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synced 2025-03-20 22:28:48 +00:00
3180 lines
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3180 lines
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import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:hive_test/hive_test.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
// ElectrumXClient,
// CachedElectrumXClient,
// TransactionNotificationTracker,
// MainDB,
void main() {
group("Other standalone functions in firo_wallet.dart", () {
// test("Firo main net parameters", () {
// expect(firoNetwork.messagePrefix, '\x18Zcoin Signed Message:\n');
// expect(firoNetwork.bech32, 'bc');
// expect(firoNetwork.bip32.private, 0x0488ade4);
// expect(firoNetwork.bip32.public, 0x0488b21e);
// expect(firoNetwork.pubKeyHash, 0x52);
// expect(firoNetwork.scriptHash, 0x07);
// expect(firoNetwork.wif, 0xd2);
// });
// test("Firo test net parameters", () {
// expect(firoTestNetwork.messagePrefix, '\x18Zcoin Signed Message:\n');
// expect(firoTestNetwork.bech32, 'bc');
// expect(firoTestNetwork.bip32.private, 0x04358394);
// expect(firoTestNetwork.bip32.public, 0x043587cf);
// expect(firoTestNetwork.pubKeyHash, 0x41);
// expect(firoTestNetwork.scriptHash, 0xb2);
// expect(firoTestNetwork.wif, 0xb9);
// });
// group("getJMintTransactions", () {
// test(
// "getJMintTransactions throws Error due to some invalid transactions passed to this function",
// () {
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// // mock price calls
// when(priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange( baseCurrency: "USD"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => {Coin.firo : Tuple2(Decimal.fromInt(10), 1.0)});
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// final transactions = [
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// ];
// expect(
// () async => await getJMintTransactions(
// cachedClient,
// transactions,
// "USD",
// "Firo",
// false,
// Decimal.ten,
// "en_US",
// ),
// throwsA(isA<Error>()));
// });
// test("getJMintTransactions success", () async {
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// // mock price calls
// when(priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange( baseCurrency: "USD"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => {Coin.firo : Tuple2(Decimal.fromInt(10), 1.0)});
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// final transactions = [
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// ];
// final result = await getJMintTransactions(
// cachedClient,
// transactions,
// "USD",
// "Firo",
// false,
// Decimal.ten,
// "en_US",
// );
// expect(result, isA<List<Transaction>>());
// expect(result.length, 4);
// });
// });
// test("getAnonymitySet", () async {
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1", coin: Coin.firo, ))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "blockHash":
// "c8e0ee6b8f7c1c85973e2b09321dc8644483f19dd7677ab0f33f7ffb1c6a0ec1",
// "setHash":
// "3d67502ae9e9d21d452dbbad1d961c6fcf594a3e44e9ca7b874f991a4c0e2f2d",
// "serializedCoins": [
// "388b82fdc27fd4a64c3290578d00b210bf9aa0bd9e4b08be1913bf95877bead00100",
// "a554e4b700c161adefbe7933c6e2784cc029a590d75c7ad35407323e7579e8680100",
// "162ec5f41380f590462514615fae016ff674e3e07513039d16f90161d88d83220000",
// "... ~50000 more strings ...",
// "6482f50f21b38246f3f9f074cbf61b00ad175b63a946467a85bd22fe1a89825b0100",
// "7a9e57560d4abc384a48bf850a12df94e83d33496bb456aad26e7317921845330000",
// "a7a8ddf79fdaf6846c0c19eb00ba7a95713a1a62df91761cb74b122606385fb80000"
// ]
// });
// final result =
// await getAnonymitySet(cachedClient, "", "1", false, "Firo");
// expect(result, isA<Map<String, dynamic>>());
// expect(result["blockHash"],
// "c8e0ee6b8f7c1c85973e2b09321dc8644483f19dd7677ab0f33f7ffb1c6a0ec1");
// expect(result["setHash"],
// "3d67502ae9e9d21d452dbbad1d961c6fcf594a3e44e9ca7b874f991a4c0e2f2d");
// expect(result["serializedCoins"], isA<List<String>>());
// });
// group("validate firo addresses", () {
// test("check valid firo main net address", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.validateAddress("a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg"), true);
// });
// test("check invalid firo main net address", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.validateAddress("sDda3fsd4af"), false);
// });
// test("check valid firo test net address against main net", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.validateAddress("THqfkegzJjpF4PQFAWPhJWMWagwHecfqva"), false);
// });
// test("check valid firo test net address", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.validateAddress("THqfkegzJjpF4PQFAWPhJWMWagwHecfqva"), true);
// });
// test("check invalid firo test net address", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.validateAddress("sDda3fsd4af"), false);
// });
// test("check valid firo address against test net", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.validateAddress("a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg"), false);
// });
// });
// group("testNetworkConnection", () {
// test("attempted connection fails due to server error", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => false);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final bool result = await firo.testNetworkConnection();
// expect(result, false);
// });
// test("attempted connection fails due to exception", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.ping()).thenThrow(Exception);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final bool result = await firo.testNetworkConnection();
// expect(result, false);
// });
// test("attempted connection test success", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final bool result = await firo.testNetworkConnection();
// expect(result, true);
// });
// });
group("FiroWallet service class functions that depend on shared storage", () {
const testWalletId = "testWalletID";
const testWalletName = "Test Wallet";
setUp(() async {
await setUpTestHive();
final wallets = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>('wallets');
await wallets.put('currentWalletName', testWalletName);
// test("initializeWallet no network", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => false);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "initializeWallet no net",
// client: client,coin: Coin.firo,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(await firo.initializeNew(), false);
// });
// test("initializeWallet no network exception", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.ping()).thenThrow(Exception("Network connection failed"));
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}initializeWallet no net exception",
// client: client,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(await firo.initializeWallet(), false);
// });
// test("initializeWallet throws bad network on testnet", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "initializeWallet bad net testnet",
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(() => firo.initializeWallet(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// });
// test("initializeWallet throws bad network on mainnet", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "initializeWallet bad net mainnet",
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(() => firo.initializeWallet(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// });
// test("initializeWallet new test net wallet", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(priceAPI.getPrice(ticker: "tFIRO", baseCurrency: "USD"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.fromInt(-1));
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final List<Map<String, dynamic>> emptyList = [];
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyList);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyList);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "initializeWallet testnet",
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// await firo.initializeWallet();
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox(testWalletId + "initializeWallet testnet");
// expect(await wallet.get("addressBookEntries"), {});
// expect(await wallet.get("blocked_tx_hashes"), ["0xdefault"]);
// final result = await wallet.get("changeAddresses");
// expect(result, isA<List<String>>());
// expect(result.length, 1);
// expect(await wallet.get("changeIndex"), 0);
// expect(await wallet.get("id"), testWalletId + "initializeWallet testnet");
// expect(await wallet.get("jindex"), []);
// expect(await wallet.get("mintIndex"), 0);
// final currentReceivingAddress = await firo.currentReceivingAddress;
// expect(currentReceivingAddress, isA<String>());
// expect(await wallet.get("receivingIndex"), 0);
// });
// test("initializeWallet an already existing test net wallet", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // when(priceAPI.getPrice(ticker: "tFIRO", baseCurrency: "USD"))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.fromInt(-1));
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final List<Map<String, dynamic>> emptyList = [];
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyList);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyList);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "initializeWallet existing",
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // 1st call to create wallet
// await firo.initializeWallet();
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox(testWalletId + "initializeWallet existing");
// expect(await wallet.get("addressBookEntries"), {});
// expect(await wallet.get("blocked_tx_hashes"), ["0xdefault"]);
// final result = await wallet.get("changeAddresses");
// expect(result, isA<List<String>>());
// expect(result.length, 1);
// expect(await wallet.get("changeIndex"), 0);
// expect(
// await wallet.get("id"), testWalletId + "initializeWallet existing");
// expect(await wallet.get("jindex"), []);
// expect(await wallet.get("mintIndex"), 0);
// expect(firo.fiatCurrency, "USD");
// final currentReceivingAddress = await firo.currentReceivingAddress;
// expect(currentReceivingAddress, isA<String>());
// expect(await wallet.get("receivingIndex"), 0);
// // second call to test initialization of existing wallet;
// await firo.initializeWallet();
// final wallet2 =
// await Hive.openBox(testWalletId + "initializeWallet existing");
// expect(await wallet2.get("addressBookEntries"), {});
// expect(await wallet2.get("blocked_tx_hashes"), ["0xdefault"]);
// final result2 = await wallet2.get("changeAddresses");
// expect(result2, isA<List<String>>());
// expect(result2.length, 1);
// expect(await wallet2.get("changeIndex"), 0);
// expect(
// await wallet2.get("id"), testWalletId + "initializeWallet existing");
// expect(await wallet2.get("jindex"), []);
// expect(await wallet2.get("mintIndex"), 0);
// expect(firo.fiatCurrency, "USD");
// final cra = await wallet2.get("receivingAddresses");
// expect(cra, isA<List<String>>());
// expect(cra.length, 1);
// expect(await wallet2.get("receivingIndex"), 0);
// });
// test("initializeWallet new main net wallet", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // mock price calls
// when(priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: "USD")).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {Coin.firo: Tuple2(Decimal.fromInt(10), 1.0)});
// when(client.ping()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final List<Map<String, dynamic>> emptyList = [];
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyList);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => emptyList);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "initializeWallet",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(await firo.initializeWallet(), true);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox(testWalletId + "initializeWallet");
// var result = await wallet.get("addressBookEntries");
// expect(result, {});
// result = await wallet.get("blocked_tx_hashes");
// expect(result, ["0xdefault"]);
// result = await wallet.get("changeAddresses");
// expect(result, isA<List<String>>());
// expect(result.length, 1);
// result = await wallet.get("changeIndex");
// expect(result, 0);
// result = await wallet.get("id");
// expect(result, testWalletId + "initializeWallet");
// result = await wallet.get("jindex");
// expect(result, []);
// result = await wallet.get("mintIndex");
// expect(result, 0);
// result = await wallet.get("preferredFiatCurrency");
// expect(result, null);
// result = await wallet.get("receivingAddresses");
// expect(result, isA<List<String>>());
// expect(result.length, 1);
// result = await wallet.get("receivingIndex");
// expect(result, 0);
// });
// test("getAllTxsToWatch", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// final tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
// //
// await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(DB.boxNamePrefs);
// await Prefs.instance.init();
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "51576e2230c2911a508aabb85bb50045f04b8dc958790ce2372986c3ebbe7d3e"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "FF7e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "ac0322cfdd008fa2a79bec525468fd05cf51a5a4e2c2e9c15598b659ec71ac68"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "395f382ed5a595e116d5226e3cb5b664388363b6c171118a26ca729bf314c9fc"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "ea77e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "e8e4bfc080bd6133d38263d2ac7ef6f60dfd73eb29b464e34766ebb5a0d27dd8"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(
// "e8e4bfc080bd6133d38263d2ac7ef6f60dfd73eb29b464e34766ebb5a0d27dd8"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}getAllTxsToWatch",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: tracker,
// );
//TODO: mock NotificationAPI
// await firo.getAllTxsToWatch(txData, lTxData);
// // expect(firo.unconfirmedTxs, {
// // "51576e2230c2911a508aabb85bb50045f04b8dc958790ce2372986c3ebbe7d3e",
// // 'FF7e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35',
// // "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"
// // });
// });
group("refreshIfThereIsNewData", () {
// test("refreshIfThereIsNewData with no unconfirmed transactions",
// () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// final tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
// when(tracker.pendings).thenAnswer((realInvocation) => [
// "51576e2230c2911a508aabb85bb50045f04b8dc958790ce2372986c3ebbe7d3e",
// "FF7e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35",
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"
// ]);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "51576e2230c2911a508aabb85bb50045f04b8dc958790ce2372986c3ebbe7d3e"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "FF7e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(
// "51576e2230c2911a508aabb85bb50045f04b8dc958790ce2372986c3ebbe7d3e"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(
// "FF7e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedConfirmed(
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: batchHistoryRequest0))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => batchHistoryResponse0);
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}refreshIfThereIsNewData",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: tracker,
// );
// // firo.unconfirmedTxs = {};
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(
// "${testWalletId}refreshIfThereIsNewData");
// await wallet.put('receivingAddresses', [
// "a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg",
// "aPjLWDTPQsoPHUTxKBNRzoebDALj3eTcfh",
// "aKmXfS7nEZdqWBGRdAXcyMoEoKhZQDPBoq",
// ]);
// await wallet.put('changeAddresses', [
// "a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w",
// ]);
// final result = await firo.refreshIfThereIsNewData();
// expect(result, false);
// });
// TODO: mock NotificationAPI
// test("refreshIfThereIsNewData with two unconfirmed transactions",
// () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// final tracker = MockTransactionNotificationTracker();
// //
// when(client.getTransaction(txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// when(client.getTransaction(
// txHash:
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData7);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "51576e2230c2911a508aabb85bb50045f04b8dc958790ce2372986c3ebbe7d3e"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => true);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "FF7e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "f4217364cbe6a81ef7ecaaeba0a6d6b576a9850b3e891fa7b88ed4927c505218"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "e8e4bfc080bd6133d38263d2ac7ef6f60dfd73eb29b464e34766ebb5a0d27dd8"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "ac0322cfdd008fa2a79bec525468fd05cf51a5a4e2c2e9c15598b659ec71ac68"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "ea77e74edecd8c14ff5a8ddeb54e9e5e9c7c301c6f76f0ac1ac8119c6cc15e35"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// when(tracker.wasNotifiedPending(
// "395f382ed5a595e116d5226e3cb5b664388363b6c171118a26ca729bf314c9fc"))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) => false);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: testWalletId + "refreshIfThereIsNewData",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: tracker,
// );
// await firo.getAllTxsToWatch(txData, lTxData);
// final result = await firo.refreshIfThereIsNewData();
// expect(result, true);
// });
// test("submitHexToNetwork", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.broadcastTransaction(
// rawTx:
// "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"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async =>
// "b36161c6e619395b3d40a851c45c1fef7a5c541eed911b5524a66c5703a689c9");
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}submitHexToNetwork",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final txid = await firo.submitHexToNetwork(
// "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");
// expect(txid,
// "b36161c6e619395b3d40a851c45c1fef7a5c541eed911b5524a66c5703a689c9");
// });
// the above test needs to pass in order for this test to pass
// test("buildMintTransaction", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// List<UTXO> utxos = [
// UTXO(
// txid: BuildMintTxTestParams.utxoInfo["txid"] as String,
// vout: BuildMintTxTestParams.utxoInfo["vout"] as int,
// value: BuildMintTxTestParams.utxoInfo["value"] as int,
// isCoinbase: false,
// walletId: '',
// name: '',
// isBlocked: false,
// blockedReason: '',
// blockHash: '',
// blockHeight: -1,
// blockTime: 42,
// )
// ];
// const sats = 9658;
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// final mainDB = MockMainDB();
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction_mnemonic",
// value: BuildMintTxTestParams.mnemonic);
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction_mnemonicPassphrase",
// value: "");
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: BuildMintTxTestParams.utxoInfo["txid"] as String,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => BuildMintTxTestParams.cachedClientResponse);
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data,
// );
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "2",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data,
// );
// when(client.getBlockHeadTip()).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {"height": 455873, "hex": "this value not used here"});
// when(client.getLelantusLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 2);
// when(mainDB.getAddress("${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction", any))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => null);
// when(mainDB.getHighestUsedMintIndex(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}submitHexToNetwork"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => null);
// when(mainDB.getHighestUsedMintIndex(
// walletId: "testWalletIDbuildMintTransaction"))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => null);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// mockableOverride: mainDB,
// );
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction");
// await wallet.put("mintIndex", 0);
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction_receiveDerivations",
// value: jsonEncode(BuildMintTxTestParams.receiveDerivations));
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}buildMintTransaction_changeDerivations",
// value: jsonEncode(BuildMintTxTestParams.changeDerivations));
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> mintsWithoutFee =
// await firo.createMintsFromAmount(sats);
// final result =
// await firo.buildMintTransaction(utxos, sats, mintsWithoutFee);
// expect(result["txHex"], isA<String>());
// });
// test("recoverFromMnemonic succeeds", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// when(cachedClient.getUsedCoinSerials(
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials["serials"] as List);
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data,
// );
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData0;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData1;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData2;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData3;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData4;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData5;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData6;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash8,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData8;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash9,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData9;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash7,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async {
// return SampleGetTransactionData.txData7;
// });
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // pre grab derivations in order to set up mock calls needed later on
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic");
// final rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_receiveDerivations");
// final chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: {
// "0": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0],
// "1": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3]
// })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {
// "0": SampleGetHistoryData.data0,
// "1": SampleGetHistoryData.data3,
// });
// await firo.recoverFromMnemonic(
// mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
// maxUnusedAddressGap: 20,
// height: 0,
// maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000);
// final receivingAddresses = await wallet.get('receivingAddresses');
// expect(receivingAddresses, ["a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg"]);
// final changeAddresses = await wallet.get('changeAddresses');
// expect(changeAddresses, ["a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w"]);
// final receivingIndex = await wallet.get('receivingIndex');
// expect(receivingIndex, 0);
// final changeIndex = await wallet.get('changeIndex');
// expect(changeIndex, 0);
// final _rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_receiveDerivations");
// final _chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_changeDerivations");
// final _receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_rcv as String) as Map);
// final _changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_chg as String) as Map);
// // expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 190);
// // expect(_changeDerivations.length, 190);
// expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 80);
// expect(_changeDerivations.length, 80);
// final mintIndex = await wallet.get('mintIndex');
// expect(mintIndex, 8);
// final lelantusCoins = await wallet.get('_lelantus_coins') as List;
// expect(lelantusCoins.length, 7);
// final lcoin = lelantusCoins
// .firstWhere((element) =>
// (Map<String, LelantusCoin>.from(element as Map))
// .values
// .first
// .txId ==
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232")
// .values
// .first as LelantusCoin;
// expect(lcoin.index, 1);
// expect(lcoin.value, 9658);
// expect(lcoin.publicCoin,
// "7fd927efbea0a9e4ba299209aaee610c63359857596be0a2da276011a0baa84a0000");
// expect(lcoin.txId,
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232");
// expect(lcoin.anonymitySetId, 1);
// expect(lcoin.isUsed, true);
// final jIndex = await wallet.get('jindex');
// expect(jIndex, [2, 4, 6]);
// final lelantusTxModel = await wallet.get('latest_lelantus_tx_model');
// expect(lelantusTxModel.getAllTransactions().length, 5);
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 5)));
// test("fullRescan succeeds", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// await secureStore.write(
// key: '${testWalletId}fullRescan_mnemonic', value: TEST_MNEMONIC);
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// // when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// when(client.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1", blockhash: "", coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data);
// when(cachedClient.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0, coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials['serials'] as List);
// when(cachedClient.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => {});
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}fullRescan",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // pre grab derivations in order to set up mock calls needed later on
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}fullRescan");
// final rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_receiveDerivations");
// final chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: {
// "0": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0],
// "1": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3]
// })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {
// "0": SampleGetHistoryData.data0,
// "1": SampleGetHistoryData.data3,
// });
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash7,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData7);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash8,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData8);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash9,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData9);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash10,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData10);
// await firo.fullRescan(20, 1000);
// final receivingAddresses = await wallet.get('receivingAddresses');
// expect(receivingAddresses, ["a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg"]);
// final changeAddresses = await wallet.get('changeAddresses');
// expect(changeAddresses, ["a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w"]);
// final receivingIndex = await wallet.get('receivingIndex');
// expect(receivingIndex, 0);
// final changeIndex = await wallet.get('changeIndex');
// expect(changeIndex, 0);
// final _rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_receiveDerivations");
// final _chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_changeDerivations");
// final _receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_rcv as String) as Map);
// final _changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_chg as String) as Map);
// // expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 150);
// // expect(_changeDerivations.length, 150);
// expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 40);
// expect(_changeDerivations.length, 40);
// final mintIndex = await wallet.get('mintIndex');
// expect(mintIndex, 8);
// final lelantusCoins = await wallet.get('_lelantus_coins') as List;
// expect(lelantusCoins.length, 7);
// final lcoin = lelantusCoins
// .firstWhere((element) =>
// (Map<String, LelantusCoin>.from(element as Map))
// .values
// .first
// .txId ==
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232")
// .values
// .first as LelantusCoin;
// expect(lcoin.index, 1);
// expect(lcoin.value, 9658);
// expect(lcoin.publicCoin,
// "7fd927efbea0a9e4ba299209aaee610c63359857596be0a2da276011a0baa84a0000");
// expect(lcoin.txId,
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232");
// expect(lcoin.anonymitySetId, 1);
// expect(lcoin.isUsed, true);
// final jIndex = await wallet.get('jindex');
// expect(jIndex, [2, 4, 6]);
// final lelantusTxModel = await wallet.get('latest_lelantus_tx_model');
// expect(lelantusTxModel.getAllTransactions().length, 5);
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("fullRescan fails", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// await secureStore.write(
// key: '${testWalletId}fullRescan_mnemonic', value: TEST_MNEMONIC);
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// // when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// when(client.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// when(cachedClient.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => {});
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}fullRescan",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // pre grab derivations in order to set up mock calls needed later on
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}fullRescan");
// final rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_receiveDerivations");
// final chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenThrow(Exception());
// bool didThrow = false;
// try {
// await firo.fullRescan(20, 1000);
// } catch (e) {
// didThrow = true;
// }
// expect(didThrow, true);
// final receivingAddresses = await wallet.get('receivingAddresses');
// expect(receivingAddresses, null);
// final changeAddresses = await wallet.get('changeAddresses');
// expect(changeAddresses, null);
// final receivingIndex = await wallet.get('receivingIndex');
// expect(receivingIndex, null);
// final changeIndex = await wallet.get('changeIndex');
// expect(changeIndex, null);
// final _rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_receiveDerivations");
// final _chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}fullRescan_changeDerivations");
// final _receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_rcv as String) as Map);
// final _changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_chg as String) as Map);
// expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 40);
// expect(_changeDerivations.length, 40);
// final mintIndex = await wallet.get('mintIndex');
// expect(mintIndex, null);
// final lelantusCoins = await wallet.get('_lelantus_coins');
// expect(lelantusCoins, null);
// final jIndex = await wallet.get('jindex');
// expect(jIndex, null);
// final lelantusTxModel = await wallet.get('latest_lelantus_tx_model');
// expect(lelantusTxModel, null);
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("recoverFromMnemonic then fullRescan", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// // when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// when(client.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// when(cachedClient.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => {});
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1", blockhash: "", coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data);
// when(cachedClient.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0, coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials['serials'] as List);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // pre grab derivations in order to set up mock calls needed later on
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic");
// final rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_receiveDerivations");
// final chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: {
// "0": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0],
// "1": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3]
// })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {
// "0": SampleGetHistoryData.data0,
// "1": SampleGetHistoryData.data3,
// });
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash7,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData7);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash8,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData8);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash9,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData9);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash10,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData10);
// await firo.recoverFromMnemonic(
// mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
// maxUnusedAddressGap: 20,
// maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
// height: 0);
// final receivingAddresses = await wallet.get('receivingAddresses');
// expect(receivingAddresses, ["a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg"]);
// final changeAddresses = await wallet.get('changeAddresses');
// expect(changeAddresses, ["a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w"]);
// final receivingIndex = await wallet.get('receivingIndex');
// expect(receivingIndex, 0);
// final changeIndex = await wallet.get('changeIndex');
// expect(changeIndex, 0);
// final _rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_receiveDerivations");
// final _chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_changeDerivations");
// final _receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_rcv as String) as Map);
// final _changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(_chg as String) as Map);
// // expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 190);
// // expect(_changeDerivations.length, 190);
// expect(_receiveDerivations.length, 80);
// expect(_changeDerivations.length, 80);
// final mintIndex = await wallet.get('mintIndex');
// expect(mintIndex, 8);
// final lelantusCoins = await wallet.get('_lelantus_coins') as List;
// expect(lelantusCoins.length, 7);
// final lcoin = lelantusCoins
// .firstWhere((element) =>
// (Map<String, LelantusCoin>.from(element as Map))
// .values
// .first
// .txId ==
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232")
// .values
// .first as LelantusCoin;
// expect(lcoin.index, 1);
// expect(lcoin.value, 9658);
// expect(lcoin.publicCoin,
// "7fd927efbea0a9e4ba299209aaee610c63359857596be0a2da276011a0baa84a0000");
// expect(lcoin.txId,
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232");
// expect(lcoin.anonymitySetId, 1);
// expect(lcoin.isUsed, true);
// final jIndex = await wallet.get('jindex');
// expect(jIndex, [2, 4, 6]);
// final lelantusTxModel = await wallet.get('latest_lelantus_tx_model');
// expect(lelantusTxModel.getAllTransactions().length, 5);
// await firo.fullRescan(20, 1000);
// final _receivingAddresses = await wallet.get('receivingAddresses');
// expect(_receivingAddresses, ["a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg"]);
// final _changeAddresses = await wallet.get('changeAddresses');
// expect(_changeAddresses, ["a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w"]);
// final _receivingIndex = await wallet.get('receivingIndex');
// expect(_receivingIndex, 0);
// final _changeIndex = await wallet.get('changeIndex');
// expect(_changeIndex, 0);
// final __rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_receiveDerivations");
// final __chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic_changeDerivations");
// final __receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(__rcv as String) as Map);
// final __changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(__chg as String) as Map);
// // expect(__receiveDerivations.length, 150);
// // expect(__changeDerivations.length, 150);
// expect(__receiveDerivations.length, 40);
// expect(__changeDerivations.length, 40);
// final _mintIndex = await wallet.get('mintIndex');
// expect(_mintIndex, 8);
// final _lelantusCoins = await wallet.get('_lelantus_coins') as List;
// expect(_lelantusCoins.length, 7);
// final _lcoin = _lelantusCoins
// .firstWhere((element) =>
// (Map<String, LelantusCoin>.from(element as Map))
// .values
// .first
// .txId ==
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232")
// .values
// .first as LelantusCoin;
// expect(_lcoin.index, 1);
// expect(_lcoin.value, 9658);
// expect(_lcoin.publicCoin,
// "7fd927efbea0a9e4ba299209aaee610c63359857596be0a2da276011a0baa84a0000");
// expect(_lcoin.txId,
// "36c92daa4005d368e28cea917fdb2c1e7069319a4a79fb2ff45c089100680232");
// expect(_lcoin.anonymitySetId, 1);
// expect(_lcoin.isUsed, true);
// final _jIndex = await wallet.get('jindex');
// expect(_jIndex, [2, 4, 6]);
// final _lelantusTxModel = await wallet.get('latest_lelantus_tx_model');
// expect(_lelantusTxModel.getAllTransactions().length, 5);
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 6)));
// test("recoverFromMnemonic fails testnet", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic fails testnet",
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(
// () async => await firo.recoverFromMnemonic(
// mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
// maxUnusedAddressGap: 20,
// maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000,
// height: 0),
// throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("recoverFromMnemonic fails mainnet", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}recoverFromMnemonic fails mainnet",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(
// () async => await firo.recoverFromMnemonic(
// mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
// maxUnusedAddressGap: 20,
// height: 0,
// maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000),
// throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// });
// test("checkReceivingAddressForTransactions fails", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}checkReceivingAddressForTransactions fails",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// bool didThrow = false;
// try {
// await firo.checkReceivingAddressForTransactions();
// } catch (_) {
// didThrow = true;
// }
// expect(didThrow, true);
// });
// test("checkReceivingAddressForTransactions numtxs >= 1", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data1);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId:
// "${testWalletId}checkReceivingAddressForTransactions numtxs >= 1",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>(
// "${testWalletId}checkReceivingAddressForTransactions numtxs >= 1");
// await secureStore.write(
// key:
// "${testWalletId}checkReceivingAddressForTransactions numtxs >= 1_mnemonic",
// value: TEST_MNEMONIC);
// await wallet
// .put("receivingAddresses", ["aPjLWDTPQsoPHUTxKBNRzoebDALj3eTcfh"]);
// await wallet.put("receivingIndex", 1);
// await firo.checkReceivingAddressForTransactions();
// expect(await wallet.get("receivingIndex"), 2);
// expect((await wallet.get("receivingAddresses")).length, 2);
// });
// test("getLatestSetId", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.getLelantusLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}exit",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final setId = await firo.getLatestSetId();
// expect(setId, 1);
// });
// test("getSetData", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: testWalletId + "exit",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// networkType: firoNetworkType,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final setData = await firo.getSetData(1);
// expect(setData, getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// });
// test("getUsedCoinSerials", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// // when(client.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1", blockhash: "", coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data);
// when(cachedClient.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0, coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => List<String>.from(
// GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials['serials'] as List));
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}getUsedCoinSerials",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final serials = await firo.getUsedCoinSerials();
// expect(serials, GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials['serials']);
// });
// test("firo refresh", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // set mnemonic
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}refresh_mnemonic",
// value: RefreshTestParams.mnemonic);
// when(client.getBatchUTXOs(args: batchUtxoRequest))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {});
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: {
// "0": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1],
// "1": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0],
// "2": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2],
// "3": [SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3],
// })).thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {
// "0": SampleGetHistoryData.data1,
// "1": SampleGetHistoryData.data0,
// "2": SampleGetHistoryData.data2,
// "3": SampleGetHistoryData.data3,
// });
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// when(client.getLelantusLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// // when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// when(client.getLelantusUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// // mock history calls
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data0);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data1);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data2);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data3);
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// // mock utxo calls
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => []);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}refresh",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}refresh");
// await wallet.put(
// 'receivingAddresses', RefreshTestParams.receivingAddresses);
// await wallet.put('changeAddresses', RefreshTestParams.changeAddresses);
// // set timer to non null so a periodic timer isn't created
// firo.timer = Timer(const Duration(), () {});
// await firo.refresh();
// // kill timer and listener
// await firo.exit();
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("send succeeds", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// String expectedTxid = "-1";
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// when(client.getBlockHeadTip()).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {"height": 459185, "hex": "... some block hex ..."});
// when(client.broadcastTransaction(rawTx: anyNamed("rawTx")))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {
// final rawTx = realInvocation.namedArguments[Symbol("rawTx")] as String;
// final rawTxData = Format.stringToUint8List(rawTx);
// final hash = sha256
// .convert(sha256.convert(rawTxData.toList(growable: false)).bytes);
// final reversedBytes =
// Uint8List.fromList(hash.bytes.reversed.toList(growable: false));
// final txid = Format.uint8listToString(reversedBytes);
// expectedTxid = txid;
// return txid;
// });
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data);
// // mock price calls
// when(priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: "USD")).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {Coin.firo: Tuple2(Decimal.fromInt(10), 1.0)});
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash7,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData7);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash8,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData8);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash9,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData9);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash10,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData10);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}send",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // set mnemonic
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}send_mnemonic", value: TEST_MNEMONIC);
// // set timer to non null so a periodic timer isn't created
// firo.timer = Timer(const Duration(), () {});
// // build sending wallet
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}send");
// final rcv =
// await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}send_receiveDerivations");
// final chg =
// await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}send_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// await wallet.put('_lelantus_coins', SampleLelantus.lelantusCoins);
// await wallet.put('jindex', [2, 4, 6]);
// await wallet.put('mintIndex', 8);
// await wallet.put('receivingAddresses', [
// "a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg",
// "aPjLWDTPQsoPHUTxKBNRzoebDALj3eTcfh",
// "aKmXfS7nEZdqWBGRdAXcyMoEoKhZQDPBoq"
// ]);
// await wallet
// .put('changeAddresses', ["a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w"]);
// final result = await firo.send(
// toAddress: "aHZJsucDrhr4Uzzx6XXrKnaTgLxsEAokvV", amount: 100);
// expect(result, isA<String>());
// expect(result, expectedTxid);
// expect(result.length, 64);
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("prepareSend fails due to insufficient balance", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// when(client.getBlockHeadTip()).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {"height": 459185, "hex": "... some block hex ..."});
// when(client.broadcastTransaction(rawTx: anyNamed("rawTx")))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {
// final rawTx =
// realInvocation.namedArguments[const Symbol("rawTx")] as String;
// final rawTxData = Format.stringToUint8List(rawTx);
// final hash = sha256
// .convert(sha256.convert(rawTxData.toList(growable: false)).bytes);
// final reversedBytes =
// Uint8List.fromList(hash.bytes.reversed.toList(growable: false));
// final txid = Format.uint8listToString(reversedBytes);
// return txid;
// });
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: batchHistoryRequest0))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => batchHistoryResponse0);
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data);
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash7,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData7);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash8,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData8);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash9,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData9);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash10,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData10);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}send",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// walletName: testWalletName,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // set mnemonic
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}send_mnemonic", value: TEST_MNEMONIC);
// // set timer to non null so a periodic timer isn't created
// firo.timer = Timer(const Duration(), () {});
// // build sending wallet
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}send");
// final rcv =
// await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}send_receiveDerivations");
// final chg =
// await secureStore.read(key: "${testWalletId}send_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// await wallet.put('_lelantus_coins', <dynamic>[]);
// await wallet.put('jindex', <dynamic>[]);
// await wallet.put('mintIndex', 0);
// await wallet.put('receivingAddresses', [
// "a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg",
// "aPjLWDTPQsoPHUTxKBNRzoebDALj3eTcfh",
// "aKmXfS7nEZdqWBGRdAXcyMoEoKhZQDPBoq"
// ]);
// await wallet
// .put('changeAddresses', ["a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w"]);
// expect(
// () async => await firo.prepareSend(
// address: "aHZJsucDrhr4Uzzx6XXrKnaTgLxsEAokvV",
// satoshiAmount: 100),
// throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("wallet balances", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// // mock history calls
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data0);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data1);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data2);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data3);
// when(client.getBatchHistory(args: batchHistoryRequest0))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => batchHistoryResponse0);
// when(client.getBatchUTXOs(args: batchUtxoRequest))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async => {});
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}wallet balances",
// walletName: "pendingBalance wallet name",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}wallet balances");
// await wallet.put('_lelantus_coins', SampleLelantus.lelantusCoins);
// await wallet.put('jindex', [2, 4, 6]);
// await wallet.put('mintIndex', 8);
// await wallet.put('receivingAddresses', [
// "a8VV7vMzJdTQj1eLEJNskhLEBUxfNWhpAg",
// "aPjLWDTPQsoPHUTxKBNRzoebDALj3eTcfh",
// "aKmXfS7nEZdqWBGRdAXcyMoEoKhZQDPBoq",
// ]);
// await wallet.put('changeAddresses', [
// "a5V5r6We6mNZzWJwGwEeRML3mEYLjvK39w",
// ]);
// expect(firo.balance.getPending(), Decimal.zero);
// expect(firo.balance.getSpendable(), Decimal.parse("0.00021594"));
// expect(firo.balance.getTotal(), Decimal.parse("0.00021594"));
// });
// test("get transactions", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // set mnemonic
// await secureStore.write(
// key: "${testWalletId}transactionData_mnemonic",
// value: RefreshTestParams.mnemonic);
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// // when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// when(client.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// // mock history calls
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data0);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data1);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data2);
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetHistoryData.data3);
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// // mock utxo calls
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: anyNamed("scripthash")))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => []);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}transactionData",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final wallet =
// await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}transactionData");
// await wallet.put(
// 'receivingAddresses', RefreshTestParams.receivingAddresses);
// await wallet.put('changeAddresses', RefreshTestParams.changeAddresses);
// final txData = await firo.transactions;
// expect(txData, isA<List<Transaction>>());
// // kill timer and listener
// await firo.exit();
// });
// test("autoMint", () async {
// TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
// const MethodChannel('uk.spiralarm.flutter/devicelocale')
// .setMockMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async => 'en_US');
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// final cachedClient = MockCachedElectrumXClient();
// final secureStore = FakeSecureStorage();
// // mock electrumx client calls
// when(client.getServerFeatures()).thenAnswer((_) async => {
// "hosts": <dynamic, dynamic>{},
// "pruning": null,
// "server_version": "Unit tests",
// "protocol_min": "1.4",
// "protocol_max": "1.4.2",
// "genesis_hash": GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET,
// "hash_function": "sha256",
// "services": <dynamic>[]
// });
// when(client.getBlockHeadTip()).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {"height": 465873, "hex": "this value not used here"});
// when(client.broadcastTransaction(rawTx: anyNamed("rawTx")))
// .thenAnswer((realInvocation) async {
// final rawTx =
// realInvocation.namedArguments[const Symbol("rawTx")] as String;
// final rawTxData = Format.stringToUint8List(rawTx);
// final hash = sha256
// .convert(sha256.convert(rawTxData.toList(growable: false)).bytes);
// final reversedBytes =
// Uint8List.fromList(hash.bytes.reversed.toList(growable: false));
// final txid = Format.uint8listToString(reversedBytes);
// return txid;
// });
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(cachedClient.getAnonymitySet(
// groupId: "1", blockhash: "", coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetAnonymitySetSampleData.data);
// when(cachedClient.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0, coin: Coin.firo))
// .thenAnswer(
// (_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials['serials'] as List);
// when(client.getLatestCoinId()).thenAnswer((_) async => 1);
// // when(client.getCoinsForRecovery(setId: 1))
// // .thenAnswer((_) async => getCoinsForRecoveryResponse);
// when(client.getUsedCoinSerials(startNumber: 0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUsedSerialsSampleData.serials);
// // mock price calls
// when(priceAPI.getPricesAnd24hChange(baseCurrency: "USD")).thenAnswer(
// (_) async => {Coin.firo: Tuple2(Decimal.fromInt(10), 1.0)});
// // mock transaction calls
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash0,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData0);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash1,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData1);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash2,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData2);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash3,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData3);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash4,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData4);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash5,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData5);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash6,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData6);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash7,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData7);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash8,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData8);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash9,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData9);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash10,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData10);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash11,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData11);
// when(cachedClient.getTransaction(
// txHash: SampleGetTransactionData.txHash12,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// )).thenAnswer((_) async => SampleGetTransactionData.txData12);
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: testWalletName,
// walletId: "${testWalletId}autoMint",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: cachedClient,
// secureStore: secureStore,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// // pre grab derivations in order to set up mock calls needed later on
// await firo.fillAddresses(TEST_MNEMONIC);
// final wallet = await Hive.openBox<dynamic>("${testWalletId}autoMint");
// await wallet.put(
// 'receivingAddresses', RefreshTestParams.receivingAddresses);
// await wallet.put('changeAddresses', RefreshTestParams.changeAddresses);
// final rcv = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}autoMint_receiveDerivations");
// final chg = await secureStore.read(
// key: "${testWalletId}autoMint_changeDerivations");
// final receiveDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(rcv as String) as Map);
// final changeDerivations =
// Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(chg as String) as Map);
// for (int i = 0; i < receiveDerivations.length; i++) {
// final receiveHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// receiveDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// final changeHash = AddressUtils.convertToScriptHash(
// changeDerivations["$i"]!["address"] as String, firoNetwork);
// List<Map<String, dynamic>> data;
// switch (receiveHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: receiveHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// switch (changeHash) {
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash0:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data0;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash1:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data1;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash2:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data2;
// break;
// case SampleGetHistoryData.scripthash3:
// data = SampleGetHistoryData.data3;
// break;
// default:
// data = [];
// }
// when(client.getHistory(scripthash: changeHash))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => data);
// }
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: GetUtxoSampleData.scriptHash0))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUtxoSampleData.utxos0);
// when(client.getUTXOs(scripthash: GetUtxoSampleData.scriptHash1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => GetUtxoSampleData.utxos1);
// await firo.recoverFromMnemonic(
// mnemonic: TEST_MNEMONIC,
// maxUnusedAddressGap: 20,
// height: 0,
// maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck: 1000);
// firo.timer = Timer(const Duration(minutes: 3), () {});
// await firo.refresh();
// bool flag = false;
// try {
// await firo.autoMint();
// } catch (_) {
// flag = true;
// }
// expect(flag, false);
// await firo.exit();
// }, timeout: const Timeout(Duration(minutes: 3)));
// test("exit", () async {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "${testWalletId}exit",
// walletName: testWalletName,
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// firo.timer = Timer(const Duration(seconds: 2), () {});
// bool flag = false;
// try {
// await firo.exit();
// } catch (_) {
// flag = true;
// }
// expect(flag, false);
// expect(firo.timer, null);
// });
tearDown(() async {
await tearDownTestHive();
// group("simple getters", () {
// group("fees", () {
// test("get fees succeeds", () async {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 5))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 20))
// .thenAnswer((_) async => Decimal.parse("0.00001000"));
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "some id",
// walletName: "some name",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect((await firo.fees).fast, 1000);
// expect((await firo.fees).medium, 1000);
// expect((await firo.fees).slow, 1000);
// });
// test("get fees throws", () {
// final client = MockElectrumXClient();
// when(client.estimateFee(blocks: 1))
// .thenThrow(Exception("Some exception"));
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "some id",
// walletName: "some name",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: client,
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.fees, throwsA(isA<Exception>()));
// });
// });
// group("coin", () {
// test("get main net coinTicker", () {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "some id",
// walletName: "some name",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.coin, Coin.firo);
// });
// test("get test net coin", () {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "some id",
// walletName: "some name",
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.coin, Coin.firoTestNet);
// });
// });
// group("mnemonic", () {
// test("fetch and convert properly stored mnemonic to list of words",
// () async {
// final store = FakeSecureStorage();
// await store.write(
// key: "some id_mnemonic",
// value: "some test mnemonic string of words");
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some id',
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: store,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final List<String> result = await firo.mnemonic;
// expect(result, [
// "some",
// "test",
// "mnemonic",
// "string",
// "of",
// "words",
// ]);
// });
// test("attempt fetch and convert non existent mnemonic to list of words",
// () async {
// final store = FakeSecureStorage();
// await store.write(
// key: "some id_mnemonic",
// value: "some test mnemonic string of words");
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletName: 'unit test',
// walletId: 'some other id',
// coin: Coin.firoTestNet,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: store,
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// final mnemonic = await firo.mnemonic;
// expect(mnemonic, <String>[]);
// });
// });
// test("walletName", () {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "some id",
// walletName: "some name",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.walletName, "some name");
// firo.walletName = "new name";
// expect(firo.walletName, "new name");
// });
// test("walletId", () {
// final firo = FiroWallet(
// walletId: "some id",
// walletName: "some name",
// coin: Coin.firo,
// client: MockElectrumXClient(),
// cachedClient: MockCachedElectrumXClient(),
// secureStore: FakeSecureStorage(),
// tracker: MockTransactionNotificationTracker(),
// );
// expect(firo.walletId, "some id");
// });
// });