scriptPubKeyHex.toUint8ListFromHex)) {
blocked = true;
blockedReason = "SLP token output detected";
return (blockedReason: blockedReason, blocked: blocked, utxoLabel: null);
// TODO: correct formula for ecash?
Amount roughFeeEstimate(int inputCount, int outputCount, int feeRatePerKB) {
return Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.from(((181 * inputCount) + (34 * outputCount) + 10) *
(feeRatePerKB / 1000).ceil()),
fractionDigits: info.coin.decimals,
int estimateTxFee({required int vSize, required int feeRatePerKB}) {
return vSize * (feeRatePerKB / 1000).ceil();
String normalizeAddress(String address) {
try {
if (bitbox.Address.detectFormat(address) ==
bitbox.Address.formatCashAddr) {
return bitbox.Address.toLegacyAddress(address);
} else {
return address;
} catch (_) {
return address;