import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_libepiccash/epic_cash.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:mutex/mutex.dart'; import 'package:stack_wallet_backup/generate_password.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/hive/db.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/isar_models.dart' as isar_models; import 'package:stackwallet/models/node_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/models/paymint/fee_object_model.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/pages/settings_views/global_settings_view/manage_nodes_views/add_edit_node_view.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/coins/coin_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/blocks_remaining_event.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/node_connection_status_changed_event.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/refresh_percent_changed_event.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/updated_in_background_event.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/events/global/wallet_sync_status_changed_event.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/event_bus/global_event_bus.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/services/node_service.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/constants.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/default_nodes.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/flutter_secure_storage_interface.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/format.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/logger.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/prefs.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/stack_file_system.dart'; import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/test_epic_box_connection.dart'; import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart'; const int MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS = 10; const String GENESIS_HASH_MAINNET = ""; const String GENESIS_HASH_TESTNET = ""; class BadEpicHttpAddressException implements Exception { final String? message; BadEpicHttpAddressException({this.message}); @override String toString() { return "BadEpicHttpAddressException: $message"; } } // isolate Map isolates = {}; Future getIsolate(Map arguments, {String name = ""}) async { ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort(); //port for isolate to receive messages. arguments['sendPort'] = receivePort.sendPort; Logging.instance.log("starting isolate ${arguments['function']} name: $name", level: LogLevel.Info); Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn(executeNative, arguments); isolates[receivePort] = isolate; return receivePort; } Future executeNative(Map arguments) async { await Logging.instance.initInIsolate(); final SendPort sendPort = arguments['sendPort'] as SendPort; final function = arguments['function'] as String; try { if (function == "scanOutPuts") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final startHeight = arguments['startHeight'] as int?; final numberOfBlocks = arguments['numberOfBlocks'] as int?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || startHeight == null || numberOfBlocks == null)) { var outputs = await scanOutPuts(wallet, startHeight, numberOfBlocks); result['outputs'] = outputs; sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "getPendingSlates") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final secretKeyIndex = arguments['secretKeyIndex'] as int?; final slates = arguments['slates'] as String; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || secretKeyIndex == null)) { Logging.instance .log("SECRET_KEY_INDEX_IS $secretKeyIndex", level: LogLevel.Info); result['result'] = await getPendingSlates(wallet, secretKeyIndex, slates); sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "subscribeRequest") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final secretKeyIndex = arguments['secretKeyIndex'] as int?; final epicboxConfig = arguments['epicboxConfig'] as String?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || secretKeyIndex == null || epicboxConfig == null)) { Logging.instance .log("SECRET_KEY_INDEX_IS $secretKeyIndex", level: LogLevel.Info); result['result'] = await getSubscribeRequest(wallet, secretKeyIndex, epicboxConfig); sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "processSlates") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final slates = arguments['slates']; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || slates == null)) { result['result'] = await processSlates(wallet, slates.toString()); sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "getWalletInfo") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final refreshFromNode = arguments['refreshFromNode'] as int?; final minimumConfirmations = arguments['minimumConfirmations'] as int?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || refreshFromNode == null || minimumConfirmations == null)) { var res = await getWalletInfo(wallet, refreshFromNode, minimumConfirmations); result['result'] = res; sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "getTransactions") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final refreshFromNode = arguments['refreshFromNode'] as int?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || refreshFromNode == null)) { var res = await getTransactions(wallet, refreshFromNode); result['result'] = res; sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "startSync") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; const int refreshFromNode = 1; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null)) { var res = await getWalletInfo(wallet, refreshFromNode, 10); result['result'] = res; sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "getTransactionFees") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final amount = arguments['amount'] as int?; final minimumConfirmations = arguments['minimumConfirmations'] as int?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || amount == null || minimumConfirmations == null)) { var res = await getTransactionFees(wallet, amount, minimumConfirmations); result['result'] = res; sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "createTransaction") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final amount = arguments['amount'] as int?; final address = arguments['address'] as String?; final secretKeyIndex = arguments['secretKeyIndex'] as int?; final epicboxConfig = arguments['epicboxConfig'] as String?; final minimumConfirmations = arguments['minimumConfirmations'] as int?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || amount == null || address == null || secretKeyIndex == null || epicboxConfig == null || minimumConfirmations == null)) { var res = await createTransaction(wallet, amount, address, secretKeyIndex, epicboxConfig, minimumConfirmations); result['result'] = res; sendPort.send(result); return; } } else if (function == "txHttpSend") { final wallet = arguments['wallet'] as String?; final selectionStrategyIsAll = arguments['selectionStrategyIsAll'] as int?; final minimumConfirmations = arguments['minimumConfirmations'] as int?; final message = arguments['message'] as String?; final amount = arguments['amount'] as int?; final address = arguments['address'] as String?; Map result = {}; if (!(wallet == null || selectionStrategyIsAll == null || minimumConfirmations == null || message == null || amount == null || address == null)) { var res = await txHttpSend(wallet, selectionStrategyIsAll, minimumConfirmations, message, amount, address); result['result'] = res; sendPort.send(result); return; } } Logging.instance.log( "Error Arguments for $function not formatted correctly", level: LogLevel.Fatal); sendPort.send("Error Arguments for $function not formatted correctly"); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "An error was thrown in this isolate $function: $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); sendPort .send("Error An error was thrown in this isolate $function: $e\n$s"); } finally { await Logging.instance.isar?.close(); } } void stop(ReceivePort port) { Isolate? isolate = isolates.remove(port); if (isolate != null) { isolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); isolate = null; } } // Keep Wrapper functions outside of the class to avoid memory leaks and errors about receive ports and illegal arguments. // TODO: Can get rid of this wrapper and call it in a full isolate instead of compute() if we want more control over this Future _cancelTransactionWrapper(Tuple2 data) async { // assuming this returns an empty string on success // or an error message string on failure return cancelTransaction(data.item1, data.item2); } Future _deleteWalletWrapper(String wallet) async { return deleteWallet(wallet); } Future deleteEpicWallet({ required String walletId, required SecureStorageInterface secureStore, }) async { // is this even needed for anything? // String? config = await '${walletId}_config'); // // TODO: why double check for iOS? // if (Platform.isIOS) { // Directory appDir = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory(); // // todo why double check for ios? // // if (Platform.isIOS) { // // appDir = (await getLibraryDirectory()); // // } // // if (Platform.isLinux) { // // appDir = Directory("${appDir.path}/.stackwallet"); // // } // final path = "${appDir.path}/epiccash"; // final String name = walletId; // // final walletDir = '$path/$name'; // var editConfig = jsonDecode(config as String); // // editConfig["wallet_dir"] = walletDir; // config = jsonEncode(editConfig); // } final wallet = await '${walletId}_wallet'); if (wallet == null) { return "Tried to delete non existent epic wallet file with walletId=$walletId"; } else { try { return compute(_deleteWalletWrapper, wallet); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); return "deleteEpicWallet($walletId) failed..."; } } } Future _initWalletWrapper( Tuple4 data) async { final String initWalletStr = initWallet(data.item1, data.item2, data.item3, data.item4); return initWalletStr; } Future _initGetAddressInfoWrapper( Tuple3 data) async { String walletAddress = getAddressInfo(data.item1, data.item2, data.item3); return walletAddress; } Future _walletMnemonicWrapper(int throwaway) async { final String mnemonic = walletMnemonic(); return mnemonic; } Future _recoverWrapper( Tuple4 data) async { return recoverWallet(data.item1, data.item2, data.item3, data.item4); } Future _getChainHeightWrapper(String config) async { final int chainHeight = getChainHeight(config); return chainHeight; } const String EPICPOST_ADDRESS = ''; Future postSlate(String receiveAddress, String slate) async { Logging.instance.log("postSlate", level: LogLevel.Info); final Client client = Client(); try { final uri = Uri.parse("$EPICPOST_ADDRESS/postSlate"); final epicpost = await uri, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: jsonEncode({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", 'receivingAddress': receiveAddress, 'slate': slate }), ); // TODO: should the following be removed for security reasons in production? Logging.instance.log(epicpost.statusCode.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log(epicpost.body.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); final response = jsonDecode(epicpost.body.toString()); if (response['status'] == 'success') { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } Future getSlates(String receiveAddress, String signature) async { Logging.instance.log("getslates", level: LogLevel.Info); final Client client = Client(); try { final uri = Uri.parse("$EPICPOST_ADDRESS/getSlates"); final epicpost = await uri, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: jsonEncode({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", 'receivingAddress': receiveAddress, 'signature': signature, }), ); // TODO: should the following be removed for security reasons in production? Logging.instance.log(epicpost.statusCode.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log(epicpost.body.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); final response = jsonDecode(epicpost.body.toString()); if (response['status'] == 'success') { return response['slates']; } else { return response['error']; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return 'Error $e $s'; } } Future postCancel(String receiveAddress, String slateId, String? signature, String sendersAddress) async { Logging.instance.log("postCancel", level: LogLevel.Info); final Client client = Client(); try { final uri = Uri.parse("$EPICPOST_ADDRESS/postCancel"); final body = jsonEncode({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", 'receivingAddress': receiveAddress, "signature": signature, 'slate': slateId, "sendersAddress": sendersAddress, }); final epicPost = await uri, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: body, ); // TODO: should the following be removed for security reasons in production? Logging.instance.log(epicPost.statusCode.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log(epicPost.body.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); final response = jsonDecode(epicPost.body.toString()); if (response['status'] == 'success') { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } Future getCancels(String receiveAddress, String signature) async { Logging.instance.log("getCancels", level: LogLevel.Info); final Client client = Client(); try { final uri = Uri.parse("$EPICPOST_ADDRESS/getCancels"); final epicpost = await uri, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: jsonEncode({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", 'receivingAddress': receiveAddress, 'signature': signature, }), ); // TODO: should the following be removed for security reasons in production? Logging.instance.log(epicpost.statusCode.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log(epicpost.body.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); final response = jsonDecode(epicpost.body.toString()); if (response['status'] == 'success') { return response['canceled_slates']; } else { return response['error']; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return 'Error $e $s'; } } Future deleteCancels( String receiveAddress, String signature, String slate) async { Logging.instance.log("deleteCancels", level: LogLevel.Info); final Client client = Client(); try { final uri = Uri.parse("$EPICPOST_ADDRESS/deleteCancels"); final epicpost = await uri, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: jsonEncode({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", 'receivingAddress': receiveAddress, 'signature': signature, 'slate': slate, }), ); // TODO: should the following be removed for security reasons in production? Logging.instance.log(epicpost.statusCode.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log(epicpost.body.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); final response = jsonDecode(epicpost.body.toString()); if (response['status'] == 'success') { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return 'Error $e $s'; } } Future deleteSlate( String receiveAddress, String signature, String slate) async { Logging.instance.log("deleteSlate", level: LogLevel.Info); final Client client = Client(); try { final uri = Uri.parse("$EPICPOST_ADDRESS/deleteSlate"); final epicpost = await uri, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: jsonEncode({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", 'receivingAddress': receiveAddress, 'signature': signature, 'slate': slate, }), ); // TODO: should the following be removed for security reasons in production? Logging.instance.log(epicpost.statusCode.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log(epicpost.body.toString(), level: LogLevel.Info); final response = jsonDecode(epicpost.body.toString()); if (response['status'] == 'success') { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Info); return 'Error $e $s'; } } class EpicCashWallet extends CoinServiceAPI { static const integrationTestFlag = bool.fromEnvironment("IS_INTEGRATION_TEST"); final m = Mutex(); final syncMutex = Mutex(); final _prefs = Prefs.instance; NodeModel? _epicNode; late Isar isar; EpicCashWallet( {required String walletId, required String walletName, required Coin coin, required SecureStorageInterface secureStore}) { _walletId = walletId; _walletName = walletName; _coin = coin; _secureStore = secureStore; Logging.instance.log("$walletName isolate length: ${isolates.length}", level: LogLevel.Info); for (final isolate in isolates.values) { isolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); } isolates.clear(); } @override Future updateNode(bool shouldRefresh) async { _epicNode = NodeService(secureStorageInterface: _secureStore) .getPrimaryNodeFor(coin: coin) ?? DefaultNodes.getNodeFor(coin); // TODO notify ui/ fire event for node changed? String stringConfig = await getConfig(); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_config', value: stringConfig); if (shouldRefresh) { unawaited(refresh()); } } @override set isFavorite(bool markFavorite) { DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite", value: markFavorite); } @override bool get isFavorite { try { return DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite") as bool; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "isFavorite fetch failed (returning false by default): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } late ReceivePort receivePort; Future startSync() async { Logging.instance.log("request start sync", level: LogLevel.Info); final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); if (!syncMutex.isLocked) { await syncMutex.protect(() async { Logging.instance.log("sync started", level: LogLevel.Info); ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "startSync", "wallet": wallet!, }, name: walletName); this.receivePort = receivePort; var message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("startSync isolate failed"); } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance .log('Closing startSync!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log("sync ended", level: LogLevel.Info); }); } else { Logging.instance.log("request start sync denied", level: LogLevel.Info); } return ""; } Future allWalletBalances() async { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); const refreshFromNode = 0; dynamic message; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "getWalletInfo", "wallet": wallet!, "refreshFromNode": refreshFromNode, "minimumConfirmations": MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS, }, name: walletName); message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("getWalletInfo isolate failed"); } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance .log('Closing getWalletInfo!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); }); // return message; final String walletBalances = message['result'] as String; return walletBalances; } Timer? timer; late Coin _coin; @override Coin get coin => _coin; late SecureStorageInterface _secureStore; Future cancelPendingTransactionAndPost(String txSlateId) async { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); final int? receivingIndex = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex") as int?; final epicboxConfig = await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig'); final slatesToCommits = await getSlatesToCommits(); final receiveAddress = slatesToCommits[txSlateId]['to'] as String; final sendersAddress = slatesToCommits[txSlateId]['from'] as String; int? currentReceivingIndex; for (int i = 0; i <= receivingIndex!; i++) { final indexesAddress = await _getCurrentAddressForChain(i); if (indexesAddress == sendersAddress) { currentReceivingIndex = i; break; } } dynamic subscribeRequest; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "subscribeRequest", "wallet": wallet, "secretKeyIndex": currentReceivingIndex!, "epicboxConfig": epicboxConfig, }, name: walletName); var result = await receivePort.first; if (result is String) { Logging.instance.log("this is a message $result", level: LogLevel.Info); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("subscribeRequest isolate failed"); } subscribeRequest = jsonDecode(result['result'] as String); stop(receivePort); Logging.instance.log('Closing subscribeRequest! $subscribeRequest', level: LogLevel.Info); }); // TODO, once server adds signature, give this signature to the getSlates method. String? signature = subscribeRequest['signature'] as String?; String? result; try { result = await cancelPendingTransaction(txSlateId); Logging.instance.log("result?: $result", level: LogLevel.Info); if (!(result.toLowerCase().contains("error"))) { await postCancel(receiveAddress, txSlateId, signature, sendersAddress); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e, $s", level: LogLevel.Error); } return result!; } // /// returns an empty String on success, error message on failure Future cancelPendingTransaction(String txSlateId) async { final String wallet = (await '${_walletId}_wallet'))!; String? result; await m.protect(() async { result = await compute( _cancelTransactionWrapper, Tuple2( wallet, txSlateId, ), ); }); return result!; } @override Future confirmSend({required Map txData}) async { try { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); final epicboxConfig = await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig'); // TODO determine whether it is worth sending change to a change address. dynamic message; String receiverAddress = txData['addresss'] as String; await m.protect(() async { if (receiverAddress.startsWith("http://") || receiverAddress.startsWith("https://")) { const int selectionStrategyIsAll = 0; ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "txHttpSend", "wallet": wallet!, "selectionStrategyIsAll": selectionStrategyIsAll, "minimumConfirmations": MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS, "message": "", "amount": txData['recipientAmt'], "address": txData['addresss'] }, name: walletName); message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("txHttpSend isolate failed"); } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance .log('Closing txHttpSend!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); } else { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "createTransaction", "wallet": wallet!, "amount": txData['recipientAmt'], "address": txData['addresss'], "secretKeyIndex": 0, "epicboxConfig": epicboxConfig!, "minimumConfirmations": MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS, }, name: walletName); message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("createTransaction isolate failed"); } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance.log('Closing createTransaction!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); } }); // return message; final String sendTx = message['result'] as String; if (sendTx.contains("Error")) { throw BadEpicHttpAddressException(message: sendTx); } await putSendToAddresses(sendTx); Logging.instance.log("CONFIRM_RESULT_IS $sendTx", level: LogLevel.Info); final decodeData = json.decode(sendTx); if (decodeData[0] == "transaction_failed") { String errorMessage = decodeData[1] as String; throw Exception("Transaction failed with error code $errorMessage"); } else { //If it's HTTP send no need to post to epicbox if (!(receiverAddress.startsWith("http://") || receiverAddress.startsWith("https://"))) { final postSlateRequest = decodeData[1]; final postToServer = await postSlate( txData['addresss'] as String, postSlateRequest as String); Logging.instance .log("POST_SLATE_IS $postToServer", level: LogLevel.Info); } final txCreateResult = decodeData[0]; // //TODO: second problem final transaction = json.decode(txCreateResult as String); Logger.print("TX_IS $transaction"); final tx = transaction[0]; final txLogEntry = json.decode(tx as String); final txLogEntryFirst = txLogEntry[0]; Logger.print("TX_LOG_ENTRY_IS $txLogEntryFirst"); final slateToAddresses = DB.instance.get( boxName: walletId, key: "slate_to_address", ) as Map? ?? {}; final slateId = txLogEntryFirst['tx_slate_id'] as String; slateToAddresses[slateId] = txData['addresss']; await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "slate_to_address", value: slateToAddresses, ); final slatesToCommits = await getSlatesToCommits(); String? commitId = slatesToCommits[slateId]?['commitId'] as String?; Logging.instance.log("sent commitId: $commitId", level: LogLevel.Info); return commitId!; // return txLogEntryFirst['tx_slate_id'] as String; } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("Error sending $e - $s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } /// Returns the latest receiving/change (external/internal) address for the wallet depending on [chain] /// and /// [chain] - Use 0 for receiving (external), 1 for change (internal). Should not be any other value! Future _getCurrentAddressForChain( int chain, ) async { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); final epicboxConfig = await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig'); String? walletAddress; await m.protect(() async { walletAddress = await compute( _initGetAddressInfoWrapper, Tuple3(wallet!, chain, epicboxConfig!), ); }); Logging.instance .log("WALLET_ADDRESS_IS $walletAddress", level: LogLevel.Info); return walletAddress!; } @override Future get currentReceivingAddress => _currentReceivingAddress ??= _getCurrentAddressForChain(0); Future? _currentReceivingAddress; @override Future exit() async { _hasCalledExit = true; timer?.cancel(); timer = null; stopNetworkAlivePinging(); for (final isolate in isolates.values) { isolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); } isolates.clear(); Logging.instance.log("EpicCash_wallet exit finished", level: LogLevel.Info); } bool _hasCalledExit = false; @override bool get hasCalledExit => _hasCalledExit; Future _getFees() async { // TODO: implement _getFees return FeeObject( numberOfBlocksFast: 10, numberOfBlocksAverage: 10, numberOfBlocksSlow: 10, fast: 1, medium: 1, slow: 1); } @override Future get fees => _feeObject ??= _getFees(); Future? _feeObject; @override Future fullRescan( int maxUnusedAddressGap, int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck, ) async { refreshMutex = true; try { WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.syncing, walletId, coin, ), ); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "lastScannedBlock", value: await getRestoreHeight()); if (!await startScans()) { refreshMutex = false; NodeConnectionStatusChangedEvent( NodeConnectionStatus.disconnected, walletId, coin, ), ); WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync, walletId, coin, ), ); return; } WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.synced, walletId, coin, ), ); } catch (e, s) { refreshMutex = false; Logging.instance .log("$e, $s", level: LogLevel.Error, printFullLength: true); } refreshMutex = false; return; } Future _isarInit() async { isar = await [ isar_models.TransactionSchema, isar_models.TransactionNoteSchema, isar_models.InputSchema, isar_models.OutputSchema, isar_models.UTXOSchema, isar_models.AddressSchema, ], directory: (await StackFileSystem.applicationIsarDirectory()).path, inspector: false, name: walletId, ); } @override Future initializeExisting() async { Logging.instance.log("Opening existing ${coin.prettyName} wallet", level: LogLevel.Info); final config = await getRealConfig(); final password = await '${_walletId}_password'); final walletOpen = openWallet(config, password!); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_wallet', value: walletOpen); if ((DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "id")) == null) { //todo: check if print needed // debugPrint("Exception was thrown"); throw Exception( "Attempted to initialize an existing wallet using an unknown wallet ID!"); } await _prefs.init(); await updateNode(false); await _isarInit(); await _refreshBalance(); // TODO: is there anything else that should be set up here whenever this wallet is first loaded again? } Future storeEpicboxInfo() async { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); int index = 0; Logging.instance.log("This index is $index", level: LogLevel.Info); final epicboxConfig = await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig'); String? walletAddress; await m.protect(() async { walletAddress = await compute( _initGetAddressInfoWrapper, Tuple3(wallet!, index, epicboxConfig!), ); }); Logging.instance .log("WALLET_ADDRESS_IS $walletAddress", level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance .log("Wallet address is $walletAddress", level: LogLevel.Info); String addressInfo = walletAddress!; await _secureStore.write( key: '${_walletId}_address_info', value: addressInfo); } // TODO: make more robust estimate of date maybe using int calculateRestoreHeightFrom({required DateTime date}) { int secondsSinceEpoch = date.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000; const int epicCashFirstBlock = 1565370278; const double overestimateSecondsPerBlock = 61; int chosenSeconds = secondsSinceEpoch - epicCashFirstBlock; int approximateHeight = chosenSeconds ~/ overestimateSecondsPerBlock; //todo: check if print needed // debugPrint( // "approximate height: $approximateHeight chosen_seconds: $chosenSeconds"); int height = approximateHeight; if (height < 0) { height = 0; } return height; } @override Future initializeNew() async { await _prefs.init(); await updateNode(false); final mnemonic = await _getMnemonicList(); final String mnemonicString = mnemonic.join(" "); final String password = generatePassword(); String stringConfig = await getConfig(); String epicboxConfig = await getEpicBoxConfig(); await _secureStore.write( key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic', value: mnemonicString); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_config', value: stringConfig); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_password', value: password); await _secureStore.write( key: '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig', value: epicboxConfig); String name = _walletId; await m.protect(() async { await compute( _initWalletWrapper, Tuple4( stringConfig, mnemonicString, password, name, ), ); }); //Open wallet final walletOpen = openWallet(stringConfig, password); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_wallet', value: walletOpen); //Store Epic box address info await storeEpicboxInfo(); // subtract a couple days to ensure we have a buffer for SWB final bufferedCreateHeight = calculateRestoreHeightFrom( date: Duration(days: 2))); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight", value: bufferedCreateHeight); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "id", value: _walletId); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: 'receivingAddresses', value: ["0"]); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex", value: 0); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "changeIndex", value: 0); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: 'blocked_tx_hashes', value: ["0xdefault"], ); // A list of transaction hashes to represent frozen utxos in wallet // initialize address book entries await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: 'addressBookEntries', value: {}); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite", value: false); } bool refreshMutex = false; @override bool get isRefreshing => refreshMutex; @override // TODO: implement maxFee Future get maxFee => throw UnimplementedError(); Future> _getMnemonicList() async { if ((await '${_walletId}_mnemonic')) != null) { final mnemonicString = await '${_walletId}_mnemonic'); final List data = mnemonicString!.split(' '); return data; } else { String? mnemonicString; await m.protect(() async { mnemonicString = await compute( _walletMnemonicWrapper, 0, ); }); await _secureStore.write( key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic', value: mnemonicString); final List data = mnemonicString!.split(' '); return data; } } @override Future> get mnemonic => _getMnemonicList(); @override Future> prepareSend( {required String address, required int satoshiAmount, Map? args}) async { try { int realfee = await nativeFee(satoshiAmount); Map txData = { "fee": realfee, "addresss": address, "recipientAmt": satoshiAmount, }; Logging.instance.log("prepare send: $txData", level: LogLevel.Info); return txData; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("Error getting fees $e - $s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } Future nativeFee(int satoshiAmount, {bool ifErrorEstimateFee = false}) async { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); try { String? transactionFees; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "getTransactionFees", "wallet": wallet!, "amount": satoshiAmount, "minimumConfirmations": MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS, }, name: walletName); var message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("getTransactionFees isolate failed"); } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance.log('Closing getTransactionFees!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); // return message; transactionFees = message['result'] as String; }); debugPrint(transactionFees); dynamic decodeData; try { decodeData = json.decode(transactionFees!); } catch (e) { if (ifErrorEstimateFee) { //Error Not enough funds. Required: 0.56500000, Available: 0.56200000 if (transactionFees!.contains("Required")) { var splits = transactionFees!.split(" "); Decimal required =; Decimal available =; for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { var word = splits[i]; if (word == "Required:") { required = Decimal.parse(splits[i + 1].replaceAll(",", "")); } else if (word == "Available:") { available = Decimal.parse(splits[i + 1].replaceAll(",", "")); } } int largestSatoshiFee = ((required - available) * Decimal.fromInt(100000000)) .toBigInt() .toInt(); Logging.instance.log("largestSatoshiFee $largestSatoshiFee", level: LogLevel.Info); return largestSatoshiFee; } } rethrow; } //TODO: first problem int realfee = 0; try { var txObject = decodeData[0]; realfee = (Decimal.parse(txObject["fee"].toString())).toBigInt().toInt(); } catch (e, s) { //todo: come back to this debugPrint("$e $s"); } return realfee; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("Error getting fees $e - $s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } Future currentWalletDirPath() async { Directory appDir = await StackFileSystem.applicationRootDirectory(); final path = "${appDir.path}/epiccash"; final String name = _walletId.trim(); return '$path/$name'; } Future getConfig() async { if (_epicNode == null) { await updateNode(false); } final NodeModel node = _epicNode!; final String nodeAddress =; final int port = node.port; final uri = Uri.parse(nodeAddress).replace(port: port); final String nodeApiAddress = uri.toString(); final walletDir = await currentWalletDirPath(); final Map config = {}; config["wallet_dir"] = walletDir; config["check_node_api_http_addr"] = nodeApiAddress; config["chain"] = "mainnet"; config["account"] = "default"; config["api_listen_port"] = port; config["api_listen_interface"] = nodeApiAddress.replaceFirst(uri.scheme, ""); String stringConfig = json.encode(config); return stringConfig; } Future getEpicBoxConfig() async { return await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig') ?? DefaultNodes.defaultEpicBoxConfig; } Future getRealConfig() async { String? config = await '${_walletId}_config'); if (Platform.isIOS) { final walletDir = await currentWalletDirPath(); var editConfig = jsonDecode(config as String); editConfig["wallet_dir"] = walletDir; config = jsonEncode(editConfig); } return config!; } Future updateEpicboxConfig(String host, int port) async { String stringConfig = jsonEncode({ "domain": host, "port": port, }); await _secureStore.write( key: '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig', value: stringConfig); // TODO: refresh anything that needs to be refreshed/updated due to epicbox info changed } Future startScans() async { try { final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); var restoreHeight = DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight"); var chainHeight = await this.chainHeight; if (!DB.instance.containsKey( boxName: walletId, key: 'lastScannedBlock') || DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: 'lastScannedBlock') == null) { await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "lastScannedBlock", value: await getRestoreHeight()); } int lastScannedBlock = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: 'lastScannedBlock') as int; const MAX_PER_LOOP = 10000; await getSyncPercent; for (; lastScannedBlock < chainHeight;) { chainHeight = await this.chainHeight; lastScannedBlock = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: 'lastScannedBlock') as int; Logging.instance.log( "chainHeight: $chainHeight, restoreHeight: $restoreHeight, lastScannedBlock: $lastScannedBlock", level: LogLevel.Info); int? nextScannedBlock; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "scanOutPuts", "wallet": wallet!, "startHeight": lastScannedBlock, "numberOfBlocks": MAX_PER_LOOP, }, name: walletName); var message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("scanOutPuts isolate failed"); } nextScannedBlock = int.parse(message['outputs'] as String); stop(receivePort); Logging.instance .log('Closing scanOutPuts!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); }); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "lastScannedBlock", value: nextScannedBlock!); await getSyncPercent; } Logging.instance.log("successfully at the tip", level: LogLevel.Info); return true; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e, $s", level: LogLevel.Warning); return false; } } Future get getSyncPercent async { int lastScannedBlock = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: 'lastScannedBlock') as int? ?? 0; final _chainHeight = await chainHeight; double restorePercent = lastScannedBlock / _chainHeight; GlobalEventBus.instance .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(highestPercent, walletId)); if (restorePercent > highestPercent) { highestPercent = restorePercent; } final int blocksRemaining = _chainHeight - lastScannedBlock; GlobalEventBus.instance .fire(BlocksRemainingEvent(blocksRemaining, walletId)); return restorePercent < 0 ? 0.0 : restorePercent; } double highestPercent = 0; @override Future recoverFromMnemonic( {required String mnemonic, required int maxUnusedAddressGap, required int maxNumberOfIndexesToCheck, required int height}) async { try { await _prefs.init(); await updateNode(false); final String password = generatePassword(); String stringConfig = await getConfig(); String epicboxConfig = await getEpicBoxConfig(); final String name = _walletName.trim(); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_mnemonic', value: mnemonic); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_config', value: stringConfig); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_password', value: password); await _secureStore.write( key: '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig', value: epicboxConfig); await compute( _recoverWrapper, Tuple4( stringConfig, password, mnemonic, name, ), ); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight", value: height); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "id", value: _walletId); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: 'receivingAddresses', value: ["0"]); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex", value: 0); if (height >= 0) { await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight", value: height); } await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "changeIndex", value: 0); await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: 'blocked_tx_hashes', value: ["0xdefault"], ); // A list of transaction hashes to represent frozen utxos in wallet // initialize address book entries await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: 'addressBookEntries', value: {}); await DB.instance .put(boxName: walletId, key: "isFavorite", value: false); //Open Wallet final walletOpen = openWallet(stringConfig, password); await _secureStore.write(key: '${_walletId}_wallet', value: walletOpen); //Store Epic box address info await storeEpicboxInfo(); } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance .log("Error recovering wallet $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); rethrow; } } Future getRestoreHeight() async { if (DB.instance .containsKey(boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight")) { return (DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "restoreHeight")) as int; } return (DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "creationHeight")) as int; } Future get chainHeight async { final config = await getRealConfig(); int? latestHeight; await m.protect(() async { latestHeight = await compute( _getChainHeightWrapper, config, ); }); return latestHeight!; } @override int get storedChainHeight { return DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "storedChainHeight") as int? ?? 0; } Future updateStoredChainHeight({required int newHeight}) async { await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "storedChainHeight", value: newHeight); } bool _shouldAutoSync = true; @override bool get shouldAutoSync => _shouldAutoSync; @override set shouldAutoSync(bool shouldAutoSync) { if (_shouldAutoSync != shouldAutoSync) { _shouldAutoSync = shouldAutoSync; if (!shouldAutoSync) { Logging.instance.log("Should autosync", level: LogLevel.Info); timer?.cancel(); timer = null; stopNetworkAlivePinging(); } else { startNetworkAlivePinging(); refresh(); } } } Future setCurrentIndex() async { try { final int receivingIndex = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex") as int; // TODO: go through pendingarray and processed array and choose the index // of the last one that has not been processed, or the index after the one most recently processed; return receivingIndex; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return 0; } } Future> removeBadAndRepeats( Map pendingAndProcessedSlates) async { var clone = >{}; for (var indexPair in pendingAndProcessedSlates.entries) { clone[indexPair.key] = {}; for (var pendingProcessed in (indexPair.value as Map).entries) { if (pendingProcessed.value is String && (pendingProcessed.value as String) .contains("has already been received") || (pendingProcessed.value as String) .contains("Error Wallet store error: DB Not Found Error")) { } else if (pendingProcessed.value is String && pendingProcessed.value as String == "[]") { } else { clone[indexPair.key]?[pendingProcessed.key] = pendingProcessed.value; } } } return clone; } Future> getSlatesToCommits() async { try { var slatesToCommits = DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "slatesToCommits"); if (slatesToCommits == null) { slatesToCommits = {}; } else { slatesToCommits = slatesToCommits as Map; } return slatesToCommits as Map; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return {}; } } Future putSendToAddresses(String slateMessage) async { try { var slatesToCommits = await getSlatesToCommits(); final slate0 = jsonDecode(slateMessage); final slate = jsonDecode(slate0[0] as String); final part1 = jsonDecode(slate[0] as String); final part2 = jsonDecode(slate[1] as String); final slateId = part1[0]['tx_slate_id']; final commitId = part2['tx']['body']['outputs'][0]['commit']; final toFromInfoString = jsonDecode(slateMessage); final toFromInfo = jsonDecode(toFromInfoString[1] as String); final from = toFromInfo['from']; final to = toFromInfo['to']; slatesToCommits[slateId] = { "commitId": commitId, "from": from, "to": to, }; await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "slatesToCommits", value: slatesToCommits); return true; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } Future putSlatesToCommits(String slateMessage, String encoded) async { try { var slatesToCommits = await getSlatesToCommits(); final slate = jsonDecode(slateMessage); final part1 = jsonDecode(slate[0] as String); final part2 = jsonDecode(slate[1] as String); final slateId = part1[0]['tx_slate_id']; if (slatesToCommits[slateId] != null && (slatesToCommits[slateId] as Map).isNotEmpty) { // This happens when the sender receives the response. return true; } final commitId = part2['tx']['body']['outputs'][0]['commit']; final toFromInfoString = jsonDecode(encoded); final toFromInfo = jsonDecode(toFromInfoString[0] as String); final from = toFromInfo['from']; final to = toFromInfo['to']; slatesToCommits[slateId] = { "commitId": commitId, "from": from, "to": to, }; await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "slatesToCommits", value: slatesToCommits); return true; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } Future processAllSlates() async { final int? receivingIndex = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex") as int?; for (int currentReceivingIndex = 0; receivingIndex != null && currentReceivingIndex <= receivingIndex; currentReceivingIndex++) { final currentAddress = await _getCurrentAddressForChain(currentReceivingIndex); final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); final epicboxConfig = await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig'); dynamic subscribeRequest; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "subscribeRequest", "wallet": wallet, "secretKeyIndex": currentReceivingIndex, "epicboxConfig": epicboxConfig, }, name: walletName); var result = await receivePort.first; if (result is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a message $result", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("subscribeRequest isolate failed"); } subscribeRequest = jsonDecode(result['result'] as String); stop(receivePort); Logging.instance.log('Closing subscribeRequest! $subscribeRequest', level: LogLevel.Info); }); // TODO, once server adds signature, give this signature to the getSlates method. Logging.instance .log(subscribeRequest['signature'], level: LogLevel.Info); // final unprocessedSlates = await getSlates( currentAddress, subscribeRequest['signature'] as String); if (unprocessedSlates == null || unprocessedSlates is! List) { Logging.instance.log( "index $currentReceivingIndex at ${await currentReceivingAddress} does not have any slates", level: LogLevel.Info); continue; } for (var slate in unprocessedSlates) { final encoded = jsonEncode([slate]); Logging.instance .log("Received Slates is $encoded", level: LogLevel.Info); //Decrypt Slates dynamic slates; dynamic response; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "getPendingSlates", "wallet": wallet!, "secretKeyIndex": currentReceivingIndex, "slates": encoded, }, name: walletName); var result = await receivePort.first; if (result is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a message $slates", level: LogLevel.Info); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("getPendingSlates isolate failed"); } slates = result['result']; stop(receivePort); }); var decoded = jsonDecode(slates as String); for (var decodedSlate in decoded as List) { //Process slates var decodedResponse = json.decode(decodedSlate as String); String slateMessage = decodedResponse[0] as String; await putSlatesToCommits(slateMessage, encoded); String slateSender = decodedResponse[1] as String; Logging.instance.log("SLATE_MESSAGE $slateMessage", printFullLength: true, level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance .log("SLATE_SENDER $slateSender", level: LogLevel.Info); await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "processSlates", "wallet": wallet!, "slates": slateMessage }, name: walletName); var message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance.log("this is PROCESS_SLATES message $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("processSlates isolate failed"); } try { final String response = message['result'] as String; if (response == "") { Logging.instance.log("response: ${response.runtimeType}", level: LogLevel.Info); await deleteSlate(currentAddress, subscribeRequest['signature'] as String, slate as String); } if (response .contains("Error Wallet store error: DB Not Found Error")) { //Already processed - to be deleted Logging.instance .log("DELETING_PROCESSED_SLATE", level: LogLevel.Info); final slateDelete = await deleteSlate(currentAddress, subscribeRequest['signature'] as String, slate as String); Logging.instance.log("DELETE_SLATE_RESPONSE $slateDelete", level: LogLevel.Info); } else { var decodedResponse = json.decode(response); final processStatus = json.decode(decodedResponse[0] as String); String slateStatus = processStatus['status'] as String; if (slateStatus == "PendingProcessing") { //Encrypt slate String encryptedSlate = await getEncryptedSlate( wallet, slateSender, currentReceivingIndex, epicboxConfig!, decodedResponse[1] as String); final postSlateToServer = await postSlate(slateSender, encryptedSlate); await deleteSlate(currentAddress, subscribeRequest['signature'] as String, slate as String); Logging.instance.log("POST_SLATE_RESPONSE $postSlateToServer", level: LogLevel.Info); } else { //Finalise Slate final processSlate = json.decode(decodedResponse[1] as String); Logging.instance.log( "PROCESSED_SLATE_TO_FINALIZE $processSlate", level: LogLevel.Info); final tx = json.decode(processSlate[0] as String); Logging.instance.log("TX_IS $tx", level: LogLevel.Info); String txSlateId = tx[0]['tx_slate_id'] as String; Logging.instance .log("TX_SLATE_ID_IS $txSlateId", level: LogLevel.Info); final postToNode = await postSlateToNode(wallet, txSlateId); await deleteSlate(currentAddress, subscribeRequest['signature'] as String, slate as String); Logging.instance.log("POST_SLATE_RESPONSE $postToNode", level: LogLevel.Info); //Post Slate to Node Logging.instance.log("Finalise slate", level: LogLevel.Info); } } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Info); return false; } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance .log('Closing processSlates! $response', level: LogLevel.Info); }); } } } return true; } Future processAllCancels() async { Logging.instance.log("processAllCancels", level: LogLevel.Info); final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); final epicboxConfig = await '${_walletId}_epicboxConfig'); final int? receivingIndex = DB.instance .get(boxName: walletId, key: "receivingIndex") as int?; for (int currentReceivingIndex = 0; receivingIndex != null && currentReceivingIndex <= receivingIndex; currentReceivingIndex++) { final receiveAddress = await _getCurrentAddressForChain(currentReceivingIndex); dynamic subscribeRequest; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "subscribeRequest", "wallet": wallet!, "secretKeyIndex": currentReceivingIndex, "epicboxConfig": epicboxConfig, }, name: walletName); var result = await receivePort.first; if (result is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a message $result", level: LogLevel.Info); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("subscribeRequest isolate failed"); } subscribeRequest = jsonDecode(result['result'] as String); stop(receivePort); Logging.instance.log('Closing subscribeRequest! $subscribeRequest', level: LogLevel.Info); }); String? signature = subscribeRequest['signature'] as String?; final cancels = await getCancels(receiveAddress, signature!); final slatesToCommits = await getSlatesToCommits(); for (final cancel in cancels as List) { final txSlateId = cancel.keys.first as String; if (slatesToCommits[txSlateId] == null) { continue; } final cancelRequestSender = ((cancel as Map).values.first) as String; final receiveAddressFromMap = slatesToCommits[txSlateId]['to'] as String; final sendersAddressFromMap = slatesToCommits[txSlateId]['from'] as String; final commitId = slatesToCommits[txSlateId]['commitId'] as String; if (sendersAddressFromMap != cancelRequestSender) { Logging.instance.log("this was not signed by the correct address", level: LogLevel.Error); continue; } try { await cancelPendingTransaction(txSlateId); final tx = await isar.transactions.where().txidEqualTo(commitId).findFirst(); if ((tx?.isCancelled ?? false) == true) { await deleteCancels(receiveAddressFromMap, signature, txSlateId); } } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e, $s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } continue; } return true; } /// Refreshes display data for the wallet @override Future refresh() async { Logging.instance .log("$walletId $walletName Calling refresh", level: LogLevel.Info); if (refreshMutex) { Logging.instance.log("$walletId $walletName refreshMutex denied", level: LogLevel.Info); return; } else { refreshMutex = true; } try { WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.syncing, walletId, coin, ), ); if (!DB.instance .containsKey(boxName: walletId, key: "creationHeight")) { await DB.instance.put( boxName: walletId, key: "creationHeight", value: await chainHeight); } final int curAdd = await setCurrentIndex(); _currentReceivingAddress = _getCurrentAddressForChain(curAdd); if (!await startScans()) { refreshMutex = false; NodeConnectionStatusChangedEvent( NodeConnectionStatus.disconnected, walletId, coin, ), ); WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync, walletId, coin, ), ); return; } await processAllSlates(); await processAllCancels(); unawaited(startSync());, walletId));, walletId)); final currentHeight = await chainHeight; const storedHeight = 1; //await storedChainHeight; Logging.instance.log("chain height in refresh function: $currentHeight", level: LogLevel.Info); Logging.instance.log("cached height in refresh function: $storedHeight", level: LogLevel.Info); // TODO: implement refresh // TODO: check if it needs a refresh and if so get all of the most recent data. if (currentHeight != storedHeight) { if (currentHeight != -1) { // -1 failed to fetch current height unawaited(updateStoredChainHeight(newHeight: currentHeight)); } await _refreshTransactions(); GlobalEventBus.instance .fire(RefreshPercentChangedEvent(0.50, walletId)); "New data found in $walletName in background!", walletId)); } await _refreshBalance();, walletId)); WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.synced, walletId, coin, ), ); refreshMutex = false; if (shouldAutoSync) { timer ??= Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 60), (timer) async { Logging.instance.log( "Periodic refresh check for $walletId $walletName in object instance: $hashCode", level: LogLevel.Info); // chain height check currently broken // if ((await chainHeight) != (await storedChainHeight)) { if (await refreshIfThereIsNewData()) { await refresh(); "New data found in $walletId $walletName in background!", walletId)); } // } }); } } catch (error, strace) { refreshMutex = false; NodeConnectionStatusChangedEvent( NodeConnectionStatus.disconnected, walletId, coin, ), ); WalletSyncStatusChangedEvent( WalletSyncStatus.unableToSync, walletId, coin, ), ); Logging.instance.log( "Caught exception in refreshWalletData(): $error\n$strace", level: LogLevel.Warning); } } Future refreshIfThereIsNewData() async { if (_hasCalledExit) return false; // TODO returning true here signals this class to call refresh() after which it will fire an event that notifies the UI that new data has been fetched/found for this wallet return true; // TODO: do a quick check to see if there is any new data that would require a refresh } @override Future testNetworkConnection() async { try { // force unwrap optional as we want connection test to fail if wallet // wasn't initialized or epicbox node was set to null return await testEpicNodeConnection( NodeFormData() = _epicNode!.host ..useSSL = _epicNode!.useSSL ..port = _epicNode!.port, ) != null; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log("$e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Warning); return false; } } Timer? _networkAliveTimer; void startNetworkAlivePinging() { // call once on start right away _periodicPingCheck(); // then periodically check _networkAliveTimer = Timer.periodic( Constants.networkAliveTimerDuration, (_) async { _periodicPingCheck(); }, ); } void _periodicPingCheck() async { bool hasNetwork = await testNetworkConnection(); _isConnected = hasNetwork; if (_isConnected != hasNetwork) { NodeConnectionStatus status = hasNetwork ? NodeConnectionStatus.connected : NodeConnectionStatus.disconnected; GlobalEventBus.instance .fire(NodeConnectionStatusChangedEvent(status, walletId, coin)); } } void stopNetworkAlivePinging() { _networkAliveTimer?.cancel(); _networkAliveTimer = null; } bool _isConnected = false; @override bool get isConnected => _isConnected; Future _refreshTransactions() async { // final currentChainHeight = await chainHeight; final wallet = await '${_walletId}_wallet'); const refreshFromNode = 0; dynamic message; await m.protect(() async { ReceivePort receivePort = await getIsolate({ "function": "getTransactions", "wallet": wallet!, "refreshFromNode": refreshFromNode, }, name: walletName); message = await receivePort.first; if (message is String) { Logging.instance .log("this is a string $message", level: LogLevel.Error); stop(receivePort); throw Exception("getTransactions isolate failed"); } stop(receivePort); Logging.instance .log('Closing getTransactions!\n $message', level: LogLevel.Info); }); // return message; final String transactions = message['result'] as String; final jsonTransactions = json.decode(transactions) as List; final List midSortedArray = []; int latestTxnBlockHeight = DB.instance.get(boxName: walletId, key: "storedTxnDataHeight") as int? ?? 0; final slatesToCommits = await getSlatesToCommits(); for (var tx in jsonTransactions) { Logging.instance.log("tx: $tx", level: LogLevel.Info); final txHeight = tx["kernel_lookup_min_height"] as int? ?? 0; // // TODO: does "confirmed" mean finalized? If so please remove this todo // final isConfirmed = tx["confirmed"] as bool; // // TODO: since we are now caching tx history in hive are we losing anything by skipping here? // // TODO: we can skip this filtering if it causes issues as the cache is later merged with updated data anyways // // this would just make processing and updating cache more efficient // if (txHeight > 0 && // txHeight < latestTxnBlockHeight - MINIMUM_CONFIRMATIONS && // isConfirmed) { // continue; // } // Logging.instance.log("Transactions listed below"); // Logging.instance.log(jsonTransactions); int amt = 0; if (tx["tx_type"] == "TxReceived" || tx["tx_type"] == "TxReceivedCancelled") { amt = int.parse(tx['amount_credited'] as String); } else { int debit = int.parse(tx['amount_debited'] as String); int credit = int.parse(tx['amount_credited'] as String); int fee = int.parse((tx['fee'] ?? "0") as String); amt = debit - credit - fee; } DateTime dt = DateTime.parse(tx["creation_ts"] as String); final txn = isar_models.Transaction(); txn.type = (tx["tx_type"] == "TxReceived" || tx["tx_type"] == "TxReceivedCancelled") ? isar_models.TransactionType.incoming : isar_models.TransactionType.outgoing; String? slateId = tx['tx_slate_id'] as String?; String? address = slatesToCommits[slateId] ?[tx["tx_type"] == "TxReceived" ? "from" : "to"] as String? ?? ""; String? commitId = slatesToCommits[slateId]?['commitId'] as String?; Logging.instance.log( "commitId: $commitId, slateId: $slateId, id: ${tx["id"]}", level: LogLevel.Info); bool isCancelled = tx["tx_type"] == "TxSentCancelled" || tx["tx_type"] == "TxReceivedCancelled"; txn.slateId = slateId; txn.isCancelled = isCancelled; txn.txid = commitId ?? tx["id"].toString(); txn.timestamp = (dt.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000); txn.amount = amt; txn.fee = (tx["fee"] == null) ? 0 : int.parse(tx["fee"] as String); txn.address = ""; // for this when you send a transaction you will just need to save in a hashmap in hive with the key being the txid, and the value being the address it was sent to. then you can look this value up right here in your hashmap. txn.address = address; txn.height = txHeight; // // midSortedTx["inputSize"] = tx["num_inputs"]; // midSortedTx["outputSize"] = tx["num_outputs"]; // midSortedTx["aliens"] = []; // midSortedTx["inputs"] = []; // midSortedTx["outputs"] = []; // key id not used afaik? // midSortedTx["key_id"] = tx["parent_key_id"]; txn.otherData = tx["id"].toString(); if (txHeight >= latestTxnBlockHeight) { latestTxnBlockHeight = txHeight; } midSortedArray.add(txn); // cachedMap?.remove(tx["id"].toString()); // cachedMap?.remove(commitId); // Logging.instance.log("cmap: $cachedMap", level: LogLevel.Info); } await isar .writeTxn(() async => await isar.transactions.putAll(midSortedArray)); // midSortedArray // .sort((a, b) => (b["timestamp"] as int) - (a["timestamp"] as int)); // // final Map result = {"dateTimeChunks": []}; // final dateArray = []; // // for (int i = 0; i < midSortedArray.length; i++) { // final txObject = midSortedArray[i]; // final date = extractDateFromTimestamp(txObject["timestamp"] as int); // // final txTimeArray = [txObject["timestamp"], date]; // // if (dateArray.contains(txTimeArray[1])) { // result["dateTimeChunks"].forEach((dynamic chunk) { // if (extractDateFromTimestamp(chunk["timestamp"] as int) == // txTimeArray[1]) { // if (chunk["transactions"] == null) { // chunk["transactions"] = >[]; // } // chunk["transactions"].add(txObject); // } // }); // } else { // dateArray.add(txTimeArray[1]); // // final chunk = { // "timestamp": txTimeArray[0], // "transactions": [txObject], // }; // // // result["dateTimeChunks"]. // result["dateTimeChunks"].add(chunk); // } // } // final transactionsMap = // TransactionData.fromJson(result).getAllTransactions(); // if (cachedMap != null) { // transactionsMap.addAll(cachedMap); // } // // final txModel = TransactionData.fromMap(transactionsMap); // // await DB.instance.put( // boxName: walletId, // key: 'storedTxnDataHeight', // value: latestTxnBlockHeight); // await DB.instance.put( // boxName: walletId, key: 'latest_tx_model', value: txModel); // // return txModel; } @override Future updateSentCachedTxData(Map txData) async { // not used in epic } @override bool validateAddress(String address) { if (address.startsWith("http://") || address.startsWith("https://")) { if (Uri.tryParse(address) != null) { return true; } } String validate = validateSendAddress(address); if (int.parse(validate) == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } @override String get walletId => _walletId; late String _walletId; @override String get walletName => _walletName; late String _walletName; @override set walletName(String newName) => _walletName = newName; @override void Function(bool)? get onIsActiveWalletChanged => (isActive) async { timer?.cancel(); timer = null; if (isActive) { unawaited(startSync()); } else { for (final isolate in isolates.values) { isolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); } isolates.clear(); } this.isActive = isActive; }; bool isActive = false; @override Future estimateFeeFor(int satoshiAmount, int feeRate) async { int currentFee = await nativeFee(satoshiAmount, ifErrorEstimateFee: true); return currentFee; } // not used in epic currently @override Future generateNewAddress() async { try { return true; } catch (e, s) { Logging.instance.log( "Exception rethrown from generateNewAddress(): $e\n$s", level: LogLevel.Error); return false; } } Future _refreshBalance() async { String walletBalances = await allWalletBalances(); var jsonBalances = json.decode(walletBalances); final spendable = (jsonBalances['amount_currently_spendable'] as double).toString(); final pending = (jsonBalances['amount_awaiting_confirmation'] as double).toString(); final total = (jsonBalances['total'] as double).toString(); final awaiting = (jsonBalances['amount_awaiting_finalization'] as double).toString(); _balance = Balance( coin: coin, total: Format.decimalAmountToSatoshis( Decimal.parse(total) + Decimal.parse(awaiting), coin, ), spendable: Format.decimalAmountToSatoshis( Decimal.parse(spendable), coin, ), blockedTotal: 0, pendingSpendable: Format.decimalAmountToSatoshis( Decimal.parse(pending), coin, ), ); } @override Balance get balance => _balance!; Balance? _balance; @override Future> get utxos => throw UnimplementedError(); @override Future> get transactions => isar.transactions.where().findAll(); }