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* This file is part of Stack Wallet.
* Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack
* All Rights Reserved.
* The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details.
* Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/log.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/log_level_enum.dart';
export 'enums/log_level_enum.dart';
class Logging {
static const isArmLinux = bool.fromEnvironment("IS_ARM");
static final isTestEnv = Platform.environment["FLUTTER_TEST"] == "true";
static final Logging _instance = Logging._();
static Logging get instance => _instance;
static const core.int defaultPrintLength = 1020;
late final Isar? isar;
Future<void> init(Isar isar) async {
this.isar = isar;
void log(
core.Object? object, {
required LogLevel level,
core.bool printToConsole = true,
core.bool printFullLength = false,
}) {
try {
if (isTestEnv || isArmLinux) {
Logger.print(object, normalLength: !printFullLength);
String message = object.toString();
// random value to check max size of message before storing in db
if (message.length > 20000) {
message = "${message.substring(0, 20000)}...";
final now = core.DateTime.now().toUtc();
final log = Log()
..message = message
..logLevel = level
..timestampInMillisUTC = now.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
if (level == LogLevel.Error || level == LogLevel.Fatal) {
printFullLength = true;
isar!.writeTxnSync(() => log.id = isar!.logs.putSync(log));
if (printToConsole) {
final core.String logStr = "Log: ${log.toString()}";
final core.int logLength = logStr.length;
if (!printFullLength || logLength <= defaultPrintLength) {
} else {
core.int start = 0;
core.int endIndex = defaultPrintLength;
core.int tmpLogLength = logLength;
while (endIndex < logLength) {
debugPrint(logStr.substring(start, endIndex));
endIndex += defaultPrintLength;
start += defaultPrintLength;
tmpLogLength -= defaultPrintLength;
if (tmpLogLength > 0) {
debugPrint(logStr.substring(start, logLength));
} catch (e, s) {
print("problem trying to log");
print("$e $s");
abstract class Logger {
static final isTestEnv = Platform.environment["FLUTTER_TEST"] == "true";
static void print(
core.Object? object, {
core.bool withTimeStamp = true,
core.bool normalLength = true,
}) async {
if (Constants.disableLogger && !isTestEnv) {
final utcTime = withTimeStamp ? "${core.DateTime.now().toUtc()}: " : "";
core.int defaultPrintLength = 1020 - utcTime.length;
if (normalLength) {
} else if (object == null ||
object.toString().length <= defaultPrintLength) {
} else {
core.String log = object.toString();
core.int start = 0;
core.int endIndex = defaultPrintLength;
core.int logLength = log.length;
core.int tmpLogLength = log.length;
while (endIndex < logLength) {
debugPrint(utcTime + log.substring(start, endIndex));
endIndex += defaultPrintLength;
start += defaultPrintLength;
tmpLogLength -= defaultPrintLength;
if (tmpLogLength > 0) {
debugPrint(utcTime + log.substring(start, logLength));