mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 18:21:08 +00:00
674 lines
22 KiB
674 lines
22 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39;
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
import 'package:devicelocale/devicelocale.dart';
import 'package:ethereum_addresses/ethereum_addresses.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/transactions_model.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/utxo_model.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/price.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart';
import 'package:string_to_hex/string_to_hex.dart';
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart';
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart' as web3;
import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart' as Transaction;
import 'package:stackwallet/models/models.dart' as models;
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/coin_service.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/node_connection_status_changed_event.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/refresh_percent_changed_event.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/wallet_sync_status_changed_event.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/global_event_bus.dart';
const int DUST_LIMIT = 294;
class EthereumWallet extends CoinServiceAPI {
set isFavorite(bool markFavorite) {
boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite", value: markFavorite);
bool get isFavorite {
try {
return DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite")
as bool;
} catch (e, s) {
"isFavorite fetch failed (returning false by default): $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error);
return false;
Coin get coin => _coin;
late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore;
late PriceAPI _priceAPI;
final _prefs = Prefs.instance;
final _client = Web3Client(
"https://goerli.infura.io/v3/22677300bf774e49a458b73313ee56ba", Client());
late EthPrivateKey _credentials;
int _chainId = 5; //5 for testnet and 1 for mainnet
{required String walletId,
required String walletName,
required Coin coin,
PriceAPI? priceAPI,
required SecureStorageInterface secureStore}) {
_walletId = walletId;
_walletName = walletName;
_coin = coin;
_priceAPI = priceAPI ?? PriceAPI(Client());
_secureStore = secureStore;
bool shouldAutoSync = false;
String get walletName => _walletName;
late String _walletName;
late Coin _coin;
// TODO: implement allOwnAddresses
Future<List<String>> get allOwnAddresses =>
_allOwnAddresses ??= _fetchAllOwnAddresses();
Future<List<String>>? _allOwnAddresses;
Future<List<String>> _fetchAllOwnAddresses() async {
List<String> addresses = [];
final ownAddress = _credentials.address;
return addresses;
Future<Decimal> get availableBalance async {
EtherAmount ethBalance = await _client.getBalance(_credentials.address);
print("THIS ETH BALANCE IS $ethBalance");
return Decimal.parse(ethBalance.getValueInUnit(EtherUnit.ether).toString());
// TODO: implement balanceMinusMaxFee
Future<Decimal> get balanceMinusMaxFee => throw UnimplementedError();
Future<String> confirmSend({required Map<String, dynamic> txData}) async {
final gasPrice = await _client.getGasPrice();
final amount = txData['recipientAmt'];
final decimalAmount =
Format.satoshisToAmount(amount as int, coin: Coin.ethereum);
final bigIntAmount = amountToBigInt(decimalAmount.toDouble());
final tx = Transaction.Transaction(
to: EthereumAddress.fromHex(txData['addresss'] as String),
gasPrice: gasPrice,
maxGas: 21000,
value: EtherAmount.inWei(bigIntAmount));
final transaction =
await _client.sendTransaction(_credentials, tx, chainId: _chainId);
Logging.instance.log("Generated TX IS $transaction", level: LogLevel.Info);
return transaction;
BigInt amountToBigInt(num amount) {
const decimal = 18; //Eth has up to 18 decimal places
final amountToSendinDecimal = amount * (pow(10, decimal));
return BigInt.from(amountToSendinDecimal);
Future<String> get currentReceivingAddress async {
final _currentReceivingAddress = _credentials.address;
final checkSumAddress =
return checkSumAddress;
Future<int> estimateFeeFor(int satoshiAmount, int feeRate) async {
// TODO: implement estimateFeeFor
// throw UnimplementedError();
return 1;
Future<void> exit() {
// TODO: implement exit
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<FeeObject> get fees => _feeObject ??= _getFees();
Future<FeeObject>? _feeObject;
Future<FeeObject> _getFees() async {
return FeeObject(
numberOfBlocksFast: 10,
numberOfBlocksAverage: 10,
numberOfBlocksSlow: 10,
fast: 1,
medium: 1,
slow: 1);
Future<void> fullRescan(
int maxUnusedAddressGap, int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck) {
// TODO: implement fullRescan
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<bool> generateNewAddress() {
// TODO: implement generateNewAddress
throw UnimplementedError();
bool _hasCalledExit = false;
bool get hasCalledExit => _hasCalledExit;
Future<void> initializeExisting() async {
//First get mnemonic so we can initialize credentials
final mnemonicString =
await _secureStore.read(key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic');
_credentials =
Logging.instance.log("Opening existing ${coin.prettyName} wallet.",
level: LogLevel.Info);
if ((DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "id")) == null) {
throw Exception(
"Attempted to initialize an existing wallet using an unknown wallet ID!");
await _prefs.init();
final data =
DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "latest_tx_model")
as TransactionData?;
if (data != null) {
_transactionData = Future(() => data);
Future<void> initializeNew() async {
await _prefs.init();
final String mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic(strength: 256);
_credentials = EthPrivateKey.fromHex(StringToHex.toHexString(mnemonic));
await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic', value: mnemonic);
//Store credentials in secure store
await _secureStore.write(
key: '${_walletId}_credentials', value: _credentials.toString());
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "id", value: _walletId);
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId, key: 'receivingAddresses', value: ["0"]);
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex", value: 0);
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "changeIndex", value: 0);
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: 'blocked_tx_hashes',
value: ["0xdefault"],
); // A list of transaction hashes to represent frozen utxos in wallet
// initialize address book entries
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: 'addressBookEntries',
value: <String, String>{});
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite", value: false);
bool _isConnected = false;
bool get isConnected => _isConnected;
bool refreshMutex = false;
bool get isRefreshing => refreshMutex;
// TODO: implement maxFee
Future<int> get maxFee => throw UnimplementedError();
Future<List<String>> get mnemonic => _getMnemonicList();
Future<int> get chainHeight async {
try {
final result = await _client.getBlockNumber();
return result;
} catch (e, s) {
Logging.instance.log("Exception caught in chainHeight: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error);
return -1;
int get storedChainHeight {
final storedHeight = DB.instance
.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "storedChainHeight") as int?;
return storedHeight ?? 0;
Future<void> updateStoredChainHeight({required int newHeight}) async {
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId, key: "storedChainHeight", value: newHeight);
Future<List<String>> _getMnemonicList() async {
final mnemonicString =
await _secureStore.read(key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic');
if (mnemonicString == null) {
return [];
final List<String> data = mnemonicString.split(' ');
return data;
// TODO: implement pendingBalance
Future<Decimal> get pendingBalance => throw UnimplementedError();
// Future<Decimal> transactionFee(int satoshiAmount) {}
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> prepareSend(
{required String address,
required int satoshiAmount,
Map<String, dynamic>? args}) async {
final gasPrice = await _client.getGasPrice();
Map<String, dynamic> txData = {
"fee": Format.decimalAmountToSatoshis(
"addresss": address,
"recipientAmt": satoshiAmount,
return txData;
Future<void> recoverFromMnemonic(
{required String mnemonic,
required int maxUnusedAddressGap,
required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
required int height}) async {
await _prefs.init();
print("Mnemonic is $mnemonic");
_credentials = EthPrivateKey.fromHex(StringToHex.toHexString(mnemonic));
await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic', value: mnemonic);
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "id", value: _walletId);
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId, key: 'receivingAddresses', value: ["0"]);
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex", value: 0);
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "changeIndex", value: 0);
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: 'blocked_tx_hashes',
value: ["0xdefault"],
); // A list of transaction hashes to represent frozen utxos in wallet
// initialize address book entries
await DB.instance.put<dynamic>(
boxName: walletId,
key: 'addressBookEntries',
value: <String, String>{});
await DB.instance
.put<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite", value: false);
Future<void> refresh() async {
if (refreshMutex) {
Logging.instance.log("$walletId $walletName refreshMutex denied",
level: LogLevel.Info);
} else {
refreshMutex = true;
print("SYNC STATUS IS ");
final blockNumber = await _client.getBlockNumber();
print("BLOCK NUMBER IS ::: ${blockNumber}");
try {
GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.0, walletId));
GlobalEventBus.instance.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.1, walletId));
final currentHeight = await chainHeight;
print("CURRENT CHAIN HEIGHT IS $currentHeight");
const storedHeight = 1; //await storedChainHeight;
.log("chain height: $currentHeight", level: LogLevel.Info);
.log("cached height: $storedHeight", level: LogLevel.Info);
if (currentHeight != storedHeight) {
if (currentHeight != -1) {
// -1 failed to fetch current height
unawaited(updateStoredChainHeight(newHeight: currentHeight));
final newTxData = await _fetchTransactionData();
print("RETREIVED TX DATA IS $newTxData");
.fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.50, walletId));
} catch (error, strace) {
refreshMutex = false;
"Caught exception in refreshWalletData(): $error\n$strace",
level: LogLevel.Warning);
Future<String> send(
{required String toAddress,
required int amount,
Map<String, String> args = const {}}) {
// TODO: implement send
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<bool> testNetworkConnection() {
// TODO: implement testNetworkConnection
throw UnimplementedError();
// TODO: Check difference between total and available balance for eth
Future<Decimal> get totalBalance async {
EtherAmount ethBalance = await _client.getBalance(_credentials.address);
"BALANCE NOW IS ${ethBalance.getValueInUnit(EtherUnit.ether).toString()}");
return Decimal.parse(ethBalance.getValueInUnit(EtherUnit.ether).toString());
Future<TransactionData> get transactionData =>
_transactionData ??= _fetchTransactionData();
Future<TransactionData>? _transactionData;
TransactionData? cachedTxData;
// TODO: implement unspentOutputs
Future<List<UtxoObject>> get unspentOutputs => throw UnimplementedError();
Future<void> updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) {
// TODO: implement updateNode
throw UnimplementedError();
Future<void> updateSentCachedTxData(Map<String, dynamic> txData) async {
final priceData =
await _priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: _prefs.currency);
Decimal currentPrice = priceData[coin]?.item1 ?? Decimal.zero;
final locale = await Devicelocale.currentLocale;
final String worthNow = Format.localizedStringAsFixed(
((currentPrice * Decimal.fromInt(txData["recipientAmt"] as int)) /
.toDecimal(scaleOnInfinitePrecision: 2),
decimalPlaces: 2,
locale: locale!);
final tx = models.Transaction(
txid: txData["txid"] as String,
confirmedStatus: false,
timestamp: DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
txType: "Sent",
amount: txData["recipientAmt"] as int,
worthNow: worthNow,
worthAtBlockTimestamp: worthNow,
fees: txData["fee"] as int,
inputSize: 0,
outputSize: 0,
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
address: txData["address"] as String,
height: -1,
confirmations: 0,
if (cachedTxData == null) {
final data = await _fetchTransactionData();
_transactionData = Future(() => data);
} else {
final transactions = cachedTxData!.getAllTransactions();
transactions[tx.txid] = tx;
cachedTxData = models.TransactionData.fromMap(transactions);
_transactionData = Future(() => cachedTxData!);
bool validateAddress(String address) {
return isValidEthereumAddress(address);
Future<TransactionData> _fetchTransactionData() async {
String thisAddress = await currentReceivingAddress;
int currentBlock = await chainHeight;
var balance = await availableBalance;
print("MY ADDRESS HERE IS $thisAddress");
var n =
await _client.getTransactionCount(EthereumAddress.fromHex(thisAddress));
String hexHeight = currentBlock.toRadixString(16);
print("HEIGHT TO HEX IS $hexHeight");
final cachedTransactions =
DB.instance.get<dynamic>(boxName: walletId, key: 'latest_tx_model')
as TransactionData?;
final priceData =
await _priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: _prefs.currency);
Decimal currentPrice = priceData[coin]?.item1 ?? Decimal.zero;
//Initilaize empty transactions array
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> midSortedArray = [];
Map<String, dynamic> midSortedTx = {};
// for (int i = currentBlock;
// i >= 0 && (n > 0 || balance.toDouble() > 0.0);
// --i) {
// try {
// // print(StringToHex.toHexString(i.toString()))
// print(
// "BLOCK IS $i AND HEX IS --------->>>>>>> ${StringToHex.toHexString(i.toString())}");
// String blockHex = i.toRadixString(16);
// var block = await _client.getBlockInformation(
// blockNumber: '0x$blockHex', isContainFullObj: true);
// if (block != null && block.transactions != null) {
// block.transactions.forEach((element) {
// // print("TRANSACTION OBJECT IS $element");
// final jsonObject = json.encode(element);
// final decodedTransaction = jsonDecode(jsonObject);
// // print(somethingElse['from']);
// // print(jsonObject.containsKey(other));
// Logging.instance.log(decodedTransaction,
// level: LogLevel.Info, printFullLength: true);
// if (thisAddress == decodedTransaction['from']) {
// //Ensure this is not a self send
// if (decodedTransaction['from'] != decodedTransaction['to']) {
// midSortedTx["txType"] = "Sent";
// midSortedTx["txid"] = decodedTransaction["hash"];
// midSortedTx["height"] = i;
// midSortedTx["address"] = decodedTransaction['to'];
// int confirmations = 0;
// try {
// confirmations = currentBlock - i;
// } catch (e, s) {
// debugPrint("$e $s");
// }
// midSortedTx["confirmations"] = confirmations;
// midSortedTx["inputSize"] = 1;
// midSortedTx["outputSize"] = 1;
// midSortedTx["aliens"] = <dynamic>[];
// midSortedTx["inputs"] = <dynamic>[];
// midSortedTx["outputs"] = <dynamic>[];
// midSortedArray.add(midSortedTx);
// Logging.instance.log(
// "TX SENT FROM THIS ACCOUNT ${decodedTransaction['from']} ${decodedTransaction['to']}",
// level: LogLevel.Info);
// --n;
// }
// if (thisAddress == decodedTransaction['to']) {
// if (decodedTransaction['from'] != decodedTransaction['to']) {
// midSortedTx["txType"] = "Received";
// midSortedTx["txid"] = decodedTransaction["hash"];
// midSortedTx["height"] = i;
// midSortedTx["address"] = decodedTransaction['from'];
// int confirmations = 0;
// try {
// confirmations = currentBlock - i;
// } catch (e, s) {
// debugPrint("$e $s");
// }
// midSortedTx["confirmations"] = confirmations;
// midSortedTx["inputSize"] = 1;
// midSortedTx["outputSize"] = 1;
// midSortedTx["aliens"] = <dynamic>[];
// midSortedTx["inputs"] = <dynamic>[];
// midSortedTx["outputs"] = <dynamic>[];
// midSortedArray.add(midSortedTx);
// }
// }
// }
// });
// }
// } catch (e, s) {
// print("Error getting transactions ${e.toString()} $s");
// }
// }
// midSortedArray
// .sort((a, b) => (b["timestamp"] as int) - (a["timestamp"] as int));
// final Map<String, dynamic> result = {"dateTimeChunks": <dynamic>[]};
// final dateArray = <dynamic>[];
// for (int i = 0; i < midSortedArray.length; i++) {
// final txObject = midSortedArray[i];
// final date = extractDateFromTimestamp(txObject["timestamp"] as int);
// final txTimeArray = [txObject["timestamp"], date];
// if (dateArray.contains(txTimeArray[1])) {
// result["dateTimeChunks"].forEach((dynamic chunk) {
// if (extractDateFromTimestamp(chunk["timestamp"] as int) ==
// txTimeArray[1]) {
// if (chunk["transactions"] == null) {
// chunk["transactions"] = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
// }
// chunk["transactions"].add(txObject);
// }
// });
// } else {
// dateArray.add(txTimeArray[1]);
// final chunk = {
// "timestamp": txTimeArray[0],
// "transactions": [txObject],
// };
// result["dateTimeChunks"].add(chunk);
// }
// }
// final transactionsMap = cachedTransactions?.getAllTransactions() ?? {};
// transactionsMap
// .addAll(TransactionData.fromJson(result).getAllTransactions());
print("THIS CURRECT ADDRESS IS $thisAddress");
print("THIS CURRECT BLOCK IS $currentBlock");
print("THIS BALANCE IS $balance");
return TransactionData();
// throw UnimplementedError();
String get walletId => _walletId;
late String _walletId;
set walletName(String newName) => _walletName = newName;