/* * This file is part of Stack Wallet. * * Copyright (c) 2023 Cypher Stack * All Rights Reserved. * The code is distributed under GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for details. * Generated by Cypher Stack on 2023-05-26 * */ import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:stackwallet/db/hive/db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/electrumx_rpc/electrumx_client.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:string_validator/string_validator.dart'; class CachedElectrumXClient { final ElectrumXClient electrumXClient; static const minCacheConfirms = 30; const CachedElectrumXClient({ required this.electrumXClient, }); factory CachedElectrumXClient.from({ required ElectrumXClient electrumXClient, }) => CachedElectrumXClient( electrumXClient: electrumXClient, ); Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getAnonymitySet({ required String groupId, String blockhash = "", required Coin coin, }) async { try { final box = await DB.instance.getAnonymitySetCacheBox(coin: coin); final cachedSet = box.get(groupId) as Map?; Map<String, dynamic> set; // null check to see if there is a cached set if (cachedSet == null) { set = { "setId": groupId, "blockHash": blockhash, "setHash": "", "coins": <dynamic>[], }; } else { set = Map<String, dynamic>.from(cachedSet); } final newSet = await electrumXClient.getLelantusAnonymitySet( groupId: groupId, blockhash: set["blockHash"] as String, ); // update set with new data if (newSet["setHash"] != "" && set["setHash"] != newSet["setHash"]) { set["setHash"] = !isHexadecimal(newSet["setHash"] as String) ? base64ToHex(newSet["setHash"] as String) : newSet["setHash"]; set["blockHash"] = !isHexadecimal(newSet["blockHash"] as String) ? base64ToReverseHex(newSet["blockHash"] as String) : newSet["blockHash"]; for (int i = (newSet["coins"] as List).length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dynamic newCoin = newSet["coins"][i]; List<dynamic> translatedCoin = []; translatedCoin.add(!isHexadecimal(newCoin[0] as String) ? base64ToHex(newCoin[0] as String) : newCoin[0]); translatedCoin.add(!isHexadecimal(newCoin[1] as String) ? base64ToReverseHex(newCoin[1] as String) : newCoin[1]); try { translatedCoin.add(!isHexadecimal(newCoin[2] as String) ? base64ToHex(newCoin[2] as String) : newCoin[2]); } catch (e, s) { translatedCoin.add(newCoin[2]); } translatedCoin.add(!isHexadecimal(newCoin[3] as String) ? base64ToReverseHex(newCoin[3] as String) : newCoin[3]); set["coins"].insert(0, translatedCoin); } // save set to db await box.put(groupId, set); Logging.instance.log( "Updated current anonymity set for ${coin.name} with group ID $groupId", level: LogLevel.Info, ); } return set; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to process CachedElectrumX.getAnonymitySet(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getSparkAnonymitySet({ required String groupId, String blockhash = "", required Coin coin, }) async { try { final box = await DB.instance.getSparkAnonymitySetCacheBox(coin: coin); final cachedSet = box.get(groupId) as Map?; Map<String, dynamic> set; // null check to see if there is a cached set if (cachedSet == null) { set = { "coinGroupID": int.parse(groupId), "blockHash": blockhash, "setHash": "", "coins": <dynamic>[], }; } else { set = Map<String, dynamic>.from(cachedSet); } final newSet = await electrumXClient.getSparkAnonymitySet( coinGroupId: groupId, startBlockHash: set["blockHash"] as String, ); // update set with new data if (newSet["setHash"] != "" && set["setHash"] != newSet["setHash"]) { set["setHash"] = newSet["setHash"]; set["blockHash"] = newSet["blockHash"]; for (int i = (newSet["coins"] as List).length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // TODO verify this is correct (or append?) set["coins"].insert(0, newSet["coins"][i]); } // save set to db await box.put(groupId, set); Logging.instance.log( "Updated current anonymity set for ${coin.name} with group ID $groupId", level: LogLevel.Info, ); } return set; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to process CachedElectrumX.getSparkAnonymitySet(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } String base64ToHex(String source) => base64Decode(LineSplitter.split(source).join()) .map((e) => e.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')) .join(); String base64ToReverseHex(String source) => base64Decode(LineSplitter.split(source).join()) .reversed .map((e) => e.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')) .join(); /// Call electrumx getTransaction on a per coin basis, storing the result in local db if not already there. /// /// ElectrumX api only called if the tx does not exist in local db Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getTransaction({ required String txHash, required Coin coin, bool verbose = true, }) async { try { final box = await DB.instance.getTxCacheBox(coin: coin); final cachedTx = box.get(txHash) as Map?; if (cachedTx == null) { final Map<String, dynamic> result = await electrumXClient .getTransaction(txHash: txHash, verbose: verbose); result.remove("hex"); result.remove("lelantusData"); if (result["confirmations"] != null && result["confirmations"] as int > minCacheConfirms) { await box.put(txHash, result); } // Logging.instance.log("using fetched result", level: LogLevel.Info); return result; } else { // Logging.instance.log("using cached result", level: LogLevel.Info); return Map<String, dynamic>.from(cachedTx); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to process CachedElectrumX.getTransaction(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } Future<List<String>> getUsedCoinSerials({ required Coin coin, int startNumber = 0, }) async { try { final box = await DB.instance.getUsedSerialsCacheBox(coin: coin); final _list = box.get("serials") as List?; Set<String> cachedSerials = _list == null ? {} : List<String>.from(_list).toSet(); startNumber = max( max(0, startNumber), cachedSerials.length - 100, // 100 being some arbitrary buffer ); final serials = await electrumXClient.getLelantusUsedCoinSerials( startNumber: startNumber, ); final newSerials = List<String>.from(serials["serials"] as List) .map((e) => !isHexadecimal(e) ? base64ToHex(e) : e) .toSet(); // ensure we are getting some overlap so we know we are not missing any if (cachedSerials.isNotEmpty && newSerials.isNotEmpty) { assert(cachedSerials.intersection(newSerials).isNotEmpty); } cachedSerials.addAll(newSerials); final resultingList = cachedSerials.toList(); await box.put( "serials", resultingList, ); return resultingList; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to process CachedElectrumX.getUsedCoinSerials(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } Future<Set<String>> getSparkUsedCoinsTags({ required Coin coin, }) async { try { final box = await DB.instance.getSparkUsedCoinsTagsCacheBox(coin: coin); final _list = box.get("tags") as List?; Set<String> cachedTags = _list == null ? {} : List<String>.from(_list).toSet(); final startNumber = max( 0, cachedTags.length - 100, // 100 being some arbitrary buffer ); final tags = await electrumXClient.getSparkUsedCoinsTags( startNumber: startNumber, ); // final newSerials = List<String>.from(serials["serials"] as List) // .map((e) => !isHexadecimal(e) ? base64ToHex(e) : e) // .toSet(); // ensure we are getting some overlap so we know we are not missing any if (cachedTags.isNotEmpty && tags.isNotEmpty) { assert(cachedTags.intersection(tags).isNotEmpty); } cachedTags.addAll(tags); await box.put( "tags", cachedTags.toList(), ); return cachedTags; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Failed to process CachedElectrumX.getSparkUsedCoinsTags(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error, ); rethrow; } } /// Clear all cached transactions for the specified coin Future<void> clearSharedTransactionCache({required Coin coin}) async { await DB.instance.clearSharedTransactionCache(coin: coin); await DB.instance.closeAnonymitySetCacheBox(coin: coin); } }