mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 01:29:12 +00:00
1464 lines
46 KiB
1464 lines
46 KiB
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32;
import 'package:bip47/bip47.dart';
import 'package:bip47/src/util.dart';
import 'package:bitcoindart/bitcoindart.dart' as btc_dart;
import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/constants/op.dart' as op;
import 'package:bitcoindart/src/utils/script.dart' as bscript;
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/digests/sha256.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/db/main_db.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/insufficient_balance_exception.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/exceptions/wallet/paynym_send_exception.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip32_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/bip47_utils.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/derive_path_type_enum.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
const kPaynymDerivePath = "m/47'/0'/0'";
mixin PaynymWalletInterface {
static const String _connectedKeyPrefix = "paynym_connected_";
// passed in wallet data
late final String _walletId;
late final String _walletName;
late final btc_dart.NetworkType _network;
late final Coin _coin;
late final MainDB _db;
late final ElectrumX _electrumXClient;
late final SecureStorageInterface _secureStorage;
late final int _dustLimitP2PKH;
late final int _minConfirms;
// passed in wallet functions
late final Future<String?> Function() _getMnemonicString;
late final Future<String?> Function() _getMnemonicPassphrase;
late final Future<int> Function() _getChainHeight;
late final Future<String> Function() _getCurrentChangeAddress;
late final int Function({
required int vSize,
required int feeRatePerKB,
}) _estimateTxFee;
late final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function({
required String address,
required int satoshiAmount,
Map<String, dynamic>? args,
}) _prepareSend;
late final Future<int> Function({
required String address,
}) _getTxCount;
late final Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function(
List<UTXO> utxosToUse,
) _fetchBuildTxData;
late final Future<void> Function() _refresh;
late final Future<void> Function() _checkChangeAddressForTransactions;
late final Future<void> Function({
required int chain,
required String address,
required String pubKey,
required String wif,
required DerivePathType derivePathType,
}) _addDerivation;
// initializer
void initPaynymWalletInterface({
required String walletId,
required String walletName,
required btc_dart.NetworkType network,
required Coin coin,
required MainDB db,
required ElectrumX electrumXClient,
required SecureStorageInterface secureStorage,
required int dustLimitP2PKH,
required int minConfirms,
required Future<String?> Function() getMnemonicString,
required Future<String?> Function() getMnemonicPassphrase,
required Future<int> Function() getChainHeight,
required Future<String> Function() getCurrentChangeAddress,
required int Function({
required int vSize,
required int feeRatePerKB,
required Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function({
required String address,
required int satoshiAmount,
Map<String, dynamic>? args,
required Future<int> Function({
required String address,
required Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Function(
List<UTXO> utxosToUse,
required Future<void> Function() refresh,
required Future<void> Function() checkChangeAddressForTransactions,
required Future<void> Function({
required int chain,
required String address,
required String pubKey,
required String wif,
required DerivePathType derivePathType,
}) {
_walletId = walletId;
_walletName = walletName;
_network = network;
_coin = coin;
_db = db;
_electrumXClient = electrumXClient;
_secureStorage = secureStorage;
_dustLimitP2PKH = dustLimitP2PKH;
_minConfirms = minConfirms;
_getMnemonicString = getMnemonicString;
_getMnemonicPassphrase = getMnemonicPassphrase;
_getChainHeight = getChainHeight;
_getCurrentChangeAddress = getCurrentChangeAddress;
_estimateTxFee = estimateTxFee;
_prepareSend = prepareSend;
_getTxCount = getTxCount;
_fetchBuildTxData = fetchBuildTxData;
_refresh = refresh;
_checkChangeAddressForTransactions = checkChangeAddressForTransactions;
_addDerivation = addDerivation;
// convenience getter
btc_dart.NetworkType get networkType => _network;
Future<Address> currentReceivingPaynymAddress(PaymentCode sender) async {
final keys = await lookupKey(sender.toString());
final address = await _db
.anyOf<String, Address>(keys, (q, String e) => q.otherDataEqualTo(e))
if (address == null) {
final generatedAddress = await _generatePaynymReceivingAddress(sender, 0);
final existing = await _db
if (existing == null) {
// Add that new address
await _db.putAddress(generatedAddress);
} else {
// we need to update the address
await _db.updateAddress(existing, generatedAddress);
return currentReceivingPaynymAddress(sender);
} else {
return address;
Future<Address> _generatePaynymReceivingAddress(
PaymentCode sender,
int index,
) async {
final myPrivateKeyNode = await deriveReceivingPrivateKeyNode(
mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!,
mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!,
index: index,
final paymentAddress = PaymentAddress(
bip32Node: myPrivateKeyNode,
paymentCode: sender,
networkType: networkType,
final pair = paymentAddress.getReceiveAddressKeyPair();
final address = await generatePaynymReceivingAddressFromKeyPair(
pair: pair,
derivationIndex: index,
derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44,
fromPaymentCode: sender,
return address;
Future<void> checkCurrentPaynymReceivingAddressForTransactions(
PaymentCode sender) async {
final address = await currentReceivingPaynymAddress(sender);
final txCount = await _getTxCount(address: address.value);
if (txCount > 0) {
// generate next address and add to db
final nextAddress = await _generatePaynymReceivingAddress(
address.derivationIndex + 1,
final existing = await _db
if (existing == null) {
// Add that new address
await _db.putAddress(nextAddress);
} else {
// we need to update the address
await _db.updateAddress(existing, nextAddress);
// keep checking until address with no tx history is set as current
await checkCurrentPaynymReceivingAddressForTransactions(sender);
Future<void> checkAllCurrentReceivingPaynymAddressesForTransactions() async {
final codes = await getAllPaymentCodesFromNotificationTransactions();
final List<Future<void>> futures = [];
for (final code in codes) {
await Future.wait(futures);
// generate bip32 payment code root
Future<bip32.BIP32> _getRootNode({
required String mnemonic,
required String mnemonicPassphrase,
}) async {
final root = await Bip32Utils.getBip32Root(
return root;
Future<bip32.BIP32> deriveNotificationBip32Node({
required String mnemonic,
required String mnemonicPassphrase,
}) async {
final root = await _getRootNode(
mnemonic: mnemonic,
mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase,
final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath).derive(0);
return node;
Future<bip32.BIP32> deriveReceivingPrivateKeyNode({
required String mnemonic,
required String mnemonicPassphrase,
required int index,
}) async {
final root = await _getRootNode(
mnemonic: mnemonic,
mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase,
final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath).derive(index);
return node;
/// fetch or generate this wallet's bip47 payment code
Future<PaymentCode> getPaymentCode(
DerivePathType derivePathType,
) async {
final address = await getMyNotificationAddress(derivePathType);
final pCodeString = await paymentCodeStringByKey(address.otherData!);
final paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(
return paymentCode;
Future<Uint8List> signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List data) async {
final myPrivateKeyNode = await deriveNotificationBip32Node(
mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!,
mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!,
final pair = btc_dart.ECPair.fromPrivateKey(myPrivateKeyNode.privateKey!,
network: _network);
final signed = pair.sign(SHA256Digest().process(data));
return signed;
Future<String> signStringWithNotificationKey(String data) async {
final bytes =
await signWithNotificationKey(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data)));
return Format.uint8listToString(bytes);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> preparePaymentCodeSend(
{required PaymentCode paymentCode,
required int satoshiAmount,
Map<String, dynamic>? args}) async {
if (!(await hasConnected(paymentCode.toString()))) {
throw PaynymSendException(
"No notification transaction sent to $paymentCode");
} else {
final myPrivateKeyNode = await deriveNotificationBip32Node(
mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!,
mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!,
final sendToAddress = await nextUnusedSendAddressFrom(
pCode: paymentCode,
privateKeyNode: myPrivateKeyNode,
return _prepareSend(
address: sendToAddress.value,
satoshiAmount: satoshiAmount,
args: args,
/// get the next unused address to send to given the receiver's payment code
/// and your own private key
Future<Address> nextUnusedSendAddressFrom({
required PaymentCode pCode,
required bip32.BIP32 privateKeyNode,
int startIndex = 0,
}) async {
// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0047#Path_levels
const maxCount = 2147483647;
for (int i = startIndex; i < maxCount; i++) {
final keys = await lookupKey(pCode.toString());
final address = await _db
.anyOf<String, Address>(keys, (q, String e) => q.otherDataEqualTo(e))
if (address != null) {
final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value);
// return address if unused, otherwise continue to next index
if (count == 0) {
return address;
} else {
final pair = PaymentAddress(
bip32Node: privateKeyNode,
index: i, // index to use
paymentCode: pCode,
networkType: networkType,
// add address to local db
final address = await generatePaynymSendAddressFromKeyPair(
pair: pair,
derivationIndex: i,
derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44,
toPaymentCode: pCode,
final storedAddress = await _db.getAddress(_walletId, address.value);
if (storedAddress == null) {
await _db.putAddress(address);
} else {
await _db.updateAddress(storedAddress, address);
final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value);
// return address if unused, otherwise continue to next index
if (count == 0) {
return address;
throw PaynymSendException("Exhausted unused send addresses!");
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> prepareNotificationTx({
required int selectedTxFeeRate,
required String targetPaymentCodeString,
int additionalOutputs = 0,
List<UTXO>? utxos,
}) async {
try {
final amountToSend = _dustLimitP2PKH;
final List<UTXO> availableOutputs =
utxos ?? await _db.getUTXOs(_walletId).findAll();
final List<UTXO> spendableOutputs = [];
int spendableSatoshiValue = 0;
// Build list of spendable outputs and totaling their satoshi amount
for (var i = 0; i < availableOutputs.length; i++) {
if (availableOutputs[i].isBlocked == false &&
.isConfirmed(await _getChainHeight(), _minConfirms) ==
true) {
spendableSatoshiValue += availableOutputs[i].value;
if (spendableSatoshiValue < amountToSend) {
// insufficient balance
throw InsufficientBalanceException(
"Spendable balance is less than the minimum required for a notification transaction.");
} else if (spendableSatoshiValue == amountToSend) {
// insufficient balance due to missing amount to cover fee
throw InsufficientBalanceException(
"Remaining balance does not cover the network fee.");
// sort spendable by age (oldest first)
spendableOutputs.sort((a, b) => b.blockTime!.compareTo(a.blockTime!));
int satoshisBeingUsed = 0;
int outputsBeingUsed = 0;
List<UTXO> utxoObjectsToUse = [];
for (int i = 0;
satoshisBeingUsed < amountToSend && i < spendableOutputs.length;
i++) {
satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[i].value;
outputsBeingUsed += 1;
// add additional outputs if required
for (int i = 0;
i < additionalOutputs && outputsBeingUsed < spendableOutputs.length;
i++) {
satoshisBeingUsed += spendableOutputs[outputsBeingUsed].value;
outputsBeingUsed += 1;
// gather required signing data
final utxoSigningData = await _fetchBuildTxData(utxoObjectsToUse);
final int vSizeForNoChange = (await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: 0,
satoshisBeingUsed, // override amount to get around absurd fees error
final int vSizeForWithChange = (await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend,
// Assume 2 outputs, for recipient and payment code script
int feeForNoChange = _estimateTxFee(
vSize: vSizeForNoChange,
feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
// Assume 3 outputs, for recipient, payment code script, and change
int feeForWithChange = _estimateTxFee(
vSize: vSizeForWithChange,
feeRatePerKB: selectedTxFeeRate,
if (_coin == Coin.dogecoin || _coin == Coin.dogecoinTestNet) {
if (feeForNoChange < vSizeForNoChange * 1000) {
feeForNoChange = vSizeForNoChange * 1000;
if (feeForWithChange < vSizeForWithChange * 1000) {
feeForWithChange = vSizeForWithChange * 1000;
if (satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend > feeForNoChange + _dustLimitP2PKH) {
// try to add change output due to "left over" amount being greater than
// the estimated fee + the dust limit
int changeAmount = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - feeForWithChange;
// check estimates are correct and build notification tx
if (changeAmount >= _dustLimitP2PKH &&
satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - changeAmount ==
feeForWithChange) {
var txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: changeAmount,
int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend - changeAmount;
// make sure minimum fee is accurate if that is being used
if (txn.item2 - feeBeingPaid == 1) {
changeAmount -= 1;
feeBeingPaid += 1;
txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: changeAmount,
Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
"hex": txn.item1,
"recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString,
"amount": amountToSend,
"fee": feeBeingPaid,
"vSize": txn.item2,
return transactionObject;
} else {
// something broke during fee estimation or the change amount is smaller
// than the dust limit. Try without change
final txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: 0,
int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend;
Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
"hex": txn.item1,
"recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString,
"amount": amountToSend,
"fee": feeBeingPaid,
"vSize": txn.item2,
return transactionObject;
} else if (satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend >= feeForNoChange) {
// since we already checked if we need to add a change output we can just
// build without change here
final txn = await _createNotificationTx(
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
utxosToUse: utxoObjectsToUse,
utxoSigningData: utxoSigningData,
change: 0,
int feeBeingPaid = satoshisBeingUsed - amountToSend;
Map<String, dynamic> transactionObject = {
"hex": txn.item1,
"recipientPaynym": targetPaymentCodeString,
"amount": amountToSend,
"fee": feeBeingPaid,
"vSize": txn.item2,
return transactionObject;
} else {
// if we get here we do not have enough funds to cover the tx total so we
// check if we have any more available outputs and try again
if (spendableOutputs.length > outputsBeingUsed) {
return prepareNotificationTx(
selectedTxFeeRate: selectedTxFeeRate,
targetPaymentCodeString: targetPaymentCodeString,
additionalOutputs: additionalOutputs + 1,
} else {
throw InsufficientBalanceException(
"Remaining balance does not cover the network fee.");
} catch (e) {
// return tuple with string value equal to the raw tx hex and the int value
// equal to its vSize
Future<Tuple2<String, int>> _createNotificationTx({
required String targetPaymentCodeString,
required List<UTXO> utxosToUse,
required Map<String, dynamic> utxoSigningData,
required int change,
int? dustLimit,
}) async {
try {
final targetPaymentCode =
PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(targetPaymentCodeString, _network);
final myCode = await getPaymentCode(DerivePathType.bip44);
final utxo = utxosToUse.first;
final txPoint = utxo.txid.fromHex.reversed.toList();
final txPointIndex = utxo.vout;
final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4);
Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length);
final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData();
buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little);
final myKeyPair =
utxoSigningData[utxo.txid]["keyPair"] as btc_dart.ECPair;
final S = SecretPoint(
final blindingMask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev);
final blindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.blind(
payload: myCode.getPayload(),
mask: blindingMask,
unBlind: false,
final opReturnScript = bscript.compile([
(op.OPS["OP_RETURN"] as int),
// build a notification tx
final txb = btc_dart.TransactionBuilder(network: _network);
utxoSigningData[utxo.txid]["output"] as Uint8List,
// add rest of possible inputs
for (var i = 1; i < utxosToUse.length; i++) {
final utxo = utxosToUse[i];
utxoSigningData[utxo.txid]["output"] as Uint8List,
// todo: modify address once segwit support is in our bip47
dustLimit ?? _dustLimitP2PKH,
txb.addOutput(opReturnScript, 0);
// TODO: add possible change output and mark output as dangerous
if (change > 0) {
// generate new change address if current change address has been used
await _checkChangeAddressForTransactions();
final String changeAddress = await _getCurrentChangeAddress();
txb.addOutput(changeAddress, change);
vin: 0,
keyPair: myKeyPair,
witnessValue: utxo.value,
witnessScript: utxoSigningData[utxo.txid]["redeemScript"] as Uint8List?,
// sign rest of possible inputs
for (var i = 1; i < utxosToUse.length; i++) {
final txid = utxosToUse[i].txid;
vin: i,
keyPair: utxoSigningData[txid]["keyPair"] as btc_dart.ECPair,
witnessValue: utxosToUse[i].value,
utxoSigningData[utxo.txid]["redeemScript"] as Uint8List?,
final builtTx = txb.build();
return Tuple2(builtTx.toHex(), builtTx.virtualSize());
} catch (e, s) {
"_createNotificationTx(): $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<String> broadcastNotificationTx(
{required Map<String, dynamic> preparedTx}) async {
try {
Logging.instance.log("confirmNotificationTx txData: $preparedTx",
level: LogLevel.Info);
final txHash = await _electrumXClient.broadcastTransaction(
rawTx: preparedTx["hex"] as String);
Logging.instance.log("Sent txHash: $txHash", level: LogLevel.Info);
// TODO: only refresh transaction data
try {
await _refresh();
} catch (e) {
"refresh() failed in confirmNotificationTx ($_walletName::$_walletId): $e",
level: LogLevel.Error,
return txHash;
} catch (e, s) {
Logging.instance.log("Exception rethrown from confirmSend(): $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error);
// Future<bool?> _checkHasConnectedCache(String paymentCodeString) async {
// final value = await _secureStorage.read(
// key: "$_connectedKeyPrefix$paymentCodeString");
// if (value == null) {
// return null;
// } else {
// final int rawBool = int.parse(value);
// return rawBool > 0;
// }
// }
// Future<void> _setConnectedCache(
// String paymentCodeString, bool hasConnected) async {
// await _secureStorage.write(
// key: "$_connectedKeyPrefix$paymentCodeString",
// value: hasConnected ? "1" : "0");
// }
// TODO optimize
Future<bool> hasConnected(String paymentCodeString) async {
// final didConnect = await _checkHasConnectedCache(paymentCodeString);
// if (didConnect == true) {
// return true;
// }
// final keys = await lookupKey(paymentCodeString);
// final tx = await _db
// .getTransactions(_walletId)
// .filter()
// .subTypeEqualTo(TransactionSubType.bip47Notification).and()
// .address((q) =>
// q.anyOf<String, Transaction>(keys, (q, e) => q.otherDataEqualTo(e)))
// .findAll();
final myNotificationAddress =
await getMyNotificationAddress(DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(_coin));
final txns = await _db
for (final tx in txns) {
if (tx.type == TransactionType.incoming &&
tx.address.value?.value == myNotificationAddress.value) {
final unBlindedPaymentCode = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction(
transaction: tx,
myNotificationAddress: myNotificationAddress,
if (unBlindedPaymentCode != null &&
paymentCodeString == unBlindedPaymentCode.toString()) {
// await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, true);
return true;
final unBlindedPaymentCodeBad =
await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransactionBad(
transaction: tx,
myNotificationAddress: myNotificationAddress,
if (unBlindedPaymentCodeBad != null &&
paymentCodeString == unBlindedPaymentCodeBad.toString()) {
// await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, true);
return true;
} else if (tx.type == TransactionType.outgoing) {
if (tx.address.value?.otherData != null) {
final code =
await paymentCodeStringByKey(tx.address.value!.otherData!);
if (code == paymentCodeString) {
// await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, true);
return true;
// otherwise return no
// await _setConnectedCache(paymentCodeString, false);
return false;
Uint8List? _pubKeyFromInput(Input input) {
final scriptSigComponents = input.scriptSigAsm?.split(" ") ?? [];
if (scriptSigComponents.length > 1) {
return scriptSigComponents[1].fromHex;
if (input.witness != null) {
try {
final witnessComponents = jsonDecode(input.witness!) as List;
if (witnessComponents.length == 2) {
return (witnessComponents[1] as String).fromHex;
} catch (_) {
return null;
Future<PaymentCode?> unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction({
required Transaction transaction,
required Address myNotificationAddress,
}) async {
if (transaction.address.value != null &&
transaction.address.value!.value != myNotificationAddress.value) {
return null;
try {
final blindedCodeBytes =
// transaction does not contain a payment code
if (blindedCodeBytes == null) {
return null;
final designatedInput = transaction.inputs.first;
final txPoint = designatedInput.txid.fromHex.reversed.toList();
final txPointIndex = designatedInput.vout;
final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4);
Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length);
final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData();
buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little);
final pubKey = _pubKeyFromInput(designatedInput)!;
final myPrivateKey = (await deriveNotificationBip32Node(
mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!,
mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!,
final S = SecretPoint(myPrivateKey, pubKey);
final mask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev);
final unBlindedPayload = PaymentCode.blind(
payload: blindedCodeBytes,
mask: mask,
unBlind: true,
final unBlindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPayload(unBlindedPayload);
return unBlindedPaymentCode;
} catch (e) {
"unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction() failed: $e",
level: LogLevel.Warning,
return null;
Future<PaymentCode?> unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransactionBad({
required Transaction transaction,
required Address myNotificationAddress,
}) async {
if (transaction.address.value != null &&
transaction.address.value!.value != myNotificationAddress.value) {
return null;
try {
final blindedCodeBytes =
// transaction does not contain a payment code
if (blindedCodeBytes == null) {
return null;
final designatedInput = transaction.inputs.first;
final txPoint = designatedInput.txid.fromHex.toList();
final txPointIndex = designatedInput.vout;
final rev = Uint8List(txPoint.length + 4);
Util.copyBytes(Uint8List.fromList(txPoint), 0, rev, 0, txPoint.length);
final buffer = rev.buffer.asByteData();
buffer.setUint32(txPoint.length, txPointIndex, Endian.little);
final pubKey = _pubKeyFromInput(designatedInput)!;
final myPrivateKey = (await deriveNotificationBip32Node(
mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!,
mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!,
final S = SecretPoint(myPrivateKey, pubKey);
final mask = PaymentCode.getMask(S.ecdhSecret(), rev);
final unBlindedPayload = PaymentCode.blind(
payload: blindedCodeBytes,
mask: mask,
unBlind: true,
final unBlindedPaymentCode = PaymentCode.fromPayload(unBlindedPayload);
return unBlindedPaymentCode;
} catch (e) {
"unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction() failed: $e",
level: LogLevel.Warning,
return null;
getAllPaymentCodesFromNotificationTransactions() async {
final myAddress =
await getMyNotificationAddress(DerivePathTypeExt.primaryFor(_coin));
final txns = await _db
List<PaymentCode> codes = [];
for (final tx in txns) {
// tx is sent so we can check the address's otherData for the code String
if (tx.type == TransactionType.outgoing &&
tx.address.value?.otherData != null) {
final codeString =
await paymentCodeStringByKey(tx.address.value!.otherData!);
if (codeString != null &&
codes.where((e) => e.toString() == codeString).isEmpty) {
codes.add(PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(codeString, _network));
} else {
// otherwise we need to un blind the code
final unBlinded = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransaction(
transaction: tx,
myNotificationAddress: myAddress,
if (unBlinded != null &&
codes.where((e) => e.toString() == unBlinded.toString()).isEmpty) {
final unBlindedBad = await unBlindedPaymentCodeFromTransactionBad(
transaction: tx,
myNotificationAddress: myAddress,
if (unBlindedBad != null &&
.where((e) => e.toString() == unBlindedBad.toString())
.isEmpty) {
return codes;
Future<void> checkForNotificationTransactionsTo(
Set<String> otherCodeStrings) async {
final sentNotificationTransactions = await _db
final List<PaymentCode> codes = [];
for (final codeString in otherCodeStrings) {
codes.add(PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(codeString, _network));
for (final tx in sentNotificationTransactions) {
if (tx.address.value != null && tx.address.value!.otherData == null) {
final oldAddress =
await _db.getAddress(_walletId, tx.address.value!.value);
for (final code in codes) {
final notificationAddress = code.notificationAddressP2PKH();
if (notificationAddress == oldAddress!.value) {
final address = Address(
walletId: _walletId,
value: notificationAddress,
publicKey: [],
derivationIndex: 0,
null, // might as well use null due to complexity of context
type: oldAddress.type,
subType: AddressSubType.paynymNotification,
otherData: await storeCode(code.toString()),
await _db.updateAddress(oldAddress, address);
Future<void> restoreAllHistory({
required int maxUnusedAddressGap,
required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
required Set<String> paymentCodeStrings,
}) async {
final codes = await getAllPaymentCodesFromNotificationTransactions();
final List<PaymentCode> extraCodes = [];
for (final codeString in paymentCodeStrings) {
if (codes.where((e) => e.toString() == codeString).isEmpty) {
final extraCode = PaymentCode.fromPaymentCode(codeString, _network);
if (extraCode.isValid()) {
final List<Future<void>> futures = [];
for (final code in codes) {
await Future.wait(futures);
Future<void> restoreHistoryWith(
PaymentCode other,
int maxUnusedAddressGap,
int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck,
) async {
// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0047#Path_levels
const maxCount = 2147483647;
assert(maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck < maxCount);
final mnemonic = (await _getMnemonicString())!;
final mnemonicPassphrase = (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!;
final mySendBip32Node = await deriveNotificationBip32Node(
mnemonic: mnemonic,
mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase,
final receivingNode = (await _getRootNode(
mnemonic: mnemonic,
mnemonicPassphrase: mnemonicPassphrase,
List<Address> addresses = [];
int receivingGapCounter = 0;
int outgoingGapCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0;
i < maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck &&
(receivingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap ||
outgoingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap);
i++) {
if (outgoingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap) {
final paymentAddressSending = PaymentAddress(
paymentCode: other,
bip32Node: mySendBip32Node,
index: i,
networkType: networkType,
final pair = paymentAddressSending.getSendAddressKeyPair();
final address = await generatePaynymSendAddressFromKeyPair(
pair: pair,
derivationIndex: i,
derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44,
toPaymentCode: other,
final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value);
if (count > 0) {
outgoingGapCounter = 0;
} else {
if (receivingGapCounter < maxUnusedAddressGap) {
final paymentAddressReceiving = PaymentAddress(
paymentCode: other,
bip32Node: receivingNode.derive(i),
index: 0,
networkType: networkType,
final pair = paymentAddressReceiving.getReceiveAddressKeyPair();
final address = await generatePaynymReceivingAddressFromKeyPair(
pair: pair,
derivationIndex: i,
derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44,
fromPaymentCode: other,
final count = await _getTxCount(address: address.value);
if (count > 0) {
receivingGapCounter = 0;
} else {
await _db.updateOrPutAddresses(addresses);
Future<Address> generatePaynymSendAddressFromKeyPair({
required btc_dart.ECPair pair,
required int derivationIndex,
required DerivePathType derivePathType,
required PaymentCode toPaymentCode,
}) async {
final data = btc_dart.PaymentData(pubkey: pair.publicKey);
String addressString;
switch (derivePathType) {
case DerivePathType.bip44:
addressString =
btc_dart.P2PKH(data: data, network: _network).data.address!;
// The following doesn't apply currently
// case DerivePathType.bip49:
// addressString = btc_dart
// .P2SH(
// data: btc_dart.PaymentData(
// redeem: btc_dart
// .P2WPKH(
// data: data,
// network: network,
// )
// .data),
// network: network,
// )
// .data
// .address!;
// break;
// case DerivePathType.bip84:
// addressString = btc_dart
// .P2WPKH(
// network: network,
// data: data,
// )
// .data
// .address!;
// break;
throw UnimplementedError("segwit paynyms not implemented yet");
final address = Address(
walletId: _walletId,
value: addressString,
publicKey: pair.publicKey,
derivationIndex: derivationIndex,
null, // might as well use null due to complexity of context
type: AddressType.nonWallet,
subType: AddressSubType.paynymSend,
otherData: await storeCode(toPaymentCode.toString()),
return address;
Future<Address> generatePaynymReceivingAddressFromKeyPair({
required btc_dart.ECPair pair,
required int derivationIndex,
required DerivePathType derivePathType,
required PaymentCode fromPaymentCode,
}) async {
final data = btc_dart.PaymentData(pubkey: pair.publicKey);
String addressString;
AddressType addrType;
switch (derivePathType) {
case DerivePathType.bip44:
addressString = btc_dart
data: data,
network: _network,
addrType = AddressType.p2pkh;
// The following doesn't apply currently
// case DerivePathType.bip49:
// addressString = btc_dart
// .P2SH(
// data: btc_dart.PaymentData(
// redeem: btc_dart
// .P2WPKH(
// data: data,
// network: network,
// )
// .data),
// network: network,
// )
// .data
// .address!;
// addrType = AddressType.p2sh;
// break;
// case DerivePathType.bip84:
// addressString = btc_dart
// .P2WPKH(
// network: network,
// data: data,
// )
// .data
// .address!;
// addrType = AddressType.p2wpkh;
// break;
throw UnimplementedError("segwit paynyms not implemented yet");
final address = Address(
walletId: _walletId,
value: addressString,
publicKey: pair.publicKey,
derivationIndex: derivationIndex,
null, // might as well use null due to complexity of context
type: addrType,
subType: AddressSubType.paynymReceive,
otherData: await storeCode(fromPaymentCode.toString()),
final myCode = await getPaymentCode(DerivePathType.bip44);
final bip32NetworkType = bip32.NetworkType(
wif: _network.wif,
bip32: bip32.Bip32Type(
public: _network.bip32.public,
private: _network.bip32.private,
final bip32.BIP32 node = bip32.BIP32.fromPrivateKey(
await _addDerivation(
chain: 0,
address: address.value,
derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44,
pubKey: Format.uint8listToString(node.publicKey),
wif: node.toWIF(),
return address;
Future<Address> getMyNotificationAddress(
DerivePathType derivePathType,
) async {
// TODO: fix when segwit is here
derivePathType = DerivePathType.bip44;
AddressType type;
switch (derivePathType) {
case DerivePathType.bip44:
type = AddressType.p2pkh;
case DerivePathType.bip49:
type = AddressType.p2sh;
case DerivePathType.bip84:
type = AddressType.p2wpkh;
throw Exception("DerivePathType $derivePathType not supported");
final storedAddress = await _db
if (storedAddress != null) {
return storedAddress;
} else {
final root = await _getRootNode(
mnemonic: (await _getMnemonicString())!,
mnemonicPassphrase: (await _getMnemonicPassphrase())!,
final node = root.derivePath(kPaynymDerivePath);
final paymentCode = PaymentCode.fromBip32Node(
String addressString;
final data =
btc_dart.PaymentData(pubkey: paymentCode.notificationPublicKey());
switch (derivePathType) {
case DerivePathType.bip44:
addressString = btc_dart
data: data,
network: _network,
// case DerivePathType.bip49:
// addressString = btc_dart
// .P2SH(
// data: btc_dart.PaymentData(
// redeem: btc_dart
// .P2WPKH(
// data: data,
// network: network,
// )
// .data),
// network: network,
// )
// .data
// .address!;
// break;
// case DerivePathType.bip84:
// addressString = btc_dart
// .P2WPKH(
// network: network,
// data: data,
// )
// .data
// .address!;
// break;
throw UnimplementedError("segwit paynyms not implemented yet");
final address = Address(
walletId: _walletId,
value: addressString,
publicKey: paymentCode.getPubKey(),
derivationIndex: 0,
null, // might as well use null due to complexity of context
type: type,
subType: AddressSubType.paynymNotification,
otherData: await storeCode(paymentCode.toString()),
await _addDerivation(
chain: 0,
address: address.value,
derivePathType: DerivePathType.bip44,
pubKey: Format.uint8listToString(node.publicKey),
wif: node.toWIF(),
await _db.putAddress(address);
return address;
/// look up a key that corresponds to a payment code string
Future<List<String>> lookupKey(String paymentCodeString) async {
final keys =
(await _secureStorage.keys).where((e) => e.startsWith(kPCodeKeyPrefix));
final List<String> result = [];
for (final key in keys) {
final value = await _secureStorage.read(key: key);
if (value == paymentCodeString) {
return result;
/// fetch a payment code string
Future<String?> paymentCodeStringByKey(String key) async {
final value = await _secureStorage.read(key: key);
return value;
/// store payment code string and return the generated key used
Future<String> storeCode(String paymentCodeString) async {
final key = _generateKey();
await _secureStorage.write(key: key, value: paymentCodeString);
return key;
/// generate a new payment code string storage key
String _generateKey() {
final bytes = _randomBytes(24);
return "$kPCodeKeyPrefix${bytes.toHex}";
// https://github.com/AaronFeickert/stack_wallet_backup/blob/master/lib/secure_storage.dart#L307-L311
/// Generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
Uint8List _randomBytes(int n) {
final Random rng = Random.secure();
return Uint8List.fromList(
List<int>.generate(n, (_) => rng.nextInt(0xFF + 1)));
const String kPCodeKeyPrefix = "pCode_key_";