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synced 2025-03-23 15:48:53 +00:00
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import 'dart:io';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/bip/bip/bip44/base/bip44_base.dart';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/bip/cardano/bip32/cardano_icarus_bip32.dart';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/bip/cardano/cip1852/cip1852.dart';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/bip/cardano/cip1852/conf/cip1852_coins.dart';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/bip/cardano/mnemonic/cardano_icarus_seed_generator.dart';
import 'package:blockchain_utils/bip/cardano/shelley/cardano_shelley.dart';
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:on_chain/ada/ada.dart';
import 'package:socks5_proxy/socks.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import '../../../exceptions/wallet/node_tor_mismatch_config_exception.dart';
import '../../../models/balance.dart';
import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart';
import '../../../models/isar/models/blockchain_data/transaction.dart' as isar;
import '../../../models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart';
import '../../../services/tor_service.dart';
import '../../../utilities/amount/amount.dart';
import '../../../utilities/logger.dart';
import '../../../utilities/prefs.dart';
import '../../../utilities/tor_plain_net_option_enum.dart';
import '../../api/cardano/blockfrost_http_provider.dart';
import '../../crypto_currency/crypto_currency.dart';
import '../../models/tx_data.dart';
import '../intermediate/bip39_wallet.dart';
class CardanoWallet extends Bip39Wallet<Cardano> {
CardanoWallet(CryptoCurrencyNetwork network) : super(Cardano(network));
// Source: https://cips.cardano.org/cip/CIP-1852
static const String _addressDerivationPath = "m/1852'/1815'/0'/0/0";
BlockforestProvider? blockfrostProvider;
FilterOperation? get changeAddressFilterOperation => null;
FilterOperation? get receivingAddressFilterOperation => null;
Future<Address> _getAddress() async {
final mnemonic = await getMnemonic();
final seed = CardanoIcarusSeedGenerator(mnemonic).generate();
final cip1852 = Cip1852.fromSeed(seed, Cip1852Coins.cardanoIcarus);
final derivationAccount = cip1852.purpose.coin.account(0);
final shelley = CardanoShelley.fromCip1852Object(derivationAccount)
final paymentPublicKey = shelley.bip44.publicKey.compressed;
final stakePublicKey = shelley.bip44Sk.publicKey.compressed;
final addressStr = ADABaseAddress.fromPublicKey(
basePubkeyBytes: paymentPublicKey,
stakePubkeyBytes: stakePublicKey,
return Address(
walletId: walletId,
value: addressStr,
publicKey: paymentPublicKey,
derivationIndex: 0,
derivationPath: DerivationPath()..value = _addressDerivationPath,
type: AddressType.cardanoShelley,
subType: AddressSubType.receiving,
Future<void> checkSaveInitialReceivingAddress() async {
try {
final Address? address = await getCurrentReceivingAddress();
if (address == null) {
final address = await _getAddress();
await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([address]);
} catch (e, s) {
"$runtimeType checkSaveInitialReceivingAddress() failed: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<bool> pingCheck() async {
try {
await updateProvider();
final health = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
return Future.value(health);
} catch (e, s) {
"Error ping checking in cardano_wallet.dart: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
return Future.value(false);
Future<Amount> estimateFeeFor(Amount amount, int feeRate) async {
await updateProvider();
if (info.cachedBalance.spendable.raw == BigInt.zero) {
return Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
final params = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
final fee = params.calculateFee(284);
return Amount(
rawValue: fee,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
Future<FeeObject> get fees async {
try {
await updateProvider();
final params = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
// 284 is the size of a basic transaction with one input and two outputs (change and recipient)
final fee = params.calculateFee(284).toInt();
return FeeObject(
numberOfBlocksFast: 2,
numberOfBlocksAverage: 2,
numberOfBlocksSlow: 2,
fast: fee,
medium: fee,
slow: fee,
} catch (e, s) {
"Error getting fees in cardano_wallet.dart: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<TxData> prepareSend({required TxData txData}) async {
try {
await updateProvider();
if (txData.amount!.raw < ADAHelper.toLovelaces("1")) {
throw Exception("By network rules, you can send minimum 1 ADA");
final utxos = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
address: ADAAddress.fromAddress(
(await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value,
asset: "lovelace",
var leftAmountForUtxos = txData.amount!.raw;
final listOfUtxosToBeUsed = <ADAAccountUTXOResponse>[];
var totalBalance = BigInt.zero;
for (final utxo in utxos) {
if (!(leftAmountForUtxos <= BigInt.parse("0"))) {
leftAmountForUtxos -= BigInt.parse(utxo.amount.first.quantity);
totalBalance += BigInt.parse(utxo.amount.first.quantity);
if (leftAmountForUtxos > BigInt.parse("0") ||
totalBalance < txData.amount!.raw) {
throw Exception("Insufficient balance");
final bip32 = CardanoIcarusBip32.fromSeed(
CardanoIcarusSeedGenerator(await getMnemonic()).generate());
final spend = bip32.derivePath("1852'/1815'/0'/0/0");
final privateKey = AdaPrivateKey.fromBytes(spend.privateKey.raw);
// Calculate fees with example tx
final exampleFee = ADAHelper.toLovelaces("0.10");
final change = TransactionOutput(
address: ADABaseAddress((await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value),
amount: Value(coin: totalBalance - (txData.amount!.raw)));
final body = TransactionBody(
inputs: listOfUtxosToBeUsed
.map((e) => TransactionInput(
transactionId: TransactionHash.fromHex(e.txHash),
index: e.outputIndex))
outputs: [
address: ADABaseAddress(txData.recipients!.first.address),
amount: Value(coin: txData.amount!.raw - exampleFee))
fee: exampleFee,
final exampleTx = ADATransaction(
body: body,
witnessSet: TransactionWitnessSet(
vKeys: [
final params = await blockfrostProvider!
final fee = params.calculateFee(exampleTx.size);
// Check if we are sending all balance, which means no change and only one output for recipient.
if (totalBalance == txData.amount!.raw) {
final List<TxRecipient> newRecipients = [
address: txData.recipients!.first.address,
amount: Amount(
rawValue: txData.amount!.raw - fee,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
isChange: txData.recipients!.first.isChange,
return txData.copyWith(
fee: Amount(
rawValue: fee,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
recipients: newRecipients,
} else {
if (txData.amount!.raw + fee > totalBalance) {
throw Exception("Insufficient balance for fee");
// Minimum change in Cardano is 1 ADA and we need to have enough balance for that
if (totalBalance - (txData.amount!.raw + fee) <
ADAHelper.toLovelaces("1")) {
throw Exception(
"Not enough balance for change. By network rules, please either send all balance or leave at least 1 ADA change.");
return txData.copyWith(
fee: Amount(
rawValue: fee,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
} catch (e, s) {
"$runtimeType Cardano prepareSend failed: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<TxData> confirmSend({required TxData txData}) async {
try {
await updateProvider();
final utxos = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
address: ADAAddress.fromAddress(
(await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value,
asset: "lovelace",
var leftAmountForUtxos = txData.amount!.raw + txData.fee!.raw;
final listOfUtxosToBeUsed = <ADAAccountUTXOResponse>[];
var totalBalance = BigInt.zero;
for (final utxo in utxos) {
if (!(leftAmountForUtxos <= BigInt.parse("0"))) {
leftAmountForUtxos -= BigInt.parse(utxo.amount.first.quantity);
totalBalance += BigInt.parse(utxo.amount.first.quantity);
var totalUtxoAmount = BigInt.zero;
for (final utxo in listOfUtxosToBeUsed) {
totalUtxoAmount += BigInt.parse(utxo.amount.first.quantity);
final bip32 = CardanoIcarusBip32.fromSeed(
CardanoIcarusSeedGenerator(await getMnemonic()).generate());
final spend = bip32.derivePath("1852'/1815'/0'/0/0");
final privateKey = AdaPrivateKey.fromBytes(spend.privateKey.raw);
final change = TransactionOutput(
address: ADABaseAddress((await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value),
amount: Value(
coin: totalUtxoAmount - (txData.amount!.raw + txData.fee!.raw)));
List<TransactionOutput> outputs = [];
if (totalBalance == (txData.amount!.raw + txData.fee!.raw)) {
outputs = [
address: ADABaseAddress(txData.recipients!.first.address),
amount: Value(coin: txData.amount!.raw))
} else {
outputs = [
address: ADABaseAddress(txData.recipients!.first.address),
amount: Value(coin: txData.amount!.raw))
final body = TransactionBody(
inputs: listOfUtxosToBeUsed
.map((e) => TransactionInput(
transactionId: TransactionHash.fromHex(e.txHash),
index: e.outputIndex))
outputs: outputs,
fee: txData.fee!.raw,
final tx = ADATransaction(
body: body,
witnessSet: TransactionWitnessSet(
vKeys: [
final sentTx = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
transactionCborBytes: tx.serialize(),
return txData.copyWith(
txid: sentTx,
} catch (e, s) {
"$runtimeType Cardano confirmSend failed: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<void> recover({required bool isRescan}) async {
await refreshMutex.protect(() async {
final addressStruct = await _getAddress();
await mainDB.updateOrPutAddresses([addressStruct]);
if (info.cachedReceivingAddress != addressStruct.value) {
await info.updateReceivingAddress(
newAddress: addressStruct.value,
isar: mainDB.isar,
await Future.wait([
Future<void> updateBalance() async {
try {
await updateProvider();
final addressUtxos = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
address: ADAAddress.fromAddress(
(await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value,
asset: "lovelace",
BigInt totalBalanceInLovelace = BigInt.parse("0");
for (final utxo in addressUtxos) {
totalBalanceInLovelace += BigInt.parse(utxo.amount.first.quantity);
final balance = Balance(
total: Amount(
rawValue: totalBalanceInLovelace,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
spendable: Amount(
rawValue: totalBalanceInLovelace,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
blockedTotal: Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
pendingSpendable: Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.zero,
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
await info.updateBalance(newBalance: balance, isar: mainDB.isar);
} catch (e, s) {
"Error getting balance in cardano_wallet.dart: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<void> updateChainHeight() async {
try {
await updateProvider();
final latestBlock = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
await info.updateCachedChainHeight(
newHeight: latestBlock.height == null ? 0 : latestBlock.height!,
isar: mainDB.isar,
} catch (e, s) {
"Error updating transactions in cardano_wallet.dart: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<void> updateNode() async {
await refresh();
Future<void> updateTransactions() async {
try {
await updateProvider();
final currentAddr = (await getCurrentReceivingAddress())!.value;
final txsList = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
final parsedTxsList =
List<Tuple2<isar.Transaction, Address>>.empty(growable: true);
for (final tx in txsList) {
final txInfo = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
final utxoInfo = await blockfrostProvider!.request(
var txType = isar.TransactionType.unknown;
for (final input in utxoInfo.inputs) {
if (input.address == currentAddr) {
txType = isar.TransactionType.outgoing;
if (txType == isar.TransactionType.outgoing) {
var isSelfTx = true;
for (final output in utxoInfo.outputs) {
if (output.address != currentAddr) {
isSelfTx = false;
if (isSelfTx) {
txType = isar.TransactionType.sentToSelf;
if (txType == isar.TransactionType.unknown) {
for (final output in utxoInfo.outputs) {
if (output.address == currentAddr) {
txType = isar.TransactionType.incoming;
var receiverAddr = "Unknown?";
var amount = 0;
if (txType == isar.TransactionType.incoming) {
receiverAddr = currentAddr;
for (final output in utxoInfo.outputs) {
if (output.address == currentAddr &&
output.amount.first.unit == "lovelace") {
amount += int.parse(output.amount.first.quantity);
} else if (txType == isar.TransactionType.outgoing) {
for (final output in utxoInfo.outputs) {
if (output.address != currentAddr &&
output.amount.first.unit == "lovelace") {
receiverAddr = output.address;
amount += int.parse(output.amount.first.quantity);
} else if (txType == isar.TransactionType.sentToSelf) {
receiverAddr = currentAddr;
for (final output in utxoInfo.outputs) {
if (output.amount.first.unit == "lovelace") {
amount += int.parse(output.amount.first.quantity);
final transaction = isar.Transaction(
walletId: walletId,
txid: txInfo.hash,
timestamp: tx.blockTime,
type: txType,
subType: isar.TransactionSubType.none,
amount: amount,
amountString: Amount(
rawValue: BigInt.from(amount),
fractionDigits: cryptoCurrency.fractionDigits,
fee: int.parse(txInfo.fees),
height: txInfo.blockHeight,
isCancelled: false,
isLelantus: false,
slateId: null,
otherData: null,
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
nonce: null,
numberOfMessages: 0,
final txAddress = Address(
walletId: walletId,
value: receiverAddr,
publicKey: List<int>.empty(),
derivationIndex: 0,
derivationPath: DerivationPath()..value = _addressDerivationPath,
type: AddressType.cardanoShelley,
subType: txType == isar.TransactionType.outgoing
? AddressSubType.unknown
: AddressSubType.receiving,
parsedTxsList.add(Tuple2(transaction, txAddress));
await mainDB.addNewTransactionData(parsedTxsList, walletId);
} on NodeTorMismatchConfigException {
} catch (e, s) {
"Error updating transactions in cardano_wallet.dart: $e\n$s",
level: LogLevel.Error,
Future<bool> updateUTXOs() async {
// TODO: implement updateUTXOs
return false;
Future<void> updateProvider() async {
final currentNode = getCurrentNode();
final client = HttpClient();
if (prefs.useTor) {
final proxyInfo = TorService.sharedInstance.getProxyInfo();
final proxySettings = ProxySettings(
SocksTCPClient.assignToHttpClient(client, [proxySettings]);
blockfrostProvider = CustomBlockForestProvider(
url: "${currentNode.host}:${currentNode.port}/",
client: client,
class CustomBlockForestProvider extends BlockforestProvider {
CustomBlockForestProvider(super.rpc, this.prefs, this.netOption);
final Prefs prefs;
final TorPlainNetworkOption netOption;
Future<T> request<T, E>(
BlockforestRequestParam<T, E> request, [
Duration? timeout,
]) async {
if (prefs.useTor) {
if (netOption == TorPlainNetworkOption.clear) {
throw NodeTorMismatchConfigException(
message: "TOR enabled but node set to clearnet only",
} else {
if (netOption == TorPlainNetworkOption.tor) {
throw NodeTorMismatchConfigException(
message: "TOR off but node set to TOR only",
return super.request(request, timeout);